26 research outputs found

    Der Energieverbrauch in Privathaushalten soziologisch betrachtet

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    In unserem Beitrag rekonstruieren wir anhand qualitativer Leitfadeninterviews die Ursachen für stark abweichende Energieverbräuche in Privathaushalten. Bei der Auswahl geeigneter Zielhaushalte konnten wir auf direkt gemessene Verbrauchsdaten zurückgreifen, die im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Projektes „SEE – Stadt mit Energieeffizienz Stuttgart“ erhoben wurden. Auf Basis dieser Daten wählten wir 31 möglichst heterogene Haushalte aus, die wir mit problemzentrierten Leitfadeninterviews eingehend zu ihren Energieverbräuchen und dahinterliegenden Rationalitäten befragt haben. In unserem Beitrag stellen wir sieben dieser Haushalte vor, die sich nicht nur bezüglich Lebenslage und Energieverbrauch stark unterscheiden, sondern auch differentielle subjektive Deutungen für den Umgang mit Energie anbieten. Wir arbeiten charakteristische Erklärungsmuster heraus, die auf prägnanten Konfigurationen von Verhaltensweisen und Motiven, Lebenslage und Ressourcenausstattung sowie gesellschaftlichen Kontextbedingungen fußen. Unsere Analysen legen nahe, dass die für einen nachhaltigen Energieverbrauch optimale Verbindung von Effizienz- mit Suffizienzbestrebungen eher unwahrscheinlich ist. Es empfehlen sich zielgruppenspezifische Interventionen.Based on qualitative interviews, we investigate the causes of diverging levels of energy consumption in private households. In order to select specific households, we could draw upon directly measured energy consumption data that had been collected in the context of the BMBF-funded project “SEE – city with energy efficiency Stuttgart”. With 31 particularly heterogeneous households we carried out qualitative interviews focusing on their energy use and underlying rationales. In this paper, we present seven exemplary households, which differ not only with respect to their living conditions and energy consumption level, but also offer different subjective interpretations of energy related behavior and decisions. We discuss explanations for diverging energy consumption levels that are based on certain configurations of behavior patterns and motives, living conditions and resources as well as societal context conditions. Our results suggest that the promising combination of efficiency with sufficiency strategies is unlikely in private households. Interventions tailored to specific target groups arerecommended (editorial reviewed

    Criterios de calidad y evaluación: un instrumento de medición para el área de la lengua alemana

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    La Xarxa Universitària sobre Responsabilitat Social és una xarxa de més de 40 universitats d'Alemanya i Àustria establerta el 2009 que volen fer realitat i ampliar la seva responsabilitat social promovent sistemàticament la participació a la societat civil d'estudiants, professors i altres membres universitaris, vinculant-ho amb la seva missió educativa per influir activament en la societat i contribuir a la transferència mútua de coneixements. L'aprenentatge servei (ApS) és una manera de fer-ho. El 2018, un taller va iniciar una discussió entre representants del món acadèmic i de la societat civil. El focus era analitzar els criteris de qualitat de l’ApS. El grup va plantejar deu criteris diferents que proporcionen un marc de referència per a les diferents manifestacions de l’ApS a la comunitat. A partir d'aquests criteris, es van desenvolupar procediments i instruments adequats per oferir als actors orientació i suggeriments per a la implementació i avaluació dels projectes d’ApS.The University Network on Social Responsibility is a network of more than 40 universities in Germany and Austria established in 2009 that want to realise and expand their social responsibility by systematically promoting the civil society engagement of students, teachers, and other members of higher education, linking this with their educational mission and thus actively influencing society and contributing to the mutual transfer of knowledge. This can be done through the teaching-learning format of service learning (SL). In 2018, a workshop initiated a discussion between representatives of academia and civil society. The focus was the aspect of quality of SL. The group came up with ten different criteria which provide a frame of reference for the different manifestations of SL in the community. Based on these criteria, suitable procedures and instruments were developed to provide SL actors with orientation and suggestions for the implementation and evaluation of SL projects.La Red Universitaria sobre Responsabilidad Social es una red de más de 40 universidades en Alemania y Austria, establecida en 2009, que desean realizar y expandir su responsabilidad social promoviendo sistemáticamente la participación de la sociedad civil de estudiantes, docentes y otros miembros universitarios, vinculando con su misión educativa para influir activamente en la sociedad y contribuir a la transferencia mutua de conocimientos. Ello se puede hacer a través del aprendizaje-servicio (ApS). En 2018, un taller inició un debate entre representantes de la academia y la sociedad civil. El foco fue los aspectos de calidad del ApS. El grupo ideó diez criterios diferentes que proporcionan un marco de referencia para las diferentes manifestaciones de ApS en la comunidad. Con base en estos criterios, se desarrollaron procedimientos e instrumentos adecuados para proporcionar a los actores orientación y sugerencias para la implementación y evaluación de proyectos de ApS

    Multicenter experience with the new SOFIA Plus catheter as a primary local aspiration catheter for acute stroke thrombectomy

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    Introduction The direct aspiration first pass technique (ADAPT) has been introduced as a rapid and safe endovascular treatment strategy in patients with ischemic stroke. Objective To determine the technical feasibility, safety, and functional outcome with ADAPT using the new large-bore 6F SOFIA Plus catheter. Methods A retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data from six university hospitals was performed. The following parameters of all acute stroke procedures (June 2015- January 2016) using the SOFIA Plus catheter were analyzed: accessibility of the thrombus with the catheter, recanalization success (Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction >= 2b), time to recanalization, procedure-related complications. Furthermore, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) scores at presentation and discharge and the modified Rankin scale (mRS) score at 90 days were recorded. Results 85 patients were treated using the SOFIA Plus catheter. The occlusion site was the anterior circulation in 94.1%. Median baseline NIHSS score was 18. In 64.7%, ADAPT alone was successful after a median procedure time of 21 min. With additional use of stent retrievers in the remaining cases, the recanalization rate was 96.5%. No catheter-related complications such as dissections were observed. Thrombus migration to a new vascular territory occurred in 4.7% and symptomatic hemorrhage in 4.7%. After 3 months, mRS 0-2 was achieved in 49.4%. Mortality rate was 20%. Conclusions In the majority of cases, thrombus aspiration using the SOFIA Plus catheter results in successful recanalization after a short procedure time. With additional use of stent retrievers, a high recanalization rate can be achieved (96.5%). The complication rate was in line with those of previous publications

    Building Capacities for Transdisciplinary Research: Challenges and Recommendations for Early-Career Researchers

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    Transdisciplinary research is intriguing and challenging. Early-career researchers in particular, who lack experience and are still working on their disciplinary standing, struggle with difficulties and uncertainties. We offer insights into the challenges faced and solutions found by seven transdisciplinary junior research groups. While transdisciplinarity offers a way to tackle complex social-ecological challenges, transdisciplinary research is a challenging task in itself. The integration of research methods across academic disciplines, the collaboration between researchers and practitioners, and the need to balance societal and disciplinary academic impacts pose many difficulties even to experienced applied scientists and even more so to early-career researchers. Young scholars face particular problems, given their lack of longer-term experience and their still fragile position within academia. Drawing on existing literature, an early-career researcher workshop, and our own experience as junior research group leaders, we discuss specific challenges and respective solution strategies of transdisciplinary research within the context of sustainability

    Defining Recrutainment: A Model and a Survey on the Gamification of Recruiting and Human Resources

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    Recrutainment, is a hybrid word combining recruiting and entertainment. It describes the combination of activities in human resources and gamification. Concepts and methods from game design are now used to assess and select future employees. Beyond this area, recrutainment is also applied for internal processes like professional development or even marketing campaigns. This paper’s contribution has four components: (1) we provide a conceptual background, leading to a more precise definition of recrutainment; (2) we develop a new model for analyzing solutions in recrutainment; (3) we present a corpus of 42 applications and use the new model to assess their strengths and potentials; (4) we provide a bird’s eye view on the state of the art in recrutainment and show the current weighting of gamification and recruiting aspects