31 research outputs found

    Composite-materialien und ihre Eigenschaften

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    Budući da silikati a ni autoakirlatni materijali ne zadovoljavaju u potpunosti zahtjevima suvremene zubnoliječničke prakse, u posljednje su vrijeme uvedeni složeni materijali (kompoziti) za ispune III, V, dijelom i IV klase. Autori definiraju poiam složenih materijala, koji se sastoje uglavnom iz osnovnog organskog materijala i anorganskog dijela. Podrobnije se iznose kemizam. fizičko-kermi jska kao i kliničko-biološka svojstva složenih materijala. Poseban osvrt ie posvećen usporedbi svojstava klasičnih silikata i akrilata sa složenim materijalima, na temelju dosadašnjih laboratorijskih i kliničkih ispitivanja, koja su vrešena u mnogim evropskim, američkim i japanskim znanstvenim krugovima. Ako se uzme u obzir dielovanie sredine usne šupljine, kao reakcija živog tkiva zuba, može se shvatiti ozbiljnost i osjetljivost problema dobivanja dobrog i estetski zadovoljavajućeg materijala za ispune prednjih zubi. U tom smislu kompoziti predstavljaju napredak i otvaraju bolju perspektivu. S obzirom na biološku reakciju živog tkiva i probleme vezane uz potpuno spajanje organskog dijela kompozit mase sa anorganskim, kao i njene dobre adhezije sa zubnim tkivom, autori smatraju da je poželjno oprezno oduševljenje.Since neither silicates nor autoacrylics have proved entirely satisfactory and do not fully satisfy the requirements of contemporary dental practice, composite materials have recently been introduced for fillings of class III, V and partly IVThe authors define the term of composite materials which consist mainly of a basic organic material and an inorganic part. The chemism, the physico-chemical and the clinico-biological properties of composite materials are reviewed. A retrospect is given to the comparison of properties of classic silicates and acrylics with composite materials on the basis of past laboratory and clinical investigations, conducted in many European, American and Japanese scientific circles. If one takes into consideration the effect of the centre of the oral cavity as the reaction of the live dental tissue, one may realize the seriousness and the sensitivity of the problem of obtaining a good and aesthetically satisfactory material for fillings of the front teeth. In this sense composites have brought a great improvement and opened better possibilities. With regard to the biological reaction of the live tissue and the problem of complete blending of the organic and the inorganic part of the composite mass and good adhesion of the same to the dental tissue, the authors consider that restrained enthusiasm would be well advised.Weder Silikate noch Autakrylate entsprechen vollständig den Anforderungen der zeitgemässen Praxis, daher wurden in letzter Zeit zusammengesetzte Materialien (Composite) für Fälle der Klasse III, V und teilweise auch der Klasse IV, eingeführt. Die Composite bestehen hauptsächlich aus einem organischem Grundmaterial und anorganischen Bestandteilen. Eingehend werden der Chemismus, die physikalisch-chemischen als auch die klinischbiologischen Eigenschaften besprochen. Ausserdem werden die Eigenschaften der klassischen Silikate und Akrylate mit den Compositen, aufgrund der bisherigen laboratorischen und klinischen Untersuchungen, welche in vielen amerikanischen, europäischen und japanischen wissenschaftlichen Instituten durchgeführt wurden, verglichen. Mit Rücksicht auf die Reaktion des Mundhöhlen-Milieus muss man die Wichtigkeit und Empfindlichkeit des Problems der Herstellung eines guten und aesthetisch zufriedenstellenden Materials für Füllungen der Vorderzähne in Betracht ziehen. In diesem Sinne sind die Composite ein Fortschritt und eröffnen eine bessere Perspektive. Doch mit Rücksicht auf die biologische Reaktion des lebenden Gewebes, und mit Rücksicht auf das Problem der vollständigen Bindung des organischen mit dem anorganischen Bestandteil, als auch einer guten Adhäsion mit dem Zahngewebe, sind die Autoren der Meinung dass Vorsicht am Platze ist

    A survey among dermatologists: diagnostics of superficial fungal infections - what is used and what is needed to initiate therapy and assess efficacy?

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    BACKGROUND: Superficial fungal infections are common. It is important to confirm the clinical diagnosis by mycological laboratory methods before initiating systemic antifungal treatment, especially as antifungal sensitivity and in vitro susceptibility may differ between different genera and species. For many years, the gold standard for diagnosis of superficial fungal infections has been direct fungal detection in the clinical specimen (microscopy) supplemented by culturing. Lately, newer molecular based methods for fungal identification have been developed. OBJECTIVE: This study was initiated to focus on the current usage of mycological diagnostics for superficial fungal infections by dermatologists. It was designed to investigate whether it was necessary to differentiate between initial diagnostic tests and those used at treatment follow-up in specific superficial fungal infections. METHODS: An online questionnaire was distributed among members of the EADV mycology Task Force and other dermatologists with a special interest in mycology and nail disease. RESULTS: The survey was distributed to 62 dermatologists of whom 38 (61%) completed the whole survey, 7 (11%) partially completed and 17 (27%) did not respond. Nearly, all respondents (82-100%) said that ideally they would use the result of direct microscopy (or histology) combined with a genus/species directed treatment of onychomycosis, dermatophytosis, Candida- and Malassezia-related infections. The majority of the dermatologists used a combination of clinical assessment and direct microscopy for treatment assessment and the viability of the fungus was considered more important at this visit than when initiating the treatment. Molecular based methods were not available for all responders. CONCLUSION: The available diagnostic methods are heterogeneous and their usage differs between different practices as well as between countries. The survey confirmed that dermatologists find it important to make a mycological diagnosis, particularly prior to starting oral antifungal treatment in order to confirm the diagnose and target the therapy according to genus and species

    Inflammatory response gene polymorphisms and their relationship with colorectal cancer risk

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Backgroud</p> <p>Patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are at an increased risk of colorectal cancer (CRC) and it is estimated that one in six persons diagnosed with IBD will develop CRC. This fact suggests that genetic variations in inflammatory response genes may act as CRC disease risk modifiers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In order to test this hypothesis we investigated a series of polymorphisms in 6 genes (NOD2, DLG5, OCTN1, OCTN2, IL4, TNFα) associated with the inflammatory response on a group of 607 consecutive newly diagnosed colorectal cancer patients and compared the results to controls (350 consecutive newborns and 607 age, sex and geographically matched controls).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the six genes only one polymorphism in TNFα(-1031T/T) showed any tendency to be associated with disease risk (64.9% for controls and 71.4% for CRC) which we further characterized on a larger cohort of CRC patients and found a more profound relationship between the TNFα -1031T/T genotype and disease (64.5% for controls vs 74.7% for CRC cases above 70 yrs). Then, we investigated this result and identified a suggestive tendency, linking the TNFα -1031T/T genotype and a previously identified change in the CARD15/NOD2 gene (OR = 1.87; p = 0,02 for CRC cases above 60 yrs).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The association of polymorphisms in genes involved in the inflammatory response and CRC onset suggest that there are genetic changes capable of influencing disease risk in older persons.</p

    Inflammatory mediators in breast cancer: Coordinated expression of TNFα & IL-1β with CCL2 & CCL5 and effects on epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The inflammatory chemokines CCL2 (MCP-1) & CCL5 (RANTES) and the inflammatory cytokines TNFα & IL-1β were shown to contribute to breast cancer development and metastasis. In this study, we wished to determine whether there are associations between these factors along stages of breast cancer progression, and to identify the possible implications of these factors to disease course.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The expression of CCL2, CCL5, TNFα and IL-1β was determined by immunohistochemistry in patients diagnosed with: (1) Benign breast disorders (=healthy individuals); (2) Ductal Carcinoma <it>In Situ </it>(DCIS); (3) Invasive Ducal Carcinoma without relapse (IDC-no-relapse); (4) IDC-with-relapse. Based on the results obtained, breast tumor cells were stimulated by the inflammatory cytokines, and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) was determined by flow cytometry, confocal analyses and adhesion, migration and invasion experiments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>CCL2, CCL5, TNFα and IL-1β were expressed at very low incidence in normal breast epithelial cells, but their incidence was significantly elevated in tumor cells of the three groups of cancer patients. Significant associations were found between CCL2 & CCL5 and TNFα & IL-1β in the tumor cells in DCIS and IDC-no-relapse patients. In the IDC-with-relapse group, the expression of CCL2 & CCL5 was accompanied by further elevated incidence of TNFα & IL-1β expression. These results suggest progression-related roles for TNFα and IL-1β in breast cancer, as indeed indicated by the following: (1) Tumors of the IDC-with-relapse group had significantly higher persistence of TNFα and IL-1β compared to tumors of DCIS or IDC-no-relapse; (2) Continuous stimulation of the tumor cells by TNFα (and to some extent IL-1β) has led to EMT in the tumor cells; (3) Combined analyses with relevant clinical parameters suggested that IL-1β acts jointly with other pro-malignancy factors to promote disease relapse.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our findings suggest that the coordinated expression of CCL2 & CCL5 and TNFα & IL-1β may be important for disease course, and that TNFα & IL-1β may promote disease relapse. Further <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo </it>studies are needed for determination of the joint powers of the four factors in breast cancer, as well as analyses of their combined targeting in breast cancer.</p

    Prevalencija infekcije Neisseriom gonorrhoeae ili Chlamydiom trachomatis kod akutnoga mukopurulentnog cervicitisa

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    The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of N. gonorrhoae (NG) and/or C. trachomatis (CT) in acute mucopurulent cervicitis (MPC). The study included 617 non-pregnant women with MPC, who had not been receiving any antimicrobial treatment. The average age of patients was 22.2 years. There were no statistically significant differences according to place of residence, education, and marital status. Samples for laboratory analysis were collected using a routine procedure; NG was identified using the cytochrome oxidase test and Gram staining. CT was isolated on McCoy cell culture and stained with Lugol solution. NG was isolated in three women (0.8 %) and CT in 58 women (9.4 %). Fifty-six of the CT-positive patients were nullipara and only two were unipara. All NG-positive patients were also nullipara. The mean number of sexual partners was 2.2 in all study subjects, 2.4 in CT-positive subjects, and 2.9 in NG-positive subjects. Vaginal discharge purity according to Schröder was significantly deteriorated in CT-positive patients (p=0.011). When asked about the use of contraceptives, as many as 32.7 % patients answered that they did not use any protection, 39 % women used the rhythm method and coitus interruptus, 20 % were taking oral contraceptives, 6.1 % used mechanical devices, and 1.9 % used chemical protection. Previous acute and chronic pelvic infl ammatory diseases correlated with MPC (p<0.01). Our statistical analysis suggests that chlamydial infection significantly reduces the purity of vaginal discharge, which is more pronounced in nulliparae. Pap smear was not specific enough to demonstrate chlamydial infection. In view of the MPC findings, the prevalence of CT and NG infection is low.Cilj istraživanja jest utvrditi koincidenciju N. gonorrhoae (NG) i/ili C. trachomatis (CT) u akutnim mukopurulentnim cervicitisima (MPC). Istraživanje je provedeno na populaciji 617 žena izvan trudnoće koje prethodno nisu uzimale antimikrobnu terapiju. NG i CT su izolirane iz obrisaka vrata maternice primjenom standardnih metoda. NG je transportirana na selektivnoj hranjivoj podlozi i identificirana citokrom-oksidaznim testom bojenjem po Gramu. CT je izolirana McCoyevom staničnom kulturom nakon bojenja Lugolovom otopinom. NG je izolirana u tri ispitanice (0,8 %), a CT u 58 ispitanica (9,4 %). Srednja dob bolesnica iznosila je 22,2 godine. Školovanje i bračno stanje nisu statistički značajno utjecali na rezultate istraživanja. Među bolesnicama s izoliranom CT prevladavaju nulipare, a u slučaju NG sve su pozitivne bolesnice također bile nulipare. Srednja vrijednost broja partnera za čitavu populaciju iznosi 2,2. Bolesnice s potvrđenom CT imale su prosječno 2,4, a one s potvrđenom NG 2,9 partnera. Vrijednost određivanja stupnja čistoće rodničkog iscjetka po Schroderu značajno je povišena u CT-pozitivnih bolesnica (p=0.011). Utvrđeno je da 32.7 % ispitanica uopće nije koristilo kontracepciju, dok je većina (39 %) rabila ritmičke metode i prekinuti snošaj. Preostale ispitanice uzimale su oralne kontraceptive (20 %), mehaničku zaštitu (6,1 %) ili lokalne kemijske kontraceptive (1,9 %). Također je dokazano da prethodna akutna i kronična zdjelična upalna bolest korelira s MPC-om (p<0.01). Zaključeno je da klamidijska infekcija statistički značajno korelira sa stupnjem čistoće rodničkog iscjetka, posebice u nulipara. Papanicolaouov razmaz nije specifičan u određivanju klamidijske infekcije. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je učestalost klamidijske i gonokokne infekcije ipak relativno niska u odnosu na nalaz MPC-a

    Mollusca contagiosa. From paediatric dermatology to sexually transmitted infection

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    Molluscum contagiosum (MC) is a common cutaneous infection caused by the molluscipox virus (MCV) and can affect both children and adults. Molluscum contagiosum is relatively frequent in children aged 1-5 years old and can be localized almost anywhere on the body, but in adults it is regarded as a sexually transmitted infection (STI). MCV can be transmitted directly from person to person or by autoinoculation. MC in adults characteristically involves the genital area but extragenital appearance can be more typically seen in patients with immunosuppressive conditions, especially in HIV/AIDS. The onset of MC in HIV-positive individuals can be regarded as a part of the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS). MC probably affects both sexes equally in children, whereas it seems that in adults the incidence is more prevalent in males. Therapy is controversial but may be considerably beneficial in preventing transmission or autoinoculation. At present there is no aetiological treatment of MC and most treatment options are mechanical sometimes causing discomfort or are not sufficiently evidence-based. Attention should be given to the extragenital site of involvement in adults and HIV testing should be recommended. Both children and adults with MC should be educated to avoid scratching and skin contact with others to prevent transmission and autoinoculation. Adult patients with MC should be carefully screened for other STIs and appropriately counseled

    Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease: a clinico-genetic confrontation

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    Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is the most common neuromuscular disorder. It represents a group of clinically and genetically heterogeneous inherited neuropathies. Here, we review the results of molecular genetic investigations and the clinical and neurophysiological features of the different CMT subtypes. The products of genes associated with CMT phenotypes are important for the neuronal structure maintenance, axonal transport, nerve signal transduction and functions related to the cellular integrity. Identifying the molecular basis of CMT and studying the relevant genes and their functions is important to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms of these neurodegenerative disorders, and the processes involved in the normal development and function of the peripheral nervous system. The results of molecular genetic investigations have impact on the appropriate diagnosis, genetic counselling and possible new therapeutic options for CMT patients.status: publishe