109 research outputs found

    Design of concert hall in uremia based on notification to hidden role of music in architect

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    The growth of sound in a concert hall is reviewed with emphasis on hearing the direct sound clearly. Architecture in its daily means provides renewed space and is replaced within a larger space and people are moving in it and in it’s around. Music is purely mechanical conception, organized and deliberate scattering of sound waves in space. The aim of current research is design of concert hall based on notification to hidden role of music in architect in Uremia city. Methodology is based on librarian, descriptive-analytical method that is of applied kind. Results show that architecture and Music have practical visuals that no one can reject these characters. Also, we can presented three themes of foundation and basis physical creation, architecture and music for comparison (first: the physical essence; second: the evaluation tools for; Third: change the essence to the body with including of the idea and expand it).Keywords: Concert Hall, Music Role, Renewed Space, Architec

    The effect of negative excess pore-water pressure on the stability of excavated slopes

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    Generation of negative excess pore-water pressure (NEPWP) due to the excavation of saturated soils under undrained conditions and the dissipation that follows over time may result in different short- and long-term slope instability. The NEPWP generated due to excavation gradually decreases towards equilibrium or, in some cases, steady seepage. Hence, total pore-water pressures immediately after excavation are lower than the ultimate equilibrium values, leading to a reduction of the average effective stresses in the slope and subsequently threatening stability in the long term. In this research study, the stability of three benchmark civil and mining excavations has been studied, considering the effects of the generation and dissipation of NEPWP. A series of numerical simulations are conducted to determine the role of in situ stresses and time in NEPWP dissipation as well as the consequent effects on the stability of the excavated slopes. To conduct a realistic time-dependent transient analysis, fully coupled hydro-geomechanical formulation has been employed. Results show that in general, higher removal of stress levels lead to higher NEPWP generation and higher factor of safety values in the short term. Thereafter, the dissipation of NEPWP threatens the long-term stability of the excavation

    Utilizing the System Engineering Trade Study Analysis Method to Analyze Patient Aeromedical Evacuation

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    The US Air Force has gone through many aeromedical patient isolation transport system designs. The first designs were developed in response to the Ebola outbreak in 2014 and, more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic. The trade study analysis part of the system engineering design method was used to analyze the historic and current aeromedical patient contamination control transport systems. A trade study is a process that evaluates alternatives based upon various “-ilities”, such as reconfigurability, flexibility, durability, cost, and more, and performs a systematic analysis to aid designers in producing a ‘good’ design alternative given the large set of possible solutions. The analysis of these historic and current systems, in addition to speaking with stakeholders, resulted in design requirements for a new system. This article will discuss the findings from the analysis of the historic and current aeromedical patient isolation transport systems

    Too Interconnected To Fail: Financial Contagion and Systemic Risk in Network Model of CDS and Other Credit Enhancement Obligations of US Banks

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    Credit default swaps (CDS) which constitute up to 98 of credit derivatives have had a unique, endemic and pernicious role to play in the current financial crisis. However, there are few in depth empirical studies of the financial network interconnections among banks and between banks and nonbanks involved as CDS protection buyers and protection sellers. The ongoing problems related to technical insolvency of US commercial banks is not just confined to the so called legacy/toxic RMBS assets on balance sheets but also because of their credit risk exposures from SPVs (Special Purpose Vehicles) and the CDS markets. The dominance of a few big players in the chains of insurance and reinsurance for CDS credit risk mitigation for banks’ assets has led to the idea of “too interconnected to fail” resulting, as in the case of AIG, of having to maintain the fiction of non-failure in order to avert a credit event that can bring down the CDS pyramid and the financial system. This paper also includes a brief discussion of the complex system Agent-based Computational Economics (ACE) approach to financial network modeling for systemic risk assessment. Quantitative analysis is confined to the empirical reconstruction of the US CDS network based on the FDIC Q4 2008 data in order to conduct a series of stress tests that investigate the consequences of the fact that top 5 US banks account for 92 of the US bank activity in the 34 tn global gross notional value of CDS for Q4 2008 (see, BIS and DTCC). The May-Wigner stability condition for networks is considered for the hub like dominance of a few financial entities in the US CDS structures to understand the lack of robustness. We provide a Systemic Risk Ratio and an implementation of concentration risk in CDS settlement for major US banks in terms of the loss of aggregate core capital. We also compare our stress test results with those provided by SCAP (Supervisory Capital Assessment Program). Finally, in the context of the Basel II credit risk transfer and synthetic securitization framework, there is little evidence that the CDS market predicated on a system of offsets to minimize final settlement can provide the credit risk mitigation sought by banks for reference assets in the case of a significant credit event. The large negative externalities that arise from a lack of robustness of the CDS financial network from the demise of a big CDS seller undermines the justification in Basel II that banks be permitted to reduce capital on assets that have CDS guarantees. We recommend that the Basel II provision for capital reduction on bank assets that have CDS cover should be discontinued

    A simplified method for predicting the settlement of circular footings on multi-layered geocell-reinforced non-cohesive soils

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    Multiple layers of geosynthetic reinforcement, placed below foundations or in the supporting layers of road pavements, can improve section performance through several mechanisms, leading to reduction in stresses and deformations. This paper aims to present a new analytical solution, based on the theory of multi-layered soil system to estimate the pressure–settlement response of a circular footing resting on such foundations, specifically those containing geocell layers. An analytical model that incorporates the elastic characteristics of soil and reinforcement is developed to predict strain and confining pressure propagated throughout an available multi-layer system, is proposed. A modified elastic method has been used to back-calculate the elastic modulus in terms of strain and confining pressure with materials data extracted from triaxial tests on unreinforced and geocell-reinforced soil samples. The proposed model has been validated by results of plate load tests on unreinforced and geocell-reinforced foundation beds. The comparisons between the results of the plate load tests and proposed analytical method reflected a satisfactory accuracy and consistency, especially at expected, practical, settlement ratios. Furthermore, to have a better assessment of geocell-reinforced foundations' behaviour, a parametric sensitivity has been studied. The results of this study show that the higher bearing pressure and lower settlement were achieved when number of geocell layer, secant modulus of geocell and the modulus number of the soil were increased. These results are in-line with the experimental results of the previous researchers. The study also permits the limits of effective and efficient reinforcement to be determined

    Application of ground penetrating radar (GPR) to detect joints in organic soft rock

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    The detection of joints and discontinuities is of particular importance to the stability of a broad range of geostructures, including slopes and underground and open-pit mines. As a common example, the mechanical response of soft rocks observed within open-pit mines is significantly influenced by the existence of joint networks, resulting in a complex stress distribution that governs the stability factor of safety as well as the failure mechanism. In this article, surface geophysics scanning by ground penetrating radar (GPR) is presented for the detection of vertical joints at one of the largest open-pit coal mines in Australia. The optimum soil velocity, point interval, and antenna frequency for joint detection in Victorian Brown Coal (VBC) are presented in comparison with electromagnetic properties of known organic soils. Furthermore, the performance of an assorted set of post-processing signal filtering techniques to successfully identify the underground coal fractures are detailed, along with obstructions affecting the feasibility of GPR vertical joint discovery in this light organic soft rock

    Combining in vivo proton exchange rate (k(ex)) MRI with quantitative susceptibility mapping to further stratify the gadolinium-negative multiple sclerosis lesions

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    BACKGROUND: Conventional gadolinium (Gd)-enhanced MRI is currently used for stratifying the lesion activity of multiple sclerosis (MS) despite limited correlation with disability and disease activity. The stratification of MS lesion activity needs further improvement to better support clinics. PURPOSE: To investigate if the novel proton exchange rate (k(ex)) MRI combined with quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) may help to further stratify non-enhanced (Gd-negative) MS lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From December 2017 to December 2020, clinically diagnosed relapsing-remitting MS patients who underwent MRI were consecutively enrolled in this IRB-approved retrospective study. The customized MRI protocol covered conventional T(2)-weighted, T(2)-fluid-attenuated-inversion-recovery, pre- and post-contrast T(1)-weighted imaging, and quantitative sequences, including (k(ex)) MRI based on direct-saturation removed omega plots and QSM. Each MS lesion was evaluated based on its Gd-enhancement as well as its susceptibility and (k(ex)) elevation compared to the normal appearing white matter. The difference and correlation concerning lesion characteristics and imaging contrasts were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test or Kruskal-Wallis test, and Spearman rank analysis with p < 0.05 considered significant. RESULTS: A total of 322 MS lesions from 30 patients were identified with 153 Gd-enhanced and 169 non-enhanced lesions. We found that the (k(ex)) elevation of all lesions significantly correlated with their susceptibility elevation (r = 0.30, p < 0.001). Within the 153 MS lesions with Gd-enhancement, ring-enhanced lesions showed higher (k(ex)) elevation than the nodular-enhanced ones' (p < 0.001). Similarly, lesions with ring-hyperintensity in QSM also had higher (k(ex)) elevation than the lesions with nodular-QSM-hyperintensity (p < 0.001). Of the 169 Gd-negative lesions, three radiological patterns were recognized according to lesion manifestations on the (k(ex)) map and QSM images: Pattern I ((k(ex))(+) and QSM(+), n = 114, 67.5%), Pattern II (only (k(ex)) or QSM(+), n = 47, 27.8%) and Pattern III ((k(ex))(-) and QSM(-), n = 8, 4.7%). Compared to Pattern II and III, Pattern I had higher (k(ex)) (p < 0.001) and susceptibility (p < 0.05) elevation. The percentage of Pattern I of each subject was negatively correlated with the disease duration (r = -0.45,P = 0.015). CONCLUSION: As a potential imaging biomarker for inflammation due to oxidative stress, in vivo (k(ex)) MRI combined with QSM is promising in extending the clinical classification of MS lesions beyond conventional Gd-enhanced MRI

    Establishment of national primary immunodeficiency network, requisite of health organization and final stage of polio eradication: Review article

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    Primary immunodeficiency diseases (PIDs) is a diverse group of diseases, characterized by a defect in the immune system. These patients are susceptible to recurrent respiratory infections, gastrointestinal problems, autoimmune diseases, and malignancies. In most cases, patients with primary immunodeficiency disorders have genetic defects and are monogenic disorders that follow a simple Mendelian inheritance, however, some PIDs recognize a more complex polygenic origin. Overall, almost 70 to 90 percent of patients with primary immunodeficiency are undiagnosed. Given that these patients are exposing to respiratory infectious agents and some live-attenuated vaccines, thus they have a high risk to some clinical complications. The administration of oral polio vaccine in patients with PIDs especially can increase the possibility of acute flaccid paralysis. These patients will excrete the poliovirus for a long time through their feces, even though they are not paralyzed. Long-term virus proliferation in the vaccinated individuals causes a mutation in the poliovirus and creates a vaccine-derived polioviruses (VDPVs), which is a major challenge to the final stages of the worldwide eradication of polio. To increase the diagnosis and identification of patients with immunodeficiency and carrying out a national plan for screening patients with immunodeficiency from the fecal excretion of the poliovirus, a possible polio epidemic can be prevented during post-eradication. Development of laboratory facilities in provincial and city centers, improvement of communications among physicians regarding medical consultation and establishment of referring systems for patients by national network lead to improve status of diagnosis and treatment of patients with primary immunodefiicencies. In this context, launching and activating the national network of immunodeficiency diseases is essential for improving the health of children and reducing the cost of the health system of the country. A national network of immunodeficiency can lead to increase awareness of physiciansregarding primary immunodeficiency disorders, improve collaboration among physicians about genetic consultation and establish a practical referral system in Iran that resultsin increased diagnosis and improve treatment of patients with primary immunodeficiency disorders. © 2020 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    “It was touching”: Experiences and views of students in the June 3 flood and fire disaster relief response volunteerism in Accra, Ghana

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    Evidence from Africa on the motivations and experiences of student volunteers in community disaster relief response programs are rare. This study explores the experiences and views of the students who volunteered at the emergency mental health relief response site after the June 3, 2015, flood and fire disaster in Accra, and the implications for future professional response work in Ghana. Thematic analysis of 15 qualitative in-depth interviews showed that, overall, the student volunteers were both self-oriented and other-oriented. The students viewed work at the emergency response site as a touching experience and a call of duty. The response work provided the students with practical pathways to linking their clinical and community learning experiences. This study recommends that, rather than an ad hoc response team, the Ghana Psychological Association should consider setting up a standing disaster relief response network to provide mental health relief and recovery response in community emergency situations in Ghana

    Nutraceutical therapies for atherosclerosis

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    Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting large and medium arteries and is considered to be a major underlying cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Although the development of pharmacotherapies to treat CVD has contributed to a decline in cardiac mortality in the past few decades, CVD is estimated to be the cause of one-third of deaths globally. Nutraceuticals are natural nutritional compounds that are beneficial for the prevention or treatment of disease and, therefore, are a possible therapeutic avenue for the treatment of atherosclerosis. The purpose of this Review is to highlight potential nutraceuticals for use as antiatherogenic therapies with evidence from in vitro and in vivo studies. Furthermore, the current evidence from observational and randomized clinical studies into the role of nutraceuticals in preventing atherosclerosis in humans will also be discussed