16 research outputs found

    In situ collection of dust grains falling from Saturn's rings into its atmosphere

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    Saturn's main rings are composed of >95% water ice, and the nature of the remaining few percent has remained unclear. The Cassini spacecraft's traversals between Saturn and its innermost D ring allowed its cosmic dust analyzer (CDA) to collect material released from the main rings and to characterize the ring material infall into Saturn. We report the direct in situ detection of material from Saturn's dense rings by the CDA impact mass spectrometer. Most detected grains are a few tens of nanometers in size and dynamically associated with the previously inferred "ring rain." Silicate and water-ice grains were identified, in proportions that vary with latitude. Silicate grains constitute up to 30% of infalling grains, a higher percentage than the bulk silicate content of the rings

    Close Cassini flybys of Saturn's ring moons Pan, Daphnis, Atlas, Pandora, and Epimetheus

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    Saturn’s main ring system is associated with a set of small moons that are either embedded within it, or interact with the rings to alter their shape and composition. Five close flybys of the moons Pan, Daphnis, Atlas, Pandora, and Epimetheus were performed between December 2016 and April 2017 during the Ring-grazing Orbits of the Cassini mission. Data on the moons’ morphology, structure, particle environment, and composition were returned, along with images in the ultraviolet and thermal infrared. The optical properties of the moons’ surfaces are determined by two competing processes: contamination by a red material formed in Saturn’s main ring system, and by accretion of bright icy particles or water vapor from volcanic plumes originating on the planet’s moon Enceladus

    Planetary Rings

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    Planetary rings are the only nearby astrophysical disks, and the only disks that have been investigated by spacecraft. Although there are significant differences between rings and other disks, chiefly the large planet/ring mass ratio that greatly enhances the flatness of rings (aspect ratios as small as 1e-7), understanding of disks in general can be enhanced by understanding the dynamical processes observed at close-range and in real-time in planetary rings. We review the known ring systems of the four giant planets, as well as the prospects for ring systems yet to be discovered. We then review planetary rings by type. The main rings of Saturn comprise our system's only dense broad disk and host many phenomena of general application to disks including spiral waves, gap formation, self-gravity wakes, viscous overstability and normal modes, impact clouds, and orbital evolution of embedded moons. Dense narrow rings are the primary natural laboratory for understanding shepherding and self-stability. Narrow dusty rings, likely generated by embedded source bodies, are surprisingly found to sport azimuthally-confined arcs. Finally, every known ring system includes a substantial component of diffuse dusty rings. Planetary rings have shown themselves to be useful as detectors of planetary processes around them, including the planetary magnetic field and interplanetary impactors as well as the gravity of nearby perturbing moons. Experimental rings science has made great progress in recent decades, especially numerical simulations of self-gravity wakes and other processes but also laboratory investigations of coefficient of restitution and spectroscopic ground truth. The age of self-sustained ring systems is a matter of debate; formation scenarios are most plausible in the context of the early solar system, while signs of youthfulness indicate at least that rings have never been static phenomena.Comment: 82 pages, 34 figures. Final revision of general review to be published in "Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems", P. Kalas and L. French (eds.), Springer (http://refworks.springer.com/sss

    Hydrodynamics of Saturn’s Dense Rings

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    The space missions Voyager and Cassini together with earthbound observations revealed a wealth of structures in Saturn’s rings. There are, for example, waves being excited at ring positions which are in orbital resonance with Saturn’s moons. Other structures can be assigned to embedded moons like empty gaps, moon induced wakes or S-shaped propeller features. Furthermore, irregular radial structures are observed in the range from 10 meters until kilometers. Here some of these structures will be discussed in the frame of hydrodynamical modeling of Saturn’s dense rings. For this purpose we will characterize the physical properties of the ring particle ensemble by mean field quantities and point to the special behavior of the transport coefficients. We show that unperturbed rings can become unstable and how diffusion acts in the rings. Additionally, the alternative streamline formalism is introduced to describe perturbed regions of dense rings with applications to the wake damping and the dispersion relation of the density waves

    No Chaos in Dixon's System

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    The so-called Dixon system is often cited as an example of a two-dimensional (continuous) dynamical system that exhibits chaotic behaviour, if its two parameters take their value in a certain domain. We provide first a rigorous proof that there is no chaos in Dixon's system. Then we perform a complete bifurcation analysis of the system showing that the parameter space can be decomposed into sixteen different regions in each of which the system exhibits qualitatively the same behaviour. In particular, we prove that in some regions two elliptic sectors with infinitely many homoclinic orbits exist.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures in appendi

    A Logic Based Approach to Finding Real Singularities of Implicit Ordinary Differential Equations

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