35 research outputs found

    Phospholipase C2 Affects MAMP-Triggered Immunity by Modulating ROS Production

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    The activation of phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) is one of the earliest responses triggered by the recognition of several microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) in plants. The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) PI-PLC gene family is composed of nine members. Previous studies suggested a role for PLC2 in MAMP-triggered immunity, as it is rapidly phosphorylated in vivo upon treatment with the bacterial MAMP flg22. Here, we analyzed the role of PLC2 in plant immunity using an artificial microRNA to silence PLC2 expression in Arabidopsis. We found that PLC2-silenced plants are more susceptible to the type III secretion system-deficient bacterial strain Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato (Pst) DC3000 hrcC− and to the nonadapted pea (Pisum sativum) powdery mildew Erysiphe pisi. However, PLC2-silenced plants display normal susceptibility to virulent (Pst DC3000) and avirulent (Pst DC3000 AvrRPM1) P. syringae strains, conserving typical hypersensitive response features. In response to flg22, PLC2-silenced plants maintain wild-type mitogen-activated protein kinase activation and PHI1, WRKY33, and FRK1 immune marker gene expression but have reduced reactive oxygen species (ROS)-dependent responses such as callose deposition and stomatal closure. Accordingly, the generation of ROS upon flg22 treatment is compromised in the PLC2-defficient plants, suggesting an effect of PLC2 in a branch of MAMP-triggered immunity and nonhost resistance that involves early ROS-regulated processes. Consistently, PLC2 associates with the NADPH oxidase RBOHD, suggesting its potential regulation by PLC2

    Should I give kids money? The role of pocket money on at-risk behaviors in Italian adolescents

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    Background. Discussion on the impact of pocket money on positive behaviors is still debated. Objective. To investigate the effect of diverse money allowance schemes on risky behaviors (smoking, alcohol, binge drinking, drug use, gambling) during adolescence. Method. 989 students aged 15 from Lombardy (Italy) reported information on money availability in the 2018 wave of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study. To analyze the relationship between money availability and risky behaviors we computed odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals through unconditional multiple logistic regression models. Results. Spending more than 10€ weekly was associated with higher likelihood to smoke, binge drink or gamble. Receiving pocket money (rather than receiving money upon request) was related to higher likelihood to engage in risky behaviors. Conclusions. Pocket money may have a negative impact on adolescents, particularly with a substantial amount of money. More research is needed to understand why providing money only if needed may serve as a protective factor against risky behaviors

    Role for Arabidopsis PLC7 in Stomatal Movement, Seed Mucilage Attachment, and Leaf Serration

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    Phospholipase C (PLC) has been suggested to play important roles in plant stress and development. To increase our understanding of PLC signaling in plants, we have started to analyze knock-out (KO), knock-down (KD) and overexpression mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana, which contains nine PLCs. Earlier, we characterized PLC2, PLC3 and PLC5. Here, the role of PLC7 is functionally addressed. Promoter-GUS analyses revealed that PLC7 is specifically expressed in the phloem of roots, leaves and flowers, and is also present in trichomes and hydathodes. Two T-DNA insertion mutants were obtained, i.e., plc7-3 being a KO- and plc7-4 a KD line. In contrast to earlier characterized phloem-expressed PLC mutants, i.e., plc3 and plc5, no defects in primary- or lateral root development were found for plc7 mutants. Like plc3 mutants, they were less sensitive to ABA during stomatal closure. Double-knockout plc3 plc7 lines were lethal, but plc5 plc7 (plc5/7) double mutants were viable, and revealed several new phenotypes, not observed earlier in the single mutants. These include a defect in seed mucilage, enhanced leaf serration, and an increased tolerance to drought. Overexpression of PLC7 enhanced drought tolerance too, similar to what was earlier found for PLC3-and PLC5 overexpression. In vivo32Pi-labeling of seedlings and treatment with sorbitol to mimic drought stress, revealed stronger PIP2 responses in both drought-tolerant plc5/7 and PLC7-OE mutants. Together, these results show novel functions for PLC in plant stress and development. Potential molecular mechanisms are discussed

    Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging for Affinity-based Biosensors

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    In the last two decades, Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) sensing has played a relevant role in many biochemical and biotechnological fields, and various kinds of biorecognition elements are currently employed in a wide range of fields such as food processing, environmental monitoring and clinical/diagnostics analyses. At present, SPR–based sensing represents one of the main optical biosensor technologies. The most attractive and powerful advancement of SPR-based optical detection is the SPR imaging (SPRi) technique (also termed “SPR microscopy”), which couples the sensitivity of scanning angle SPR measurements with the spatial capabilities of imaging. In recent years SPRi has gained attention mainly in affinity-biosensors research field and actually represents a promising sensing platform for the probing of biomolecules in array format, showing to be a highly versatile system. In this work we will report about the development of a multi-array SPRi affinity sensor. In particular the system has been studied using antibody-antigen interactions food and/or clinical controls. The analytical parameters of the systems will be discussed

    ¿La práctica de la siembra directa en cultivos de soja favorece las poblaciones de acridios (Orthoptera: Acrididae) en el partido de Benito Juárez?

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    Considerando el desarrollo del cultivo de soja en siembra directa en el partido de Benito Juárez, y que algunos autores sostienen que esta práctica favorece los acridios, se evaluó la riqueza de especies y la abundancia en soja con siembra directa y convencional. Se registraron siete especies (Aleuas lineatus Stål, Covasacris pallidinota (Bruner), Baeacris pseudopunctulatus (Ronderos), Dichroplus elongatus Giglio-Tos, Dichroplus maculipennis (Blanchard), Dichroplus pratensis Bruner y Scotussa lemniscata (Stål). La riqueza de especies acumulada en los diferentes cultivos fue similar (p> 0,05). En soja de primera con siembra directa, se registraron 2,3 ± 0,19 especies, en soja de primera con siembra convencional 1,45 ± 0,15 especies y en soja de segunda con siembra directa 2,25 ± 0,28 especies. Dichroplus elongatus fue la especie más abundante en todos los cultivos y en todos los momentos. Las restantes presentaron baja abundancia y se registraron en algunos momentos. No existió diferencia (p> 0,05) en la abundancia de tucuras entre los cultivos y en las diferentes fechas de muestreo. La baja riqueza de especies registrada estaría relacionada con la baja diversidad vegetal de los cultivos. Este estudio no mostró diferencias en la abundancia y riqueza de especies de acuerdo a la labranza utilizada