266 research outputs found

    Electroconvulsive therapy in a 12-year-old boy with a severe depression

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    Electroconvulsive therapy (ect) is an uncommon treatment in children and adolescents. This could partially be explained by the fact that a large proportion of the (child and adolescent) psychiatrists have little knowledge on ect in youths. We describe a case of a 12-year-old boy with a severe depression refractory to pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy, in which ect treatment was successful, including six years follow-up. Additionally, this report represents the state of the art concerning the efficacy and safety of ect in youths.</p

    Sexual Dimorphism in the Attachment Ability of Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) on Rough Substrata

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    Leptinotarsa decemlineata lebt oligophag ausschließlich auf Vertretern der Solanaceae, insbesondere Solanum spp. (Radcliffe 1982). Die herbivore Spezies ist fähig, erfolgreich auf den unbehaarten, behaarten und glandulär behaarten Blattoberflächen der Nachtschattengewächse zu haften, sich fortzubewegen und zu leben. Dazu verhelfen paarige Krallen und Hafthaarkissen an den Tarsen (Rivnay 1928). Das ausgesprochen gute Haftvermögen und die Substratanpassungsfähigkeit haariger Haftsysteme von Insekten sind für verschiedene Vertreter der Diptera und Coleoptera experimentell belegt (siehe Review von Gorb 2001). Stork (1980 a, b) beobachtete insbesondere bei Käfern der Familien Chrysomelidae und Coccinellidae einen ausgeprägten Sexualdimorphismus der tarsalen Hafthaare. Schanz (1953) beschreibt für L. decemlineata drei verschiedene Hafthaartypen: (1) Haare mit sich asymmetrisch verjüngenden Spitzen, (2) spatelförmige Gebilde und (3) Haare mit Haftsohlen, welche nur die Männchen besitzen. Hinsichtlich der geschlechterspezifischen Unterschiede der Haftkraft auf verschieden rauen Oberflächen existieren bislang wenige quantitative Nachweise. Pelletier & Smilowitz (1987) wiesen für Männchen von L. decemlineata in Inversionsexperimenten ein außerordentliches Haftvermögen auf Glas- und Kunststoffoberflächen nach, wobei sie dessen Gründe in den maskulin-spezifischen Hafthaaren mit scheibenförmig verbreiterten Enden vermuteten. Die Fähigkeit der Männchen, an glatten Oberflächen besonders gut zu haften, wurde als eine Anpassung an die Haftung auf den glatten Oberflächen der Weibchenelytren während der Kopulation erklärt. Die meisten natürlichen Oberflächen (insbesondere Pflanzenoberflächen) sind jedoch rau. Somit besteht die Frage, ob beide Geschlechter auch eine unterschiedliche Spezialisierung der Haftsysteme für die Haftung auf rauen Substraten besitzen. Um den Einfluss unterschiedlicher Oberflächenrauhigkeiten auf die Haftsystemfunktionalität der Weibchen und Männchen von L. decemlineata zu prüfen, wurden in der vorliegenden Studie Kraftmessungen mit einzelnen Individuen auf Oberflächen mit exakt definierter Rauheit durchgeführt.The remarkable attachment ability and the adaptability to different substrates of insects‘ hairy attachment systems have been experimentally demonstrated in representatives of Diptera and Coleoptera. Many representatives from the family Chrysomelidae exhibit a distinctive sexual dimorphism in the structure of adhesive tarsal hairs. Differences in attachment ability between sexes have been previously reported for smooth substrata. In L. decemlineata, a very strong attachment ability on smooth glass and plastic surfaces has been described in males, and explained by the action of specialised mushroom-like tarsal hairs. The present study demonstrates the influence of different surface roughnesses on the attachment forces of L. decemlineata males and females. The maximum attachment force of individual beetles was measured on epoxy resin surfaces (0-12 &#956;m surface roughness) using a centrifugal force tester. On the smooth surface, no considerable differences between males and females were found, whereas, on rough surfaces, adherence of females was significantly stronger, up to twice that of males. The results indicate that the main functional trait of the adhesive system of females is its stronger specialization to rough plant surfaces

    Принцип диалогичности извлечения экспертных знаний при оценке инноваций

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    В статье предлагается использовать принцип диалогичности при прогнозе эффективности инновационных продуктов на основе экспертных данных. Извлечение знаний экспертов в процессе диалога осуществляется с учетом их общественной роли и психофизиологических возможностей с пользованием компьютерных систем поддержки решений

    Alimentación, ocio y cultura en el pazo de Goiáns en el siglo XVIII

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    Actas de la XII Reunión Científica de la Fundación Española de Historia Moderna, celebrada en la Universidad de León en 19-21 de junio de 2012. José Manuel Vázquez Lijó, Universidad de Coruña ([email protected])En esta comunicación se analizan algunos aspectos del micro cosmos cultural de un pazo gallego, el de Goiáns, cuya excepcional ubicación a orillas de la ría de Arousa dota de alto valor añadido a este solar con espacios singulares como pesquera y embarcadero. Los inventarios de bienes de la casa informan de varios indicadores culturales de las elites (libros, juegos, obras artísticas, instrumentos musicales) y otros, como la alimentación, pueden estudiarse gracias a la documentación contable. El breve esplendor material del pazo parece datarse a mediados del siglo XVIII coincidiendo con la exitosa promoción social de los señores de Goiáns y sus hijos consecuencia de un cúmulo de factores (relaciones familiares, poder económico, bodas ventajosas, educación privilegiada…). La carrera militar de los sucesivos dueños les obligó a residir allí donde ejercían estos empleos y Goiáns pasó a ser una segunda residencia, cada vez más vacía de vida y de muebles, convirtiéndose a partir de la década de 1820 en un simple centro de administración de rentas.Peer reviewe

    If you care about social equality, you want a big state: Home, work, care and social egalitarianism

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    Justified scepticism about distant bureaucracies and transactional politics mutated into a wholesale retreat from the state on the left – but to create a just and egalitarian society, say Emily McTernan, Martin O'Neill, Christian Schemmel and Fabian Schuppert, we need a powerful, democratic ‘big state’

    Overlooked post-translational modifications of proteins in Plasmodium falciparum: N- and O-glycosylation - A Review

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    Human malignant malaria is caused by Plasmodium falciparum and accounts for almost 900,000 deaths per year, the majority of which are children and pregnant women in developing countries. There has been significant effort to understand the biology of P. falciparum and its interactions with the host. However, these studies are hindered because several aspects of parasite biology remain controversial, such as N- and O-glycosylation. This review describes work that has been done to elucidate protein glycosylation in P. falciparum and it focuses on describing biochemical evidence for N- and O-glycosylation. Although there has been significant work in this field, these aspects of parasite biochemistry need to be explored further

    Civic republican social justice and the case of state grammar schools in England

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    The aim of this paper is to consider the ways in which civic republican theory can provide a meaningful and useful account of social justice, one that is which holds resonance for educational debates. Recognising the need for educationalists interested in civic republicanism to pay greater attention to ideas of justice – and in particular social justice as it concerns relationships between citizens (citizen to citizen, group to group or citizen to group) – it is argued that a form of civic republicanism committed to freedom as non-domination is capable of providing a substantive model for analysing social (in)justice within educational arenas. After positioning the contribution offered here within existing educational literature on civic republicanism, salient elements of social justice as freedom as non-domination are identified. On this basis, debates concerning the existence and potential expansion of state (public) grammar schools in England are considered in relation to the account of republican social justice as non-domination. It is argued that from this republican position grammar schools (1) represent an arbitrary domination of the interests of those less well off by those with greater material and cultural capital and (2) in doing so lead to advantages for some at the expense of others. Though the focus of the paper is on grammar schools in England, it is suggested that republican justice may be a useful frame for considering similar educational cases in England and elsewhere

    Semi-viviparous embryo development and dehydrin expression in the mangrove Rhizophora mucronata Lam.

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    Rhizophora mucronata Lam. is a tropical mangrove with semi-viviparous (cotyledon body protrusion before shedding), non-quiescent and non-desiccating (recalcitrant) seeds. As recalcitrance has been thought to relate to the absence of desiccation-related proteins such as dehydrins, we for the first time systematically described and classified embryogenesis in R. mucronata and assessed the presence of dehydrin-like proteins. Embryogenesis largely follows the classic pattern till stage eight, the torpedo stage, with the formation of a cotyledonary body. Ovule and embryo express radical adaptations to semi-vivipary in the saline environment: (1) A large, highly vacuolated and persistent endosperm without noticeable food reserves that envelopes the developing embryo. (2) Absence of vascular tissue connections between embryo and maternal tissue, but, instead, transfer layers in between endosperm and integument and endosperm and embryo. Dehydrin-like proteins (55–65 kDa) were detected by the Western analysis, in the ovules till stage 10 when the integuments are dehisced. An additional 50 kDa band was detected at stages 6–8. Together these results suggest a continuous flow of water with nutrients from the integument via the endosperm to the embryo, circumventing the vascular route and probably suppressing the initially induced dehydrin expression