268 research outputs found

    Activation of Natural Zeolite as Water Adsorbent for Mixed-Adsorption Drying

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    Mixed-adsorption drying with material using zeolite is an option to improve product quality and energy efficiency of drying seeds. In this case, zeolite and seeds are mixed and fluidized by warm air as drying medium. The air will desorb water from seed, and at the same time, zeolite will adsorb vapor from air. Thus, the driving force of drying can be kept high. However, in Indonesia, the zeolite with high adsorption capacity is hardly found in market. This research studied the activation of natural zeolite using two different methods: by heating at 200-400oC, and adding NaOH 0.5-2.0 N. Results showed that the adsorbing capacity of zeolite activated by 1.0 N NaOH is 0.170 gr water/gr dry zeolite. While, by heating at 300oC for 3 hours, is 0.140 gr water loaded/gr dry zeolite. With the performance, zeolite can be used for drying application. Keywords: zeolite, fluidized, adsorption, drying, activatio

    Musik Etnik dan Pengembangan Musik Gereja

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    Church, as a religious institution, and ethnic music, as a communality creation, are different thing. They have different philosophy, meaning, existence, entity, form, and also sosial and historical context. Sometimes even as, ideologically, they display even negation. However inspite of the contradiction, they have some interest and orientation i.e. come together on a place for expressing who people are. When they meet, there, they create something new. Based on Homi K. bhabha's theory, this something new is called "the third space". We will find ambivalence and mimicry in the new space. On the musical perspective, the hybrid of church and ethnic music call into being a new genre, namely "ethnical church music". The cutting-edge genre proved succeed for increasing worship atmosphere

    Idiom Musik Klasik di Gereja Karismatik

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    Church music has long history and experiences in its periods. It began when they, the believers, mentioned themselves as the “Christian”. From the time that phenomenon the christians commenced their act of devotion tradition included their musical tradition of worship. The existence of church music more developed till Middle Age or Dark Age Period. It was dominantly covering to others music genre. At the Renaisance Period, the church reformation movement occured and it was pioneered by Martin Luther. Western music changed at the time. Luther changed of scene; He changed the tradition of Catholic church that used Latin lirics to folk language; He changed the gregorian chant tradition with folksong. The phenomenon was the first time of event of inculturation in world history of music after it undergone stagnancy during the authorization of Roman empire, especially when Pope Gregory created the standarization to all christian music. At the present day we are familiar with charismatic music tradition which is developed from American music tradition. It has a characteristic which is used as the band instrument in praise and worship by christian believers. But sometimes, the believers also use arpeggio or broken-chord as the main charracter on Classical Period in part the way of Western music history. Pass through the reasearch, the reasearcher look into the idioms are used in praise and worship in charismatic church. The reasearcher found that the using of idiom in Classical Period has enriched the nuance of music aesthetic in praise and worship


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    In developing countries, drought due to natural disasters such as flood result in massive loss of farming practices. Warning communities of the incoming flood provides an effective solution to this by giving people sufficient time to prepare and protect their crop pattern and farm activities. However, the range of early warning system solutions introduces a tangle of conflicting requirements including cost and reliability, and creates several interesting problems from factors as diverse as technological, social, and political. The complexity of these systems and need for autonomy within the context of a developing country while remaining maintainable and accessible by nontechnical personnel provides a challenge not often solved within developed countries, much less the developing. After describing this problem, the paper discusses a proposed solution for the problem, initial experiments in implementing the solution, and lessons learned through that work. Keywords : Early warning system, drought, cropping pattern. mobile applications

    Implementasi Kebijakan Program Penanggulangan Kemiskinan melalui Kertu Penjamin Sosial dan Kartu Indonesia Pintar pada Masyarakat (Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Kauman Kota Malang)

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    : The results from the study showed that the poverty reduction policies which in the determination of the distribution of social insurance corporation cards and Indonesia Smart Card conduct preliminary fielded clerk who will then conduct a survey or checking the area or areas deemed eligible to receive assistance from the government that came with the role of the community itself , Based grouping of people is done by officers to facilitate the distribution of aid means social insurance corporation cards and Indonesia Smart Card in the city of Malang, especially in Sub Kuaman which has a population of 560 inhabitants of poor people among them who are entitled to a card guarantor of social only 30% while the card Indonesia smart as much as 5%. Keywords: Implementation of Policy, Poverty, social insurance corporation cards (KPS) and Indonesia Smart Card (KIP

    Tingkat Pengetahuan Mitigasi Bencana Erupsi Merapi Di SMP N 1 Kemalang Kabupaten Klaten

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    Didalam penelitian ini peneliti mempunyai beberapa tujuan, diantaranya yaitu mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan siswa SMP N 1 Kemalang tentang mitigasi bencana, dan mengetahui materi pembelajaran Mitigasi Bencana Erupsi Gunung Berapi apa saja yang diperlukan berdasarkan pengetahuan siswa. Jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 83 responden yaitu kelas VII 30 siswa, kelas VIII 29 siswa, dan kelas IX 24 siswa. Teknik analisis data penelitian ini yaitu dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif yang menggunakan metode validitas dan reliabilitas. Kesimpulan dari Penelitian ini yaitu tingkat pengetahuan Mitigasi Bencana oleh siswa SMP N 1 Kemalang dapat dikategorikan tinggi, hal ini dibuktikan dengan 50% dari masing – masing kelas mendapatkan skor klasifikasi tinggi. Perolehan klasifikasi tersebut diperoleh oleh 18 siswa kelas VII dari 30 siswa, 21 siswa kelas VIII dari 29 siswa, dan 16 siswa kelas IX dari 24 siswa. Untuk mempertahankan keutuhan dalam berpikir, dalam pemahaman bencana, maka harus melalui cara bepikir dan bertindak dalam ORID (Objektive, Reflektive, Interpretative dan Decision). Berdasarkan analisis deskriptif, materi pembelajaran yang dibutuhkan siswa yaitu Pengetahuan Resiko Bencana. Materi pemelajaran tambahannya yaitu Simulasi saat terjadi Bencana Alam

    Reduksi Volume Dan Pengarangan Kotoran Sapi Dengan Metode Pirolisis

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    The study was conducted to determine the change of mass, the shrinking volume and the heating value of char of cow dung induced by slow pyrolysis. The char produced by pyrolysis can be used as an alternative solid fuels. Besides, it can be a biochar as a mixture of biomaterial having a high-value materials. It due to the char has a high content of Carbon. In this experiment, the heating value of char was examined by using bomb calorimeter. The temperature pyrolysis was varied from 100°C to 500°C. Before the pyrolysis process, the feedstock was pulverized to a particle size of about 0.7 mm, and then it dried in the oven to have a moisture content up to 4%. The pyrolisis was conducted at varied temperatures and different heating rates from 0.13°C /sec to 0.29°C /sec.The results showed that the reduction of the cow dung volume performed significantly by the way of slow pyrolysis. The most reduced volume of cow dung occured very significant at the highest pyrolysis temperature, reaching 60% at 500°C. On the other hand, the heating rate variation did not influence in yield reduction, but it has an effect on the result of heating value of char. The results also indicated that the optimal of heating rate occured at 0.13°C/sec to 0.16°C/sec. In the visualization of the solid yield pyrolysis products, as higher pyrolysis temperature, as darker color of the char. It was shown the Carbon content in the char


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    Saat ini penyakit diabetes sudah dikenal oleh masyarakat karena keganasannya jika sudah menginfeksi manusia. Penyakit ini muncul ditandai dengan adanya gangguan sistem metabolisme dalam tubuh yang disebabkan dari faktor keturunan atau konsumsi gula yang berlebihan. Penderita Diabetes Melitus (DM) tingkat lanjut perlu untuk mengontrol kesehatannya secara rutin, termasuk mengontrol konsumsi kalori harian. Ada 4 faktor atau variabel yang mempengaruhi dalam penentuan kalori penderita DM yaitu usia, tinggi badan, berat badan, dan aktivitas. Dalam menentukan nilai variabel biasanya tidak menggunakan nilai absolute 0 atau 1, sehingga sering menimbulkan ketidakpastian dalam mengambil keputusan. Logika fuzzy dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan ketidakpastian penyebab dari suatu masalah, sehingga dapat diambil suatu kesimpulan yang pasti. Logika fuzzy banyak digunakan karena diantaranya memiliki toleransi terhadap data-data yang tidak tepat/pasti. Permasalahan yang terjadi jika hanya menggunakan model Mamdani, yaitu tidak ada pengelompokan data untuk proses pembelajaran sistem yang menghasilkan knowledge base. Logika fuzzy juga mengenal dengan istilah Clustering. Clustering merupakan proses pengelompokan data dalam kelaskelas sehingga data dalam suatu cluster memiliki tingkat persamaan yang tinggi satu dengan lainnya. Ada banyak metode clustering salah satunya fuzzy c-means clustering. Metode fuzzy c-means clustering digunakan untuk menentukan jumlah fungsi keanggotan masing – masing atribut. Jumlah cluster optimal yang dihasilkan fuzzy c-means clustering ditentukan dengan uji validitas index Xie Beni masing – masing atribut. Hasil uji validitas cluster tersebut menjadi dasar untuk menetapkan jumlah fungsi keanggotaan masing – masing atribut, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan melakukan perhitungan dengan model Mamdani. Berdasarkan hasil uji validitas sistem menggunakan Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) diperoleh akurasi sekitar 91.81%

    Aplikasi Game Mewarnai dengan Macromedia Flash 8

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    Scientific writing is about the making of Game edutaintment.yang intended forchildren age play group, kindergarten and elementary school children in grade 1,many included images that allows users colored objects in coloredgambar.Game consists of two core components. The first component is thechoice of colors, usually displayed with the color blocks and objects whichbecome targets coloring and added sound notification on every color. Incompleting this writing, the author approached by reading books, articles andbrowse the Internet to get as much information so it can be used to solve theproblem in this writing

    Sistem Pakar untuk Mendeteksi Penyakit Jantung Koroner Menggunakan Fuzzy-mamdani

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    Expert system is a system basic computerize which use knowledge, fact, and intellectual activity to solve problem as usually can be solve by an expert on that field. Application of fuzzy – Mamdani method on expert system purpose to explain expert knowledge on not absolute, not complete and so complicated field. One of expert system application is to detect heart coronary disease. Heart coronary disease is the first killer in Indonesia. The number of patients is so many maked the role of medical personnel often have limitation in detecting heart coronary disease. In this final paper has been made expert system application program in detecting heart coronary disease by fuzzy – Mamdani. Risk factors that influence heart coronary disease are age, LDL, total cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, sistolik blood pressure, and diastolik blood pressure. Based on that risk factors will be obtained output which is risk percentage a person who is infected heart coronary disease
