316 research outputs found

    Cd localisation and speciation in a contaminated sediment and in the Znand Cd hyperaccumulating plant Arabidopsis halleri

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    International audienceThe purpose of this work was to characterise the chemical speciation of Cd in a Zn- and Cd-contaminated dredged sediment subjected to a phytoremediation treatment with the hyperaccumulator plant Arabidopsis halleri

    Localization and chemical forms of cadmium in plant samples by combining analytical electron microscopy and X-ray spectromicroscopy

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    International audienceCadmium (Cd) is a metal of high toxicity for plants. Resolving its distribution and speciation in plants is essential for understanding the mechanisms involved in Cd tolerance, trafficking and accumulation. The model plant Arabidopsis thaliana was exposed to cadmium under controlled conditions. Elemental distributions in the roots and in the leaves were determined using scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (SEM-EDX), and synchrotron-based micro X-ray fluorescence (ÎŒ-XRF), which offers a better sensitivity. The chemical form(s) of cadmium was investigated using Cd LIII-edge (3538 eV) micro X-ray absorption near edge structure (ÎŒ-XANES) spectroscopy. Plant ÎŒ-XANES spectra were fitted by linear combination of Cd reference spectra. Biological sample preparation and conditioning is a critical point because of possible artifacts. In this work we compared freeze-dried samples analyzed at ambient temperature and frozen hydrated samples analyzed at −170 °C. Our results suggest that in the roots Cd is localized in vascular bundles, and coordinated to S ligands. In the leaves, trichomes (epidermal hairs) represent the main compartment of Cd accumulation. In these specialized cells, ÎŒ-XANES results show that the majority of Cd is bound to O/N ligands likely provided by the cell wall, and a minor fraction could be bound to S-containing ligands. No significant difference in Cd speciation was observed between freeze-dried and frozen hydrated samples. This work illustrates the interest and the sensitivity of Cd LIII-edge XANES spectroscopy, which is applied here for the first time to plant samples. Combining ÎŒ-XRF and Cd LIII-edge ÎŒ-XANES spectroscopy offers promising tools to study Cd storage and trafficking mechanisms in plants and other biological samples

    Fate of cadmium in the rhizosphere of Arabidopsis halleri grown in a contaminated dredged sediment

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    International audienceIn regions impacted by mining and smelting activities, dredged sediments are often contaminated with metals. Phytotechnologies could be used for their management, but more knowledge on the speciation of metals in the sediment and on their fate after colonization by plant roots is needed. This work was focused on a Zn, Cd-contaminated contaminated dredged sediment from the Scarpe river (North of France). Zn, Cd hyperaccumulating plants Arabidopsis halleri from metallicolous and non metallicolous origin were grown on the sediment for five months in a pot experiment. The nature and extent of the modifications in Cd speciation with or without plant were determined by electron microscopy, micro X-ray fluorescence and bulk and micro X-ray absorption spectroscopy. In addition, changes in Cd exchangeable and bioavailable pools were evaluated, and Cd content in leachates was measured. Finally, Cd plant uptake and plant growth parameters were monitored. In the original sediment, Cd was present as a mixed Zn, Cd, Fe sulfide. After five months, although pots still contained reduced sulfur, Cd-bearing sulfides were totally oxidized in vegetated pots, whereas a minor fraction (8%) was still present in non vegetated ones. Secondary species included Cd bound to O-containing groups of organic matter and Cd phosphates. Cd exchangeability and bioavailability were relatively low and did not increase during changes in Cd speciation, suggesting that Cd released by sulfide oxidation was readily taken up with strong interactions with organic matter and phosphate ligands. Thus, the composition of the sediment, the oxic conditions and the rhizospheric activity (regardless of the plant origin) created favourable conditions for Cd stabilization. However, it should be kept in mind that returning to anoxic conditions may change Cd speciation, so the species formed cannot be considered as stable on the long term

    Is phytoextraction a suitable green treatment for metal-contaminated sediments ?

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    International audienceThe cleaning of waterways by regular dredging generates great volumes of sediments and, owing to human activities, these sediments often contain large amounts of metals. These materials are usually spread on landfill sites. Phytoremediation could be a stategy for the reclamation of these polluted sediments. To our knowledge, phytoextraction with hyperaccumulating plants has been few tested on contaminated sediment. This work focuses on the mechanisms of Cd accumulation in Arabidopsis halleri, a Cd and Zn hyperaccumulator, and the effects of this species on a metal polluted sediment

    Zinc distribution and speciation in Arabidopsis halleri x Arabidopsis lyrata progenies presenting various zinc accumulation capacities

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    The definitive version is available at http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/loi/nphInternational audienceThe purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the chemical form and localization of zinc (Zn) in plant leaves and their Zn accumulation capacity. * An interspecific cross between Arabidopsis halleri sp. halleri and Arabidopsis lyrata sp. petrea segregating for Zn accumulation was used. Zinc (Zn) speciation and Zn distribution in the leaves of the parent plants and of selected F1 and F2 progenies were investigated by spectroscopic and microscopic techniques and chemical analyses. * A correlation was observed between the proportion of Zn being in octahedral coordination complexed to organic acids and free in solution (Zn-OAs + Znaq) and Zn content in the leaves. This pool varied between 40% and 80% of total leaf Zn depending on the plant studied. Elemental mapping of the leaves revealed different Zn partitioning between the veins and the leaf tissue. The vein : tissue fluorescence ratio was negatively correlated with Zn accumulation. * The higher proportion of Zn-OAs + Znaq and the depletion of the veins in the stronger accumulators are attributed to a higher xylem unloading and vacuolar sequestration in the leaf cells. Elemental distributions in the trichomes were also investigated, and results support the role of carboxyl and ⁄ or hydroxyl groups as major Zn ligands in these cells

    Pelizaeus-Merzbacher-Like disease presentation of MCT8 mutated male subjects.

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    Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease is an X-linked hypomyelinatiing leukodystrophy. We report mutations in the thyroid hormone transporter gene MCT8 in 11% of 53 families affected by hypomyelinating leukodystrophies of unknown aetiology. The 12 MCT8 mutated patients express initially a Pelizaeus-Merzbacher-Like disease phenotype with a latter unusual improvement of magnetic resonance imaging white matter signal despite absence of clinical progression. This observation underlines the interest of determining both free T3 and free T4 serum concentrations to screen for MCT8 mutations in young patients (<3 y) with a severe Pelizaeus-Merzbacher-Like disease presentation or older severe mentally retarded male patients with "hypomyelinated" regions

    DĂ©veloppement d’un procĂ©dĂ© de revĂȘtement zinc-Nickel rĂ©pondant aux exigences du secteur aĂ©ronautique

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    La sociĂ©tĂ© MECAPROTEC Industries en collaboration avec les laboratoires CIRIMAT et ELECTRODEP, dĂ©veloppe un procĂ©dĂ© de dĂ©pĂŽt ZnNi rĂ©pondant aux exigences du secteur aĂ©ronautique, en vue de la substitution du cadmiage Ă©lectrolytique. Ces exigences, diffĂ©rentes de celles du secteur automobile, imposent de nouveaux critĂšres de choix qui viennent s’ajouter Ă  celui du comportement en corrosion. Ainsi, pour des piĂšces en aciers Ă  haute rĂ©sistance mĂ©canique, les procĂ©dĂ©s Ă©lectrolytiques peuvent ĂȘtre Ă  l’origine d’une fragilisation des piĂšces par occlusion d’hydrogĂšne. Il est donc indispensable pour le dĂ©veloppement de ce nouveau procĂ©dĂ© et son application Ă  des ensembles aĂ©ronautiques, d’évaluer ce risque Ă  partir d’essais normalisĂ©s et d’y remĂ©dier. De plus, dans le cas d'applications sur des assemblages vissĂ©s, les caractĂ©ristiques tribologiques des alliages ZnNi devront ĂȘtre adaptĂ©es afin d’éviter les risques de grippage. Du point de vue anticorrosion, un post-traitement de finition par chromatation est souvent utilisĂ© pour accroĂźtre les performances des revĂȘtements cadmiĂ©s. Dans le cas des revĂȘtements ZnNi, il conviendra bien sĂ»r d’atteindre des performances identiques en utilisant un traitement de finition sans chromate. C’est ce que nous tentons de faire en dĂ©veloppant un procĂ©dĂ© de finition par voie sol-gel. Pour rendre compatible le procĂ©dĂ© ZnNi avec toutes ou partie de ces contraintes, des recherches amonts sont rĂ©alisĂ©es en parallĂšle des nvestigations industrielles. Le but est de tendre vers une maĂźtrise complĂšte du procĂ©dĂ© et pour cela, de rechercher quels sont les paramĂštres opĂ©ratoires qui conditionnent les aractĂ©ristiques des dĂ©pĂŽts afin d’adapter celles-ci, Ă  celles imposĂ©es par les exigences aĂ©ronautiques

    Hierarchical structures of anodised cold gas sprayed titanium coatings

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    Three different surface treatments on a Ti6Al4V alloy have been in vitro tested for possible application in cementless joint prosthesis; all of them involve the novelty of using the Cold Spray technology for their deposition: (i) an as-sprayed highly rough titanium and, followed by the deposition of a thin hydroxyapatite layer with (ii) microcrystalline or (iii) nanocrystalline structure. Primary human osteoblasts extracted from knee were seeded onto surfaces and cell viability using MTS and LIFE/DEAD assays, osteoblasts differentiation by alkaline phosphatase (ALP) quantification as well as cell morphology were tested at 1, 7 and 14 days of cell culture. Different cell morphologies between titanium and hydroxyapatite surfaces were exhibited; at 1 day of cell culture, cells on the titanium coating were spread and flattened, expanding the filopodia actin filaments in all directions, while cells on the hydroxyapatite coatings showed round like-shape morphology due to a slower attachment. Higher cell viability was detected at all times of cell culture on titanium coating due to a better attachment at 1 day. However, from 7 days of cell culture, cells on hydroxyapatite showed good attachment onto surfaces and highly increased their proliferation, mostly on nanocrystalline, achieving similar cell viability levels than titanium coatings. ALP levels were significantly higher in titanium, in part, because of greatest cell number. Overall, the best cell functional results were obtained on titanium coatings whereas microcrystalline hydroxyapatite presented the worst cellular parameters. However, results indicate that nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite coatings may achieve promising results for the faster cell proliferation once cells are attached on the surface

    In-vitro study of hierarchical structures: Anodic oxidation and alkaline treatments onto highly rough titanium cold spray coatings for biomedical applications

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    Hierarchical structures were obtained applying two different nanotexturing surface treatments onto highly rough commercial pure titanium coatings by cold spray: (i) anodic oxidation and (ii) alkaline treatments. An extended surface characterization in terms of topography, composition, and wettability has been performed to understand how those parameters affect to cell response. Primary human osteoblasts extracted from knee were seeded onto the as-sprayed titanium surface before and after the nanotexturing treatments. Cell viability was tested by using MTS and LIVE/DEAD assays, as well as osteoblasts differentiation by alkaline phosphatase (ALP) quantification at 3 and 10 days of cell culture. The combination of micro-/nano-roughness results in a significantly increase of cell proliferation, as well as cell differentiation after 10 days of cell culture in comparison with the non-treated coatings

    Self-Assembling Peptide Nanofiber Scaffolds Accelerate Wound Healing

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    Cutaneous wound repair regenerates skin integrity, but a chronic failure to heal results in compromised tissue function and increased morbidity. To address this, we have used an integrated approach, using nanobiotechnology to augment the rate of wound reepithelialization by combining self-assembling peptide (SAP) nanofiber scaffold and Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF). This SAP bioscaffold was tested in a bioengineered Human Skin Equivalent (HSE) tissue model that enabled wound reepithelialization to be monitored in a tissue that recapitulates molecular and cellular mechanisms of repair known to occur in human skin. We found that SAP underwent molecular self-assembly to form unique 3D structures that stably covered the surface of the wound, suggesting that this scaffold may serve as a viable wound dressing. We measured the rates of release of EGF from the SAP scaffold and determined that EGF was only released when the scaffold was in direct contact with the HSE. By measuring the length of the epithelial tongue during wound reepithelialization, we found that SAP scaffolds containing EGF accelerated the rate of wound coverage by 5 fold when compared to controls without scaffolds and by 3.5 fold when compared to the scaffold without EGF. In conclusion, our experiments demonstrated that biomaterials composed of a biofunctionalized peptidic scaffold have many properties that are well-suited for the treatment of cutaneous wounds including wound coverage, functionalization with bioactive molecules, localized growth factor release and activation of wound repair
