928 research outputs found

    Integrated competency-based assessment and certification in vocational high school in Indonesia

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    The objective of this research is to find a model of Integrated Competency-Based Assessment (ICBA) and certification that is appropriate for implementation in Vocational High School (VHS). The model is a test of competence that is combined with a learning and assessment process. This study used research and development established by Gall et al. The results of this research found that the model of ICBA and certification was feasible for implementation in VHS. The model was created through the aspects of developing competency standards and competency-based training development in work practices. The competency standard was developed through setting standards of competence and suitability needed for the job. The development of vocational learning is achieved through the professionalism of the teacher, the development of learning resources and learning models, evaluation models, and the reporting of learning outcomes in the form of a skills passport. Developing a competency-based assessment was done in the context of the examination system by working on real jobs

    JAK2 V617F Analysis in Indonesian Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Patients

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    Background : Three subtypes of myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs): Polycythemia vera (PV), essential thrombocythemia (ET), and primary myelofibrosis (PMF) showed overlapping phenotype. There has been no specific cytogenetic marker identified in these subtypes. JAK2 V617F mutation prevalence in Caucasian MPNs was first reported as 97% in PV, 57% in ET, and 50% in PMF.Objective: This study was done to define the prevalence of JAK2 V617F mutation and to identify cytogenetic markers in MPNs.Methods : The study design was cross-sectional. Patients who were admitted to Dr. Kariadi Hospital with clinical diagnosis of MPNs were referred for bone marrow cytogenetic analysis in Telogorejo Hospital. JAK2 V617F mutation was tested for using Amplification Refractory Mutation System Polymerase Chain Reaction (ARMS-PCR) from peripheral blood vein. Clinical data were secondary data retrieved from hospital medical records.Results : There was no cytogenetic abnormality found in all MPNs patients. The prevalence of JAK2 V617F mutation in MPNs patients was 73,68%. Mutation prevalence distribution in each subtypes were 100% in PV, 63,6% in ET and 100% in PMF. Conclusion : Chromosomal abnormality was not found using conventional cytogenetic analysis. More sensitive methods might elucidate submicroscopic chromosomal abnormalities in these patients. The prevalence of JAK2 V617F mutation was comparable with studies in Caucasian. It is recommended that JAK2 V617F testing should be incorporated in the management therapy of MPNs in Indonesia

    Hypocenter Distribution of Low Frequency Event at Papandayan Volcano

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    Papandayan volcano is a stratovolcano with irregular cone-shaped has eight craters around the peak. The most active crater in Papandayan is a Mas crater. Distribution of relocated event calculated using Geiger Adaptive Damping Algorithm (GAD) shows that the epicenter of the event centered below Mas crater with maximum rms 0.114. While depth of the hypocenter range between 0-2 km and 5-6 km due to activity of steam and gas

    Propulsi Kapal dalam Tinjauan Uji Model

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    Daya tahanan kapal berhubungan dengan daya mesin yang dibutuhkan suatu kapal untuk mencapai kecepatan yang diinginkan. Sehingga prediksi tahanan kapal sangatlah penting untuk dilakukan sebelum kapal tersebut dibangun. Setelah dilakukan prediksi tahanan kapal maka perlu diprediksi kebutuhan daya mesin atau prediksi powering, Di Laboratorium Hidrodinamika hal ini dilakukan dengan pengujian self propulsion test. Pada uji ini akan diketahui interaksi antara bentuk badan kapal dan desain propeller yang terpasang. Dengan memvariasikan variabel pengujian maka akan diketahui tenaga mesin yang optimum dari kecepatan kapal yang direncanakan serta diketahuinya efektifitas desain propeller yang akan terpasang di kapal. Pada tulisan ini disajikan tentang uraian penentuan tenaga mesin pada sebuah kapal melalui uji model

    Pemanfaatan citra ikonos dan foto udara untuk identifikasi sebaran kualitas parameter arsitektur kota kasus kawasan UGM dan Sagan=The use of Ikonos image dan aerial photo to identity the quality of urban arhitecture para

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    ABSTRACT: This research aims is to compare the effectiveness of aerial photo scaled to 1 : 13.000 and IKONOS image with 1 meter resolution in acquired information on Urban Architectural design aspects and to see how far the acquired information can be analyzed spatially to find out the architectural quality in urban area. The result of this research is also expected to answer the capability of IKONOS image and to be able to give the comparison between aerial photo scaled to 1 : 13.000 in preparing urban data for Architectural Design Studies. The research method used is the case study method with two research phases. The fisrt phase of this research was done by comparing the capability of both remote sensing images in acquiring urban phenomenon especially Urban Architectural Design aspects such as building structure, road formation, as well as public open spaces that influence the surrounding areas. The second phase of this research was to derive all the urban information collected from the first phase into thematic maps. These maps were then analyzed spatially by using Geographical Information System (GIS) to find the quality of urban architectural distribution. The comparative result of aerial photo 1 : 13.000 scale and IKONOS image show the pre eminence of aerial photo to IKONOS image. Nevertheless, the sensivity of IKONOS images in acquiring the information under observation did not greatly affect its ability in acquiring the information on the objects of Urban Architectural Design aspects. This is because the IKONOS image spatial resolution has better detailed measurement compared with urban objects that become the aspects of Urban Architectural Design. In this research, spatial data analysis acquired from the two remote sensing images has proven their effectiveness to show the quality of architectural distribution in the two urban districts areas where the research was located Keywords : urban architectural design, IKONOS image, aerial phot

    Risks for Peripheral Arterial Disease in the Elderly with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus : Their Correlation with High Sensitivity C-reactive Protein and Ankle-brachial Index

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    The Indonesian elderly population has been projected to increase up to about four-fold inthree decades (1990-2020). As a consequence of this population trend, the increased prevalence ofdegenerative diseases would be inevitable; this would include the prevalence of peripheral arterialdisease.This study aims to identify the correlation of diverse risk factors, either traditional or nontraditional,with the ankle-brachial index scores, and the correlation of novel non-traditional riskfactor, e.i. high sensitive C-reactive protein with the prevalence of perioheral arterial disease in theelderly, age 60-80 years old, with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Among the 146 elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, and based on measurement ofthe ABI score, approximately 30.9% of them had PAD. Some traditional and non-traditional riskfactors having a significant correlation with the ankle-brachial index score, were age (r = -0.396, p <0.001 for right ABI; r = -0.509, p < 0.001 for left ABI), supine systolic blood pressure (r= -0.268, p =0.012 for right ABI; r = -0.267, p = 0.013 for left ABI), 2-hour post-prandial blood glucose (r= -0.252, p = 0.018 for right ABI), and hsCRP (r = -0.280, p = 0.011 for right ABI; r = -0.402, p <0.001 for left ABI); whereas other risk factors like obesity based on waist circumference and BMI,non-supine systolic blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, HbA1C, duration of diabetes, plasma lipidsdid not show statistically significant different odd ratios. After linear regression test for risk factorshaving significant correlations with ABI, age and hsCRP were found to influence the ABI scores.Based on a case-control study, risk factors which, to some extent, had statistically significant valuesas risk factors, include older age (? 70 years old; OR = 7.737 [CI = 2.515-23.805]; p < 0.001),relatively high supine diastolic blood pressure (? 90 mmHg; OR = 6.882 [CI = 0.789-60.060]; p =0.048), and high concentration of hsCRP (> 3 mg/L; OR = 4.420 [CI = 1.287-15.181]; p = 0.013).Among these statistically significant risk factors, after logistic regression test analysis, only the age ofthe patient appeared to have significant influence on the prevalence of PAD.In conclusion, this study demonstrates a negative correlation between hsCRP and ABI score;and high levels of hsCRP appeared to be a risk factor for PAD. The age of the patient, however,appeared to be the strongest risk factor for PAD

    Nilai Budi Pekerti Melalui Tembang Dolanan Anak

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempertahankan kembali tembang dolanan anak-anak di Desa Srimulyo dan permainannya yang kini telah dilupakan dan banyak yang tidak diketahui oleh anak-anak di desa tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tembang dolanan memiliki nilai karakter yang sangat penting dalam menumbuhkan karakter percaya diri, mandiri, bertanggung jawab dan beberapa karakter yang perlu dibentuk pada anak. Pentingnya tembang dolanan yang merupakan warisan budaya di pertahankan hingga kini yaitu nilai pendidikan yang terkandung di dalamnya yang mengajarkan anak-anak agar memliki nilai budi pekerti, nilai keagamaan, nilai sosial, dan nilai budaya yang baik.  Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif yang bersifat kualitatif. Instrumen pada penelitian ini  adalah penelitian secara individu, pengumpulan data, dan wawancara dengan narasumber. Dari hasil perolehan data dilapangan ada beberapa tembang dolanan anak-anak yang dari setiap baitnya memiliki makna dan nilai pendidikan yang berbeda-beda serta mengajarkan tentang nilai budi pekerti, nilai religius, nilai budaya dan nilai sosial yang dapat diketahui dari menganalis makna pada tembang dolanan anak-anak

    Kajian manfaat pemberian makanan tambahan terhadap antropometri, gambaran darah, dan parasit usus murid sekolah dasar

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    ABSTRACT Christin M. Santosa, Marwito Wiyanto - The Effect of Food Supplementation Program on Anthropometry, Hematology, and Parasites of Primary School Children Background: Food supplementation is problem solving efforts during multidimensional crisis. Objectives: This research was carried to evaluate further the advantages of the food supplementation in the primary school children towards their physical development and health status. Methods: Students with completely participation on these research and their parents agreed to informed consent were taken as inclusion criteria. The subjects of this experiment were sixth grade school children and divided into 2 groups i.e 25 control and 31 treated groups. The treatment group was given food supplementation consisting of one boiled egg and one glass of green-peas porridge (220 ml) each, three times a week for 10 weeks, whereas the control group was not given any. Observations were carried out five times: at 0, 3, 7, 10, and 13 weeks. The results were analized by the Student-t test. Results: The results showed significant increases in body weights (p0.05) between control and treatment groups neither for the boys nor girls. And until the last week faeces samples, it is never detected the situation where it is free from worm investation and protozoa infection either for control or treatment group. Conclusion: The food supplementation was apparently adequate to meet the optimal caloric and proteins requirements of these children, so that could improve physical development and health status as shown by the increased anthropometric measurements, decreasing parasite infection and steady hematological picture. Key words: food supplementation - anthropometry - hematology - parasites - primary school childre
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