866 research outputs found

    Then You Fall Off : Youth Experiences and Responses to Transitioning to Homelessness

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    Introduction: This study aims to broaden our understanding of the experience of homelessness and unstable housing in youth. While quantitative research highlights risk factors associated with experiencing homelessness as a youth, little qualitative research has been conducted to explore the lived experience of this transition to homelessness or unstable housing and how youth respond to becoming homeless. This study utilizes data from youth descriptions of their experiences to understand the context of the transition to homelessness and how youth manage this transition. Methods: A qualitative study with a quantitative component was conducted with a nonprobability sample of homeless youth aged 14-24 recruited from shelters, drop-in centers, and magnet events in a large urban area in the Southwest. Four qualitative researchers used content analysis to assess themes that emerged related to transitions to homelessness. Results: A predominately minority (88%) sample of sheltered (67%) and unsheltered (33%) youth (n=64) described their experience of and responses to transitioning to homelessness. Three main themes emerged relating to transitioning to homelessness; family homelessness, histories of foster care, and non-supportive family processes. Youth described how these experiences manifested and influenced their transition into homelessness. In response to homelessness three dominant themes emerged; self-reliance, hope, and resilience. Discussion: The data highlight the unique issues of homeless youth and how they respond to circumstantial challenges. While homeless youth experience lifetime adversities that lead to homelessness, they respond to these circumstantial challenges with self-reliance, hope, and maintaining resilience. Interventions aiming to facilitate health behaviors and improve self-sufficiency in homeless youth should tap into these positive responses to improve self-care strategies, service utilization, and help homeless youth reduce risk behaviors

    High-velocity hot CO emission close to Sgr A*: Herschel/HIFI submillimeter spectral survey toward Sgr A*

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    The properties of molecular gas, the fuel that forms stars, inside the cavity of the circumnuclear disk (CND) are not well constrained. We present results of a velocity-resolved submillimeter scan (~480 to 1250 GHz}) and [CII]158um line observations carried out with Herschel/HIFI toward Sgr A*; these results are complemented by a ~2'x2' CO (J=3-2) map taken with the IRAM 30 m telescope at ~7'' resolution. We report the presence of high positive-velocity emission (up to about +300 km/s) detected in the wings of CO J=5-4 to 10-9 lines. This wing component is also seen in H2O (1_{1,0}-1_{0,1}) a tracer of hot molecular gas; in [CII]158um, an unambiguous tracer of UV radiation; but not in [CI]492,806 GHz. This first measurement of the high-velocity CO rotational ladder toward Sgr A* adds more evidence that hot molecular gas exists inside the cavity of the CND, relatively close to the supermassive black hole (< 1 pc). Observed by ALMA, this velocity range appears as a collection of CO (J=3-2) cloudlets lying in a very harsh environment that is pervaded by intense UV radiation fields, shocks, and affected by strong gravitational shears. We constrain the physical conditions of the high positive-velocity CO gas component by comparing with non-LTE excitation and radiative transfer models. We infer T_k~400 K to 2000 K for n_H~(0.2-1.0)x10^5 cm^-3. These results point toward the important role of stellar UV radiation, but we show that radiative heating alone cannot explain the excitation of this ~10-60 M_Sun component of hot molecular gas inside the central cavity. Instead, strongly irradiated shocks are promising candidates.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letters ( this v2 includes corrections by language editor

    Heat Sensing Receptor TRPV1 Is a Mediator of Thermotaxis in Human Spermatozoa

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    The molecular bases of sperm thermotaxis, the temperature-oriented cell motility, are currently under investigation. Thermal perception relies on a subclass of the transient receptor potential [TRP] channels, whose member TRPV1 is acknowledged as the heat sensing receptor. Here we investigated the involvement of TRPV1 in human sperm thermotaxis. We obtained semen samples from 16 normozoospermic subjects attending an infertility survey programme, testis biopsies from 6 patients with testicular germ cell cancer and testis fine needle aspirates from 6 patients with obstructive azoospermia undergoing assisted reproductive technologies. Expression of TRPV1 mRNA was assessed by RT-PCR. Protein expression of TRPV1 was determined by western blot, flow cytometry and immunofluorescence. Sperm motility was assessed by Sperm Class Analyser. Acrosome reaction, apoptosis and intracellular-Ca2+ content were assessed by flow cytometry. We found that TRPV1 mRNA and protein were highly expressed in the testis, in both Sertoli cells and germ-line cells. Moreover, compared to no-gradient controls at 31°C or 37°C (Ctrl 31°C and Ctrl 37°C respectively), sperm migration towards a temperature gradient of 31-37°C (T gradient) in non-capacitated conditions selected a higher number of cells (14,9 ± 4,2×106 cells T gradient vs 5,1± 0,3×106 cells Ctrl 31°C and 5,71±0,74×106 cells Ctrl 37°C; P = 0,039). Capacitation amplified the migrating capability towards the T gradient. Sperms migrated towards the T gradient showed enriched levels of both TRPV1 protein and mRNA. In addition, sperm cells were able to migrate toward a gradient of capsaicin, a specific agonist of TRPV1, whilst capsazepine, a specific agonist of TRPV1, blocked this effect. Finally, capsazepine severely blunted migration towards T gradient without abolishing. These results suggest that TRPV1 may represent a facilitating mediator of sperm thermotaxis

    Palynological study of the pollen grain of i>Vitis vinifera L. cultivars. Some aspects of sculpturing and pollination

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    Scanning electron microscope analysis of pollen grains of 21 clones from 8 cultivars of Vitis vinifera L. has revealed no marked differences between them, except for some cultivars with heteropolar grains, and cultivars Jaen from Toledo and Tinto Fino from Madrid, which were small. Some details of pollen grain ornamentation and pollination are discussed

    Avaliação da adesão do paciente ao tratamento de doenças crônicas: diferenciando as abordagens epidemiológica e clínica

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    This review discusses the concepts and methods for assessing patient adherence to treatment, as applied to both epidemiological and clinical approaches within real health care practices. For the epidemiological approach, the assessment must be as accurate as possible. Self-reported questionnaires are the most feasible option in most circumstances, but most demonstrate low sensitivity combined with high specificity. We suggest that self-reported outcomes, where feasible, can increase the sensitivity for non-adherence of these questionnaires. In the clinical approach an accurate distinction between adherents and non-adherents is less useful. For the health provider, it is more important to be aware of the particular situation that each patient is currently experiencing with his/her treatment. Self-reported questionnaires applied in clinical settings can help the health provider to form an objective opinion. In any event, the patient-provider dialogue is still the best approach to assess patient adherence as well as to deliver good care.Esta revisão discute conceitos e métodos de avaliação da adesão do paciente ao tratamento de saúde, aplicáveis para a abordagem epidemiológica e para a abordagem clínica. Na abordagem epidemiológica, a avaliação deve ter a melhor acurácia possível. Os questionários de auto-relato são a opção mais viável na maioria dos contextos. Entretanto, a maior parte dos questionários apresenta baixa sensibilidade aliada a alta especificidade. Sugere-se que o desfecho clínico auto-relatado, quando factível, é capaz de aumentar a sensibilidade desses questionários. Para a abordagem clínica, uma acurada discriminação entre aderentes e não aderentes é pouco útil. Para o profissional de saúde, é mais importante conhecer a situação particular pela qual o paciente está, no momento, passando com seu tratamento. Questionários de auto-relato aplicados no contexto clínico podem auxiliar a melhorar a objetividade da opinião do profissional. Em qualquer caso, contudo, o diálogo paciente-profissional é ainda a melhor abordagem para avaliar a adesão, assim como para prover um bom cuidado

    Predicted VO2 on 6 minutes walk test for FAP liver transplanted patients

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    Physical function is limited post-liver transplantation and exercise training can improve exercise capacity following transplantation but previously assessment of functional capacity is necessary. The 6 minute walk test (6MWT) is routinely used for studying patient’s exercise capacity and is less expensive and time consuming than a Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (CPXT). There have been some studies looking at the relationship between 6MWT and peak VO2 in patients but few presented an adequate equation for predicted peak VO2 from 6MWT to transplanted patients and none for Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy (FAP) liver transplanted patients (FAPTx). The aim of this study was to compare the validity of 6 equations as predictors of VO2 from the 6MWT and compare it with directly measured VO2 in patients FAPTx

    Assessing the Need and Receptivity for an Integrated Healthy Sexual and Dating Relationships Intervention for Community College Students

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    Background: In emerging adulthood, youth often become involved in more serious romantic relationships. However, many lack the skills to avoid an unplanned pregnancy or sexually transmitted infection (STI), and to ensure a healthy dating relationship. Community college students serve nearly half of all undergraduate students in the United States; yet, community colleges typically lack resources for sexual health promotion. Purpose: To assess the need and receptivity for a web-based integrated healthy sexual and dating relationships intervention among community college students. Methods: In summer 2016, we partnered with three community colleges in South Central Texas to conduct an online survey of students’ sexual behaviors and dating relationships, and usability testing of activities from an integrated, web-based healthy sexual and dating relationship intervention. Results: Online survey participants (n=271) were 70% female, 38% Hispanic, 24% White, 17% Black, and 16% Asian; 20% self-identified as sexual minority; mean age was 20.8 years (SD = 2.05). Participants reported high rates of sexual risk behavior including sex without a condom or an effective birth control method, low use of long-acting reversible contraception, frequent use of emergency contraception, and low use of dual protection to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Two-thirds reported experiencing any type of dating violence perpetration or victimization in the past year. Usability testing participants (n=14) were 86% female, 42% Hispanic, 50% Asian/Pacific Islander, 14% Black, and 7% White; 71% were sexually experienced; mean age was 20.7 years (SD = 1.64). The web-based activities were highly rated in terms of usability parameters, and positively impacted short-term psychosocial outcomes related to condom use, accessing contraceptive health services, and constructive interpersonal conflict resolution. Conclusion: Findings underscore the high need and receptivity for an integrated healthy sexual and dating relationship web-based intervention among community college students, an understudied subgroup of youth in emerging adulthood

    Molecular cloning and characterisation of the RESA gene, a marker of genetic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum

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    To identity immunodiagnostic antigen genes, a Plasmodium falciparum (Dd2 clone) expression library was screened using human immune sera. The ring-infected erythrocyte surface antigen (RESA) was isolated: this antigen of the resistant clone presents repeat tandem sequences like the 3D7 clone, albeit in different numbers. RESA has been studied as a marker of genetic diversity, with different sizes being observed in different isolates and clones of Plasmodium falciparum. The native protein was localised in cultures by western-blot and immuno-transmission electron microscopy. The antigenicity of RESA was evaluated by ELISA, using the carboxy-terminal repeat region as antigen. The assay’s sensitivity and specificity were 78.2 and 94% respectively

    Deep amplicon sequencing highlights low intra-host genetic variability of Echinococcus multilocularis and high prevalence of the European-type haplotypes in coyotes and red foxes in Alberta, Canada

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    Echinococcus multilocularis (Em) is a zoonotic parasite considered a global emergent pathogen. Recent findings indicate that the parasite is expanding its range in North America (NA) and that European-type (EU) haplotypes are circulating in western Canada. However, genetic analyses are usually conducted only on a few parasites out of thousands of individuals within each definitive host, likely underestimating the prevalence of less common haplotypes. Moreover, mixed infections with several mtDNA haplotypes in the same host have been reported, but their relative abundance within the host was never estimated. We aimed to 1) estimate the frequency of co-infections of different Em haplotypes in coyotes (Canis latrans) and red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) of western Canada and their relative abundance within the definitive hosts, 2) detect less prevalent haplotypes by sampling a larger proportion of the parasite subpopulation per host, and 3) investigate differences in the distribution of Em haplotypes in these main definitive hosts; foxes and coyotes. We extracted DNA from ~10% of the worm subpopulation per host (20 foxes and 47 coyotes) and used deep amplicon sequencing (NGS technology) on four loci, targeting the most polymorphic regions from the mitochondrial genes cox1 (814 bp), nad1 (344 bp), and cob (387 bp). We detected the presence of mixed infections with multiple Em haplotypes and with different Echinococcus species including E. granulosus s.l. genotypes G8/G10, low intraspecific diversity of Em, and a higher abundance of the EU-type haplotypes in both hosts. Our results suggest a population expansion of the European over the North American strain in Alberta and a limited distribution of some European-type haplotypes. Our findings indicate that deep amplicon sequencing represents a valuable tool to characterize Em in multiple hosts, to assess the current distribution and possible origins of the European strain in North America. The potential use of next-generation sequencing technologies is particularly important to understand the patterns of geographic expansion of this parasite

    Lessons Learned From all For them: Best Practices For a Cross-Collaboration approach to Hpv Vaccination in Public Schools

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    The Community Preventive Services Task Force endorses vaccination programs in schools to increase access to vaccinations. However, implementing a school-based approach requires substantial coordination, planning, and resources. All for Them (AFT) is a multilevel, multicomponent approach to increase HPV vaccination among adolescents attending public schools in medically underserved areas in Texas. AFT comprised a social marketing campaign, school-based vaccination clinics, and school nurse continuing education. Process evaluation metrics and key informant interviews to understand experiences with AFT program implementation informed lessons learned. Lessons emerged in six domains: strong champion, school-level support, tailored and cost-effective marketing approaches, mobile provider collaboration, community presence, and crisis management. Strong support at district and school levels is vital for gaining principal and school nurse buy-in. Social marketing strategies are integral to program implementation and should be adjusted to maximize their effectiveness in motivating parents to vaccinate children against HPV, which also can be achieved through increased community presence of the project team. Preparing contingency plans and flexibility within the program can facilitate appropriate responses to provider restrictions in mobile clinics or in the event of unforeseen crises. These important lessons can offer useful guidelines for the development of prospective school-based vaccination programs