281 research outputs found

    Use of new developments on attitude control sensors for the microsatellite Flying Laptop

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    The Flying Laptop is a micro-satellite currently under development at the Institute of Space Systems, Universität Stuttgart. The primary mission objective of the Flying Laptop is technology demonstration for the future projects of the Institute of Space Systems. Several attitude sensors, either in-house developed or from external companies with no previous flight heritage, are being used. Electronic boards and mechanical housings were designed for the GPS system, the fiber-optic gyros and the magnetic torquers. The GENIUS experiment aims to increase the GPS accuracy in orbit by using an ultra stable oscillator (USO) and includes attitude determination. The C-FORS fiber optic gyro is a commercial product developed for aviation. With the Micro Advanced Stellar Compass made by the Technical University of Denmark and the Magnetometer made by Zarm-Technik new developments, so far not flown, are integrated. All attitude sensors and actuators are connected to a field programmable gate array (FPGA). This kind of onboard computer offers a more accurate timing and parallel processing of the sensors' and actuators' signals. The paper focuses on the attitude sensors and actuators and their interfaces to the on-board computer

    استراتيجية معلم اللغة العربية في التغلب على الصعوبة في قراءة اللغة العربية لدى التلاميذ للصف الثاني عشر في مدرسة العروة الوثقى بسيد ينرينغ رابانغ

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    من نتائج هذه الدراسة ، يمكن للمؤلفين الكشف عن الجهود التي بذلها المعلمون للتغلب على الصعوبات في قراءة اللغة العربية التي يواجهها طلاب الفصل الثاني عشر في معهد العروة الوثقى . وبحسبه فإن الجهود المبذولة هي اعتاد المعلم الطلاب على تعريف الطلاب بإعطاء فقرات باللغة العربية ليتم قراءتها بدورها أمام الفصل. الطلاب الذين يتم الكشف عنهم لا يزالون يتعلمون في قراءة اللغة العربية ، وسوف تتم متابعتهم مرة أخرى للتقييم

    Autonomous, In-Flight Crew Health Risk Management for Exploration-Class Missions: Leveraging the Integrated Medical Model for the Exploration Medical System Demonstration Project

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    The Integrated Medical Model (IMM) captures organizational knowledge across the space medicine, training, operations, engineering, and research domains. IMM uses this knowledge in the context of a mission and crew profile to forecast risks to crew health and mission success. The IMM establishes a quantified, statistical relationship among medical conditions, risk factors, available medical resources, and crew health and mission outcomes. These relationships may provide an appropriate foundation for developing an in-flight medical decision support tool that helps optimize the use of medical resources and assists in overall crew health management by an autonomous crew with extremely limited interactions with ground support personnel and no chance of resupply

    The Integrated Medical Model: Statistical Forecasting of Risks to Crew Health and Mission Success

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    The Integrated Medical Model (IMM) helps capture and use organizational knowledge across the space medicine, training, operations, engineering, and research domains. The IMM uses this domain knowledge in the context of a mission and crew profile to forecast crew health and mission success risks. The IMM is most helpful in comparing the risk of two or more mission profiles, not as a tool for predicting absolute risk. The process of building the IMM adheres to Probability Risk Assessment (PRA) techniques described in NASA Procedural Requirement (NPR) 8705.5, and uses current evidence-based information to establish a defensible position for making decisions that help ensure crew health and mission success. The IMM quantitatively describes the following input parameters: 1) medical conditions and likelihood, 2) mission duration, 3) vehicle environment, 4) crew attributes (e.g. age, sex), 5) crew activities (e.g. EVA's, Lunar excursions), 6) diagnosis and treatment protocols (e.g. medical equipment, consumables pharmaceuticals), and 7) Crew Medical Officer (CMO) training effectiveness. It is worth reiterating that the IMM uses the data sets above as inputs. Many other risk management efforts stop at determining only likelihood. The IMM is unique in that it models not only likelihood, but risk mitigations, as well as subsequent clinical outcomes based on those mitigations. Once the mathematical relationships among the above parameters are established, the IMM uses a Monte Carlo simulation technique (a random sampling of the inputs as described by their statistical distribution) to determine the probable outcomes. Because the IMM is a stochastic model (i.e. the input parameters are represented by various statistical distributions depending on the data type), when the mission is simulated 10-50,000 times with a given set of medical capabilities (risk mitigations), a prediction of the most probable outcomes can be generated. For each mission, the IMM tracks which conditions occurred and decrements the pharmaceuticals and supplies required to diagnose and treat these medical conditions. If supplies are depleted, then the medical condition goes untreated, and crew and mission risk increase. The IMM currently models approximately 30 medical conditions. By the end of FY2008, the IMM will be modeling over 100 medical conditions, approximately 60 of which have been recorded to have occurred during short and long space missions

    Röntgentiefenlithographie an ANKA

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    Effects of aluminium chloride on some essential elements in pregnant rats and their offspring

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    Le but de notre étude est d’établir une relation de causalité entre l’injection intrapéritonéale d’AlCl3 et les variations plasmatiques et tissulaires des teneurs en calcium, magnésium, cuivre, zinc, phosphore et fer chez les rates gestantes et leurs foetus. Les rates gestantes sont injectées du 9ème au 13ème jour de la gestation par différentes doses d’AlCl3 (50, 100 et 200 mg/kg.j). Les éléments essentiels sont analysés dans le sang, les reins, le foie et l’intestin des animaux par spectrophotométrie d’absorption atomique. Les résultats montrent, après traitement par AlCl3, une augmentation des concentrations en calcium, fer et phosphore hépatique, aussi bien qu’en fer et phosphore au niveau rénal, et une diminution des concentrations en magnésium rénal et intestinal, en zinc hépatique, en cuivre hépatique et rénal, et en fer intestinal chez les rates gestantes et surtout pour les fortes doses. On a aussi noté une augmentation des concentrations en calcium, en phosphore et en zinc dans le plasma des rates gestantes et une diminution dans la concentration en magnésium dans le plasma des rates gestantes et leurs foetus pour les doses élevées d’AlCl3. Ces résultats prouvent que le passage de l’aluminium aux foetus suite au traitement des mères cause des perturbations dans le métabolisme des éléments essentiels

    Endothelin-1 enhances fibrogenic gene expression, but does not promote DNA synthesis or apoptosis in hepatic stellate cells

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    BACKGROUND: In liver injury, the pool of hepatic stellate cell (HSC) increases and produces extracellular matrix proteins, decreasing during the resolution of fibrosis. The profibrogenic role of endothelin-1 (ET-1) in liver fibrosis remains disputed. We therefore studied the effect of ET-1 on proliferation, apoptosis and profibrogenic gene expression of HSCs. RESULTS: First passage HSC predominantly expressed endothelin A receptor (ETAR) mRNA and 4th passage HSC predominantly expressed the endothelin B receptor (ETBR) mRNA. ET-1 had no effect on DNA synthesis in 1st passage HSC, but reduced DNA synthesis in 4th passage HSC by more than 50%. Inhibition of proliferation by endothelin-1 was abrogated by ETBR specific antagonist BQ788, indicating a prominent role of ETBR in growth inhibition. ET-1 did not prevent apoptosis induced by serum deprivation or Fas ligand in 1st or 4th passage HSC. However, ET-1 increased procollagen α1(I), transforming growth factor β-1 and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 mRNA transcripts in a concentration-dependent manner in 1st, but not in 4th passage HSC. Profibrogenic gene expression was abrogated by ETAR antagonist BQ123. Both BQ123 and BQ788 attenuated the increase of MMP-2 expression by ET-1. CONCLUSION: We show that ET-1 stimulates fibrogenic gene expression for 1st passage HSC and it inhibits HSC proliferation for 4th passage HSC. These data indicate the profibrogenic and antifibrogenic action of ET-1 for HSC are involved in the process of liver fibrosis