1,165 research outputs found

    UUMEN:hybridikortteli Jyväskylän keskustassa

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    Tiivistelmä. Diplomityössäni tutkin täydennysrakentamisen mahdollisuuksia Jyväskylän keskustaan Ilmarisenkadun, Kalevankadun, Väinönkadun ja Vapaudenkadun rajaamaan alueeseen, joka on välittömässä yhteydessä Jyväskylän kävelykeskustaan. Kävelykeskustan läheisyydestä johtuen diplomityön painopisteeksi valikoitui kaupallinen kortteli. Suunnitelmani lähtökohtana oli luoda kaupallinen tila, joka yhdistyy luontevasti Jyväskylän kävelykeskustaan ja korjaa korttelissa vallitsevan kaupunkikuvallisen epäkohdan. Olen pyrkinyt diplomityössäni luomaan realistisen, mutta lennokkaan suunnitelman, jossa on otettu huomioon Jyväskylän kaupungin alueelle asettamat kaupunkikuvalliset tavoitteet. Vaikka diplomityön suunnittelun painopiste on suunnittelualueelle sijoittuvassa kauppakeskuksessa ja sen kaupallisissa toiminnoissa, olen tarkastellut mahdollisuuksia asuinrakentamiselle viereiseen kortteliin. Tutkimalla julkisen, puolijulkisen ja yksityisen tilojen suhdetta toisiinsa olen pyrkinyt löytämään realistisen ja asukkaalle miellyttävän tavan yhdistää kaupallinen kortteli ja asumisen toiminnot toisiinsa. Olen myös arvottanut rakennettua ympäristöä ja päättänyt mitkä osuudet ovat säilyttämisen arvoisia. Olen tutkinut aluetta kokonaisuutena enkä ole ottanut huomioon tonttirajoja tai tonttien hallintaoikeuksia. Olen rajannut diplomityöni ulkopuolelle uuden ja vanhan rakennuskannan yhdistämisen tarkemmat rakenteelliset ratkaisut ja pyrkinyt ratkaisemaan kokonaisuuden konseptitasolla rakennustekniset reunaehdot huomioon ottaen.Shopping centre UUMEN. Abstract. In my thesis I aimed to inspect the possibilities of extensional architecture in the center of Jyväskylä, located to a city block outlined by the surrounding streets Ilmarisenkatu, Kalevankatu, Väinönkatu and Vapaudenkatu. Due to the block’s immediate connections to the pedestrian area of Jyväskylä center, the emphasis of the thesis was to design a commercial block. The starting point of my design was to create a commercial space that integrates naturally to Jyväskylä’s pedestrian area while fixing the existing cityscape’s current problems in functionality. In the thesis I have pursued in creating a realistic and vivid design plan, where the future cityscape goals set by the city of Jyväskylä have been considered. In my thesis, I have pursued to follow the general design principles of shopping center design planning. Although the thesis’s focus is in the shopping center plan and the area’s supportive functions, I have also studied the possibilities of residential building in the block. By studying the relations of public, semipublic and private spaces, I have aimed to find a realistic way to combine a commercial, public areas to the residential functions that favor the area’s resident’s comfortability. I have also studied values of the current build environment and thus decided which parts of the area are important for future preservation. I have inspected the existing block area as entirety without considering the existing plot boundaries or the property rights. From my thesis, I have excluded the structural solutions of combination of current and the new construction, with a goal to solve the design area as an entirety on a conceptual phase while taking the constructional preconditions into account

    Visualizing multi-dimensional pareto-optimal fronts with a 3D virtual reality system

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    In multiobjective optimization, there are several targets that are in conflict, and thus they all cannot reach their optimum simultaneously. Hence, the solutions of the problem form a set of compromised trade-off solutions (a Pareto-optimal front or Pareto-optimal solutions) from which the best solution for the particular problem can be chosen. However, finding that best compromise solution is not an easy task for the human mind. Pareto-optimal fronts are often visualized for this purpose because in this way a comparison between solutions according to their location on the Pareto-optimal front becomes somewhat easier. Visualizing a Pareto-optimal front is straightforward when there are only two targets (or objective functions), but visualizing a front for more than two objective functions becomes a difficult task. In this paper, we introduce a new and innovative method of using three-dimensional virtual reality (VR) facilities to present multi-dimensional Pareto-optimal fronts. Rotation, zooming and other navigation possibilities of VR facilities make easy to compare different trade-off solutions, and fewer solutions need to be explored in order to understand the interrelationships among conflicting objective functions. In addition, it can be used to highlight and characterize interesting features of specific Pareto-optimal solutions, such as whether a particular solution is close to a constraint boundary or whether a solution lies on a relatively steep trade-off region. Based on these additional visual aids for analyzing trade-off solutions, a preferred compromise solution may be easier to choose than by other means

    Cooperative environment recognition utilizing UWB waveforms and CNNs

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    Cooperative navigation enhances localization performance and situational awareness in challenging conditions, such as in tactical and first responder operations. In this work we demonstrate how the waveform of the Ultra Wideband (UWB) signal used for ranging in cooperative navigation can also be used to detect the environment surrounding the user of the navigation system. Different environments affect the wave-form in different ways, and thus the received waveform contains features characteristic to the environment around the receiver. We show how the received UWB signal waveform can be used in a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in order to determine whether the user is outdoors, indoors or in a forest. The environment is recognized correctly more than 90% of the time. © 2020 German Institute of Navigation - DGON.Peer reviewe

    Parametric hazard rate models for long-term sickness absence

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    PURPOSE: In research on the time to onset of sickness absence and the duration of sickness absence episodes, Cox proportional hazard models are in common use. However, parametric models are to be preferred when time in itself is considered as independent variable. This study compares parametric hazard rate models for the onset of long-term sickness absence and return to work. METHOD: Prospective cohort study on sickness absence with four follow-up years of 53,830 employees working in the private sector in the Netherlands. The time to onset of long-term (>6 weeks) sickness absence and return to work were modelled by parametric hazard rate models. RESULTS: The exponential parametric model with a constant hazard rate most accurately described the time to onset of long-term sickness absence. Gompertz-Makeham models with monotonically declining hazard rates best described return to work. CONCLUSIONS: Parametric models offer more possibilities than commonly used models for time-dependent processes as sickness absence and return to work. However, the advantages of parametric models above Cox models apply mainly for return to work and less for onset of long-term sickness absence

    Penning-trap mass measurement of 173^{173}Hf

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    We report on the precise mass measurement of the 173^{173}Hf isotope performed at the Ion Guide Isotope Separator On-Line facility using the JYFLTRAP double Penning trap mass spectrometer. The new mass-excess value, ME=55390.8(30){\mathrm{ME} = -55390.8(30)}~keV, is in agreement with the literature while being nine times more precise. The newly determined 173^{173}Hf electron-capture QQ value, QEC=1490.2(34)Q_{EC} = 1490.2(34)~keV, allows us to firmly reject the population of an excited state at 1578 keV in 173^{173}Lu and 11 transitions tentatively assigned to the decay of 173^{173}Hf. Our refined mass value of 173^{173}Hf reduces mass-related uncertainties in the reaction rate of 174^{174}Hf(γ,n)173(\gamma,n)^{173}Hf. Thus, the rate for the main photodisintegration destruction channel of the pp nuclide 174^{174}Hf in the relevant temperature region for the γ\gamma process is better constrained.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure