118 research outputs found

    Mirror symmetry on K3 surfaces via Fourier-Mukai transform

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    We use a relative Fourier-Mukai transform on elliptic K3 surfaces XX to describe mirror symmetry. The action of this Fourier-Mukai transform on the cohomology ring of XX reproduces relative T-duality and provides an infinitesimal isometry of the moduli space of algebraic structures on XX which, in view of the triviality of the quantum cohomology of K3 surfaces, can be interpreted as mirror symmetry.Comment: 15 pages, AMS-LaTeX v1.2. Final version to appear in Commun. Math. Phy

    A computational study on the intriguing mechanisms of the gas-phase thermal activation of methane by bare [Ni(H)(OH)](+)

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugĂ€nglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.A detailed computational study on the reaction mechanisms of the thermal activation of methane by the bare complex [Ni(H)(OH)]+ has been conducted. The experimentally observed reaction features, i.e. the ligand exchange Ni(H) → Ni(CH3), the H/D scrambling between the incoming methane and the hydrido ligand of the nickel complex, the spectator-like behavior of the OH ligand, and the relatively moderate reaction efficiency of 6% relative to the collision rate of the ion/molecule reaction, can be explained by considering three competing mechanisms, and a satisfactory agreement between experiment and theory has been found.DFG, EXC 314, Unifying Concepts in Catalysi

    Cech and de Rham Cohomology of Integral Forms

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    We present a study on the integral forms and their Cech/de Rham cohomology. We analyze the problem from a general perspective of sheaf theory and we explore examples in superprojective manifolds. Integral forms are fundamental in the theory of integration in supermanifolds. One can define the integral forms introducing a new sheaf containing, among other objects, the new basic forms delta(dtheta) where the symbol delta has the usual formal properties of Dirac's delta distribution and acts on functions and forms as a Dirac measure. They satisfy in addition some new relations on the sheaf. It turns out that the enlarged sheaf of integral and "ordinary" superforms contains also forms of "negative degree" and, moreover, due to the additional relations introduced, its cohomology is, in a non trivial way, different from the usual superform cohomology.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, we expanded the introduction, we add a complete analysis of the cohomology and we derive a new duality between cohomology group

    Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2

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    ISRIC World Soil Information is compiling legacy soil profile data of Sub Saharan Africa, as a project activity of the AfSIS project (Globally integrated- Africa Soil Information Service). http://www.africasoils.net/data/legacyprofile The Africa Soil Profiles Database version 1.2 (November 2014) holds 18,532 unique soil profile records of which 17,160 records are georeferenced, including associated soil profile layer attribute data, inventoried and compiled from a wide variety (> 500) of data sources. Soil analytical data are available for 15,564 profiles of which 14,197 are georeferenced. The database includes, but is not limited, to the soil attributes specified by GlobalSoilMap.net. The original attribute values are standardized according to e-SOTER conventions and validated according to routine rules. Odd values are flagged. The degree of validation, and associated reliability of the data, varies because reference soil profile data that are previously and thoroughly validated are compiled together with non-reference soil profile data of lesser inherent representativeness. The profiles are geo-referenced with a median precision of approximately 250m. Details of the data and the data model are described in the associated report. Earlier versions of the dataset, which is continuously updated and growing, have been posted online and are available to the project and the public. The dataset will also be made available through the World Soil Information Service. The current version is released here as version 1.2

    Mapping rootable depth and root zone plant-available water holding capacity of the soil of sub-Saharan Africa

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    In rainfed crop production, root zone plant-available water holding capacity (RZ-PAWHC) of the soil has a large influence on crop growth and the yield response to management inputs such as improved seeds and fertilisers. However, data are lacking for this parameter in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This study produced the first spatially explicit, coherent and complete maps of the rootable depth and RZ-PAWHC of soil in SSA. We compiled georeferenced data from 28,000 soil profiles from SSA, which were used as input for digital soil mapping (DSM) techniques to produce soil property maps of SSA. Based on these soil properties, we developed and parameterised (pedotransfer) functions, rules and criteria to evaluate soil water retention at field capacity and wilting point, the soil fine earth fraction from coarse fragments content and, for maize, the soil rootability (relative to threshold values) and rootable depth. Maps of these secondary soil properties were derived using the primary soil property maps as input for the evaluation rules and the results were aggregated over the rootable depth to obtain a map of RZ-PAWHC, with a spatial resolution of 1 km2. The mean RZ-PAWHC for SSA is 74mm and the associated average root zone depth is 96 cm. Pearson correlation between the two is 0.95. RZ-PAWHC proves most limited by the rootable depth but is also highly sensitive to the definition of field capacity. The total soil volume of SSA potentially rootable by maize is reduced by one third (over 10,500 km3) due to soil conditions restricting root zone depth. Of these, 4800 km3 are due to limited depth of aeration, which is the factor most severely limiting in terms of extent (km2), and 2500 km3 due to sodicity which is most severely limiting in terms of degree (depth in cm). Depth of soil to bedrock reduces the rootable soil volume by 2500 km3, aluminium toxicity by 600 km3, porosity by 120 km3 and alkalinity by 20 km3. The accuracy of the map of rootable depth and thus of RZ-PAWHC could not be validated quantitatively due to absent data on rootability and rootable depth but is limited by the accuracy of the primary soil property maps. The methodological framework is robust and has been operationalised such that the maps can easily be updated as additional data become available

    Differentiating Abnormal, Normal, and Ideal Personality Profiles in Multidimensional Spaces

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    Current dimensional taxonomies of personality disorder (PD) establish that intense traits do not suffice to diagnose a disorder, and additional constructs reflecting dysfunction are required. However, traits appear able to predict maladaptation by themselves, which might avoid duplications and simplify diagnosis. On the other hand, if trait-based diagnoses are feasible, it is the whole personality profile that should be considered, rather than individual traits. This takes us into multidimensional spaces, which have their own particular - but poorly understood - logic. The present study examines how profile-level differences between normal and disordered subjects can be used for diagnosis. The Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology - Basic Questionnaire (DAPP-BQ) and the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) were administered to a community and a clinical sample each (total n = 1,925 and 3,543 respectively). Intense traits proved to be common in the general population, so empirically-based thresholds are indispensable not to take as abnormal what is at most unideal. Profile-level parameters such as Euclidean and Mahalanobis distances outperformed individual traits in predicting mental problems and equaled the performance of published measures of dysfunction or severity. Personality profiles can play a more central role in identifying disorders than is currently acknowledged, provided that adequate metrics are used
