13 research outputs found

    Histopatology of Mystus Nemurus of Liver That Immersed with Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb Extract and Were Infected by Edwardseilla Tarda

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    This study was conducted over three months in the laboratory of Fish Diseases and Parasites, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences University of Riau Pekanbaru. The purpose of this research was to determine the structure of (Mystus nemurus) liver that were immersed with Curcuma xanthorrhiza ROXB extract and were infected by Edwardseilla tarda and to find out best dose Curcuma xanthorrhiza ROXB extract for the prevention of Edwardsiella tarda infections. The method used is an experimental method at a dose of treatment and analyzed descriptive. The treatment used is an extract of Curcuma xanthorrhiza ROXB with different concentrations, they were: Kn (Fishes were not receive any treantent), Kp (Fishes were not receive any treatment but were infected with E. tarda), P1 (immersed in curcuma with concentration 0,2 g/l), P2 (immersed in curcuma with concentration 0,4 g/l), P3 (immersed in curcuma with concentration 0,6 g/l) and were infected with E. tarda (0.1 ml of 108 of E. tarda), Fish organ (liver) were processed for histological studied (formalin fixed, alcohol series, 6 sliced and HE Stained). Result indicate that the structure of liver of the treated fish showing abnormality symptoms, such as necrosis, congestion, fatted degeneration and hemorrhage. From these, it can be concluded that immirsion in Curcuma with 0.6 g / l concentration is capable of inhibiting bacterial Edwardsiella tarda

    Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Studi Penyidikan di Polresta Medan dan Kejari Medan)

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    Recently, corruption has been a serious public attention. Whether or not the criminal act of corruption develops cannot be separated from the element of law enforcer. To anticipate the development of corruption, the law enforcers take the steps, among other things, through the process of investigation. This step is a part of the government efforts to reenforces law under the term of criminal policy or from the aspect of criminal law enforcement policy. In Indonesia, investigating the criminal act of corruption is carried out by three institutions such as Police, Attorney and Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Due to the limitation of KPK, the investigation at regional level is focused in the Police and Attorney regional affice. The corruption investigation process cannot be separated from the problems related to technical and non-technical process of criminal justice system. In Medan and its vicinity, the investigation of the criminal act of corruption is focused on Medan Resort Police Departement and Medan Attorney Regional Office. The authority to do the investigation is legal according to the law. Yet, in practice, this authority is less optimally empowered by both institutions, in the scope of its job description in the past three years. To cope with less optimal investigation problem, in the future, Medan Resort Police Department and Medan attorney Regional Office will cooperate with the academicians to provide workshop or seminar, to make staff study, to schedule the investigation of the criminal act of corruption in the scale of priority, to increase the number of investigators, to synchronize the perception of investigators in corruption case investigation. The still rooted culture of corruption will be cahanged through investigating the cases of criminal act of corruption. Community participation in the process of corruption case investigation will be improved and the culture of discipline of government apparatuses will be optimalized

    Persepsi Terhadap Lebar Koridor Utama pada Apartemen Ditinjau dari Respon Fisik Pengguna

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    Desain dapat mempengaruhi perilaku manusia dalam berinteraksi, termasuk interaksi antara manusia dengan ruang. Manusia mempunyai persepsi terhadap ruang yang berbeda-beda, salah satunya dapat terlihat dari respon fisik perilaku pengguna. Koridor adalah sebuah jalan yang diapit oleh dinding dari sebelah kiri maupun kanan yang merupakan ruang-ruang disekitar jalan. Koridor sebagai ruang yang sering dilalui pengguna untuk melakukan berbagai aktivitas tentu dapat menjadi objek kajian dalam ilmu ergonomi. Dalam penelitian ini kami mengambil koridor utama Apartemen XY di Surabaya sebagai objek studi. Pemahaman akan ilmu ergonomi diperlukan untuk dapat menciptakan desain koridor yang ergonomis sehingga terjadi sirkulasi yang baik pada koridor.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui persepsi pengguna terhadap lebar koridor apartemen yang ditunjukkan melalui respon secara psikologis dan fisik mereka di koridor dengan berbagai aktivitas yang terjadi di dalamnya. Respon psikologis dan fisik pengguna dalam penelitian ini dapat menjadi acuan dalam mendesain lebar sebuah koridor yang ideal untuk sebuah apartemen.Pada penelitian ini, referensi literatur berkaitan dengan ergonomi pada koridor serta psikologi manusia terhadap lingkungan di sekitarnya. Sebagai pendukung dari studi literatur, metode penelitian dilakukan dengan cara observasi aktifitas yaitu mengambil foto serta video pengguna apartemen yang melewati koridor pada pukul 18.00 – 19.00 WIB

    TLR2 Signaling Pathway in Alveolar Bone Osteogenesis Induced by Aloe vera and Xenograft (XCB)

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    The aim of this study was to find the role of TLR2 signaling pathway in reducing osteoclast activity and promoting osteoblast growth by inducing a combination of Aloe vera and cancellous bovine xenograft (XCB) into dental extraction socket. Forty-eight Cavia cobayas were used. They were divided into eight groups (n=6). For control group, their mandibular incisors were extracted and filled with PEG. For treatment groups, they were extracted and filled with XCB, Aloe vera and the combination of Aloe vera and XCB. The first four groups were sacrificed after 7 days and the other groups after 30 days. Immunohistochemistry and histopathology examination were conducted to examine TLR2, TNFα, OPG, collagen-1, and the osteoblast and osteoclast expressions. The expressions of TLR2, OPG and Collagen-1, as well as the number of osteoblast were increased. Meanwhile, the expressions of TNFα and osteoclast were decreased. The study finding was that TLR2 signaling pathway influenced alveolar bone osteogenesis process by reducing osteoclast activity and stimulating osteoblast growth induced by the combination of Aloe vera and XCB

    Keparahan Gingivitis pada Pasien Poli Gigi Puskesmas Sawahan Surabaya Tahun 2016 Menggunakan Gingival Index (GI)

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    Gingivitis is an inflammation in gingival tissue caused by many factors, usually bacterial invasion from plaque. Progression of gingivitis will cause inflammatory process which can harm periodontal tissue of the teeth, called periodontitis. In the end, inflammation in periodontal tissue cause loss of teeth that will influence masticatory function. Thus, it is very important to realize the clinical signs of gingivitis to prevent more severe medical conditions. Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify the gingivitis description of patients in Puskesmas Sawahan based on gender, age, education and habitual factors. Method: A cross sectional study was conducted at the dental clinic of Puskesmas Sawahan in a month period. This study involved 100 patients with random sampling method. The gingival tissue of patients was examined with gingival index (GI). A periodontal probe is inserted into the gingival sulcus on the tooth of 16, 21, 26, 36, 41, and 46. Results: According to GI score category, from 100 patiens there were 15 patients had mild gingivitis, 85 patients had moderate gingivitis, and 5 patients had severe gingivitis. Patients who have the highest GI score were men, patient with low education, patient with age >60 years and patients who brush their teeth one time a day. Conclusion: Mostly of patients in Puskesmas Sawahan had moderate gingivitis category

    Isolation and Identification of Java Ras Amniotic Membrane SLPI Gene

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    Secretory leukocite protease inhibitor (SLPI) is a protein found in amniotic membrane that involve in tissue repair and oral wound healing process. The oral wound healing responses are impaired in the SLPI suffic ient mice and matrix synthesis and collagen deposition are delayed. Impaired healing states are characterized by excessive proteolysis and often bacterial infection. SLPI is a protein fo und in secretions such as whole saliva, seminal fluid, cervical mucus, as in secretions f rom the nose and bronchi, amniotic fluid and amniotic membrane etc .. The objective of this research is to isolated and cloning the SLPI from human amniotic membrane and determined the expression of SLPI extracted from human amniotic membrane from Java ras. Methods: cDNA isolated from human amniotic membrane was amplified by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR). After the amplified, fragmen were cloned into the expression pET IO llDl'OPO Vector and transformed to BL-21 Star. The insert position, size and the readingframe were right by PCR .. Result: Through sequence analyses, SLPI cDNA was 495 nucleotide in length with a predicted molecular mass of about 12 kDa (the data was registered in genbank (htpp:llwww.ncbi.nib.gov) with accession number EUI16331j. COllclusion: It is demonstrated that human SLPI are highly conserved in sequence content as compared to the human SLPI f rom gene bank

    The Prohibition of Civil Servant (ASN) in Actions to Benefit Prospective of Regional Head in Public

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    This research aims to understand the correlation between ASN and Regional Head Election (Pilkada) as election for choose leader by democratic based on principle of direct, general, free, confidential, honest and fair which submitted by party political or combined party political. About implementation, right choose of Civil Servant or abbreviated with ASN prohibited to declare openly to public to invite choose one of candidate so that tend becomes form "campaign" or endorsement. However thus, level violation to implementation Pilkada simultaneously which ruled by government. This research used Socio Legal Research on phenomenon law which there is in public election and approach problem used a case approach. The conclusion show that the implementation of the banning the ASN in Bengkalis on Regional Head Candidates 2020 not yet done with good. Because still many found ASN which no neutral. It is caused the existence connection family Among ASN with candidate regional head, ambition of career position, no clear dan nothing strictly rules, weakness enforcement law

    Expanded cross-discipline implementation strategy of discovery: A biomedical engineering-themed education program bridging secondary and post-secondary learning

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    High school science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) curricula are generally knowledge-based in methodology and focus on content delivery in preparation for post-secondary study. However, the rapid technological change at the cutting edge and the rate of global integration in STEM highlight the importance in developing a holistic critical thinking framework for student learning. In 2016, graduate students at the Institute of Biomaterials & Biomedical Engineering created Discovery, a collaborative high school educational program focused on critical thinking skill development through inquiry in the context of biomedical engineering (BME) [1]. Aligning with demonstrated evidence that inquiry-based active learning approaches are more effective in enhancing student learning than traditional teaching methods [2], evaluation in Discovery reinforces the value of a differential learning environment for high school STEM students who struggle in a knowledge-focused classroom [3,4]. In addition, the Discovery model is shown to enhance student attitudes towards STEM and post-secondary education, meanwhile providing robust opportunity for graduate trainees to develop and apply pedagogical skills through development of curriculum appropriate for university-preparatory students. Program impact provides opportunities to discuss this unique learning framework, collaborative delivery strategy, and implementation strategy of Discovery as a resource for translation to disciplines beyond BME, and institutions beyond the University of Toronto.The authors acknowledge the IBBME and NSERC PromoScience Program (PROSC 515876-2017) for financially supporting this educational program. Toronto District School Board STEM teacher partners (E. Scherer, S. Dicks, T. Frost) and administrators(A. Vandyke & S. Micelli) have been invaluable and fundamental to program development and expansion