167 research outputs found

    Study of the structure of intermetalics from Fe - Al system after the hot rolling

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    This paper presents the results of structure analysis of Fe - Al alloys after hot rolling deformation. Microstructure analysis were performed before and after deformation using a scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) technique. The detailed quantities research of the structures was conducted using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with the gun with cold field emission and the detector of electron back scattering diffraction (EBSD)


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    The modern directions of improvement of consumer properties of fish preserves is considered in the article. It was found that the combination of raw fish with vegetable solves the problem of producing optimized in terms of nutritional and biological value of food. Proposed fish preserves has high biological value on the basis of herring fillets and non-traditional raw material. The expediency of the use of sea buckthorn juice in the recipe of fills fish preserves. Sea buckthorn juice is a valuable source of vitamins C, E, F, carotenoids, pectin, tannins and other biologically active substances. The fruits of sea buckthorn have a range of therapeutic and preventive properties and are widely used in traditional and folk medicine, food industry, restaurant business establishments. So, fill with juice from the fruit of sea buckthorn can not only enrich fish preserves with valuable macro- and micronutrients, but also improve the taste of the finished product and give it a functional properties. A hardware and technological scheme of production of fish preserves pouring from fruit juice of sea buckthorn. As a result of the proposed scoring organoleptic quality fish preserves, the tasters evaluated highly developed product samples. In particular, new samples of fish preserves gained 24.54 points overall assessment of evaluation at the maximum of 25 points. It is established that the use of sea buckthorn juice in the recipe of fills fish preserves the harmony ofinfluences of the organoleptic properties of the finished product  Рассмотрены современные направления улучшения потребительских свойств рыбных пресервов. Установлено, что комбинирование рыбного сырья с растительным позволяет решить проблему производства оптимизированных по показателям пищевой и биологической ценности продуктов питания. Предложено рыбные пресервы повышенной биологической ценности на основе филе сельди и нетрадиционного растительного сырья. Доказана целесообразность использования облепихового сока в рецептуре заливки рыбных пресервов. Облепиховый сок является ценным источником витаминов С, Е, Р, каротиноидов, пектиновых, дубильных и других биологически активных веществ. Плоды облепихи обладают целым спектром лечебно-профилактических свойств и широко используются как в традиционной, так и народной медицине, пищевой промышленности, учреждениях ресторанного хозяйства. Поэтому заливка на основе сока из плодов облепихи не только обогатит рыбные пресервы ценными макро- и микронутриентами, но и улучшит вкусовые свойства готового продукта и предоставит ему функциональные свойства. Предложено технологическую и аппаратную схемы производства рыбных пресервов с заливкой на основе сока из плодов облепихи. По результатам предложенной баловой оценки органолептических показателей качества рыбных пресервов, дегустаторами высоко оценено разработаны образцы продукции. В частности новые образцы рыбных пресервов получили общую оценку 24,54 балла при максимальной оценке 25 баллов. Установлено, что использование облепихового сока в рецептуре заливки рыбных пресервов гармонично влияет на формирование органолептических свойств готового продукта.Розглянуто сучасні напрямки поліпшення споживних властивостей рибних пресервів. Встановлено, що комбінування рибної сировини з рослинною дає змогу вирішити проблему виробництва оптимізованих за показниками харчової та біологічної цінності продуктів харчування. Запропоновано рибні пресерви підвищеної біологічної цінності на основі філе оселедця та нетрадиційної рослинної сировини. Доведено доцільність використання обліпихового соку в рецептурі заливки рибних пресервів. Обліпиховий сік є цінним джерелом вітамінів С, Е, Р, каротиноїдів, пектинових, дубильних та інших біологічно активних речовин. Плоди обліпихи володіють цілим спектром лікувально-профілактичних властивостей і широко використовуються як у традиційній, так і народній медицині, харчовій промисловості, закладах ресторанного господарства. Тому заливка на  основі соку із плодів обліпихи не лише збагатить рибні пресерви цінними макро- та мікронутрієнтами, а й поліпшить смакові властивості готового продукту і надасть йому функціональних властвостей. Запропоновано технологічну та апаратну схеми виробництва рибних пресервів із заливкою на основі соку з плодів обліпихи. За результатами запропонованої балової оцінки органолептичних показників якості рибних пресервів дегустаторами високо оцінено розроблені зразки продукції. Зокрема нові зразки рибних пресервів отримали загальну оцінку 24,54 бала при максимальній оцінці 25 балів. Встановлено, що використання обліпихового соку в рецептурі заливки рибних пресервів гармонійно впливає на формування органолептичних властивостей готового продукту.  &nbsp

    The Łojasiewicz exponent over a field of arbitrary characteristic

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    Let K be an algebraically closed field and let K((XQ)) denote the field of generalized series with coefficients in K. We propose definitions of the local Łojasiewicz exponent of F = ( f1, . . . , fm) ∈ K[[X, Y ]]m as well as of the Łojasiewicz exponent at infinity of F = ( f1, . . . , fm) ∈ K[X, Y ]m, which generalize the familiar case of K = C and F ∈ C{X, Y }m (resp. F ∈ C[X, Y ]m), see Cha˛dzy´nski and Krasi´nski (In: Singularities, 1988; In: Singularities, 1988; Ann Polon Math 67(3):297–301, 1997; Ann Polon Math 67(2):191–197, 1997), and prove some basic properties of such numbers. Namely, we show that in both cases the exponent is attained on a parametrization of a component of F (Theorems 6 and 7), thus being a rational number. To this end, we define the notion of the Łojasiewicz pseudoexponent of F ∈ (K((XQ))[Y ])m for which we give a description of all the generalized series that extract the pseudoexponent, in terms of their jets. In particular, we show that there exist only finitely many jets of generalized series giving the pseudoexponent of F (Theorem 5). The main tool in the proofs is the algebraic version of Newton’s Polygon Method. The results are illustrated with some explicit examples

    User Requirements for Autonomous Vehicles – a Comparative Analysis of Expert and Non-expert-based Approach

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    Given the rapid progress being made in the design and development of autonomous vehicles, society is reaching the situation whereby customers will be able to access a range of semi-autonomous vehicles. These vehicles have the capability to drive autonomously in certain circumstances, with minimal input from the driver, except situations when a Request to Intervene is issued. While user requirements differ across and between types of users, there is no unified set of user requirements which will be acceptable to all drivers. Motivated by the recent explosion of interest around autonomous mobility, the authors made an attempt to extract, rank and compare the requirements that should be met according to different types of users - experts and non-experts. An initial set of user requirements was obtained, recognizing that drivers will have different priorities and preferences in this most critical of handover scenarios

    Avaliação do arranjo de plantas de girassol.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os componentes da produção de girassol em função do espaçamento e da população de plantas, na região de Chapadão do Sul, MS. O experimento foi instalado em área de Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, na safrinha de 2008, com o híbrido de girassol Aguará 4. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em parcelas subdivididas e o delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso, com seis repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de três espaçamentos entrelinhas, nas parcelas (45, 70 e 90 cm) e quatro populações de plantas, nas sub-parcelas (30.000, 40.000, 50.000 e 60.000 plantas ha-1). A adubação foi realizada conforme a indicação técnica para a cultura. No estádio de maturação fisiológica, avaliou-se a produtividade, o número de aquênios por capítulo, a massa de 1000 aquênios e a altura de planta. Para todas as variáveis, houve efeito significativo a 5% de probabilidade tanto para a população de plantas, quanto para o espaçamento, contudo, a interação entre esses fatores não foi significativa. As maiores produtividades, número de aquênios por planta e massa de 1000 aquênios foram verificados, independente do espaçamento utilizado, nas menores populações de plantas, ao passo que, o espaçamento de 70 cm foi o que resultou na maior produtividade média, diferindo estatisticamente dos demais pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade.. Os componentes da produção do girassol apresentaram melhor desempenho para os arranjos de plantas em espaçamentos variando de 58 a 74 cm e populações entre 31.000 a 45.000 plantas ha-1. EVALUATION OF PLANT DESIGN IN SUNFLOWER. The aim of this study was to evaluate yield components as a function of row spacing and plant population in Chapadão do Sul, MS, Brazil. The experiment was carried out in a Rhodic Haplodox, in 2008 growing season, with sunflower hybrid Aguará 4. Treatments were arranged in split plots and experimental design was in completely randomized blocks, with six replications. Three row spacing (45, 70 and 90 cm) and four plant population (30,000, 40,000, 50,000 and 60,000 plants ha-1) were tested. Yield, number of achenes per plant, 1000-seed weight and plant height were evaluated at physiological maturity stage. Significant effect was observed for plant population in each row spacing, for all variables. Higher yields, number of achenes per plant and 1000-seed weight were verified regardless of row spacing in lower plant populations. Yield components of sunflower showed better performance for plant design with row spacing ranging from 58 to 74 cm and plant population between 31,000 and 45,000 plants ha-1

    Disponibilidade de níquel associada a características químicas e texturais de solos destinados ao cultivo de soja

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    O níquel (Ni) foi o último elemento inserido entre os micronutrientes de plantas, entretanto, poucos são os estudos sobre seu efeito na cultura da soja. Assim como para os demais nutrientes, a resposta da soja à adubação com este micronutriente está diretamente relacionada aos teores disponíveis no solo. O objetivo do trabalho foi correlacionar a disponibilidade de Ni com atributos químicos e físicos de solos representativos das principais regiões produtoras de soja no Brasil. Foi realizada a caracterização química e textural em oito amostras de solo coletadas na profundidade de 0-20 cm nos seguintes locais: Bahia, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Paraná (Londrina e Palotina) e Rio Grande do Sul (Campo Novo e Coxilha). Os teores de Ni disponíveis foram extraídos em DTPA e determinados por ICP-OES. Os teores de Ni variaram de <0,013 a 0,27 mg dm-3 e apresentaram correlação com os atributos texturais, bem como com os teores de potássio, cobre, manganês e boro

    Methods to quantify nickel in soils and plant tissues.

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    RESUMO: Em comparação a outros micronutrientes, os teores de níquel (Ni) disponíveis no solo e tecido vegetal são bastante baixos, com alto grau de dificuldade para a quantificação deles. O objetivo deste estudo foi apresentar métodos otimizados de determinação da disponibilidade de Ni em solos com extratores e teor total em tecido vegetal para análises de rotina em laboratórios comerciais. Foram processadas e analisadas amostras de solos naturais e agrícolas com extração pelo extrator Mehlich-1 e por DTPA. Para quantificar o Ni no tecido vegetal, as amostras foram digeridas com ácido nítrico em sistema fechado em forno micro-ondas. A determinação foi realizada em espectrômetro de emissão óptica com plasma induzido (ICP-OES). Houve correlação positiva e significativa entre os teores disponíveis de Ni nos solos extraídos em Mehlich-1 e DTPA, enquanto, para o tecido vegetal os teores de Ni recuperados foram altos e similares aos materiais de referência. A disponibilidade de Ni em algumas amostras de solos naturais e tecido vegetal foram inferiores aos limites de quantificação. Os teores desse micronutriente foram maiores em amostras de solo em que houve fornecimento de Ni. A concentração de Ni difere nas partes vegetais analisadas, e os grãos de soja apresentaram os maiores teores. Os grãos, em relação às partes aérea e foliar, têm melhor correlação com os teores disponíveis no solo para ambos extratores. Os métodos descritos nesta pesquisa foram eficientes na quantificação de Ni e podem ser adotados em laboratórios de rotina de solos e tecido vegetal. ABSTRACT: In comparison with other micronutrients, the levels of nickel (Ni) available in soils and plant tissues are very low, making quantification very difficult. The objective of this paper is to present optimized determination methods of Ni availability in soils by extractants and total content in plant tissues for routine commercial laboratory analyses. Samples of natural and agricultural soils were processed and analyzed by Mehlich-1 extraction and by DTPA. To quantify Ni in the plant tissues, samples were digested with nitric acid in a closed system in a microwave oven. The measurement was performed by inductively coupled plasma/optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). There was a positive and significant correlation between the levels of available Ni in the soils subjected to Mehlich-1 and DTPA extraction, while for plant tissue samples the Ni levels recovered were high and similar to the reference materials. The availability of Ni in some of the natural soil and plant tissue samples were lower than the limits of quantification. Concentrations of this micronutrient were higher in the soil samples in which Ni had been applied. Nickel concentration differed in the plant parts analyzed, with highest levels in the grains of soybean. The grain, in comparison with the shoot and leaf concentrations, were better correlated with the soil available levels for both extractants. The methods described in this article were efficient in quantifying Ni and can be used for routine laboratory analysis of soils and plant tissues

    Fósforo na cultura de girassol.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os componentes da produção de girassol cultivado em sistema de semeadura direta, em resposta aos teores de fósforo (P) no solo. O híbrido de girassol Agrobel 960 foi semeado em fevereiro de 2009, em área de Latossolo Vermelho- Amarelo distrófico (LVAd), em experimento de longa duração conduzido em Ponta Grossa, PR. Durante a condução do experimento, as parcelas foram adubadas com 0; 60; 120; 240 e 480 kg ha-1 de P2O5, criando-se uma curva de resposta ao fósforo. No estádio de maturação fisiológica, avaliou-se a produtividade, o número de aquênios por capítulo, o peso de 1000 aquênios e a altura de planta. Os teores de fósforo no solo variaram significativamente em função das doses do nutriente aplicadas no solo. As respostas ao aumento dos teores de P no solo foram semelhantes para todas as variáveis avaliadas. A obtenção de 90 % da produção máxima de grãos foi conseguida quando o teor de P no solo foi de 8,2 mg dm-3. Esse teor de fósforo no solo pode ser considerado o nível crítico do nutriente em latossolos de origem sedimentar do Paraná, para o girassol cultivado na safrinha. Phosporus on sunflower crop. The aim of this study was to evaluate yield components of sunflower grown under notillage system, in response to phosphorus (P) in soil. Sunflower hybrid Agrobel 960 was sown in February 2009 in a dystrophic Typic Hapludoxin long-term experiment runned in Ponta Grossa, PR, Brazil. During the experiment, the plots were fertilized with 0, 60,120, 240 and 480 kg ha-1 P2O5, creating a response curve to phosphorus. At physiological maturity stage, we evaluated yield, number of achenes per head, 1000-seed weight and plant height. The levels of phosphorus in the soil varied significantly depending on the applied rates of the nutrient in the soil. All evaluated parameters present similar reponses to the increase of soil P levels. 90% of the maximum yield was achieved when the P content in soil was 8.2 mg dm-3. This phosphorus content in soil can be considered the critical level of nutrient in oxysols originating from sedimentary rocks in Parana State, for sunflower grown during off-season