1,511 research outputs found


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    Protease halofil dapat dimanfaatkan pada proses fermentasi makanan seperti pada pembuatan kecap ikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bakteri halofilik dari isolat bittern tambak garam Madura dan mengisolasi protease halofil ekstraseluler serta menentukan pengaruh konsentrasi NaCl terhadap aktivitas spesifik protease halofil. Bakteri halofilik ditumbuhkan pada media HSB (Halophlie Synthetic Broth). Penentuan aktivitas protease dilakukan dengan menggunakan substrat azokasein dan kadar protein diukur dengan menggunakan metode Lowry. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh bakteri halofilik isolat bittern tambak garam Madura yang tumbuh optimal pada konsentrasi NaCl 4 %(b/v), dengan aktivitas spesifik protease halofil ekstraseluler tertinggi pada fraksi 4 (60-80 %) sebesar 58,537 Unit/mg protein. Adanya penambahan garam NaCl akan meningkatkan aktivitas protease halofil. Pada penelitian ini, aktivitas spesifik protease halofil meningkat menjadi 113,78 Unit/mg protein dengan konsentrasi optimal NaCl 0,750 M

    Analysis Expression of ZIP1 and Caspase-3 Protein in Adenocarsinoma of the Prostate

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    Background: Carcinogenesis of adenocarcinoma of the prostate occurs due to dysregulation of zinc level within the cells. Intracellular zinc molecules influx is regulated by a transporter protein ZIP1, whose non-presence is predicted to inhibit apoptosis, thus leads to the development of prostate adenocarcinoma. Methods: This study was aimed to analyse the correlation of ZIP1 and Caspase-3 expression in prostate adenocarcinoma on its grading as represented by Gleason Score. This was a cross-sectional, retrospective analytical study on 31 Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue that meets inclusion criteria. The specimen was stained using the immune-histochemistry technique for ZIP1 and Caspase-3. Protein expression of each case was counted using ImageJ analysis. Gleason score was acquired as secondary data from the cases' reports. The correlation of their expression with respect to Gleason score was analysed with Pearson's correlation using SPSS 11.5. Results: Mean expression level of ZIP1 and Caspase-3 in prostate adenocarcinoma were 35% and 33%, respectively. There was a significantly positive correlation between ZIP1 and Caspase-3 expression (r=0.379; p=0.018). However, their correlation was stronger in intermediate-grade group (r=0.73; p=0.01) and the correlation was much weaker in high-grade group (r=0.04; p=0.48). Conclusions: There was a positive correlation between ZIP1 and Caspase-3 expression in prostate adenocarcinoma.&nbsp

    The Influence of Memory Enhancement Techniques on Children\u27s Testimony

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    Eyewitness testimony is often key evidence in court cases, but it is often difficult to obtain accurate eyewitness memories (Loftus, Miller, & Burns, 1978). This is especially true when this testimony must be acquired from preschool children because young children have been found to be susceptible to suggestive interviewing techniques (Krackow & Lynn, 2003). Several aspects of children\u27s cognitive capabilities have been found to influence their suggestibility, including their source monitoring abilities, or their abilities to trace the source of memories (Ceci & Bruck, 1993). Therefore, source monitoring ability provides a possible point of intervention to decrease children\u27s suggestibility. Source monitoring training protocols have been developed, tested, and shown to decrease children\u27s suggestibility (Giles, Gopnik, & Heyman, 2002). Another intervention that has been developed and proven to improve children\u27s eyewitness memory is the revised cognitive interview (Fisher & Geiselman, 1992). This method utilizes a number of memory enhancement techniques in a structured interview protocol to obtain children\u27s eyewitness memory. Although both source monitoring training and the revised cognitive interview have been shown to improve recall, they have never been compared directly. The current study utilized both memory enhancement techniques and compare them to a no-intervention control condition to assess the influence of these techniques on children\u27s recall and suggestibility. Thirty-seven 4- and 5-year-old children were randomized to the three conditions. There was no effect of source monitoring training or the cognitive interview on correct answers to leading questions or free recall memory reports. The results indicate that source monitoring training was not effective in decreasing suggestibility and the cognitive interview was not effective in obtaining greater free recall in the current study. Implications for forensic interviewing are discussed

    Experiences with Designing a Team Project Module for Teaching Teamwork to Students

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    The Influence of Memory Enhancement Techniques on Source Monitoring

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    An important aspect of accurate eyewitness testimony is not only being able to recall the details of an event, but being able to trace that memory back to its source or origin (Johnson, Hashtroudi, & Lindsay, 1993). The current study examined the use of two memory enhancement interventions to improve the accuracy of source memory, or the correct attribution of a memory to its origin, and free recall. The first intervention, motivational instructions, informed participants that they are capable of recalling an event if they try their best. The second intervention, focused meditation, used a breathing exercise to focus individuals\u27 attention while they recalled the to-be-remembered stimuli. The study compared the efficacy of these two interventions to one another and a control condition in which participants completed the source monitoring test and free recall task without receiving a memory enhancement intervention.;Fifty-nine undergraduate college student participants viewed a video of an event and then answered written questions. Two days later, participants either received a memory enhancement technique or no technique. Following this, they received a source monitoring test during which participants listened to statements and were asked to identify the source of the statement. Next, they free recalled all details they remembered about the event. The number of correct ideas recalled and the number of incorrect ideas were calculated and statistically compared across conditions. The number of correct responses to the source monitoring questions was also compared across conditions.;The two memory enhancement techniques were not found to increase source monitoring accuracy or accurate free recall compared to the no-intervention control condition. These results suggest that focused meditation and motivational instructions may not be effective in increasing accurate source memory on the source monitoring task that was used. The result that these techniques did not increase free recall is unexpected, and may be due to procedural ideas of the study design


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    Filsafat sebagai ibu dari segala ilmu pengetahuan digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia dalam Kurikulum Belajar Mandiri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan relevansi filsafat dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia sesuai dengan Kurikulum Belajar Mandiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik penelitian kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, terdapat relevansi filsafat dalam pembelajaran bahasa sesuai dengan Kurikulum Belajar Mandiri. Pertama, filsafat memberikan arahan pada pembelajaran bahasa. Kedua, pembelajaran bahasa merupakan bagian dari ontologi filsafat. Ketiga, pembelajaran bahasa, khususnya dalam kurikulum belajar mandiri, menggunakan teori filsafat konstruktivisme. Keempat, pembelajaran bahasa sesuai dengan teori filsafat modern dan postmodern. Kelima, filsafat moral digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa untuk mencapai kompetensi karakter Pancasila. Keenam, filsafat dan pembelajaran bahasa memiliki hubungan timbal balik. Ketujuh, nilai-nilai aksiologis, epistemologis, dan ontologis filsafat ditemukan dalam penilaian pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Kedelapan, terdapat teori kebenaran filsafat dalam pembelajaran bahasa

    FAIRE-seq data analysis of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under carbon deprivation

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    For the genome-wide identification of nucleosome depleted regions under carbon deprivation, we analyze an available set of data from an assay of formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory elements followed by sequencing (FAIRE-seq). Mapping to the sequenced nuclear genome of C.reinhardtii, followed by the identification of the enrichment-sequenced fragments was performed. We examined the location of these fragments relative to annotated genes. The related genes were associated to the corresponding Gene-Ontology (GO), for an evaluation of over-representate GO categories. Some genes, link with functions or locations, that have been previous described, indicating the success of the method finding carbon-metabolism related fragments

    Ibu Rumah Tangga Penjual Koran di Kota Pekanbaru

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    This thesis is submitted in order to qualify holds a Bachelor of Sociology. With th e titleHousewives The NewsstanInd Pekanbaru City. Problem that discuss in the thesis is describing thecharacteristics of the mother the newspaper vendor in terms of the social and economic factors areaffecting the mother worked as a newspaper vendor of the functions of his family as a wife and housewife. Entry of the women in the pulicb sector that aims to help meets the needs of families and theimpact in a floating on the function of his fam ily.The subject of this research amounting to 7 people, and that is locations of them in the SKA, ared light Sudirman and expextations of thhieg hway, a red light of hope highways and kapling, thestop light intersections of arifin ahmad, a red light hit the police, and near Gramedia Library. Thesampling used in this study is a techniquie accidental sampling. The method used method ofqualitative. The theory used to this issue is the theory of structure back whether you thinkfunctionalism is used Talcot Parsons, this theory explains that every thing which when integrated in agroup then the proficiency level has functions, as well as femalesp naepwer vendor. Poverty makeswomen require have a dual role is to play a role in matters of domestic and the public.The results in general, the writer can say that most women who worked as the newspapervendor at the junction of the red light is those wahreo low, which is a eelmentary school and middleschool. The execution of the economic functions for the mothers family newspaper vendor inpekanbaru city be emplemented by the mother because she wanted to help the family economic. Thefunction of the economic is to meet the needs of families is usually done by the husband but if herhusband has nothing but a mother who is going to carry out economic functions. The functions ofaffection in the mothers family newspaper vendor carried out in shifts between a mother, childrenand husbands in accordance with the conditions. The functions of sosialization in the familynewspaper vendor was carried out by wives and husbands in accordance with the portions. Aseducating the child is done by tur ns.Keyword: The newspaper vendor, Informal secto
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