789 research outputs found

    Ejercicio fĂ­sico y cogniciĂłn

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    Influència de l’edat i el gènere en els fenotips i coeficients de lateralitat en nens de 6 a 15 anys

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    Aquest estudi valora la lateralitat manual, podal i ocular de 798 nens de 6 a 15 anys. S’obtenen els fenotips de lateralitat de cada nen (homogeni, creuat o no definit) i es comparen els resultats segons el gènere i l’edat (de 6-7 anys, de 8-10 i de 11-15 anys). Finalment, es correlacionen les proves utilitzades i els coeficients de lateralitat. Segons el nostre estudi, el gènere no influeix en la lateralitat del membre superior, però sí en el membre inferior i en l’ocular. La lateralitat manual es referma entre els 8-10 anys, la podal no es referma a aquestes edats i l’ocular tendeix a la dextralitat en les noies fins als 15 anys, però es referma en els nois als 8-10 anys. Segons els fenotips de lateralitat s’observa la influència de l’edat, amb un augment significatiu de lateralitat homogènia a costa d’una disminució de lateralitat creuada en les edats avaluades, però no del gènere. Les correlacions entre els tres coeficients de lateralitat són baixes

    Exercici fĂ­sic i cogniciĂł

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    Influencia de la edad y el género en los fenotipos y coeficientes de lateralidad en niños de 6 a 15 años

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    Este estudio valora la lateralidad manual, podal y ocular de 798 niños de 6 a 15 años. Se obtienen los fenotipos de lateralidad de cada niño (homogéneo, cruzado o no definido) y se comparan los resultados según el género y la edad (de 6-7 años, de 8-10 y de 11-15 años). Finalmente, se correlacionan las pruebas comparan y los coeficientes de lateralidad. Según nuestro estudio, el género no influye en la lateralidad del miembro superior, pero sí en el miembro inferior y en el ocular. La lateralidad manual se afianza entre los 8-10 años, la podal no se afianza a estas edades y la ocular tiende a la dextralidad en las chicas hasta los 15 años, pero se afianza en los chicos a los 8-10 años. Según los fenotipos de lateralidad se observa la influencia de la edad, con un aumento significativo de lateralidad homogénea a costa de una disminución de lateralidad cruzada en las edades evaluadas, pero no del género. Las correlaciones entre los tres coeficientes de lateralidad son bajas

    Kernel Methods for Dimensionality Reduction Applied to the «Omics» Data

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    Microarray technology has been advanced to the point at which the simultaneous monitoring of gene expression on a genome scale is now possible. Microarray experiments often aim to identify individual genes that are differentially expressed under distinct conditions, such as between two or more phenotypes, cell lines, under different treatment types or diseased and healthy subjects. Such experiments may be the first step towards inferring gene function and constructing gene networks in systems biology. The term ”gene expression profile” refers to the gene expression values on all arrays for a given gene in different groups of arrays. Frequently, a summary statistic of the gene expression values, such as the mean or the median, is also reported. Dot plots of the gene expression measurements in subsets of arrays, and line plots of the summaries of gene expression measurements are the most common plots used to display gene expression data (See for example Chambers (1983) and references therein)..

    Hypothalamic Integration of Metabolic, Endocrine, and Circadian Signals in Fish: Involvement in the Control of Food Intake

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    The regulation of food intake in fish is a complex process carried out through several different mechanisms in the central nervous system (CNS) with hypothalamus being the main regulatory center. As in mammals, a complex hypothalamic circuit including two populations of neurons: one co-expressing neuropeptide Y (NPY) and Agouti-related peptide (AgRP) and the second one population co-expressing pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) and cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) is involved in the integration of information relating to food intake control. The production and release of these peptides control food intake, and the production results from the integration of information of different nature such as levels of nutrients and hormones as well as circadian signals. The present review summarizes the knowledge and recent findings about the presence and functioning of these mechanisms in fish and their differences vs. the known mammalian model

    Dismantling the Beania magellanica (Busk, 1852) species complex (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata): two new species from European waters

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    New research on bryozoans has determined that formerly widespread species are in many cases complexes of similar, but distinct, species with more restricted distributions. Notwithstanding, the limits of distribution are still unresolved for many taxa, and occasionally a wide distribution is confirmed. Beania magellanica has been considered a widespread species, distributed throughout the Southern Hemisphere, parts of northern Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and the Mediterranean Sea. This study examines the Magellanic-type material, together with other historic samples and new specimens collected in the western Mediterranean and Adriatic, and for the first time, presents specimens from the European North Atlantic. Morphological comparisons and biometric analysis show the existence of three different species among the specimens studied. A redescription of B. magellanica based on the type specimen is presented, and two new species are described: B. serrata sp. nov. from the Northeast Atlantic and B. mediterranea sp. nov. from the Mediterranean Sea. These results indicate that B. magellanica s.l. is a large complex of species and that most specimens from different parts of the world must be revisedThis research was conducted thanks to the funds granted by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF, project number AP28954-B29). The work of Karine Nascimento and Leandro M. Vieira was supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, project numbers 142058/2015-7 and 422563/2016-1) and by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, project number 88881.135517/2016-01). Part of the revision of the samples was supported by the project “Fauna Ibérica: Briozoos II (Familia Cribrilinidae–Familia Watersiporidae)” (CGL2010-22267-C07-02), co-financed by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spanish government) and FEDERS
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