559 research outputs found

    Helper T cells for cytotoxic T lymphocytes need not be I region restricted.

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    We investigated the antigenic requirements for restimulation of H-2- restricted cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) in vitro to determine whether H-2 I region-restricted helper T cells are required in these responses. In one set of experiments, we studied the in vitro response of (responder x nonresponder)F(1) female T cells to the male antigen H-Y. We chose to examine this response because it has been suggested that the defect in nonresponder strains is a failure of helper T cells to recognize H-Y in association with nonresponder I region determinants. However, we find that nonresponder male stimulator cells are as effective as F(1) male stimulator cells at inducing H-Y-specific CTL responses. This finding calls into question reports that secondary CTL responses to H-Y are dependent upon the activation of H-Y- specific helper T cells restricted to responder type I region determinants. In a second set of experiments, we examined the requirements for restimulation of H-2-restricted T cells specific for minor-histocompatibility antigens from long-term mixed lymphocyte cultures. These cultures were established by repeatedly restimulating cultures of specific T cells with H- 2-matched stimulator cells expressing foreign minor histocompatibility antigens. We found that H-2D-restricted T ceils, including CTL, could be restimulated with cells that were matched with the responding cells at only the D region genes. This response did not appear to result from positive allogeneic effects or from antigen processing and representation by responder type APC that might contaminate the cultures. Thus, we find no evidence for a requirement for I region-restricted helper T cells in these CTL responses. However, helper T cells are required because we find that CTL lines derived by limit-dilution cloning from these long-term MLC are absolutely dependent upon exogenous helper factors for growth. The most simple interpretation of these results is that the helper cells are restricted to H-2 antigens other than I region antigens or to antigens that code outside of the H-2 complex. Finally, we show that factor-dependent CTL lines must recognize their specific antigen to proliferate, even in the presence of exogenous factors. The requirement of activated CTL for antigen to proliferate provides an explanation for how specific CTL can be selectively enriched in MLC by specific antigen stimulation. Furthermore, it is at variance with reports that memory CTL or activated CTL require only interleukin 2 for restimulation

    Class I dependence of the development of CD4+ CD8- NK1.1+ thymocytes.

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    A small subset of functionally active CD4+ CD8- thymocytes express the NK1.1 marker, as do most CD4-CD8- NK1.1+ thymocytes. Previous studies have failed to implicate a role for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) or related molecules in the selection of the CD4+ CD8- NK1.1+ subset. We report here that the development of most of these cells is sharply reduced in class I-deficient mice, but not in class II-deficient mice. Hence, some CD4+ T cells are class I dependent and not class II dependent. Unlike conventional T cells, however, the development of NK1.1+ thymocytes in both the CD4+ CD8- and CD4- CD8- subsets is dependent on class I MHC expression by hematopoietic cells and not thymic epithelial cells. We propose that these populations are selected by nonpolymorphic class Ib or CD1 molecules

    Positive selection of V beta 8+ CD4-8- thymocytes by class I molecules expressed by hematopoietic cells.

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    A small subset of T cells of mature phenotype express the alpha/beta T cell receptor, but not CD4 and CD8 coreceptors (alpha/beta double-negative [DN] cells). The repertoire of V beta usage of alpha/beta DN cells is strongly biased towards V beta 8 expression, suggesting that the formation of the population is subject to selection. We now report that deficiency of class I expression leads to a strongly depressed frequency of V beta 8+ DN cells, but has little effect on V beta 8- DN cells. Studies of hematopoietic chimeras between class I+ and class I- mice demonstrated that expression of class I molecules by hematopoietic cells is necessary and sufficient for selection of most V beta 8 DN cells. The lack of a role for class I expression by thymic epithelial cells suggests that the mechanism of selection of these cells by class I differs significantly from the mechanism of selection of conventional T cells. Models to explain the selection of these cells as well as their possible function in vivo are discussed

    Prototypage rapide d'un decodeur mpeg-4 optimise sur architectures heterogenes paralleles

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    - Les solutions Mpeg-4 actuellement développées sont séquentielles et tentent d'intégrer un maximum de fonctionnalités dans un unique logiciel, et sont généralement surdimensionnées en comparaison des services réellement nécessaires. De plus, elles sont difficilement utilisables dans un contexte multiprocesseurs de part leurs importantes tailles de codes et de données, mais également de part l'utilisation sous-optimale du parallélisme de l'architecture. Ce papier présente une application Mpeg-4 distribuée, où la partie système est localisée sur un PC standard, les calculs intensifs de décodage vidéo étant pris en charge par une carte multi-DSP. Nous présentons la méthodologie AVS/SynDEx utilisée pour la création de cette application. AVS/SynDEx autorise une remise à jour simple du décodeur vidéo, mais également le prototypage quasi-automatique sur une plate-forme multi-C6x. Nous définissons également un ordonnancement global permettant l'exécution en parallèle de la partie système et du décodage vidéo

    Expression of Natural Killer Receptor Alleles at Different Ly49 Loci Occurs Independently and Is Regulated by Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I Molecules

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    Ly49 receptor genes are expressed by subsets of natural killer (NK) cells in an overlapping fashion, accounting for the capacity of NK subsets to attack host cells that have selectively downregulated self–major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. It was shown previously that most NK cells express only one or the other allele of a given Ly49 gene, while a smaller population expresses both alleles. However, the methods used to detect monoallelic and biallelic cells were nonquantitative. Here, new allele-specific antibodies were used to provide the first quantitative examination of biallelic and monoallelic expression of Ly49A and Ly49G2. The results demonstrate conclusively that most Ly49A+ and Ly49G2+ NK cells express the corresponding gene in a monoallelic fashion, with a smaller subset expressing both alleles. Unexpectedly, biallelic Ly49A+ NK cells were more numerous than predicted by completely independent allelic expression, suggesting some heterogeneity among NK progenitors in the potential to express a given Ly49 gene. The data also show that cells expressing one allele of Ly49G2 may express Ly49A from the same or opposite chromosome with equal likelihood, indicating that the expressed allele is chosen independently for different Ly49 genes. Finally, the data demonstrate that biallelic expression of Ly49A or Ly49G2 occurs least frequently in mice that express ligands for these receptors (H-2d mice), and most frequently in class I–deficient mice. Thus, biallelic expression of Ly49 genes is regulated by interactions of NK cell progenitors with MHC class I molecules

    Dataflow/Actor-Oriented language for the design of complex signal processing systems

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    Signal processing algorithms become more and more complex and the algorithm architecture adaptation and design processes cannot any longer rely only on the intuition of the designers to build efficient systems. Specific tools and methods are needed to cope with the increasing complexity of both algorithms and platforms. This paper presents a new framework which allows the specification, design, simulation and implementation of a system operating at a higher level of abstraction compared to current approaches. The framework is base on the usage of a new actor/dataflow oriented language called CAL. Such language has been specifically designed for modelling complex signal processing systems. CAL data flow models expose the intrinsic concurrency of the algorithms by employing the notions of actor programming and dataflow. Concurrency and parallelism are very important aspects of embedded system design as we enter in the multicore era. The design framework is composed by a simulation platform and by Cal2C and CAL2HDL code generators. This paper described in details the principles on which such code generators are based and shows how efficient software (C) and hardware (VHDL and Verilog) code can be generated by appropriate CAL models. Results on a real design case, a MPEG-4 Simple Profile decoder, show that systems obtained with the hardware code generator outperform the hand written VHDL version both in terms of performance and resource usage. Concerning the C code generator results, the results show that the synthesized C-software mapped on a SystemC scheduler platform, is much faster than the simulated CAL dataflow program and approaches handwritten C versions
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