8,452 research outputs found

    Atomic hydrogen in the disturbed edge-on galaxy NGC 4631

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    We present WSRT HI observations of the nearby, disturbed, edge-on galaxy NGC 4631. A low-resolution (45 in. x 87 in.) map shows previously unknown tidal debris at large distances from the plane, and two dwarf companions. A high resolution (12 in. x 22 in.) map reveals a very disturbed gas layer in NGC 4631, with a wealth of small-scale structure. The most striking discovery is a supershell in the eastern half of the disk with a diameter of about 3 kpc, a mass of approximately 10 exp 8 solar mass and a tentative expansion velocity of 45 km/s. If the expansion is real, the energy which must have been injected by supernovae to explain the shell's current parameters is roughly 4 x 10(exp 55) ergs. Such a high energy requirement suggests an alternative formation mechanism, such as a collision with a small companion

    Word mastery in oral reading: telling versus sounding of unknown words, in grade three.

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston University N.B.: Page 71 is misnumbered. No content is missing

    Novel sputtering-technology for grain-size control

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    In this paper, we present a description of a novel high-rate plasma sputtering system that allows the control of grain size in sputtered films. Additionally, the system has the advantage of a better utilization of the target material (around 80% to 90%) by eliminating the race track at the target as in conventional plasma magnetron sputtering systems. The potential and capabilities of this novel plasma sputtering device are demonstrated in this paper by the deposition of a number of different Cr thin films suitable for underlayers in thin-film media and for which we have performed a systematic X-ray and TEM analysis to determine the grain-size histograms, mean grain diameters, and their relationship to the sputtering processes

    Characterisation and expression of β1-, β2- and β3-adrenergic receptors in the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas)

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in General and Comparative Endocrinology. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published and may be accessed at the link below. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Complimentary DNAs for three beta-adrenergic receptors (βARs) were isolated and characterised in the fathead minnow. The encoded proteins of 402 (β(1)AR), 397 (β(2)AR) and 434 (β(3)AR) amino acids were homologous to other vertebrate βARs, and displayed the characteristic seven transmembrane helices of G Protein-coupled receptors. Motifs and amino acids shown to be important for ligand binding were conserved in the fathead minnow receptors. Quantitative RT-PCR revealed the expression of all receptors to be highest in the heart and lowest in the ovary. However, the β(1)AR was the predominant subtype in the heart (70%), and β(3)AR the predominant subtype in the ovary (53%). In the brain, β(1)AR expression was about 200-fold higher than that of β(2)- and β(3)AR, whereas in the liver, β(2)AR expression was about 20-fold and 100-fold higher than β(3)- and β(1)AR expression, respectively. Receptor gene expression was modulated by exposure to propranolol (0.001-1mg/L) for 21days, but not in a consistent, concentration-related manner. These results show that the fathead minnow has a beta-adrenergic receptor repertoire similar to that of mammals, with the molecular signatures required for ligand binding. An exogenous ligand, the beta-blocker propranolol, is able to alter the expression profile of these receptors, although the functional relevance of such changes remains to be determined. Characterisation of the molecular targets for beta-blockers in fish will aid informed environmental risk assessments of these drugs, which are known to be present in the aquatic environment.European Union as part of the ERAPharm project, Contract No. 511135 and NER

    Crucial cross-talk of interleukin-1β and progesterone in human choriocarcinoma

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    Copyright @ 2012 Spandidos Publications Ltd. This article can be accessed from the links below.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Choriocarcinoma is a highly malignant epithelial tumour that is most often associated with hydatidiform mole and presents the most common emergency medical problem in the management of trophoblast disease. We hypothesise that the hormones/cytokines present within the tumour microenvironment play key roles in the development of choriocarcinoma. In this study we assessed the effects of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) on cell death in the presence or absence of the sex hormone progesterone using two choriocarcinoma cell lines (BeWo and JEG-3) as in vitro experimental models. Although IL-1β induced cell death in both cell lines, the effect was more pronounced in JEG-3 cells, where cell death reached 40% compared to 15% in BeWo cells. Cell death of JEG-3 cells in response to IL-1β was significantly decreased by co-treatment with 100 nM and 1000 nM progesterone and completely abolished at a progesterone concentration of 1000 nM. Progesterone was also able to induce phosphorylation of ERK1/2 in these cells. Pretreatment of JEG-3 cells with a specific MAPK inhibitor (UO126) inhibited progesterone's inhibitory effect on cell death. Collectively, these data provide evidence of cross-talk between progesterone and IL-1β in this aggressive and poorly understood tumour that involves activation of a MAPK pathway and involvement of numerous progesterone receptors.This research was funded by a National Institutes of Health Grant ESO12961. This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund

    Using Geographic Information Systems and remote sensing to improve the management of kelp resources in South Africa

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    Includes bibliographical references.In 2002 the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEA&T), Marine and Coastal Management (M&CM) and the Seaweed Unit undertook a program to document the localities and quantities of the standing crop of the economically important kelps, Ecklonia maxima and Laminaria pallida, in the fourteen commercial seaweed Concession Areas that contain commercial quantities of kelps. The primary objective of this study was to establish a coastal kelp resource database for the South African coastline from Cape Agulhas to the Orange River (the international border with Namibia). The method was designed to integrate past and current analysis of multi-year kelp data from commercial harvesting, biomass and kelp bed extent while allowing for the integration of future surveys within the inventories

    Analysis of rolling group therapy data using conditionally autoregressive priors

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    Group therapy is a central treatment modality for behavioral health disorders such as alcohol and other drug use (AOD) and depression. Group therapy is often delivered under a rolling (or open) admissions policy, where new clients are continuously enrolled into a group as space permits. Rolling admissions policies result in a complex correlation structure among client outcomes. Despite the ubiquity of rolling admissions in practice, little guidance on the analysis of such data is available. We discuss the limitations of previously proposed approaches in the context of a study that delivered group cognitive behavioral therapy for depression to clients in residential substance abuse treatment. We improve upon previous rolling group analytic approaches by fully modeling the interrelatedness of client depressive symptom scores using a hierarchical Bayesian model that assumes a conditionally autoregressive prior for session-level random effects. We demonstrate improved performance using our method for estimating the variance of model parameters and the enhanced ability to learn about the complex correlation structure among participants in rolling therapy groups. Our approach broadly applies to any group therapy setting where groups have changing client composition. It will lead to more efficient analyses of client-level data and improve the group therapy research community's ability to understand how the dynamics of rolling groups lead to client outcomes.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS434 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org