50 research outputs found

    Evaluation and Performance Improvement of Antasari Intersection Banjarmasin City

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    The problem of signalized intersection is caused by the traffic volume continually increasing each year, automatically contributing high delay and frequent congestion and One indicator of traffic congestion at the roundabout is a decrease in vehicle speed [1]. Today's operated traffic lights have not yet capable of overcoming congestion which often occurs in the peak hours. The existing condition on intersection has not yet been able to accommodate the populous traffic volume; it can be seen from each of intersection foot while experiencing the vehicles daley. The imprecised existing condition on the Antasari intersection in Banjarmasin, is seen from the 4-phase control with the cycle time at 177 seconds, the degree of saturation is ≥ 0.85, and the delay is ≥ 60 seconds; making it categorized as the intersection with F-level of service (the worst). This research aims to analyse the existing condition of the Antasari intersection's performance, and to obtain some handling alternatives of Antasari intersection, with some approaches. To increase the performance of Banjarmasin's Antasari intersection, some handling alternatives are executed, such as: the control of Cycle Time, the control of phase direction (phase simulation), and the phase change by using KAJI program. Based on the field data, obtained the performance of Banjarmasin's Antasari intersection in existing condition: the cycle time is 177 seconds, degree of saturation is 2,879 or ≥ 0.85, delay is 963 seconds/pcu or ≥ 60 seconds/pcu, and the worst service level (F-level). In some intersection handling alternative results, there comes one alternative that is able to increase the intersection performance: through the phase simulation stages, with the phase adjustment of the north – south of KolonelSugiono streetamd the east – west of PangeranAntasari street, then the acquired results of the Service Level-C are: the delay value (D) is 23.33 seconds/pcu or ≤ 25 seconds/pcu, the degree of saturation (DS) is 0.671 or ≤ 0.85, and the cycle time (CT) is 67 seconds or ≤ 80 seconds


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    The chemical composition of the essential oils extracted from immature flowers, leaves and seeds of Eucalyptus chapmaniana grown in Iraq were analyzed for the first time by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Twenty-four different compounds were identified and the predominant compound is eucalyptol, which accounted for 59.9, 55.6 and 8.6% of total compounds, respectively. To asses the possible therapeutic uses of the extracts, their antioxidant properties were assessed via DPPH free radical scavenging. The extracts showed significant antioxidant and antimicrobial activities against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumonia, Proteus volgaris, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. The cytoxicity of flower extract against the Human Leukemia (HL-60) cells was evaluated and the extracts significantly reduced the viability of HL-60 cells in a dose- and time-dependent response relationship. The results indicated that essential oils from immature flowers are highly cytotoxic to HL-60 cells and that their antitumor potential was confirmed

    Hubungan Penggunaan Antiretroviral (ARV) dengan Luaran Neonatal pada ibu terinfeksi Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

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    Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan penggunaan antiretroviral pada ibu terinfeksi HIV dengan luaran neonatal. Metode: Menggunakan metode analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengambilan data dilakukan dari Poli Klinik VCT dan register VK RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. Jumlah data dibagi berdasarkan penggunaan antiretroviral dan bukan pengguna antiretroviral di hubungkan dengan hasil luaran neonatal berupa berat badan lahir, prematur, IUGR, asfiksia dan kematian neonatal. Analisis menggunakan uji statistik chi square test bermakna bila p < 0.05 ,bila uji chi square tidak memenuhi kriteria maka dilakukan uji fisher.Hasil: Terdapat 73 kasus melahirkan terinfeksi HIV tahun 2015-2018. Ibu terinfeksi HIV yang menggunakan antiretroviral sebanyak 24 (33%) dan bukan menggunakan antiretroviral sebanyak 49 (67%). Dihubungan penggunaan antiretroviral dengan luaran neonatal berat badan lahir bayi, hasil uji square  <0.05 signifikan yaitu  p 0.019,  hasil luaran neonatal prematur (p = 0.022). Hubungan penggunaan antiretroviral terhadap hasil luaran berupa IUGR, asfiksia dan kematian neonatal didapatakan  p 0.166 ; 0.243 ; 0.649.Kesimpulan: Penggunaan antiretroviral pada ibu hamil terinfeksi HIV mengurangi kejadian bayi berat lahir rendah dan prematurRelationship between Antiretroviral Therapy (ARV) with Neonatal Outcome in Woman with HIV InfectionAbstractObjective: Assess the correlation of antiretroviral medication in HIV-infected pregnant women to the outcome of neonates. Method: Analytical method with a cross-sectional approach was used. Data were obtained from the VCT polyclinic and the register of the VK register of Ulin Banjarmasin Regional General Hospital (RSUD). The data are divided into antiretroviral user and non-antiretroviral users linked with the outcome of the neonate in birth weight, prematurity, IUGR, asphyxia, and neonatal death. Statistical analysis using the chi-square test will suggest a significant difference if the p-value is < 0.05. If the chi-square test can not be used, fisher test will be conducted.Result: There are 73 cases of HIV-infected births between 2015 and 2018. There are 24 (33%) of HIV-infected pregnant women on antiretrovirals compared to 49 (67%) non-users. There is a link between antiretroviral usage with the neonatal outcome of birth weight with a chi-square p-value of 0.019 (significant if p-value < 0.05). The outcome of prematurity is also significant, with a p-value of 0.022. The correlation of antiretroviral use to outcome in IUGR, asphyxia, and neonatal mortality are of p-value 0.166; 0.243, and 0.649, respectively.Conclusion: Antiretroviral use in HIV-infected pregnant women reduces the outcome of low birth weight and prematurity incidence in neonates.Key words: HIV, infected woman, outcome, antiretroviral, RSUD Uli

    Adoption rate of sustainable agricultural practices: a focus on Malaysia’s vegetable sector for research implications

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    Sustainable agriculture practices (SAPs) have been widely promoted to improve the sustainability of agricultural systems. The promotion of SAPs is intended to encourage their voluntary adoption. Therefore, the development of sustainable agriculture can be understood through the adoption rate of recommended SAPs. However, little is known about the progress of sustainable agriculture, particularly in Asian countries. To fill part of the knowledge gap, this exploratory study identifies, as a starting point, the current adoption rate of SAPs in the Malaysian vegetable sector. Because the information is not officially collected, a synthesis of ground level information was conducted through a focus group discussion with the Department of Agriculture. The findings suggest that there are varied adoption rates across SAPs. The outputs also point out that the adoption of SAPs is currently at a low level, like most countries. The phenomenon should be investigated from a multi-disciplinary perspective within agricultural systems, integrating (1) socio-economic factors, (2) agro-ecological factors, (3) institutional factors, (4) informational factors, (5) perceived characteristics, and (6) behavioral attributes. By such means, future investigations should be based on a system-orientated integrative framework.Yeong Sheng Tey, Elton Li, Johan Bruwer, Amin Mahir Abdullah, Jay Cummins, Alias Radam, Mohd Mansor Ismail, and Suryani Darha

    Study of semi-polar gallium nitride grown on m-sapphire by chloride vapor-phase epitaxy

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    In this study, we analyzed the result of the influence of the non-polar plane of a sapphire substrate on the structural, morphological, and optical properties and Raman scattering of the grown epitaxial GaN film. It was found that selected technological conditions for the performed chloride-hydride epitaxy let us obtain the samples of structurally qualitative semi-polar wurtzite gallium nitride with (11¯22) orientation on m-sapphire. Using a set of structural and spectral methods of analysis the structural, morphological, and optical properties of the films were studied and the value of residual bi-axial stresses was determined. A complex of the obtained results means a high structural and optical quality of the epitaxial gallium nitride film. Optimization of the applied technological technique in the future can be a promising approach for the growth of the qualitative GaN structures on m-sapphire substrates