602 research outputs found

    Variations of Infinite Derivative Modified Gravity

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    We consider nonlocal modified Einstein gravity without matter, where nonlocal term has the form P(R)F(â–ˇ)Q(R)P(R) F(\Box) Q(R). For this model, in this paper we give the derivation of the equations of motion in detail. This is not an easy task and presented derivation should be useful to a researcher who wants to investigate nonlocal gravity. Also, we present the second variation of the related Einstein-Hilbert modified action and basics of gravity perturbations.Comment: 22 page

    New Evidences on Domestication of the Horse (Equus Ferus Caballus) and Origine of Domestic Mountain Pony

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    The results of draft genome research of permafrost horse bone dated approximately 560-780 (kyr BP) have been published recently. According to the data representing the oldest full genome sequence compared to the modern genomes of domesticated horse, Przewalskii and donkey it was suggested that the Equus lineage gave rise to contemporary horses, zebras and donkeys some 4.0 to 4.5 million years ago, twice increasing the assumed time to the common ancestor. Upon the phylogenetic and divergence analyses it was estimated that the Przewalskii and domestic horse populations diverged some 38-72 kyr BP and that there are no evidences that admixtures between Przewalskii and domestic horse populations occurred post-divergently thus Przewalskii’s involvement in the process of horse domestication has been excluded. The new data on ancient equide genome question the conventional theory on the origin of Domestic mountain pony. Upon the protein variability of the Domestic mountain pony the influence of diluvial genome on the population was confirmed and this finding differed from the conventional theory stating E. f. Przewalskii and E. ferus caballus as ancestors of the autochthonous population. The role of different ancestral horses in evolution of our autochthonous population is therefore unclear. The questions emerging from the most recent genetic and proteomic research in concern with the autochthonous populations are presented in the paper

    High-resolution FUSE and HST ultraviolet spectroscopy of the white dwarf central star of Sh 2-216

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    LS V +4621 is the DAO-type central star of the planetary nebula Sh 2-216. We perform a comprehensive spectral analysis of high-resolution, high-S/N ultraviolet observations obtained with FUSE and STIS aboard the HST as well as the optical spectrum of LS V +4621 by means of state-of-the-art NLTE model-atmosphere techniques in order to compare its photospheric properties to theoretical predictions from stellar evolution theory as well as from diffusion calculations. From the N IV - NV, O IV - O VI, Si IV - Si V, and Fe V - Fe VII ionization equilibria, we determined an effective temperature of 95 +/- 2 kK with high precision. The surface gravity is log g = 6.9 +/- 0.2. An unexplained discrepancy appears between the spectroscopic distance d = 224 +46/-58 pc and the parallax distance d = 129 +6/-5 pc of LS V +4621. For the first time, we have identified Mg IV and Ar VI absorption lines in the spectrum of a hydrogen-rich central star and determined the Mg and Ar abundances as well as the individual abundances of iron-group elements (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni). With the realistic treatment of metal opacities up to the iron group in the model-atmosphere calculations, the so-called Balmer-line problem (found in models that neglect metal-line blanketing) vanishes. Spectral analysis by means of NLTE model atmospheres has presently arrived at a high level of sophistication, which is now hampered largely by the lack of reliable atomic data and accurate line-broadening tables. Strong efforts should be made to improve upon this situation.Comment: 13 pages, 20 figure

    The Possibility of Organizing an Organic Sheep Breeding in the Municipality of Žagubica

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    Žagubica Municipality, in Eastern Serbia, is one of the most undeveloped municipalities in Serbia. It accounts for only 0.067% of the total GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the Republic of Serbia. A large number of people migrated from this area to big cities or countries of the EU, mainly because of the economic underdevelopment and the lack of production and processing capacities. Nowadays agriculture has a major role in the economy of Žagubica, contributing to the total value created with 59.33%, which clearly speaks of its dominance, while far behind it is the manufacturing industry with 8.23% and commerce with 6.93%. Geographical position of the Žagubica Municipality, the Homolje territory, is an important natural resource of great potential, with specific characteristics of HNV (High Nature Value) region. Region of Homolje has a long tradition of sheep breeding and the quality of products has become well-known. However, depopulation of villages caused a decline in the production and closure of a number of processing facilities. The development of organic farming is one of the possible ways to revitalize the village and the development of this region rich in natural resources. This paper analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis) in the organization of organic sheep production in order to apply the necessary measures on the field for the organization of a new production system. The significant "advantages" of Žagubica Municipality are its herbal resources and the fact that the arable agricultural land makes 48.5% of the municipality area (42.9% of meadows and 26% of pastures) which is a good basis for the organization of the production. The issue of animal genetic resources is particularly analyzed and discussed. Under the "possibility" the attention is focused on various aspects of education in this field and its significance

    Particle and Antiparticle sectors in DSR1 and kappa-Minkowski space-time

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    In this paper we explore the problem of antiparticles in DSR1 and Îş\kappa-Minkowski space-time following three different approaches inspired by the Lorentz invariant case: a) the dispersion relation, b) the Dirac equation in space-time and c) the Dirac equation in momentum space. We find that it is possible to define a map SdsrS_{dsr} which gives the antiparticle sector from the negative frequency solutions of the wave equation. In Îş\kappa-Poincar\'e, the corresponding map SkpS_{kp} is the antipodal mapping, which is different from SdsrS_{dsr}. The difference is related to the composition law, which is crucial to define the multiparticle sector of the theory. This discussion permits to show that the energy of the antiparticle in DSR is the positive root of the dispersion relation, which is consistent with phenomenological approaches.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, some references added, typos correcte

    The Near-Infrared and Optical Spectra of Methane Dwarfs and Brown Dwarfs

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    We identify the pressure--broadened red wings of the saturated potassium resonance lines at 7700 \AA as the source of anomalous absorption seen in the near-infrared spectra of Gliese 229B and, by extension, of methane dwarfs in general. This conclusion is supported by the recent work of Tsuji {\it et al.} 1999, though unlike them we find that dust need not be invoked to explain the spectra of methane dwarfs shortward of 1 micron. We find that a combination of enhanced alkali abundances due to rainout and a more realistic non-Lorentzian theory of resonant line shapes may be all that is needed to properly account for these spectra from 0.5 to 1.0 microns. The WFPC2 II measurement of Gliese 229B is also consistent with this theory. Furthermore, a combination of the blue wings of this K I resonance doublet, the red wings of the Na D lines at 5890 \AA, and, perhaps, the Li I line at 6708 \AA can explain in a natural way the observed WFPC2 RR band flux of Gliese 229B. Hence, we conclude that the neutral alkali metals play a central role in the near-infrared and optical spectra of methane dwarfs and that their lines have the potential to provide crucial diagnostics of brown dwarfs. We speculate on the systematics of the near-infrared and optical spectra of methane dwarfs, for a given mass and composition, that stems from the progressive burial with decreasing \teff of the alkali metal atoms to larger pressures and depths.Comment: Revised and accepted to Ap.J. volume 531, March 1, 2000, also available at http://jupiter.as.arizona.edu/~burrows/papers/BMS.p

    Data for an Advanced Microstructural and Electrochemical Datasheet on 18650 Li-ion Batteries with Nickel-Rich NMC811 Cathodes and Graphite-Silicon Anodes

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    The data presented here were collected from a commercial LG Chem cylindrical INR18650 MJ1 lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery (approximate nominal specifications: 3.5 Ah, 3.6 V, 12.2 Wh). Electrochemical and microstructural information is presented, the latter collected across several length scales using X-ray computed tomography (CT): from cell to particle. One cell-level tomogram, four assembly-level and two electrode/particle-level 3D datasets are available; all data was collected in the pristine state. The electrochemical data consists of the full current and voltage charge-discharge curves for 400 operational cycles. All data has been made freely available via a repository [10.5522/04/c.4994651] in order to aid in the development of improved computational models for commercially-relevant Li-ion battery materials

    Theoretical determination of lifetimes of metastable states in Sc III and Y III

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    Lifetimes of the first two metastable states in Sc^{2+} and Y^{2+} are determined using the relativistic coupled-cluster theory. There is a considerable interest in studying the electron correlation effects in these ions as though their electronic configurations are similar to the neutral alkali atoms, their structures are very different from the latter. We have made a comparative study of the correlation trends between the above doubly ionized systems with their corresponding neutral and singly ionized iso-electronic systems. The lifetimes of the excited states of these ions are very important in the field of astrophysics, especially for the study of post-main sequence evolution of the cool giant stars.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure and 5 table

    Voros product and the Pauli principle at low energies

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    Using the Voros star product, we investigate the status of the two particle correlation function to study the possible extent to which the previously proposed violation of the Pauli principle may impact at low energies. The results show interesting features which are not present in the computations made using the Moyal star product.Comment: 5 pages LateX, minor correction

    Atomic and Molecular Opacities for Brown Dwarf and Giant Planet Atmospheres

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    We present a comprehensive description of the theory and practice of opacity calculations from the infrared to the ultraviolet needed to generate models of the atmospheres of brown dwarfs and extrasolar giant planets. Methods for using existing line lists and spectroscopic databases in disparate formats are presented and plots of the resulting absorptive opacities versus wavelength for the most important molecules and atoms at representative temperature/pressure points are provided. Electronic, ro-vibrational, bound-free, bound-bound, free-free, and collision-induced transitions and monochromatic opacities are derived, discussed, and analyzed. The species addressed include the alkali metals, iron, heavy metal oxides, metal hydrides, H2H_2, H2OH_2O, CH4CH_4, COCO, NH3NH_3, H2SH_2S, PH3PH_3, and representative grains. [Abridged]Comment: 28 pages of text, plus 22 figures, accepted to the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, replaced with more compact emulateapj versio
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