6,664 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico do manuseio pós-colheita de pepino e de abobrinha em uma cooperativa de produtores de hortaliças de Planaltina-DF.

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    O presente trabalho faz parte de um projeto coordenado pelo Sebrae-DF, intitulado Desenvolvimento da Horticultura em Planaltina e Áreas Adjacentes com a participação da Embrapa Hortaliças e da Emater-DF, juntamente com instituições de ensino, outras entidades ligadas so Sistema S e associações de categorias profissionais. Tem por objetivo promover o desenvolvimento da produção olerícola na região de Planaltina visando à melhoria da qualidade de vida e renda dos agricultores com aumento nas vendas e faturamento, redução das perdas dos produtos e fortalecimento da cooperativa de agricultores da região.bitstream/item/102931/1/doc-132.pd

    Pedagogical implications of the constructivist and behaviourist theories in the school environment. The school motivation and the teaching practice

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    Mucho se ha escrito sobre el proceso de motivación en el ámbito escolar y el desarrollo de la práctica docente. En este ámbito dos de las principales corrientes teóricas son el behaviorismo y el constructivismo. A continuación, se compararán y contrastarán ambas teorías, centrándonos en sus implicaciones pedagógicas en el ámbito escolar. Para ello, primero se describirán cada una de ellas, luego se explorarán las principales diferencias y similitudes entre ellas y su implicación en la educación y finalmente se hará una conclusión de los principales hallazgos.Much has been written about the process of motivation in the school environment and the development of teaching practice. In this area, two of the main theoretical perspectives are behaviourism and constructivism. Next, the two theories will be compared and contrasted, focusing on their pedagogical implications in the school setting. For this, first each of them will be described, then the main differences and similarities between them and their involvement in education will be explored and finally a conclusion of the main findings will be made

    James Bulger, a case of juvenile criminality key for the change of the legislative system of the United Kingdom. A case study

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    Throughout history, the vision on youth and the youth model has evolved. One of the elements that has influenced this change, is the one that supposes the media influence that exists in society. The isolated cases of juvenile delinquency have monopolized the discourse of the media, which have fostered the appearance of moral panic in those contexts in which these infractions have appeared.The study of the James Bulger case, which occurs in the U.k, and involved a profound change in the country's legislation, is a key environment for approaching juvenile crime and the different dynamics that take place around it.A lo largo de la historia, la visión sobre la juventud ha evolucionado. Uno de los elementos que ha influido en este cambio, es la influencia mediática que existe en la sociedad. Los casos aislados de delincuencia juvenil han monopolizado el discurso de los medios, lo que ha fomentado la aparición del pánico moral en aquellos contextos en los que han aparecido estas infracciones. El estudio del caso James Bulger, ocurrido en Reino Unido, provocó un cambio en la legislación del país. Convirtiéndose en el entorno clave para abordar la delincuencia juvenil y las diferentes dinámicas que tienen lugar

    La resilencia del régimen político marroquí

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    El régimen de Marruecos representa un soft authoritarianism legitimado en su monarquía y en el aparato administrativo que posee y que supera los envites de movimientos sociales y religiosos desde hace décadas, dando una estabilidad al país casi desconocida en su área geográfica. La progresiva islamización del ambiente político y social genera tensiones en el seno de la sociedad, traducidas en gobiernos inestables por falta de consenso y subyugados al poder real. La Primavera Árabe en Marruecos ha podido ser tanto un punto de partida como una movilización más en un ciclo que continúa, pero, en cualquiera de los casos, revela el sentir de ciertos sectores de oposición al sistema actual. Un sistema de estas características sirve de precedente en estudios de democratización de las instituciones políticas dentro del mundo árabeMorocco represents a soft authoritarianism legitimated by its monarchy and its administrative apparatus. Both have succeeded to show how to overcome the external shocks coming from religious and social movements and how to provide a stability almost unknown in the geographic scope. The progressive islamization of the social and political environment is generating tensions within society. This translates into unstable governments also due to the lack of consensus and the subjugation to royal power. The Arab Spring in Morocco might have either been a starting point or another mobilisation in an ongoing cycle. Nevertheless, this reveals the feeling of discontent of certain sectors of the political opposition. This case serves as precedent for future research of the democratization of institutions in the Arab worl

    The European Educational Policy and Early School Leaving: A Conceptual Analysis from the Perspective of the Leaving Subject

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    This research is associated with the project funded by EDU2014-52702-R Project (Ministry of economy and competitivity of Spain) and the Author Doctoral Thesis. But funding has being fully assumed by the authors. The APC was funded by National University of Distance Education IOAP program, and partially paid by author.This article presents a conceptual analysis of the European educational policy concerning the phenomenon of early school leaving (ESL). It addresses the literature on ESL, emphasizing the importance of studying policies from the perspective of the constructions made of the leaving subject. The concept of lifelong learning is examined, along with its relevance in shaping the subject who leaves within European policies. Additionally, the presence of “double gestures” in educational policies is explored, where, while promoting inclusion, they simultaneously produce exclusion of certain individuals. The influence of the neoliberal approach on the conception of ESL is discussed, and the need to consider alternative approaches to avoid homogenizing the group of young individuals who leave school prematurely is proposed.Ministry of economy and competitivity of Spain EDU2014-52702-RNational University of Distance Education IOA

    Estudio morfométrico de las abejas andaluzas

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    The biological and behavioral characteristics of the iberian bees are much less known than the other european races. This paper studies the morphological characteristics (Proboscis length; Forewing length; Forewing width; Cubital vein a; Cubital vein b; Cubital index a/b; Hindwing length; Hindwing width; Femur length; Tibia length; Metatarsus length; Metatarsus width; Width of tomentum at tergite 4; Pigmentation of tergite 3) of bees used in andalusian apiculture. Our results coincide with those described for Apis mellifera iberica.Las características biológicas y de comportamiento que presentan las abejas de la península ibérica son menos conocidas que las que presentan otras razas europeas. En el presente trabajo estudiamos las características morfológicas (longitud de la proboscis; longitud del ala delantera derecha; anchura del ala delantera derecha; vena cubital a; vena cubital b; índice cubital a/b; longitud del ala trasera derecha; anchura del ala trasera derecha; longitud del fémur; longitud de la tibia; longitud del metatarso; anchura del metatarso; longitud del tomentun del terguito 4º y pigmentación del terguito 3º) que presentan las abejas empleadas en la apicultura andaluza. Nuestros resultados coinciden con los descritos para Apis mellifera iberica

    Abejas, apicultura y el nuevo mundo

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    In the New World, some stingless bees were kept by the native population. In Central America, maya beekeepers worked with Mellipona beecheii, in Yucatan and adjacent regions. The arrival in North America of the first beehives was in 1691 and it were sent to Virginia by the Council of the Virginia Company in London. Concerning the introduction to Central and South America the first ones arrived from Spain and Portugal towards the end of the 18th century, probably to Brazil. Prior to 1800, the european breeds taken to America were probably Apis mellifera mellifera and Apis mellifera iberica. At the turn of the century, a new european breed was imported from Italy (Apis mellifera ligustica). American apiculture has used these breeds and crossbreeds virtually up to the present day. In 1956, tropical african queens of the breed Apis mellifera scutellata were introduced to Brazil. Its crosses involving european breeds gave rise to africanized bees, which have spread over almost the whole of South, Central and North America.Los nativos del Nuevo Mundo utilizaban algunas abejas sin aguijón. En América Central los apicultores mayas trabajaron, en el Yucatán y regiones adyacentes, con Mellipona beecheii. Los nativos del Nuevo Mundo utilizaban algunas abejas sin aguijón. En América Central los apicultores mayas trabajaron, en el Yucatán y regiones adyacentes, con Mellipona beecheii. La llegada a América del Norte de las primeras colmenas se produjo en 1691. Fueron enviadas a Virginia desde Inglaterra por la Virginia Company. Las primeras colmenas enviadas a América Central y del Sur, probablemente a Brasil, a finales del siglo XVIII, procedían de España y Portugal. Antes de 1800 las razas europeas llevadas a Amé-rica fueron, probablemente, Apis mellifera mellifera y Apis mellifera iberica. A fin de siglo se introduce otra (Apis mellifera ligustica) procedente de Italia. La apicultura americana ha empleado las razas mencionadas y sus cruces, hasta nuestros días. En 1956 se introdujeron en Brasil reinas de Apis mellifera scutellata, procedentes de Africa tropical. Las abejas procedentes de su cruce con razas europeas, “africanizadas”, se han extendido por casi la totalidad del continente americano

    Aportes polínicos invernales en colmenas de Sierra Morena (Córdoba, España)

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    Se ha rcal~do un esaudio de aportes polfnkos invernales en colmc.nas de b SM:.rra (C6<doba, EspañJ). Adcmis de les p61cnes descrito; oon an1erioridad pan b tcmporad.l alla de recolecci6o, apartccn ellos tipoc poUnicas ca elcv.Jdas proporciones: Composirat, Oxalis pc;.oprat, PhiUyuo fJIIfUtlfolia, CoryfttSll\'ttfana. Elica arboru, cte. l...3.s ,¡gnirfcativas difc· rencias aparecidas tnlrc b.s colmenas CSiudladas en tuii.DlO a la participación de farniliM polínic: as.. apoyarian la tcoria de que el compDrt3mienro recolc:ctor de polen enApi: mtU1Tm: s.igue el modelo de. la •constancia individuar.Wintcr pcllimfcrous sourC from thc Sierra (Cérdoba, Spain) wcre Sludicd, Be· sides thc pollens previousJy dtSCribcd for thC higb harv<:SI sea.c;on, Lhe follow1ng WCIC found in ~ignifi cant proportions.: Composiroe, OxoiiJ pes-caproe, Phillytta anguJri{rHia, C01ylus D\-tllona, Erica arborta, etc. Thc signilic.3. nl differences betwec:n hivt:S ~lb rcspcctto ttlc ~n icipation of ttle pollinic fam.ilics, suppon ttlc "indhidual constanc}"' theory ia the pollen b;m.'CSicr bcha\oiGT of A pis melliftrQ