123 research outputs found

    Vortex shedding dynamics in the laminar wake of cones

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    Vortex Shedding Dynamics in the Laminar Wake of Cones Michel Provansal1 and Peter A. Monkewitz1,2 1 IRPHE Aix-Marseille Universit\'{e}s FRANCE 2LMF, EPFL, SWITZERLAND Experiments on two cones of different taper ratios have been performed in the periodic Reynolds number range between 40 and 180. The visualizations of the plan view of the wake with hydrogen bubbles allow to determine local instantaneous frequencies, wavelengths and shedding angles from digital movie. The shedding frequency adjusts in a stepwise manner to the continuous variation of the cone diameter. Our results lead to revisit the original work of Gaster

    Contrasted sediment processes and morphological adjustments in three successive cutoff meanders of the Danube Delta

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    Since the 1980s intensive anthropogenic disturbances have affected the channel of the St. George branch, the southern distributary of the Danube River. The meander cutoff programme since 1984–1988 induced different hydrosedimentary impacts on the local distribution of river flow velocities, discharge, and sediment fluxes between the former meanders and the man-made canals (Ichim and Radoane, 1986; Popa, 1997; Panin, 2003). This paper selects three large cutoff meander reaches of the St. George branch (the Mahmudia, Dunavăţ de Sus, and Dunavăţ de Josmeanders noted here asM1,M2, andM3, respectively) as an example to analyse the human impact in the Danube River delta. The diversion of the flow induces strong modifications by acceleration of the fluxes through the artificial canals combined with dramatically enhanced deposition in the former meander where it was observed in two cases (M1 and M3) with slight modifications in M2. An exceptional flood that occurred in April 2006 offered a good opportunity for scanning different cross sections of the meander systems. Bathymetry, flow velocity, suspended-load concentration, and liquid and solid discharge data were acquired throughout several cross sections of both natural channels and artificial canals of the three cutoffs, using acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) technology, in order to investigate the distribution of the flowand sediment and its impact on the hydrosedimentary processes in each channelized reach and adjacent former meander. Therefore, the results obtained during the 2006 flood were referred to a long-term evolution (1970–2006), analysed by GIS techniques

    Hysteresis at low Reynolds number: the onset of 2D vortex shedding

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    Hysteresis has been observed in a study of the transition between laminar flow and vortex shedding in a quasi-two dimensional system. The system is a vertical, rapidly flowing soap film which is penetrated by a rod oriented perpendicular to the film plane. Our experiments show that the transition from laminar flow to a periodic K\'arm\'an vortex street can be hysteretic, i.e. vortices can survive at velocities lower than the velocity needed to generate them.Comment: RevTeX file 4 pages + 5 (encapsulated postscript) figures. to appear in Phys.Rev.E, Rapid Communicatio

    Human impact on the transport of terrigenous and anthropogenic elements to peri-alpine lakes (Switzerland) over the last decades

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    Terrigenous (Sc, Fe, K, Mg, Al, Ti) and anthropogenic (Pb and Cu) element fluxes were measured in a new sediment core from Lake Biel (Switzerland) and in previously well-documented cores from two upstream lakes (Lake Brienz and Lake Thun). These three large peri-alpine lakes are connected by the Aare River, which is the main tributary to the High Rhine River. Major and trace element analysis of the sediment cores by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) shows that the site of Lake Brienz receives three times more terrigenous elements than the two other studied sites, given by the role of Lake Brienz as the first major sediment sink located in the foothills of the Alps. Overall, the terrigenous fluxes reconstructed at the three studied sites suggest that the construction of sediment-trapping reservoirs during the twentieth century noticeably decreased the riverine suspended sediment load at a regional scale. In fact, the extensive river damming that occurred in the upstream watershed catchment (between ca. 1930 and 1950 and up to 2300 m a.s.l.) and that significantly modified seasonal suspended sediment loads and riverine water discharge patterns to downstream lakes noticeably diminished the long-range transport of (fine) terrigenous particles by the Aare River. Concerning the transport of anthropogenic pollutants, the lowest lead enrichment factors (EFs Pb) were measured in the upstream course of the Aare River at the site of Lake Brienz, whereas the metal pollution was highest in downstream Lake Biel, with the maximum values measured between 1940 and 1970 (EF Pb >3). The following recorded regional reduction in aquatic Pb pollution started about 15 years before the actual introduction of unleaded gasoline in 1985. Furthermore, the radiometric dating of the sediment core from Lake Biel identifies three events of hydrological transport of artificial radionuclides released by the nuclear reactor of Mühleberg located at more than 15 km upstream of Lake Biel for the time period 1970 to 200

    A Review of Flood-Related Storage and Remobilization of Heavy Metal Pollutants in River Systems

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    Pattern formation outside of equilibrium

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