165 research outputs found

    Tradición y vanguardia en el Viaje del joven Tobías de Torrente Ballester

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    El artículo presenta una interpretación de la obra dramática "El viaje del joven Tobías'; primera escrita par Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, como ejemplo de las inquietudes de su época por la renovación de la escena. Estas llevaron en ocasiones a recuperar y adaptar elementos del pasado, como se demostró en la resurrección del género del auto sacramental, incluyera o no los valores del catolicismo. Se señalan coincidencias técnicas o temáticas con obras del momento que expresaban esa misma tendencia a innovar sobre los antiguos esquemas, y asimismo la influencia que sobre los planteamientos y el contenido de la pieza de Torrente ejerce el pensamiento de dos filósofos de gran importancia para la estética de la época, de un modo particular en el ámbito político de la Falange: Eugenio D'Ors y José Ortega y Gasset. This paper puts forward an interpretation of the first play written by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, Viaje del joven Tobías (Young Tobit’s Journey), which illustrates a widespread concern of his time Adour the renovation of the stage. Such concern conveyed a revival and adaptation of elements from the past, such as the resurrection of the mystery play, not always featuring Catholic values. We highlight the technical or thematic coincidences with contemporary Works expressing a similar tendency to innovation in old patterns, and we similarly stress how thinkers who placed an important role in the period’s aesthetics, particularly within the political context of the Falange: Eugenio D'Ors and José Ortega y Gasset

    Problematic Smartphone Use in Spanish and Italian University Students

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    Sustainable education requires the proper usage of technological devices. Among these is the smartphone, which is used by millions of young people around the world in today’s society. The objective of this study was to understand the smartphone usage profile of Spanish and Italian university students. It also aimed to identify possible problematic uses, and the differences in smartphone use (or abuse) between the participating subjects. The study was descriptive and comparative, with the intentional sampling of N = 1412 subjects studying at the education faculties of the University of Alicante (UA) and the Suor Orsola Benincasa University (UNISOB). A previously-validated questionnaire with 27 items was employed during the 2019–20 academic year. The data was analysed using the SPSS 25 programme. Descriptive and inferential analyses were carried out. The results obtained after the analysis of the data indicated that, of the four possible user types—occasional, habitual, at risk, and problematic—more than half of the sample identified themselves as habitual users. It can be concluded that there are significant differences between the universities: the UA students exhibited more problematic use than the UNISOB students. It is therefore necessary to prepare training programmes that are designed to avert problematic behaviours related to smartphone use.This work was supported by the Program Redes-I3CE of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s Office for Quality and Innovation of the University of Alicante, under Grant 4676—Smartphones as a resource for initial teacher training. Mobile learning or addiction? Two of the authors belong to the GIDU-EDUTIC/IN Research Group of the University of Alicante (VIGROB-330), and one author belongs to the GITE Research Group of the University of Murcia

    Technologies in higher education: innovative teachers & innovative organizations

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    La Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento ha surgido en relación directa con el desarrollo e impacto de las tecnologías digitales, las TIC. Y son también estas tecnologías las que de forma progresiva se han ido introduciendo en las organizaciones educativas, entre ellas también las de enseñanza superior, tal y como se demuestra en las estadísticas recientes. Este artículo es un ensayo en el cual reflexionamos sobre cómo el contexto tecnológico ha influido en las universidades y sobre el futuro de unas instituciones que necesariamente han de apoyarse en las TIC para sus procesos de gestión y administración, para desarrollar sus labores de investigación y, en tercer lugar, para cumplir con sus fines en tanto que instituciones dedicadas a la formación. Centrándonos de modo específico en la formación, analizamos la actitud de los profesores frente a la innovación apoyada en tecnologías y, por otra parte, la innovación con tecnologías como una estrategia institucional en la que hemos de considerar la política educativa y los factores de carácter organizativo.Information and Communication Society has been developed in direct relation to the development and impact of digital technologies (ICT). And these technologies have been progressively introducing changes in educational organizations, also in higher education as recent statistics show. This article is an essay where we reflect about how the technological environment has influenced universities, so how the future will be in our institutions of higher education. Technologies are key elements for the management, for the research and overall for the teaching, because this last one is the main outcome of the universities. Regarding to these reflections, on one hand we analyze the different attitudes of innovative teachers in the universities and, on the other hand, the innovation supported by ICT as an institutional strategy, where we have to consider educational policies and organizational factors

    Artificial Intelligence for Student Assessment: A Systematic Review

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being implemented in more and more fields, including education. The main uses of AI in education are related to tutoring and assessment. This paper analyzes the use of AI for student assessment based on a systematic review. For this purpose, a search was carried out in two databases: Scopus and Web of Science. A total of 454 papers were found and, after analyzing them according to the PRISMA Statement, a total of 22 papers were selected. It is clear from the studies analyzed that, in most of them, the pedagogy underlying the educational action is not reflected. Similarly, formative evaluation seems to be the main use of AI. Another of the main functionalities of AI in assessment is for the automatic grading of students. Several studies analyze the differences between the use of AI and its non-use. We discuss the results and conclude the need for teacher training and further research to understand the possibilities of AI in educational assessment, mainly in other educational levels than higher education. Moreover, it is necessary to increase the wealth of research which focuses on educational aspects more than technical development around AI

    Smart Learning Environments y ergonomía: una aproximación al estado de la cuestión

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    Educational technology evolves constantly, in line with the innovative technologies we implement, but always catering for the improvement of teaching and learning. For this, Smart Learning Environments (SLE) emerge as an optimal alternative to traditional teaching as, through ergonomics, an inclusive outlook which is bound to enhance the educational experience of every student is provided. The method utilized is based on a systematic review of the existing literature which has allowed us to analyze in depth a final sample of 19 documents after an initial review of 633, being these all the works published between 2013 and 2019. Therefore, the principal objective of the present work is carrying out an analysis of the state of the art in relation to ergonomics, inclusiveness and the SLE. The analysis of results is performed utilizing a semantic network, generated through atlas.ti. v.8, by means of which 3 categories, 10 codes and 33 quotes are extracted. Namely, the results reveal the emerging nature of the thematic line researched and how ergonomics is linked to inclusiveness and stands out as one of the most defining components when designing an educational proposal based on SLE.La tecnología educativa se ve de forma continua transformada en función de las tecnologías innovadoras que vamos incorporando, pero siempre con la vista puesta en la mejora del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Para ello, los Smart Learning Environments (SLE) se convierten en una alternativa óptima a la enseñanza tradicional, puesto que a través de la ergonomía se brinda una perspectiva inclusiva que mejorará la experiencia educativa de cualquier estudiante. Por lo tanto, el principal objetivo de este trabajo consiste en realizar un análisis del estado del arte en relación con la ergonomía, la inclusión y los SLE. El método utilizado se basa en una revisión sistemática de literatura que nos ha permitido analizar en profundidad una muestra final de 19 documentos tras una revisión inicial de 633, habiendo sido todos los trabajos publicados entre 2013 y 2019. El análisis de los resultados se realiza a través de una red semántica generada con atlas.ti. v.8, a partir de la cual se extraen 3 categorías, 10 códigos y 33 citas. Principalmente, los resultados reflejan el carácter emergente de la línea temática investigada y cómo la ergonomía se relaciona con la inclusión y se posiciona como uno de los principales componentes para diseñar una propuesta educativa basada en los SLE

    Xylotrechus arvicola (Olivier) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), a new impacting pest on Spanish vineyards

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    Research NoteInfestation caused by Xylotrechus arvicola (Olivier) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) is becoming a new sanitary problem in some Spanish vine-producing areas. Symptoms caused by the pest, the identification of 7 associated wood fungal species living in galleries excavated by larvae, some data about the evolution of the infestation during 8 years in the same plot and the different levels of susceptibility exhibited by three grape varieties are presented in this paper