260 research outputs found

    Coherent properties of nano-electromechanical systems

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    We study the properties of a nano-electromechanical system in the coherent regime, where the electronic and vibrational time scales are of the same order. Employing a master equation approach, we obtain the stationary reduced density matrix retaining the coherences between vibrational states. Depending on the system parameters, two regimes are identified, characterized by either (ii) an {\em effective} thermal state with a temperature {\em lower} than that of the environment or (iiii) strong coherent effects. A marked cooling of the vibrational degree of freedom is observed with a suppression of the vibron Fano factor down to sub-Poissonian values and a reduction of the position and momentum quadratures.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    An electrical probe for mechanical vibrations in suspended carbon nanotubes

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    The transport properties of a suspended carbon nanotube probed by means of a STM tip are investigated. A microscopic theory of the coupling between electrons and mechanical vibrations is developed. It predicts a position-dependent coupling constant, sizeable only in the region where the vibron is located. This fact has profound consequences on the transport properties, which allow to extract information on the location and size of the vibrating portions of the nanotube.Comment: 11 Pages, 12 color figures, accepted for publication on Physical Review

    Mirando los despojos que produjo la colonialidad: ¿Cómo volver a ser nosotras en nuestra fortaleza? Una propuesta para reconstruir nuestro poder colectivo

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    El presente trabajo intenta dar cuenta de las violencias patriarcales, de raza y coloniales de la que somos y fuimos históricamente objeto las mujeres; e indagar en la posibilidad de la reconstrucción de un poder para afrontarlas: el poder comunitario que tejemos en las fuentes vitales del agua, el canto comunitario, la cocina, la ronda. Todos éstos, lugares vitales que otorgan nuevas fuerzas a las mujeres. Las preguntas iniciales versan en torno a: ¿Dónde ha quedado ese poder?, ¿ha quedado en un lugar?, ¿en un grupo de personas?. ¿Está?, ¿lo otorgamos?, ¿nos lo quitaron?. El trabajo relata como ejemplo concreto de construcción de ese poder contrahegemónico, la conformación de un colectivo de mujeres del interior de la provincia de Catamarca en reclamo de justicia por abusos y violencias sistemáticamente sufridas por ellas en entornos de impunidad patriarcal y eclesiástica

    Phonon distributions of a single bath mode coupled to a quantum dot

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    The properties of an unconventional, single mode phonon bath coupled to a quantum dot, are investigated within the rotating wave approximation. The electron current through the dot induces an out of equilibrium bath, with a phonon distribution qualitatively different from the thermal one. In selected transport regimes, such a distribution is characterized by a peculiar selective population of few phonon modes and can exhibit a sub-Poissonian behavior. It is shown that such a sub-Poissonian behavior is favored by a double occupancy of the dot. The crossover from a unequilibrated to a conventional thermal bath is explored, and the limitations of the rotating wave approximation are discussed.Comment: 21 Pages, 7 figures, to appear in New Journal of Physics - Focus on Quantum Dissipation in Unconventional Environment

    One-Dimensional Dispersive Magnon Excitation in the Frustrated Spin-2 Chain System Ca3Co2O6

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    Using inelastic neutron scattering, we have observed a quasi-one-dimensional dispersive magnetic excitation in the frustrated triangular-lattice spin-2 chain oxide Ca3Co2O6. At the lowest temperature (T = 1.5 K), this magnon is characterized by a large zone-center spin gap of ~27 meV, which we attribute to the large single-ion anisotropy, and disperses along the chain direction with a bandwidth of ~3.5 meV. In the directions orthogonal to the chains, no measurable dispersion was found. With increasing temperature, the magnon dispersion shifts towards lower energies, yet persists up to at least 150 K, indicating that the ferromagnetic intrachain correlations survive up to 6 times higher temperatures than the long-range interchain antiferromagnetic order. The magnon dispersion can be well described within the predictions of linear spin-wave theory for a system of weakly coupled ferromagnetic chains with large single-ion anisotropy, enabling the direct quantitative determination of the magnetic exchange and anisotropy parameters.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures including one animatio

    Hour-glass magnetic excitations induced by nanoscopic phase separation in cobalt oxides La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCoO4_4

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    The magnetic excitations in the cuprate superconductors might be essential for an understanding of high-temperature superconductivity. In these cuprate superconductors the magnetic excitation spectrum resembles an hour-glass and certain resonant magnetic excitations within are believed to be connected to the pairing mechanism which is corroborated by the observation of a universal linear scaling of superconducting gap and magnetic resonance energy. So far, charge stripes are widely believed to be involved in the physics of hour-glass spectra. Here we study an isostructural cobaltate that also exhibits an hour-glass magnetic spectrum. Instead of the expected charge stripe order we observe nano phase separation and unravel a microscopically split origin of hour-glass spectra on the nano scale pointing to a connection between the magnetic resonance peak and the spin gap originating in islands of the antiferromagnetic parent insulator. Our findings open new ways to theories of magnetic excitations and superconductivity in cuprate superconductors.Comment: Nature Communications 5, 5731 (2014
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