206 research outputs found

    Sediment management and the renewability of floodplain clay for structural ceramics

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    The Netherlands has vast resources of clay that are exploited for the fabrication of structural ceramic products such as bricks and roof tiles. Most clay is extracted from the so-called embanked floodplains along the rivers Rhine and Meuse, areas that are flooded during high-discharge conditions. Riverside clay extraction is-at least in theory-compensated by deposition. Based on a sediment balance (deposition versus extraction), we explore the extent to which clay can be regarded as a renewable resource, with potential for sustainable use. Beyond that, we discuss the implications for river and sediment management, especially for the large engineering works that are to be undertaken to increase the discharge capacities of the Rhine and Meuse. Extraction rates are based on production statistics for clay, as well as those for fired end-products. Deposition rates are estimated from published and unpublished geological data (clay volumes and thicknesses, datings, etc.) and from morphological modeling studies. Comparisons between extraction and deposition are made at three different time-space scales: (1) long term (post-1850)/large scale (all Dutch floodplains), (2) present/large scale, and (3) present/site scale. The year 1850 is relevant because it approximately marks the beginning of the current, fully engineered river systems, in which depositional processes are constrained by dikes and groynes. As the Industrial Revolution began in the same period, post-1850 sediments can be identified by their pollution with heavy metals. (1) We estimate the post-1850 clay volume in situ at about 0.20 km(3), and the total extracted volume in the same period at about 0.17 km(3). This puts the net long-term average deposition rate of clay at similar to 1.3 million m(3)/year and the corresponding extraction rate at similar to 1.1 million m(3)/year. (2) Current accumulation is approximately 0.4 million m(3)/year and expected to increase, and current extraction is about 0.7 million m(3)/year and expected to decrease. (3) Clay extraction creates a depression that has an increased sediment-trapping efficiency. This local effect is not considered explicitly in large-scale morphological modeling. Based on maximum observed sedimentation rates, we estimate that replenishment of a clay site takes in the order of 150 years. As clay extraction lowers some 0.5 km(2) of floodplain yearly, a surface area of approximately 75 km(2) would be required for sustainable clay extraction. This is about 1/6 of the total surface area of the embanked floodplains. On the long term, clay extraction from the embanked floodplain depositional environment has been sustainable. At strongly decreasing deposition rates, the ratio between extraction and replenishment seems to have shifted towards unsustainable. However, current sedimentation is estimated conservatively. The site-scale approach suggests that, even if extraction would currently exceed deposition, this could be resolved with sediment management, that is, with site restoration measures aimed at higher sediment-trapping efficiency. Our results have implications for river engineering, especially where substantial digging is involved (floodplain lowering, high-discharge bypass channels, obstacle removal). First, this inevitably affects the clay resources that we studied, while resource sterilization should be avoided. Secondly, the effect that any form of digging has on subsequent sedimentation-increased rates-relates to long-term river maintenance. We conclude that floodplain clay is a renewable resource, especially if managed accordingly. Beyond that, we established that clay extraction is a significant, lasting factor in floodplain evolution along the Rhine and Meuse Rivers. The interests of the extractive industry and river managers could be served jointly with sediment management plans that are based on sediment-budget analyse

    HESS Opinions On the use of laboratory experimentation: "Hydrologists, bring out shovels and garden hoses and hit the dirt"

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    From an outsider's perspective, hydrology combines field work with modelling, but mostly ignores the potential for gaining understanding and conceiving new hypotheses from controlled laboratory experiments. Sivapalan (2009) pleaded for a question- and hypothesis-driven hydrology where data analysis and top-down modelling approaches lead to general explanations and understanding of general trends and patterns. We discuss why and how such understanding is gained very effectively from controlled experimentation in comparison to field work and modelling. We argue that many major issues in hydrology are open to experimental investigations. Though experiments may have scale problems, these are of similar gravity as the well-known problems of fieldwork and modelling and have not impeded spectacular progress through experimentation in other geosciences

    Анализ составляющих теплового баланса системы "прокатный стан - прокатываемая полоса" и пути снижения энергозатрат в процессе сортовой прокатки

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    Выполнен анализ составляющих теплового баланса системы «прокатный стан – прокатываемая полоса». Рассмотрены основные направления решения температурной задачи сортовой прокатки. Предложен ряд мероприятий, позволяющих снизить расход энергоресурсов на прокатку и уменьшить расходную часть теплового баланса системы «прокатный стан – прокатываемая полоса»

    Історія становлення міжнародного суду ООН

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    Досліджується історія розвитку міжнародного правосуддя та діяльності інституту судової системи на міжнародному рівні, особливості становлення Міжнародного Суду ООН та його попередниці Постійної Палати міжнародного правосуддя в рамках Ліги Націй.Исследуется история развития международного правосудия и деятельности института судебной системы на международном уровне, особенности становления Международного Суда ООН и его предшественника Постоянной Палаты международного правосудия в рамках Лиги Наций.In the article author explores the history of international justice and the judicial system of the institute on the international level.Feature of theformation International Court of Justice and its predecessor the Permanent Court of International Justice by the League of Nations

    A systematic review on safety and surgical and anesthetic risks of elective abdominal laparoscopic surgery in infants to guide laparoscopic ovarian tissue harvest for fertility preservation for infants facing gonadotoxic treatment

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    Background: Infertility is an important late effect of childhood cancer treatment. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation (OTC) is established as a safe procedure to preserve gonadal tissue in (pre)pubertal girls with cancer at high risk for infertility. However, it is unclear whether elective laparoscopic OTC can also be performed safely in infants <1 year with cancer. This systematic review aims to evaluate the reported risks in infants undergoing elective laparoscopy regarding mortality, and/or critical events (including resuscitation, circulatory, respiratory, neurotoxic, other) during and shortly after surgery. Methods: This systematic review followed the Preferred reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) reporting guideline. A systematic literature search in the databases Pubmed and EMbase was performed and updated on February 15th, 2023. Search terms included ‘infants’, ‘intubation’, ‘laparoscopy’, ‘mortality’, ‘critical events’, ‘comorbidities’ and their synonyms. Papers published in English since 2000 and describing at least 50 patients under the age of 1 year undergoing laparoscopic surgery were included. Articles were excluded when the majority of patients had congenital abnormalities. Quality of the studies was assessed using the QUIPS risk of bias tool. Results: The Pubmed and Embase databases yielded a total of 12,401 unique articles, which after screening on title and abstract resulted in 471 articles to be selected for full text screening. Ten articles met the inclusion criteria for this systematic review, which included 1778 infants <1 years undergoing elective laparoscopic surgery. Mortality occurred once (death not surgery-related), resuscitation in none and critical events in 53/1778 of the procedures. Conclusion: The results from this review illustrate that morbidity and mortality in infants without extensive comorbidities during and just after elective laparoscopic procedures seem limited, indicating that the advantages of performing elective laparoscopic OTC for infants with cancer at high risk of gonadal damage may outweigh the anesthetic and surgical risks of laparoscopic surgery in this age group

    Experiences of Female Childhood Cancer Patients and Survivors Regarding Information and Counselling on Gonadotoxicity Risk and Fertility Preservation at Diagnosis: A Systematic Review

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    BACKGROUND: Childhood cancer patients and their families are increasingly offered oncofertility care including information regarding their risk of gonadal damage by paediatric oncologists, fertility counselling by fertility specialists and fertility preservation options. However, experiences regarding oncofertility care are underreported. We aimed to summarize the available evidence of experiences of female childhood cancer patients and survivors regarding oncofertility care. METHODS: Manuscripts were systematically identified using the PubMed and Embase database. From, respectively, 1256 and 3857 manuscripts, 7 articles were included and assessed, including risk of bias assessment. Outcome measures included data describing experiences of female childhood cancer patients and survivors, regarding fertility information, counselling and/or preservation. RESULTS: Female patients and survivors are variably satisfied with fertility information, report challenges in communication with healthcare professionals and prefer to receive general information at diagnosis and detailed fertility information later. Regrets after fertility counselling are underreported, but are associated with refusing fertility preservation. Lastly, regardless of counselling, female patients and survivors report fertility concerns about their future children's health and effect on relationships. CONCLUSION: Currently, the satisfaction with oncofertility care varies and female patients or survivors report regrets and concerns regardless of receiving fertility information or counselling. These results may help to improve the content of fertility information, communication skills of healthcare professionals and timing of counselling

    Minimal Infiltrative Disease Identification in Cryopreserved Ovarian Tissue of Girls with Cancer for Future Use: A Systematic Review

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    BACKGROUND: Ovarian tissue cryopreservation and transplantation are the only available fertility techniques for prepubertal girls with cancer. Though autotransplantation carries a risk of reintroducing malignant cells, it can be avoided by identifying minimal infiltrative disease (MID) within ovarian tissue. METHODS: A broad search for peer-reviewed articles in the PubMed database was conducted in accordance with PRISMA guidelines up to March 2023. Search terms included 'minimal residual disease', 'cryopreservation', 'ovarian', 'cancer' and synonyms. RESULTS: Out of 542 identified records, 17 were included. Ovarian tissues of at least 115 girls were evaluated and categorized as: hematological malignancies ( n = 56; 48.7%), solid tumors ( n = 42; 36.5%) and tumors of the central nervous system ( n = 17; 14.8%). In ovarian tissue of 25 patients (21.7%), MID was detected using RT-qPCR, FISH or multicolor flow cytometry: 16 of them (64%) being ALL ( IgH rearrangements with/without TRG, BCL-ABL1, EA2-PBX1, TEL-AML1 fusion transcripts), 3 (12%) Ewing sarcoma ( EWS-FLI1 fusion transcript, EWSR1 rearrangements), 3 (12%) CML ( BCR-ABL1 fusion transcript, FLT3) and 3 (12%) AML (leukemia-associated immunophenotypes, BCR-ABL1 fusion transcript) patients. CONCLUSION: While the majority of malignancies were found to have a low risk of containing malignant cells in ovarian tissue, further studies are needed to ensure safe implementation of future fertility restoration in clinical practice

    Development of a questionnaire to evaluate female fertility care in pediatric oncology, a TREL initiative

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    BACKGROUND: Currently the five-year survival of childhood cancer is up to 80% due to improved treatment modalities. However, the majority of childhood cancer survivors develop late effects including infertility. Survivors describe infertility as an important and life-altering late effect. Fertility preservation options are becoming available to pre- and postpubertal patients diagnosed with childhood cancer and fertility care is now an important aspect in cancer treatment. The use of fertility preservation options depends on the quality of counseling on this important and delicate issue. The aim of this manuscript is to present a questionnaire to determine the impact of fertility counseling in patients suffering from childhood cancer, to improve fertility care and evaluate what patients and their parents or guardians consider good fertility care. METHODS: Within the framework of the EU-Horizon 2020 TREL project, a fertility care evaluation questionnaire used in the Netherlands was made applicable for international multi-center use. The questionnaire to be used at least also in Lithuania, incorporates patients' views on fertility care to further improve the quality of fertility care and counseling. Results evaluate fertility care and will be used to improve current fertility care in a national specialized pediatric oncology center in the Netherlands and a pediatric oncology center in Lithuania. CONCLUSION: An oncofertility-care-evaluation questionnaire has been developed for pediatric oncology patients and their families specifically. Results of this questionnaire may contribute to enhancement of fertility care in pediatric oncology in wider settings and thus improve quality of life of childhood cancer patients and survivors

    Dynamics and transport near quantum-critical points

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    The physics of non-zero temperature dynamics and transport near quantum-critical points is discussed by a detailed study of the O(N)-symmetric, relativistic, quantum field theory of a N-component scalar field in dd spatial dimensions. A great deal of insight is gained from a simple, exact solution of the long-time dynamics for the N=1 d=1 case: this model describes the critical point of the Ising chain in a transverse field, and the dynamics in all the distinct, limiting, physical regions of its finite temperature phase diagram is obtained. The N=3, d=1 model describes insulating, gapped, spin chain compounds: the exact, low temperature value of the spin diffusivity is computed, and compared with NMR experiments. The N=3, d=2,3 models describe Heisenberg antiferromagnets with collinear N\'{e}el correlations, and experimental realizations of quantum-critical behavior in these systems are discussed. Finally, the N=2, d=2 model describes the superfluid-insulator transition in lattice boson systems: the frequency and temperature dependence of the the conductivity at the quantum-critical coupling is described and implications for experiments in two-dimensional thin films and inversion layers are noted.Comment: Lectures presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Dynamical properties of unconventional magnetic systems", Geilo, Norway, April 2-12, 1997, edited by A. Skjeltorp and D. Sherrington, Kluwer Academic, to be published. 46 page

    Endoscopic full-thickness resection of T1 colorectal cancers:a retrospective analysis from a multicenter Dutch eFTR registry

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    Background Complete endoscopic resection and accurate histological evaluation for T1 colorectal cancer (CRC) are critical in determining subsequent treatment. Endoscopic full-thickness resection (eFTR) is a new treatment option for T1 CRC<2cm. We aimed to report clinical outcomes and short-term results. Methods Consecutive eFTR procedures for T1 CRC, prospectively recorded in our national registry between November 2015 and April 2020, were retrospectively analyzed. Primary outcomes were technical success and R0 resection. Secondary outcomes were histological risk assessment, curative resection, adverse events, and short-term outcomes. Results We included 330 procedures: 132 primary resections and 198 secondary scar resections after incomplete T1 CRC resection. Overall technical success, R0 resection, and curative resection rates were 87.0% (95% confidence interval [CI] 82.7%-90.3%), 85.6% (95%CI 81.2%-89.2%), and 60.3% (95%CI 54.7%-65.7%). Curative resection rate was 23.7% (95%CI 15.9%-33.6%) for primary resection of T1 CRC and 60.8% (95%CI 50.4%-70.4%) after excluding deep submucosal invasion as a risk factor. Risk stratification was possible in 99.3%. The severe adverse event rate was 2.2%. Additional oncological surgery was performed in 49/320 (15.3%), with residual cancer in 11/49 (22.4%). Endoscopic follow-up was available in 200/242 (82.6%), with a median of 4 months and residual cancer in 1 (0.5%) following an incomplete resection. Conclusions eFTR is relatively safe and effective for resection of small T1 CRC, both as primary and secondary treatment. eFTR can expand endoscopic treatment options for T1 CRC and could help to reduce surgical overtreatment. Future studies should focus on long-term outcomes