341 research outputs found


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    Agriculture as the economic sector is an important factor of economic development of Serbia and an important part of economic structure. Serbia has agrarian resources (land, climate and water) that are not used enough, and therefore, represent a significant economic potential for further development. Vojvodina is the best-developed economic region of the Republic of Serbia, with dominant role of agricultural production. The main economic potential of Vojvodina development is, among other things, the strengthening and improvement of agriculture in the private sector. Economic potential of agriculture impose the need to analyze this situation in the field of small and medium sized entrepreneurship as the bearer of the future development of agriculture in Vojvodina. Cluster analysis is a method that will determine how to group communes in Vojvodina according to the level of development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of agriculture, and thus get an insight into the current state of development of this sector of agriculture, as well as point out the possibilities for the future development of SMEs in agribusiness of Vojvodina.Agricultural production, Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), Clusters analysis, Clustering of communes in Vojvodina, Agribusiness, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Public Economics,

    Graft-take Success in Walnut Under Controlled Conditions and Plant Development in the Nursery

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    The production of walnut nursery plants is a complex process, being dependent upon a range of factors that affect graft-take success and behaviour of walnut plants in the nursery. The experiment included two parts. Three different treatments were used in the heated room under controlled air temperature and humidity conditions: Treatment 1-grafting without paraffin treatment of the scion and graft union, coupled with covering the graft with sawdust up to the top of the scion; Treatment 2-grafting involving paraffin treatment of the scion and graft union, coupled with covering the graft with sawdust up to the top of the scion; and Treatment 3-grafting involving paraffin treatment of the scion and graft union, coupled with covering the graft with both sawdust up to the top of the scion and polyethylene foil. The treatments were evaluated for their effect on graft-take success. Graft planting in the nursery was followed by two treatments: treatment without foliar fertilisation and treatment with foliar fertilisation. Under controlled conditions, treatment 3 induced a higher graft-take success as compared to the other two treatments, whereas foliar fertilisation in the nursery had a positive effect on the survival, production of class 1 plants and vegetative growth of walnut plants


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    The aim of the investigation was to assess the level of soil fertility and repair measures in order to enhance the productivity of fruit production in a traditional fruit growing area. (Municipality of Topola, Serbia). The following tests were performed: mechanical composition, physical and chemical properties of soil, total adsorbed base cation, capacity of adsorbed base cation, degree of base saturation, different types of soil acidity, contents of carbon, humus, total nitrogen, easily accessible forms of P2O5 and K2O. Results obtained have shown that soils from all studied sites are of “heavy” mechanical texture with 75,40-84,90% of physical clay. High capacity of cation adsorption, low to medium hydrolytic acidity and high to almost complete saturation of adsorbed bases, has been measured. In compliance with previous analyses, it has been assessed that soils are neutral and of low acid chemical reaction, with low carbon and medium humus content and total nitrogen. Easily accessible content of P2O5 and K2O varies depending on the food quantity on individual parcels with low to medium accessibility to parcels with no fruit plantations. Based on the parameters analysed, the tested soils demand repair of mechanical properties, which will facilitate greater nutrient uptake

    Time-dependent reduction of structural complexity of the buccal epithelial cell nuclei after treatment with silver nanoparticles

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    Recent studies have suggested that silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) may affect cell DNA structure in in vitro conditions. In this paper, we present the results indicating that AgNPs change nuclear complexity properties in isolated human epithelial buccal cells in a time-dependent manner. Epithelial buccal cells were plated in special tissue culture chamber / slides and were kept at 37°C in an RPMI 1640 cell culture medium supplemented with L-glutamine. The cells were treated with colloidal silver nanoparticles suspended in RPMI 1640 medium at the concentration 15 mg L−1. Digital micrographs of the cell nuclei in a sample of 30 cells were created at five different time steps: before the treatment (controls), immediately after the treatment, as well as 15 , 30 and 60 min after the treatment with AgNPs. For each nuclear structure, values of fractal dimension, lacunarity, circularity, as well as parameters of grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) texture, were determined. The results indicate time-dependent reduction of structural complexity in the cell nuclei after the contact with AgNPs. These findings further suggest that AgNPs, at concentrations present in today's over-the-counter drug products, might have significant effects on the cell genetic material


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    ABSTRACT During hydrobiological investigations of diversity of rivers and brooks of Serbia an

    The efficacy of the thyroid peroxidase marker for distinguishing follicular thyroid carcinoma from follicular adenoma

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    Aim: Expression of thyroid peroxidase (TPO) in the thyroid gland tissue is well known as a sensitive marker of the thyroid malignancy. We have evaluated immunohistochemical assay of TPO for distinguishing follicular thyroid carcinoma from follicular adenoma. Materials and Methods: Sections of formalin-fixed tissues obtained from 92 patients with thyroid tumors (52 follicular carcinomas and 40 follicular adenomas including the Hurthle cell type) were analyzed using a monoclonal antibody (TPO mAb 47) and the avidin-biotin peroxidase complex immunohistochemical technique. Lesions with staining of more than 80% of the follicular cells/specimen were considered benign, while less than 80% were considered malignant. Results: TPO immunostaining correlated with the histopathological diagnosis in 24/40 cases of follicular adenomas and 41/52 cases of follicular carcinomas, giving a specificity of 60% and a sensitivity of 79%. Conclusion: These results suggest that immunohistochemical assay of TPO expression has limited value for the differential diagnosis of follicular thyroid carcinoma from thyroid follicular adenoma.Цель: уровень экспрессии тироидной пероксидазы (ТПО) в ткани щитовидной железы является чувствительным маркером малигнизации этого органа. В работе представлено попытку оценки метода иммуногистохимический детекции ТПО для дифференциальной диагностики фолликулярной карциномы и фолликулярной аденомы щитовидной железы (ФКЩЖ и ФАЩЖ соответственно). Материалы и методы: срезы ткани, зафиксированные в формалине, были получены у 92 пациентов с опухолями щитовидной железы (52 случая — ФКЩЖ и 40 — ФАЩЖ, в том числе тип с клетками Хюртля). Для иммуногистохимического анализа этих срезов использовали моноклональные антитела против ТПО (ТРОmAb47) и авидин-биотиновый комплекс. Препараты опухолей, содержащих более 80% позитивно окрашенных фолликулярных клеток, признавали доброкачественными, а те, что содержали менее 80% таких клеток, — злокачественными. Результаты: интенсивность иммуноокрашивания препаратов коррелировала с гистопатологическим диагнозом в 24 из 40 случаев ФАЩЖ и в 41 из 52 случаев ФКЩЖ. При этом чувствительность метода составляла 79%, специфичность — 60%. Выводы: иммуногистохимический анализ ТПО имеет недостаточную специфичность для дифференциальной диагностики фолликулярной карциномы и фолликулярной аденомы

    Kalcizacija kiselih zemljišta u centralnoj Srbiji

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    Acidic soils are preset over 60% of the total arable land in Central Serbia. Yields of the majority of field crops that are achieve on acid soils are low and poor quality. The introduction of control of soil fertility and application of amelioration measures, especially liming, are significantly influenced to improvement of fertility of acid soils and increase yields of cultivated plant species. Also, by neutralizing the acidity of the soil there were positive changes in the degree of weed infestation of crops, changes in the structure of weeds, as well as greater efficiency of protection of cultivated plants from weeds. A substantial portion of acid soils in Central Serbia is not under control of soil fertility and use of fertilizer and without implementation liming as a measure of amelioration. Also, in this area do not exist demonstration experiments in order to monitor changes that cause the application of liming in soils, as well as the promotion of this important amelioration measures.U radu je dat pregled najvažnijih rezultata neutralizacije kiselih zemljišta Centralne Srbije primenom pH melioranata, naročiro upotrebom krečnog đubriva "Njival Ca". Na osnovu dosadašnjih istraživanja utvrđen je veoma pozitivan efekat primene kalcizacije na podizanje nivoa plodnosti svih proučavanih tipova kiselih zemljišta i to preko: povećanja njihove pH vrednosti, sadržaja organske materije, ukupnog azota, lakopristupačnog fosfora i kalijuma, značajnog smanjenja sadržaja mobilnog aluminijuma, gvožđa i mangana, kao i sadržaja pristupačnih formi teških metala. Takođe, neutralizacijom kiselih zemljišta značajno su povećani prinosi gajenih biljnih vrsta (od 30% do nekoliko puta), naročito osetljivih na niske pH vrednosti i sadržaj mobilnog Al. Primenom ove pedomeliorativne mere na kiselim zemljištima utvrđeno je i smanjenje zakorovljenosti i pozitivne promene florističkog sastava korova u usevima pojedinih biljnih vrsta

    Thin PDMS Films Using Long Spin Times or Tert-Butyl Alcohol as a Solvent

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    Thin polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) films are frequently used in “lab on a chip” devices as flexible membranes. The common solvent used to dilute the PDMS for thin films is hexane, but hexane can swell the underlying PDMS substrate. A better solvent would be one that dissolves uncured PDMS but doesn't swell the underlying substrate. Here, we present protocols and spin curves for two alternatives to hexane dilution: longer spin times and dilution in tert-butyl alcohol. The thickness of the PDMS membranes under different spin speeds, spin times, and PDMS concentrations was measured using an optical profilometer. The use of tert-butyl alcohol to spin thin PDMS films does not swell the underlying PDMS substrate, and we have used these films to construct multilayer PDMS devices