293 research outputs found

    Molecular Quantum Computing by an Optimal Control Algorithm for Unitary Transformations

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    Quantum computation is based on implementing selected unitary transformations which represent algorithms. A generalized optimal control theory is used to find the driving field that generates a prespecified unitary transformation. The approach is illustrated in the implementation of one and two qubits gates in model molecular systems.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Efecto de un trabajo de aprendizaje del ciclo estiramiento-acortamiento sobre la capacidad de salto en voleibol

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    El propósito de esta investigación es conocer el efecto sobre la capacidad de salto (tiempo de ejecución y altura alcanzada por el centro de gravedad) de un trabajo de aprendizaje de la utilización del ciclo estiramiento - acortamiento de la musculatura flexora - extensora del pie a través de ejercicios de técnica de carrera realizados de forma integrada dentro del entrenamiento. Se realizó un estudio intergrupo con 12 jugadores de voleibol de nivel nacional divididos aleatoriamente en dos grupos (experimental y control). Todos los jugadores realizaron el mismo entrenamiento durante el periodo de estudio (primer macrociclo competitivo). El grupo experimental desarrolló de forma adicional en la parte final del calentamiento el trabajo de aprendizaje tres días por semana durante 14 semanas. Antes y después del trabajo de aprendizaje se realizó una batería de control, en donde se registró la altura alcanzada y el tiempo de impulso, en fase excéntrica y concéntrica. El grupo experimental consiguió una mejora significativa (disminución) a nivel de tiempo de la contracción excéntrica y del tiempo total de impulso en la prueba de bloqueo con desplazamiento lateral sin cruce. Respecto a la altura alcanzada no se observa diferencia entre ambos grupos. El efecto de un trabajo de aprendizaje produce una ganancia temporal en la acción de bloqueo con desplazamiento lateral sin cruce en voleibol aplicando los mismos niveles de fuerza (altura alcanzada)

    Examining the Benefits of Distributing HPV Self Collection Kits in Hispanic and African American Communities

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    Diseño y validación de contenido de un cuestionario sobre la satisfacción, participación y opinión de mejora en las clases de educación física en secundaria

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue diseñar un instrumento que mida de forma valida y fiable en alumnos de enseñanza secundaria obligatoria la satisfacción, participación y opinión de mejora en las clases de educación física. En primer lugar, se realizó una validación del contenido a través del acuerdo y consenso de nueve jueces expertos. En segundo lugar, se aplicó el cuestionario a una muestra de 38 sujetos, de 3º de la E.S.O., con edades entre 14.6 ± 0.8. Los datos iniciales aportaron modificaciones realizadas tanto por los jueces expertos como por los propios sujetos. Tras realizar las modificaciones, se obtuvieron adecuados valores de fiabilidad, mediante la consistencia interna (alfa=.825), como de validez de contenido (V de Aiken mínimo de 0.90)._____________________________The aim of this study was to design an instrument to measure a valid and reliable in compulsory secondary school students' satisfaction, participation and improvement in view of physical education classes. First, a content validation through consensus and agreement of nine judges. Secondly, the questionnaire was applied to a sample of 38 subjects, 3 º ESO, aged 14.6 ± 0.8. Initial data modifications made by the expert judges and by the subjects themselves. After making the changes, we obtained suitable values of reliability by internal consistency (alpha =. 825), and content validity (V Aiken minimum of 0.90)

    Effect of an Educational Program about Game Statistics and a Goal-Setting Intervention in a Community College Women’s Volleyball Team

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    The aim was to assess an educational program about game statistics and a goal setting intervention in a community college women’s volleyball team. The sample consisted of 12 players from a Midwestern community college women’s volleyball team. A quasiexperimental design with a pre-test, post-test, and re-test was done. The dependent variable was the players’ perception and use of the game statistics. The independent variable was the educational program about game statistics and goal setting. The coaches’ and players’ perception, level of satisfaction, and completion of the task during the sessions were recorded. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. A descriptive and inferential analysis of the results (t-test for evidence of relationship) was done. After the educational training, the players’ perceptions of their ability to understand, analyse, and use information about game statistics and do goal setting in practice and in competition increased significantly. The players used the information significantly more in their practice for all the game actions. Players believed that the abilities they learned helped to improve their performance and the way they practiced. The players believed that the intervention was useful, that it helped them to focus in practice, and that it helped them to focus on technique and the quality of the actions, as well as to better monitor their progress. The educational program was effective with regard to increasing players’ perception and understanding about statistics and in the use of statistics and goal setting in practice for monitoring the quality of their actions and their progress


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    The use of resisted sprinting techniques is common both in athletics and in a variety of sports (Cronin and Hansen, 2006). However, previous research has focused in studying the performance when applying these methods on untrained subjects (Zafeiridis et al., 2005; Kristensen et al., 2006). Considering that the magnitudes and time courses of the neural adaptations in the neuromuscular system in elite athletes may differ from those adaptations reported for untrained athletes (Hakkinen et al., 1987), the results from those papers may not be representative of the experienced subjects. Therefore, the aim of the study was to examine the effects of resisted and unloaded sprint training programs on acceleration, transition and maximum speed performance on experienced athletes

    Frecuencia cardiaca, formas de organización y situaciones de juego en baloncesto

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    Introduction: The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of task organization and different game situations on intensity and of repetitions in basketball. Method: A quasi-experimental design with twelve players group of 12, 4 ± 0, 7 years-old average was done. Three training sessions about lay-up was realized. The independent variables were task organization and different game situations. The dependent variables were heart rate and number of repetitions, and player´s perception about intensity and work. Results: a) statistically significant differences in heart rate between the status of 1x0 and 2x2 (p =. 014), and trends towards significance between the situation of game 1x0 and 3x3 (p =. 065), b) were statistically significant differences in heart rate between the situation frequents gaming 1x0 circuit on the rows (p =. 027) and forms involving simultaneous moves (p =. 000), and the game situation 1x1 between rows with respect to the ways games with simultaneous participation (p =. 014); c) The effect of the interaction between the game situation factor and type of organization was statistically significant (F6, 42 = 9,256, p =. 000 ). Are statistically significant differences in the number of operations performed by the players on the combination of the four game situations and the three types of organization. Conclusions: a) The groups in circuits had a greater number of repetitions and intensity perceived, b) the groups in games through forms showed greater heart rate and more repetitions, and c) the group in rows presented no value to excel regard to the task structure. From the collected data, it is deduced that depending on which are the objectives of the sports abilities, will be more useful adapted to use a type of organization or another one.Introducción: El presente trabajo analiza la influencia de diferentes formas de organización y situaciones de juego sobre la intensidad y el número de intervenciones en baloncesto. Método: Se realizó un diseño cuasi-experimental, con 12 jugadores de edad 12,4 ± 0,7, años. Se realizaron tres sesiones de intervención sobre el lanzamiento a canasta en carrera (entrada a canasta). Las variables independientes fueron la forma de organización y las diferentes situaciones de juego. Las variables dependientes fueron la frecuencia cardiaca media, el número de intervenciones de lanzamientos, y la percepción de la intensidad de trabajo de los jugadores. Resultados: a) se observan diferencias estadísticamente significativas en frecuencia cardiaca entre la situación de 1x0 y la de 2x2 (p=.014), y tendencias a la significación entre la situación de juego de 1x0 y la de 3x3 (p=.065), b) Se aprecian diferencias estadísticamente significativas en frecuenta cardiaca entre la situación de juego de 1x0 en circuito con respecto a las filas (p=.027) y las formas jugadas con participación simultanea (p=.000), y en la situación de juego de 1x1 entre filas con respecto a las formas jugadas con participación simultanea (p=.014); c) El efecto de la interacción entre el factor situación de juego y tipo de organización fue estadísticamente significativo (F6,42 = 9.256, p=.000). Se aprecian diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el número de intervenciones realizadas por los jugadores en la combinación de las cuatro situaciones de juego y los tres tipos de organización. Conclusiones: a) La organización grupal con participación simultánea mediante circuitos presentó mayor número de intervenciones e intensidad percibida; b) la organización grupal con participación simultánea mediante formas jugadas con participación simultanea mostró mayor frecuencia cardiaca y más intervenciones; y c) la organización grupal con participación alternativa mediante filas no presentó ningún valor que sobresalga respecto a las formas de organización. A partir de los datos obtenidos, se deduce que dependiendo de cuáles sean los objetivos de la habilidad deportiva, será más adecuado utilizar un tipo de organización u otro

    K^0-\bar{K}^0 mixing in the Standard Model from Nf=2+1+1 Twisted Mass Lattice QCD

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    We present preliminary results at {\beta} = 1.95 (a = 0.077 fm) on the first unquenched N_f=2+1+1 lattice computation of the B_K parameter which controls the neutral kaon oscillations in the Standard Model. Using N_f=2+1+1 maximally twisted sea quarks and Osterwalder-Seiler valence quarks we achieve O(a) improvement and a continuum-like renormalization pattern for the four-fermion operator. Our results are extrapolated/interpolated to the physical light/strange quark mass but not yet to the continuum limit. The computation of the relevant renormalization constants is performed non perturbatively in the RI'-MOM scheme using dedicated simulations with N_f=4 degenerate sea quark flavours produced by the ETM collaboration. We get B_K^{RGI} (a = 0.077) = 0.747(18), which when compared to our previous unquenched N_f=2 determination and most of the existing results, suggests a rather weak B_K^{RGI} dependence on the number of dynamical flavours. We are at the moment analysing lattice data at two additional {\beta} values which will allow us to perform an extrapolation to the continuum limit.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, Proceedings of Lattice 2011, XXIX International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Squaw Valley, Lake Tahoe, Californi


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    An excessive load in resisted sprint training can produce changes in running patterns. Load control is essential to ensure specificity of these training methods. The most common way to control is the percentage of speed lost in relation to maximum speed. The aim of the study was establishing the load for sprint training with sled towing in the maximum velocity phase. 12 athletes, Spanish national level, participated in the study. They run 30 m flying sprints, an unloaded sprint and sprints pulling loads of 6%, 10%, and 15% of their body mass, on a synthetic track surface wearing spikes. The regression equation obtained was: % Body mass = (-0.8325 · % velocity) + 84.08. This equation is specific for the type of surface used and the sled towing characteristics. Therefore, when using different surfaces and sled towings, specific equations should be calculated