415 research outputs found

    Efectividad de las técnicas de relajación en oncología antes de realizar pruebas diagnósticas en neuroimagen

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    Psychophysiological arousal was observed in cancer patients during the application of relaxation techniques prior to a diagnostic scan (PET-CT). The aim of the study is twofold: firstly, it is sought to establish whether such techniques can minimize patient arousal before diagnostic screening begins, and secondly to measure which of them are most effective. The dependent variable is electrodermal activity, recording the attentional level and emotional response, and the independent variable comprises the relaxation techniques used, namely Jacobson, breathing and visualization. The 39 patients were split into experimental groups to whom the relaxation techniques (Jacobson, breathing exercises, and visualization) were applied before they went for the PET-CT. An activity-module procedure was applied to track electrodermal activity during the relaxation sessions, consisting of instructions, timeout; wait, task; relaxation and end of the recording session. The control group received no relaxation techniques before the PET-CT. Session-end results show that patients who perform relaxation techniques achieve greater attentional focus using Jacobson''s technique (M = .212) and enhanced emotional containment using visualization (M = .206). It is concluded that relaxation techniques minimize the state of activation during the waiting period before a diagnostic scan

    Towards a calcium-based rechargeable battery

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    The development of a rechargeable battery technology using light electropositive metal anodes would result in a breakthrough in energy density1. For multivalent charge carriers (Mn+), the number of ions that must react to achieve a certain electrochemical capacity is diminished by two (n = 2) or three (n = 3) when compared with Li+ (ref. 2). Whereas proof of concept has been achieved for magnesium3, 4, 5, the electrodeposition of calcium has so far been thought to be impossible6 and research has been restricted to non-rechargeable systems7, 8, 9, 10. Here we demonstrate the feasibility of calcium plating at moderate temperatures using conventional organic electrolytes, such as those used for the Li-ion technology. The reversibility of the process on cycling has been ascertained and thus the results presented here constitute the first step towards the development of a new rechargeable battery technology using calcium anodes.Authors are grateful to F. Fauth for his assistance during data collection at the ALBA Synchrotron. The authors thank the Toyota Battery Research division at Higashi Fuji (M6) for their financial support.Peer reviewe

    Deregulation And Liberalization In The European Electricity Sector

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    Since the 1990’s, we have witnessed a global process of deregulation, liberalization and privatization in key economic sectors. This paper focuses on the way this process has evolved in a key sector - electricity - in a very important region - Europe.  The paper shows that the European track record is quite mixed; i.e., increased competition in some countries and no discernible improvement in efficiency in others.  Given that in some cases the whole reliability of the electricity supply system has been challenged, serious questions should be asked about the desirability of the whole process

    Ark or park: the need to predict relative effectiveness of ex situ and in situ conservation before attempting captive breeding

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    1. When species face extinction, captive breeding may be appropriate. However, captive breeding may be unsuccessful, while reducing motivation and resources for in situ conservation and impacting wild source populations. Despite such risks, decisions are generally taken without rigorous evaluation. We develop an individual-based, stochastic population model to evaluate the potential effectiveness of captive-breeding and release programmes, illustrated by the Critically Endangered Ardeotis nigriceps Vigors great Indian bustard. 2. The model was parameterized from a comprehensive review of captive breeding and wild demography of large bustards. To handle uncertainty in the standards of captive-breeding performance that may be achieved we explored four scenarios of programme quality: ‘full-range’ (parameters sampled across the observed range), ‘below-average’, ‘above-average’ and ‘best possible’ (performance observed in exemplary breeding programmes). Results are evaluated examining i) the probability of captive population extirpation within 50 years and ii) numbers of adult females subsequently established in the wild following release, compared to an alternative strategy of in situ conservation without attempting captive breeding. 3. Successful implementation of captive breeding, involving permanent retention of 20 breeding females and release of surplus juveniles, required collection of many wild eggs and consistent ‘best possible’ performance across all aspects of the programme. Under ‘full-range’ and ‘above-average’ scenarios captive population extirpation probabilities were 73–88% % and 23‒51%% respectively, depending on egg collection rates. 4. Although most (73‒92%) ‘best possible’ programmes supported releases, re-establishment of free-living adults also required effective in situ conservation. Incremental implementation of effective conservation measures over the initial 10 years resulted in more free-living adults within 35 years if eggs were left in the wild without attempting captive breeding. 5. Synthesis and applications. For the great Indian bustard Ardeotis nigriceps, rapid implementation of in situ conservation offers a better chance to avoid extinction than captive breeding. Demographic modelling should be used to examine whether captive breeding is likely to bring net benefits to conservation programmes

    In quest of cathode materials for Ca ion batteries: the CaMO3 perovskites (M = Mo, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni)

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    Basic electrochemical characteristics of CaMO3 perovskites (M = Mo, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni) as cathode materials for Ca ion batteries are investigated using first principles calculations at the Density Functional Theory level (DFT). Calculations have been performed within the Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA) and GGA+U methodologies, and considering cubic and orthorhombic perovskite structures for CaxMO3 (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1). The analysis of the calculated voltage–composition profile and volume variations identifies CaMoO3 as the most promising perovskite compound. It combines good electronic conductivity, moderate crystal structure modifications, and activity in the 2–3 V region with several intermediate CaxMoO3 phases. However, we found too large barriers for Ca diffusion (around 2 eV) which are inherent to the perovskite structure. The CaMoO3 perovskite was synthesized, characterized and electrochemically tested, and results confirmed the predicted trends.The authors would like to thank F. Rosciano for advice and support in synthesizing the perovskite material and A. Ponrouch and D. Tchitchekova for assistance with the electrochemical tests. The Toyota Battery Research division at Higashi Fuji (M6) is acknowledged for financial support and ICMAB authors are grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for support through the ‘‘Severo Ochoa’’ Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (SEV-2015-0496). M. E. Arroyo acknowledges access to computational resources from Universidad de Oviedo (MALTA-Consolider cluster) and to A. Saracibar for assistance in the analysis of DFT data and fruitful discussions.Peer reviewe

    The lung in primary immunodeficiencies: new concepts in infection and inflammation

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    Immunoglobulin replacement therapy (IGRT) has contributed critically to the management of primary antibody deficiencies (PAD) and the decrease in pneumonia rate. However, despite adequate IGRT and improved prognosis, patients with PAD continue to experience recurrent respiratory tract infections, leading to bronchiectasis and continuing decline in lung function with a severe impact on their quality of life. Moreover, non-infectious inflammatory and interstitial lung complications, such as granulomatous-lymphocytic interstitial lung disease, contribute substantially to the overall morbidity of PAD. These conditions develop much more often than appreciated and represent a major therapeutic challenge. Therefore, a regular assessment of the structural and functional condition of the lung and the upper airways with appropriate treatment is required to minimize the deterioration of lung function. This work summarizes the knowledge on lung complications in PAD and discusses the currently available diagnostic tools and treatment options

    Generación de ductos biliares in vitro en organoides hepáticos 3D de bioingeniería

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    Debido a la existencia de escasos modelos in vitro para el estudio de ductos biliares y a su reducida representatividad de la fisiología humana, hay una necesidad creciente de generar nuevos modelos 3D ex vivo que permitan estudiar la biología y fisiología biliar. Así, el objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar un modelo 3D in vitro que contenga alguno de los elementos celulares del hígado humano y que permita la generación de ductos biliares in situ. Se ha recurrido al uso de las tecnologías de bioingeniería de tejidos y de órganos, trabajando con la capacidad de auto-organización de las células que componen el ducto biliar una vez sembradas en agregados celulares y usando matriz extracelular descelularizada de hígado de rata para generar la tridimensionalidad. Para tal fin, sean utilizado colangiocitos adultos y hepatoblastos fetales humanos para generar ductos biliares y caracterizar su interacción con otras células no parenquimales [endotelio y células madre mesenquimales (MSC)] en la formación de dichos ductos. También se ha caracterizado el crecimiento celular de los colangiocitos humanos, células endoteliales y MSC. A pesar de haber obtenido algunas estructuras celulares prometedoras, no se ha podido conseguir generar ductos maduros con estas técnicas y poblaciones celulares empleadas. Sin embargo, este proyecto ha podido crear las bases para la creación de estos organoides en laboratorio a partir de células exclusivamente humanas

    Implicaciones de la realizatividad pragmática en la construcción del liderazgo

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    El presente estudio relaciona los aspectos pragmáticos de los enunciados realizativos con las competencias requeridas por el líder para la gestión del liderazgo. Así, se analizan ambas dimensiones a partir de una muestra de interacción comunicativa oral en la que se determinan los usos realizativos desde la “visibilidad” o el “encubrimiento”, tomando como referencia estructuras convencionalizadas que puedan alternan con enunciados de ilocución modalizada. Dicha comparación permite establecer tendencias en el comportamiento lingüístico de un líder. Los enunciados realizativos se relacionan con competencias de liderazgo interpersonales centrados en la acción, mientras los enunciados constatativos se vinculan con un estilo reflexivo-valorativo, en un nivel de interacción intrapersonal. This study relates the pragmatic aspects of performative speech act with the skills required by the leader to management leadership. Thus, both dimensions are analyzed from a sample of oral communicative interaction in which the performative uses are determined from the "visibility" or "whitewash", with reference conventionalized structures that can alternate with illocution modalized speech act. Such a confrontation provides trends on the linguistic behavior of a leader. The performative speech act relate to interpersonal skills focused leadership in action, while the constative speech act are linked with reflective-evaluative style at a level of intrapersonal interaction