2,598 research outputs found

    Unifocal orofacial granulomatosis in retromolar mucosa:surgical treatment with Er,Cr:YSGG laser

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    Orofacial granulomatosis is defined by permanent or recurrent swelling of orofacial tissues with different multiform and multifocal clinical patterns. An 11-year old boy presented with a 2-month history of mucosa enlargement. Intraoral examination revealed an erythematous, polylobulated, exophytic lesion with a smooth surface located in retromolar mucosa, non-tender and non-infiltratated to palpation. The diagnosis was inflammatory lesion compatible with pyogenic granuloma and laser excision was decided. Haematological parameters were within normal range, as well as chest Xrays. These findings lead to a diagnosis of non-symptomatic orofacial granulomatosis, whose early diagnosis can minimize the impact of systemic-related disorders, like Chron's disease

    Chloride channels in stellate cells are essential for uniquely high secretion rates in neuropeptide-stimulated Drosophila diuresis

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    Epithelia frequently segregate transport processes to specific cell types, presumably for improved efficiency and control. The molecular players underlying this functional specialization are of particular interest. In Drosophila, the renal (Malpighian) tubule displays the highest per-cell transport rates known and has two main secretory cell types, principal and stellate. Electrogenic cation transport is known to reside in the principal cells, whereas stellate cells control the anion conductance, but by an as-yet-undefined route. Here, we resolve this issue by showing that a plasma membrane chloride channel, encoded by ClC-a, is exclusively expressed in the stellate cell and is required for Drosophila kinin-mediated induction of diuresis and chloride shunt conductance, evidenced by chloride ion movement through the stellate cells, leading to depolarization of the transepithelial potential. By contrast, ClC-a knockdown had no impact on resting secretion levels. Knockdown of a second CLC gene showing highly abundant expression in adult Malpighian tubules, ClC-c, did not impact depolarization of transepithelial potential after kinin stimulation. Therefore, the diuretic action of kinin in Drosophila can be explained by an increase in ClC-a–mediated chloride conductance, over and above a resting fluid transport level that relies on other (ClC-a–independent) mechanisms or routes. This key segregation of cation and anion transport could explain the extraordinary fluid transport rates displayed by some epithelia

    Complementariedad entre capital humano y físico: consecuencias para el crecimiento económico andaluz

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    La literatura empírica reciente muestra que el capital humano afecta positivamente al crecimiento económico. Sin embargo, el debate continúa sobre cual es la magnitud de dicho efecto en diferentes territorios, y cuales son las causas de sus divergencias. En este trabajo, se muestra, a través del uso de técnicas de datos de panel y dummies de carácter multiplicativo, que los niveles relativos de capital físico por unidad de capital humano afectan a la efectividad del capital humano sobre el crecimiento de la productividad. El análisis realizado para las provincias españolas permite identificar que el efecto del capital humano sobre el crecimiento en las provincias de Andalucía está limitado por la escasez relativa de capital físico productivo privado, por lo que es necesario dotar de mayor capital físico a estas provincias para poder beneficiarse en mayor medida de los efectos positivos del capital humano sobre la productividad en Andalucía

    Analysis of the influence of the education and the experience in the human productive capital used in Andalusia in the decade of the nineties

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    En este trabajo se compara el valor del capital humano productivo per cápita, medido en términos de trabajadores equivalentes, que está empleado en las provincias andaluzas respecto al que lo está en España, en el periodo de 1990 a 2000. La desagregación de ese capital humano en sus componentes (empleo, educación y experiencia) muestra que la diferencia entre el valor promedio nacional y el del conjunto de las provincias andaluzas se explica principalmente por el nivel de educación y de empleo, mientras que la experiencia (principal componente del capital humano productivo empleado a lo largo de toda la década) es escasamente explicativa.This paper contains an comparative analysis of the andalusians provinces productive human capital employed, measured as Gross Value Added per full-time equivalent worker, from 1990 to 2000. Human capital components analysis (employment, education and experience) shows that’s the mainly difference between national and Andalusian human capital employed is explained by education and employment level. Besides, employment experience level (gross component of human capital) isn´t too significant

    Politización y pericia financiera en las cajas de ahorros españolas: Patrones en la configuración de sus consejos

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    This study examines the politicization and financial knowledge-experience of the boards of directors of Spanish savings banks. To do this, we build a database with the biographic information of directors during the period 2004-2010. The results of the cluster analysis show the existence of four types of boards, depending on the politicization and the financial expertise of its members. Furthermore, we find that savings banks with higher financial expertise in their boards have higher levels of financial solvencyEsta investigación profundiza en la politización y conocimientos-experiencia financiera de los consejos de administración de las cajas de ahorros españolas. Para ello, construimos una base de datos con la información biográfica de sus consejeros del período 2004-2010. Los resultados del análisis clúster revelan la existencia de cuatro tipos de consejos en función de la politización y la pericia financiera de sus miembros. Asimismo, encontramos que las cajas con mayor pericia financiera en su consejo presentan mayores niveles de solvencia financier

    Substrate-induced enhancement of the chemical reactivity in metal-supported graphene

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    Graphene is commonly regarded as an inert material. However, it is well known that the presence of defects or substitutional hetero-atoms confers graphene promising catalytic properties. In this work, we use first-principles calculations to show that it is also possible to enhance the chemical reactivity of a graphene layer by simply growing it on an appropriate substrate. Our comprehensive study demonstrates that, in strongly interacting substrates like Rh(111), graphene adopts highly rippled structures that exhibit areas with distinctive chemical behaviors. According to the local coupling with the substrate, we find areas with markedly different adsorption, dissociation and diffusion pathways for both molecular and atomic oxygen, including a significant change in the nature of the adsorbed molecular and dissociated states, and a dramatic reduction (∼60%) of the O2dissociation energy barrier with respect to free-standing graphene. Our results show that the graphene-metal interaction represents an additional and powerful handle to tailor the graphene chemical properties with potential applications to nano patterning, graphene functionalization and sensing devicesWe thank the financial support from the Spanish MINECO (projects MAT2014-54484-P, MDM-2014-0377, MAT2016-77852-C2-2-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) and MAT2017-83273-R (AEI/FEDER,UE)). Computer time provided by the Spanish Supercomputer Network (RES) at the Magerit (CesViMa, Madrid) and Altamira (IFCA, Santander) supercomputers. CRM is grateful to the FPI-UAM graduate scholarship program and to Fundación Universia for financial suppor

    Marginal product elasticity of productive factors. a translog function estimate for spanish provinces

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    La relación entre los principales factores productivos de una economía es, junto con sus niveles de dotación, uno de los elementos determinantes del crecimiento económico. Actualmente existen todavía escasos trabajos empíricos que hayan estudiado la forma en que estos factores se relacionan entre sí y cómo esa relación afecta al crecimiento de la productividad en los distintos territorios. En este trabajo se estima una función de producción obtenida mediante el producto de la productividad total de los factores y del input total de factores, que viene dado a su vez por una función translogarítmica para cuatro factores productivos, lo que permite dotar de mayor flexibilidad a la función estimada. Los parámetros de la función estimada permiten una interpretación en términos de la posible complementariedad o sustituibilidad entre factores, así como la existencia o no de rendimientos crecientes o decrecientes de los factores considerados. Asimismo, se calcula la elasticidad del producto marginal de cada factor respecto al resto de los factores y respecto al mismo factor, con el fin de analizar las relaciones entre estos factores y el modo en que afectan al crecimiento de la productividad en las provincias españolas, en el periodo comprendido entre 1985-2008.The relationship between the main production factors in an economy is, along with their levels, one of the determinants of economic growth. Currently there are still few empirical studies which have examined how these factors relate to each other and how that relationship affects the productivity growth in different territories. This paper considers a production function obtained by the product of the total factor productivity and the total factor input. The total factor input is given by a translog function of four factors of production, allowing greater flexibility to the estimated function. The parameters of the estimated function allows an interpretation in terms of the possible complementarity or substitutability between factors as well as the existence of increasing or decreasing returns to the factors considered. Also, the elasticity of the marginal product of each factor relative to other factors, and compared to the same factor, is calculated in order to analyze the relationships between these factors. How these relationships affect productivity growth in the Spanish provinces is estimated at the period from 1985 to 2008