11 research outputs found

    Expression of DLK1 and MEG3 genes in porcine tissues during postnatal development

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    The Drosophila-like homolog 1 (DLK1), a transmembrane signal protein similar to other members of the Notch/Delta/Serrate family, regulates the differentiation process in many types of mammalian cells. Callipyge sheep and DLK1 knockout mice are excellent examples of a fundamental role of the gene encoding DLK1 in muscle growth and fat deposition. DLK1 is located within co-regulated imprinted clusters (the DLK1/DIO3 domain), along with other imprinted genes. Some of these, e.g. the RNA coding MEG3 gene, presumedly interfere with DLK1 transcription. The aim of our study was to analyze DLK1 and MEG3 gene expression in porcine tissues (muscle, liver, kidney, heart, brain stem) during postnatal development. The highest expression of both DLK1 and MEG3 variant 1 (MEG3 var.1) was observed in the brain-stem and muscles, whereas that of MEG3 variant 2 (MEG3var.2) was the most abundant in muscles and the heart. During development (between 60 and 210 days of age) expression of analyzed genes was down-regulated in all the tissues. An exception was the brain- stem, where there was no significant change in MEG3 (both variants) mRNA level, and relatively little decline (2-fold) in that of DLK1 transcription. This may indicate a distinct function of the DLK1 gene in the brain-stem, when compared with other tissues

    Age-related changes in relative expression stability of commonly used housekeeping genes in selected porcine tissues

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gene expression analysis using real-time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) is increasingly important in biological research due to the high-throughput and accuracy of qRT-PCR. For accurate and reliable gene expression analysis, normalization of gene expression data against housekeeping genes or internal control genes is required. The stability of reference genes has a tremendous effect on the results of relative quantification of gene expression by qRT-PCR. The expression stability of reference genes could vary according to tissues, age of individuals and experimental conditions. In the pig however, very little information is available on the expression stability of reference genes. The aim of this research was therefore to develop a new set of reference genes which can be used for normalization of mRNA expression data of genes expressed in varieties of porcine tissues at different ages.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mRNA expression stability of nine commonly used reference genes (<it>B2M, BLM, GAPDH, HPRT1, PPIA, RPL4, SDHA, TBP </it>and <it>YWHAZ</it>) was determined in varieties of tissues collected from newborn, young and adult pigs. geNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper software were used to rank the genes according to their stability. geNorm software revealed that <it>RPL4, PPIA </it>and <it>YWHAZ </it>showed high stability in newborn and adult pigs, while <it>B2M, YWHAZ </it>and <it>SDHA </it>showed high stability in young pigs. In all cases, <it>GAPDH </it>showed the least stability in geNorm. NormFinder revealed that <it>TBP </it>was the most stable gene in newborn and young pigs, while <it>PPIA </it>was most stable in adult pigs. Moreover, geNorm software suggested that the geometric mean of three most stable gene would be the suitable combination for accurate normalization of gene expression study.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Although, there was discrepancy in the ranking order of reference genes obtained by different analysing software methods, the geometric mean of the <it>RPL4, PPIA </it>and <it>YWHAZ </it>seems to be the most appropriate combination of housekeeping genes for accurate normalization of gene expression data in different porcine tissues at different ages.</p

    Number and mode of inheritance of QTL influencing backfat thickness on SSC2p in Sino-European pig pedigrees

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the pig, multiple QTL associated with growth and fatness traits have been mapped to chromosome 2 (SSC2) and among these, at least one shows paternal expression due to the IGF2-intron3-G3072A substitution. Previously published results on the position and imprinting status of this QTL disagree between analyses from French and Dutch F2 crossbred pig populations obtained with the same breeds (Meishan crossed with Large White or Landrace).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To study the role of paternal and maternal alleles at the IGF2 locus and to test the hypothesis of a second QTL affecting backfat thickness on the short arm of SSC2 (SSC2p), a QTL mapping analysis was carried out on a combined pedigree including both the French and Dutch F2 populations, on the progeny of F1 males that were heterozygous (A/G) and homozygous (G/G) at the IGF2 locus. Simulations were performed to clarify the relations between the two QTL and to understand to what extent they can explain the discrepancies previously reported.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The QTL analyses showed the segregation of at least two QTL on chromosome 2 in both pedigrees, i.e. the IGF2 locus and a second QTL segregating at least in the G/G F1 males and located between positions 30 and 51 cM. Statistical analyses highlighted that the maternally inherited allele at the IGF2 locus had a significant effect but simulation studies showed that this is probably a spurious effect due to the segregation of the second QTL.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results show that two QTL on SSC2p affect backfat thickness. Differences in the pedigree structures and in the number of heterozygous females at the IGF2 locus result in different imprinting statuses in the two pedigrees studied. The spurious effect observed when a maternally allele is present at the IGF2 locus, is in fact due to the presence of a second closely located QTL. This work confirms that pig chromosome 2 is a major region associated with fattening traits.</p