1,472 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry Breakdown at a Hidden Wall

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    We consider hidden sector supersymmetry breakdown in the strongly coupled heterotic E8Ă—E8E_8\times E_8 theory of Ho\v{r}ava and Witten. Using effective field theory methods in four dimensions, we can show that gravitational interactions induce soft breaking terms in the observable sector that are of order of the gravitiono mass. We apply these methods to the mechanism of gaugino condensation at the hidden wall. Although the situation is very similar to the weakly coupled case, there is a decisive difference concerning the observable sector gaugino mass; with desirable phenomenological as well as cosmological consequences.Comment: 29 pages, latex, no figures, To appear in Nuclear Physics B. Minor change

    Thermal and electrical contact conductance studies

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    Prediction of electrical and thermal contact resistance for pressed, nominally flat contacts is complicated by the large number of variables which influence contact formation. This is reflected in experimental results as a wide variation in contact resistances, spanning up to six orders of magnitude. A series of experiments were performed to observe the effects of oxidation and surface roughness on contact resistance. Electrical contact resistance and thermal contact conductance from 4 to 290 K on OFHC Cu contacts are reported. Electrical contact resistance was measured with a 4-wire DC technique. Thermal contact conductance was determined by steady-state longitudinal heat flow. Corrections for the bulk contribution ot the overall measured resistance were made, with the remaining resistance due solely to the presence of the contact

    Multiple anomalous U(1)s in heterotic blow-ups

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    The existence of multiple anomalous U(1)s is demonstrated explicitly in a blow-up version of a heterotic Z_3 orbifold. Another blow-up of the same orbifold supports further evidence for the type-I/heterotic duality in four dimensions. It has a single anomalous U(1) which does not factorize universally. As multiple anomalous U(1)s as well as non-universal factorization have never been established on heterotic orbifolds explicitely, these findings might appear contradictory at first sight. Possible inconsistencies are avoided by reinterpreting a charged twisted state as a second non-universal localized axion. The mismatch between the charges of the orbifold and blow-up spectra is resolved by suitable field redefinitions. The anomaly of the field redefinitions corresponds to the difference of blow-up and heterotic orbifold anomalies.Comment: 7 pages LaTe

    Some Historical Thoughts on the ee-Learning Renaissance

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    Effect on the electron EDM due to abelian gauginos in SUSY extra U(1) models

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    The electric dipole moment of an electron (EDME) is investigated in the supersymmetric extra U(1) models. Neutralino sector is generally extended in these models and then the neutralino contribution will be important for the analysis of the EDME. Kinetic term mixings of abelian gauginos are taken into account in our analysis. Numerical results for the extra U(1) models show that the EDME can be affected by the extra U(1) in a certain range of soft supersymmetry breaking parameters even if the extra U(1) gauge boson is heavy. The EDME may be a clue to find an extended gauge structure in the supersymmetric models.Comment: 16 pages, latex, 3 figure

    Gluino Condensation in Strongly Coupled Heterotic String Theory

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    Strongly coupled heterotic E8Ă—E8E_8\times E_8 string theory, compactified to four dimensions on a large Calabi-Yau manifold X{\bf X}, may represent a viable candidate for the description of low-energy particle phenomenology. In this regime, heterotic string theory is adequately described by low-energy MM-theory on R4Ă—S1/Z2Ă—X{\bf R}^4\times{\bf S}^1/{\bf Z}_2\times{\bf X}, with the two E8E_8's supported at the two boundaries of the world. In this paper we study the effects of gluino condensation, as a mechanism for supersymmetry breaking in this MM-theory regime. We show that when a gluino condensate forms in MM-theory, the conditions for unbroken supersymmetry can still be satisfied locally in the orbifold dimension S1/Z2{\bf S}^1/{\bf Z}_2. Supersymmetry is then only broken by the global topology of the orbifold dimension, in a mechanism similar to the Casimir effect. This mechanism leads to a natural hierarchy of scales, and elucidates some aspects of heterotic string theory that might be relevant to the stabilization of moduli and the smallness of the cosmological constant.Comment: 22 pages, harvmac, no figure

    Small SUSY phases in string-inspired supergravity

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    In supersymmetric models, there are new CP violating phases which, if unsuppressed, would give a too large neutron electric dipole moment. We examine the possibility of small SUSY phases in string-inspired supergravity models in which supersymmetry is broken by the auxiliary components of the dilaton and moduli superfields. It is found that the SUSY phases can be suppressed by a small factor governing the breakdown of the approximate Peccei Quinn symmetries nonlinearly realized for the moduli superfields that participate in supersymmetry breaking. In many cases, the symmetry breaking factors are exponentially small for moderately large values of the moduli, leading to small phase values in a natural way.Comment: 15pages, Latex, SNUTP 93-8

    Supergravity Inflation Free from Harmful Relics

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    We present a realistic supergravity inflation model which is free from the overproduction of potentially dangerous relics in cosmology, namely moduli and gravitinos which can lead to the inconsistencies with the predictions of baryon asymmetry and nucleosynthesis. The radiative correction turns out to play a crucial role in our analysis which raises the mass of supersymmetry breaking field to intermediate scale. We pay a particular attention to the non-thermal production of gravitinos using the non-minimal Kahler potential we obtained from loop correction. This non-thermal gravitino production however is diminished because of the relatively small scale of inflaton mass and small amplitudes of hidden sector fields.Comment: 10 pages, revtex, 1 eps figure, references added, conclusion section expande
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