547 research outputs found

    Intramural duodenal hematoma: clinical course and imaging findings

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    Background: Intramural duodenal hematoma is a rare condition. Different imaging modalities are at hand for diagnosis. Purpose: To identify patients with intramural duodenal hematoma and report imaging findings and clinical courses. Material and Methods: Typical imaging patterns using ultrasound, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging were carried out on 10 patients. Results: The mean patient age was 7.5 years. The average disease duration was 13 months. Clinical signs of improvement were observed within 16 days. Residues were still detectable at long-term follow-up. Conclusion: For patients with intramural duodenal wall hematoma, diagnosis should be considered early. Typical imaging findings should be known to ensure optimal treatment

    Cephalometric studies of the mandible, its masticatory muscles and vasculature of growing Göttingen Minipigs — A comparative anatomical study to refine experimental mandibular surgery

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    Over many decades, the Göttingen Minipig has been used as a large animal model in experimental surgical research of the mandible. Recently several authors have raised concerns over the use of the Göttingen Minipig in this research area, observing problems with post-operative wound healing and loosening implants. To reduce these complications during and after surgery and to improve animal welfare in mandibular surgery research, the present study elucidated how comparable the mandible of minipigs is to that of humans and whether these complications could be caused by specific anatomical characteristics of the minipigs’ mandible, its masticatory muscles and associated vasculature. Twenty-two mandibular cephalometric parameters were measured on CT scans of Göttingen Minipigs aged between 12 and 21 months. Ultimately, we compared this data with human data reported in the scientific literature. In addition, image segmentation was used to determine the masticatory muscle morphology and the configuration of the mandibular blood vessels. Compared to data of humans, significant differences in the mandibular anatomy of minipigs were found. Of the 22 parameters measured only four were found to be highly comparable, whilst the others were not. The 3D examinations of the minipigs vasculature showed a very prominent deep facial vein directly medial to the mandibular ramus and potentially interfering with the sectional plane of mandibular distraction osteogenesis. Damage to this vessel could result in inaccessible bleeding. The findings of this study suggest that Göttingen Minipigs are not ideal animal models for experimental mandibular surgery research. Nevertheless if these minipigs are used the authors recommend that radiographic techniques, such as computed tomography, be used in the specific planning procedures for the mandibular surgical experiments. In addition, it is advisable to choose suitable age groups and customize implants based on the mandibular dimensions reported in this study

    Yeah, Right, Uh-Huh: A Deep Learning Backchannel Predictor

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    Using supporting backchannel (BC) cues can make human-computer interaction more social. BCs provide a feedback from the listener to the speaker indicating to the speaker that he is still listened to. BCs can be expressed in different ways, depending on the modality of the interaction, for example as gestures or acoustic cues. In this work, we only considered acoustic cues. We are proposing an approach towards detecting BC opportunities based on acoustic input features like power and pitch. While other works in the field rely on the use of a hand-written rule set or specialized features, we made use of artificial neural networks. They are capable of deriving higher order features from input features themselves. In our setup, we first used a fully connected feed-forward network to establish an updated baseline in comparison to our previously proposed setup. We also extended this setup by the use of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks which have shown to outperform feed-forward based setups on various tasks. Our best system achieved an F1-Score of 0.37 using power and pitch features. Adding linguistic information using word2vec, the score increased to 0.39

    Exploring Patterns of Dynamic Size Changes of Lesions after Hepatic Microwave Ablation in an In Vivo Porcine Model

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    Microwave ablation (MWA) is a type of minimally invasive cancer therapy that uses heat to induce necrosis in solid tumours. Inter- and post-ablational size changes can influence the accuracy of control imaging, posing a risk of incomplete ablation. The present study aims to explore post-ablation 3D size dynamics in vivo using computed tomography (CT). Ten MWA datasets obtained in nine healthy pigs were used. Lesions were subdivided along the z-axis with an additional planar subdivision into eight subsections. The volume of the subsections was analysed over different time points, subsequently colour-coded and three-dimensionally visualized. A locally weighted polynomial regression model (LOESS) was applied to describe overall size changes, and Student's t-tests were used to assess statistical significance of size changes. The 3D analysis showed heterogeneous volume changes with multiple small changes at the lesion margins over all time points. The changes were pronounced at the upper and lower lesion edges and characterized by initially eccentric, opposite swelling, followed by shrinkage. In the middle parts of the lesion, we observed less dimensional variations over the different time points. LOESS revealed a hyperbolic pattern for the volumetric changes with an initially significant volume increase of 11.6% (111.6% of the original volume) over the first 32 minutes, followed by a continuous decrease to 96% of the original volume (p < 0.05)

    Improved Visualization of the Necrotic Zone after Microwave Ablation Using Computed Tomography Volume Perfusion in an In Vivo Porcine Model

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    After hepatic microwave ablation, the differentiation between fully necrotic and persistent vital tissue through contrast enhanced CT remains a clinical challenge. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate new imaging modalities, such as CT perfusion (CTP) to improve the visualization of coagulation necrosis. MWA and CTP were prospectively performed in five healthy pigs. After the procedure, the pigs were euthanized, and the livers explanted. Orthogonal histological slices of the ablations were stained with a vital stain, digitalized and the necrotic core was segmented. CTP maps were calculated using a dual-input deconvolution algorithm. The segmented necrotic zones were overlaid on the DICOM images to calculate the accuracy of depiction by CECT/CTP compared to the histological reference standard. A receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed to determine the agreement/true positive rate and disagreement/false discovery rate between CECT/CTP and histology. Standard CECT showed a true positive rate of 81% and a false discovery rate of 52% for display of the coagulation necrosis. Using CTP, delineation of the coagulation necrosis could be improved significantly through the display of hepatic blood volume and hepatic arterial blood flow (p < 0.001). The ratios of true positive rate/false discovery rate were 89%/25% and 90%/50% respectively. Other parameter maps showed an inferior performance compared to CECT

    The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Translation Systems for the WMT 2012

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    Uma Visão Sistêmica do Ensino de Administração da Faculdade de Capivari de Baixo – FUCAP.

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    Uma visão sistêmica é como podemos e devemos vislumbrar a administração, cujo sistema complexo, seu funcionamento envolve diferentes áreas do conhecimento humano e exigem um olhar mais amplo para a solução de seus problemas. Acredita-se que estudar a administração a partir de várias dimensões e do pensamento complexo possa melhorar a compreensão do fenômeno administrativo, que é por essência relacional e interdependente de vários indivíduos e contextos. Desta forma, o artigo pretendeu estudar de que forma a multidisciplinaridade, a formação humanista e a interdisciplinaridade acadêmica estão sendo abordadas no Curso de Graduação em Administração da Faculdade de Capivari de Baixo. Os dados foram coletados por meio de pesquisa documental e se deu através do aporte qualitativo e quantitativo. O resultado da pesquisa mostrou um pequeno índice de disciplinas humanistas no currículo do curso, porém um número considerável de outras áreas de conhecimentos envolvidas no Curso de Administração. Com este resultado, espera-se apontar novas diretrizes para o curso, haja visto que o ensino de administração tem sido objeto de preocupação e ação das entidades nacionais que congregam os Cursos de Graduação em Administração

    Overview of the IWSLT 2017 Evaluation Campaign

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    The IWSLT 2017 evaluation campaign has organised three tasks. The Multilingual task, which is about training machine translation systems handling many-to-many language directions, including so-called zero-shot directions. The Dialogue task, which calls for the integration of context information in machine translation, in order to resolve anaphoric references that typically occur in human-human dialogue turns. And, finally, the Lecture task, which offers the challenge of automatically transcribing and translating real-life university lectures. Following the tradition of these reports, we will described all tasks in detail and present the results of all runs submitted by their participants

    Development of an Electro-Optical Longitudinal Bunch Profile Monitor at KARA Towards a Beam Diagnostics Tool for FCC-ee

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    The Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA) at KIT features an electro-optical (EO) near-field diagnostics setup to conduct turn-by-turn longitudinal bunch profile measurements in the storage ring using electro-optical spectral decoding (EOSD). Within the Future Circular Collider Innovation Study (FCCIS) an EO monitor using the same technique is being conceived to measure the longitudinal profile and center-of-charge of the bunches in the future electron-positron collider FCC-ee. This contribution provides an overview of the EO near-field diagnostics at KARA and discusses the development and its challenges towards an effective beam diagnostics concept for the FCC-ee
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