4,075 research outputs found
ESOL Students in the Art Room: An Art Educator\u27s Resource Guide
The research conducted in this thesis is centered on the ESOL Hispanic student population, in the art classroom in Georgia. The information contained in this paper is meant to serve as a guide and resource for art educators with high populations of ESOL students in their classrooms. A review of current ESOL best practices in several content areas is included. Based on the research, guidelines and suggestions for accommodating these learners in the art room were developed, as well as a sample unit that includes three lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations and assessment rubrics
Demandas de serviços no Laboratório de Análises de Sementes da Embrapa Milho e Sorgo (CNPMS) Sete Lagoas, MG.
Edição dos resumos do 18º Congresso Brasileiro de Sementes, 2013, Florianópolis
Germinação de sementes de pau-de-balsa (Ochroma pyramidale (Cav.) Urb.) - Bombacaceae.
O teste de germinação de sementes de Ochrma pyramidale (Cav.) Urb. foirealizado a temperaturas 20°, 25°, 30°, 20°_ 30° e 25°_ 35°C e substratos papel de filtro, areia, venniculita e rolo de papel com seis repetições de 50 sementes. Para a superação de dormência das sementes utilizou-se escarificação mecânica, embebição em água oxigenada e água fervente. Recomenda-se a germinação de sementes de pau-de-balsa em papel de filtro a temperatura de 30°C após imersão em água fervente por 4 minutos
Complete high-precision entropic sampling
Monte Carlo simulations using entropic sampling to estimate the number of
configurations of a given energy are a valuable alternative to traditional
methods. We introduce {\it tomographic} entropic sampling, a scheme which uses
multiple studies, starting from different regions of configuration space, to
yield precise estimates of the number of configurations over the {\it full
range} of energies, {\it without} dividing the latter into subsets or windows.
Applied to the Ising model on the square lattice, the method yields the
critical temperature to an accuracy of about 0.01%, and critical exponents to
1% or better. Predictions for systems sizes L=10 - 160, for the temperature of
the specific heat maximum, and of the specific heat at the critical
temperature, are in very close agreement with exact results. For the Ising
model on the simple cubic lattice the critical temperature is given to within
0.003% of the best available estimate; the exponent ratios and
are given to within about 0.4% and 1%, respectively, of the
literature values. In both two and three dimensions, results for the {\it
antiferromagnetic} critical point are fully consistent with those of the
ferromagnetic transition. Application to the lattice gas with nearest-neighbor
exclusion on the square lattice again yields the critical chemical potential
and exponent ratios and to good precision.Comment: For a version with figures go to
Aspectos fotomorfogenéticos de plantas jovens de jatobá (Hymenaea courbaril L.).
Organizado por Patricia Póvoa de Mattos, Celso Garcia Auer, Rejane Stumpf Sberze, Katia Regina Pichelli e Paulo César Botosso
Gauge invariance of the background average effective action
Using the background field method for the functional renormalization group
approach in the case of a generic gauge theory, we study the background field
symmetry and gauge dependence of the background average effective action, when
the regulator action depends on external fields. The final result is that the
symmetry of the average effective action can be maintained for a wide class of
regulator functions, but in all cases the dependence of the gauge fixing
remains on-shell. The Yang-Mills theory is considered as the main particular
example.Comment: Fits the version accepted in EPJ
Impact of trust on local residents' mega-event perceptions and their support
This study examines the influence of residents’ trust in government and organizing committee on their impact perceptions and support for a mega-event, namely, 2014 FIFA World Cup. Findings suggest significant relationships between impact perceptions and support. While trust in government is found to be a significant determinant of impact perceptions, findings indicate no significant relationship between trust in government and support, which suggest that the relationship is mediated by impact perceptions. While a positive relationship between trust in the organizing committee and positive impact perceptions is found, findings suggest no significant relationship between trust in the organizing committee and negative impact perceptions. Trust in the organizing committee is also found to have significant positive impact on support
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On the relation between Transversal and Longitudinal Scaling in Cities
Given that a group of cities follows a scaling law connecting urban population with socio-economic or infrastructural metrics (transversal scaling), should we expect that each city would follow the same behavior over time (longitudinal scaling)? This assumption has important policy implications, although rigorous empirical tests have been so far hindered by the lack of suitable data. Here, we advance the debate by looking into the temporal evolution of the scaling laws for 5507 municipalities in Brazil. We focus on the relationship between population size and two urban variables, GDP and water network length, analyzing the time evolution of the system of cities as well as their individual trajectory. We find that longitudinal (individual) scaling exponents are city-specific, but they are distributed around an average value that approaches to the transversal scaling exponent when the data are decomposed to eliminate external factors, and when we only consider cities with a sufficiently large growth rate. Such results give support to the idea that the longitudinal dynamics is a micro-scaling version of the transversal dynamics of the entire urban system. Finally, we propose a mathematical framework that connects the microscopic level to global behavior, and, in all analyzed cases, we find good agreement between theoretical prediction and empirical evidence
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