139 research outputs found

    Towards Recommender Systems with Community Detection and Quantum Computing

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    After decades of being mainly confined to theoretical research, Quantum Computing is now becoming a useful tool for solving realistic problems. This work aims to experimentally explore the feasibility of using currently available quantum computers, based on the Quantum Annealing paradigm, to build a recommender system exploiting community detection. Community detection, by partitioning users and items into densely connected clusters, can boost the accuracy of non-personalized recommendation by assuming that users within each community share similar tastes. However, community detection is a computationally expensive process. The recent availability of Quantum Annealers as cloud-based devices, constitutes a new and promising direction to explore community detection, although effectively leveraging this new technology is a long-term path that still requires advancements in both hardware and algorithms. This work aims to begin this path by assessing the quality of community detection formulated as a Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization problem on a real recommendation scenario. Results on several datasets show that the quantum solver is able to detect communities of comparable quality with respect to classical solvers, but with better speedup, and the non-personalized recommendation models built on top of these communities exhibit improved recommendation quality. The takeaway is that quantum computing, although in its early stages of maturity and applicability, shows promise in its ability to support new recommendation models and to bring improved scalability as technology evolves

    Code and its image: the functions of text and visualisation in a code-based design studio

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    Traditionally, design learning in the architecture studio has taken place through a combination of individual work and joint projects. The introduction of code-based design practices in the design studio has altered this balance, introducing new models of joint authorship and new ways for individuals to contribute to co-authored projects. This paper presents a case study describing four design studios in a higher education setting that used code as a tool for generating architectural geometry. The format of the studios encouraged the students to reflect critically on their role as authors and to creatively address the multiple opportunities for shared authorship available with code-based production. The research question addressed in this study involved the role of code-based practices in altering the model of architectural education in the design studio, in particular the role of visual representations of a code-based design process in the production of shared knowledge

    Assembly of Configurations in a Networked Robotic System: A Case Study on a Reconfigurable Interactive Table Lamp

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    In the present study, we are interested in verifying how the progressive addition of constraints on communication and localization impact the performance of a swarm of small robots in shape formation tasks. Identified to be of importance in a swarm-user interaction context, the time required to construct a given spatial configuration is considered as a performance metric. The experimental work reported in this paper starts from global and synchronized localization information, shown to be successful both on a real hardware system and in simulation. In a second step, communication is constrained to a local scale, thus obliging a single designated robot to disseminate the global localization information to the other agents. The reliability of the radio communication channel and its impact upon the performance of the system are considered

    Quality of Life and Its Psychosocial Predictors among Patients with Disorders of Gut–Brain Interaction: A Comparison with Age- and Sex-Matched Controls

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    The disorders of gut–brain interaction (DGBIs) are a heterogeneous group of chronic conditions that greatly reduce patients’ quality of life (QoL). To date, biopsychosocial factors (such as gastrointestinal symptoms, alexithymia, and interpersonal problems) are believed to contribute to the development and maintenance of DGBIs, but their role in affecting patients’ QoL is still under investigation. Out of 141 patients seeking treatment for their gastrointestinal symptoms, 71 were diagnosed with a DGBI (47 females, 66.2%; Mage: 41.49 ± 17.23 years) and were age- and sex-matched to 71 healthy controls (47 females, 66.2%; Mage: 40.45 ± 16.38 years) without any current gastrointestinal symptom or diagnosis. Participants completed a sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire and a survey investigating several psychosocial risk factors. We found greater symptom severity and difficulties in identifying feelings among patients compared to controls. Further, multiple linear regression analyses evidenced that, among patients, higher expressive suppression of emotions, difficulties in identifying feelings and interpersonal problems, and a lower cognitive reappraisal of emotions predicted lower QoL. Data suggest that the QoL of patients with DGBIs is affected not only by common risk factors (e.g., interpersonal problems) but also by specific difficulties in processing and regulating emotions. The implications of these findings are discussed

    CD8 positive T cells express IL-17 in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive and irreversible chronic inflammatory disease of the lung. The nature of the immune reaction in COPD raises the possibility that IL-17 and related cytokines may contribute to this disorder. This study analyzed the expression of IL-17A and IL-17F as well as the phenotype of cells producing them in bronchial biopsies from COPD patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Bronchoscopic biopsies of the airway were obtained from 16 COPD subjects (GOLD stage 1-4) and 15 control subjects. Paraffin sections were used for the investigation of IL-17A and IL-17F expression in the airways by immunohistochemistry, and frozen sections were used for the immunofluorescence double staining of IL-17A or IL-17F paired with CD4 or CD8. In order to confirm the expression of IL-17A and IL-17F at the mRNA level, a quantitative RT-PCR was performed on the total mRNA extracted from entire section or CD8 positive cells selected by laser capture microdissection.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>IL-17F immunoreactivity was significantly higher in the bronchial biopsies of COPD patients compared to control subjects (<it>P </it>< 0.0001). In the submucosa, the absolute number of both IL-17A and IL-17F positive cells was higher in COPD patients (<it>P </it>< 0.0001). After adjusting for the total number of cells in the submucosa, we still found that more cells were positive for both IL-17A (<it>P </it>< 0.0001) and IL-17F (<it>P </it>< 0.0001) in COPD patients compared to controls. The mRNA expression of IL-17A and IL-17F in airways of COPD patients was confirmed by RT-PCR. The expression of IL-17A and IL-17F was co-localized with not only CD4 but also CD8, which was further confirmed by RT-PCR on laser capture microdissection selected CD8 positive cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings support the notion that Th17 cytokines could play important roles in the pathogenesis of COPD, raising the possibility of using this mechanism as the basis for novel therapeutic approaches.</p

    cIAP1/2 Are Direct E3 Ligases Conjugating Diverse Types of Ubiquitin Chains to Receptor Interacting Proteins Kinases 1 to 4 (RIP1–4)

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    The RIP kinases have emerged as essential mediators of cellular stress that integrate both extracellular stimuli emanating from various cell-surface receptors and signals coming from intracellular pattern recognition receptors. The molecular mechanisms regulating the ability of the RIP proteins to transduce the stress signals remain poorly understood, but seem to rely only partially on their kinase activities. Recent studies on RIP1 and RIP2 have highlighted the importance of ubiquitination as a key process regulating their capacity to activate downstream signaling pathways. In this study, we found that XIAP, cIAP1 and cIAP2 not only directly bind to RIP1 and RIP2 but also to RIP3 and RIP4. We show that cIAP1 and cIAP2 are direct E3 ubiquitin ligases for all four RIP proteins and that cIAP1 is capable of conjugating the RIPs with diverse types of ubiquitin chains, including linear chains. Consistently, we show that repressing cIAP1/2 levels affects the activation of NF-κB that is dependent on RIP1, -2, -3 and -4. Finally, we identified Lys51 and Lys145 of RIP4 as two critical residues for cIAP1-mediated ubiquitination and NF-κB activation

    Mottness at finite doping and charge instabilities in cuprates

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    The intrinsic instability of underdoped copper oxides towards inhomogeneous states is one of the central puzzles of the physics of correlated materials. The influence of the Mott physics on the doping-temperature phase diagram of copper oxides represents a major issue that is subject of intense theoretical and experimental effort. Here, we investigate the ultrafast electron dynamics in prototypical single-layer Bi-based cuprates at the energy scale of the O-2p\u2192Cu-3d charge-transfer (CT) process. We demonstrate a clear evolution of the CT excitations from incoherent and localized, as in a Mott insulator, to coherent and delocalized, as in a conventional metal. This reorganization of the high-energy degrees of freedom occurs at the critical doping pcr 430.16 irrespective of the temperature, and it can be well described by dynamical mean field theory calculations. We argue that the onset of the low-temperature charge instabilities is the low-energy manifestation of the underlying Mottness that characterizes the p<pcr region of the phase diagram. This discovery sets a new framework for theories of charge order and low-temperature phases in underdoped copper oxides. ArXI

    The Involvement of IL-17A in the Murine Response to Sub-Lethal Inhalational Infection with Francisella tularensis

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    Background: Francisella tularensis is an intercellular bacterium often causing fatal disease when inhaled. Previous reports have underlined the role of cell-mediated immunity and IFNc in the host response to Francisella tularensis infection. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we provide evidence for the involvement of IL-17A in host defense to inhalational tularemia, using a mouse model of intranasal infection with the Live Vaccine Strain (LVS). We demonstrate the kinetics of IL-17A production in lavage fluids of infected lungs and identify the IL-17A-producing lymphocytes as pulmonary cd and Th17 cells. The peak of IL-17A production appears early during sub-lethal infection, it precedes the peak of immune activation and the nadir of the disease, and then subsides subsequently. Exogenous airway administration of IL-17A or of IL-23 had a limited yet consistent effect of delaying the onset of death from a lethal dose of LVS, implying that IL-17A may be involved in restraining the infection. The protective role for IL-17A was directly demonstrated by in vivo neutralization of IL-17A. Administration of anti IL-17A antibodies concomitantly to a sub-lethal airway infection with 0.16LD50 resulted in a fatal disease. Conclusion: In summary, these data characterize the involvement and underline the protective key role of the IL-17A axis in the lungs from inhalational tularemia

    Lower Respiratory Tract Infection Induced by a Genetically Modified Picornavirus in Its Natural Murine Host

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    Infections with the picornavirus, human rhinovirus (HRV), are a major cause of wheezing illnesses and asthma exacerbations. In developing a murine model of picornaviral airway infection, we noted the absence of murine rhinoviruses and that mice are not natural hosts for HRV. The picornavirus, mengovirus, induces lethal systemic infections in its natural murine hosts, but small genetic differences can profoundly affect picornaviral tropism and virulence. We demonstrate that inhalation of a genetically attenuated mengovirus, vMC0, induces lower respiratory tract infections in mice. After intranasal vMC0 inoculation, lung viral titers increased, peaking at 24 h postinoculation with viral shedding persisting for 5 days, whereas HRV-A01a lung viral titers decreased and were undetectable 24 h after intranasal inoculation. Inhalation of vMC0, but not vehicle or UV-inactivated vMC0, induced an acute respiratory illness, with body weight loss and lower airway inflammation, characterized by increased numbers of airway neutrophils and lymphocytes and elevated pulmonary expression of neutrophil chemoattractant CXCR2 ligands (CXCL1, CXCL2, CXCL5) and interleukin-17A. Mice inoculated with vMC0, compared with those inoculated with vehicle or UV-inactivated vMC0, exhibited increased pulmonary expression of interferon (IFN-α, IFN-β, IFN-λ), viral RNA sensors [toll-like receptor (TLR)3, TLR7, nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 2 (NOD2)], and chemokines associated with HRV infection in humans (CXCL10, CCL2). Inhalation of vMC0, but not vehicle or UV-inactivated vMC0, was accompanied by increased airway fluid myeloperoxidase levels, an indicator of neutrophil activation, increased MUC5B gene expression, and lung edema, a sign of infection-related lung injury. Consistent with experimental HRV inoculations of nonallergic, nonasthmatic human subjects, there were no effects on airway hyperresponsiveness after inhalation of vMC0 by healthy mice. This novel murine model of picornaviral airway infection and inflammation should be useful for defining mechanisms of HRV pathogenesis in humans