317 research outputs found

    Uticaj doze na prolaz fluorida kroz placentu u kunića

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    Placental transfer of fluoride was investigated by fluoride determination in the bones and teeth of newborn rabbits whose mothers had been treated with fluoride during pregnancy. The mothers were given doses of 0, 0.10, 0.52 and 1.05 mmol fluoride per kg body weight as sodium fluoride, from the 16th day after conception to the end of pregnancy. All the doses produced a significant increase of fluoride level in the bones and teeth of newborn rabbits, indicating that the placenta was no barrier for the passage of fluoride.Prolaz fluorida kroz placentu ispitivan je određivanjem koncentracije fluorida u kostima i zubima mladunaca gravidnih ženki kunića tretiranih fluoridima. Primenjene su doze 0, 0,10, 0,52 i 1,05 mmol F- /kg telesne mase u obliku vodenog rastvora natrijum-fluorida, od 16. dana posle začeća do kraja graviditeta. Pri svim ispitivanim dozama dolazi do porasta koncentracije fluorida u kostima i zubima mladunaca, što pokazuje da placenta ne predstavlja barijeru za prolaz fluorida

    Changes in Traditional Activities of Industrial Area toward Sustainable Tourism Development

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential for restructuring industrial areas toward tourism development within local communities, with a special emphasis on the socio-cultural determinants of residents, as well as their attitudes regarding the sustainable development of tourism. The research is also oriented toward the interests of local communities with respect to entrepreneurial activities in the field of tourism within regions relying on traditional industries, in this case, one of the largest open-pit mining surfaces in Europe (near the Serbian town of Lazarevac). The survey was conducted on a sample of 273 respondents. The research results point to the residents’ attitudes regarding the acceptability of tourism development options, as well as their attitudes toward tourism development, with the aim of providing the conditions for a successful transition from a typical heavy industrial setting toward sustainable tourism development

    Modification of the acetylcholine-induced current of the snail Helix pomatia L. by fast temperature changes

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    Using the single electrode voltage clamp method, we found that acetylcholine (aCh) induces transient inward dose-dependent current on the membrane of the identified Helix pomatia Br neuron. We analyzed the effects of fast cooling and heating as well as thermal acclimation on the aCh inward current. the experiments were conducted on active and dormant snails acclimated to either 20 or 7°C for at least four weeks. the Hill coefficient remained approximately 1 in all cases, which means that there is a single aCh binding site on the membrane. Fast temperature alternations induce binding affinity changes. in the work presented, we analyzed the effects of cooling on the aCh-induced inward current. the amplitude of aCh-induced inward current was markedly reduced after cooling, and the speed of decay of the aCh response was lower.Upotrebom metode nametnute voltaže ustanovili smo da acetilholin (aCh) izaziva dozno-zavisnu ulaznu struju na membrani identifikovanog Br neurona puža Helix pomatia. Analizirali smo efekte brzog hlađenja i zagrevanja kao i termalne aklimacije na aCh ulaznu struju. eksperimenti su rađeni na puževima aklimiranim na 20 i 7°C u toku četiri nedelje. Hill-ov koeficijent je uvek ostajao oko 1, što znači da postoji samo jedno mesto za vezivanje aCh na membrani neurona. Aklimacija na 7°C nije menjala afinitet za vezivanje aCh za razliku od aklimacije na 20°C gde je ustanovljeno povećanje afiniteta za vezivanje aCh na membrani identifikovanog Br neurona puža Helix pomatia.Projekat ministarstv

    An exploratory survey and assessment of the hoverfly diversity (Diptera: Syrphidae) from the Pyrenees of Girona, Spain

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    Syrphidae are pollinators, pest predators and decomposers in European ecosystems. Camprodon (Girona province, Spain) is a valley with rich vegetation and high habitat diversity in the eastern Pyrenees. However, hoverfly biodiversity in this valley was poorly known. To explore the high potential of this area for Syrphidae, a survey with hand-net was undertaken in July/August 2020 in the valley. The list of Syrphidae species from the valley increases to 88, whilst that of the Girona province now extends to 119 species. Chrysotoxum lessonae is reported for the first time from the Iberian Peninsula. The specimens of Xylota tarda and Cheilosia hypena () represent the first documented records of these species for the Iberian Peninsula and Spain, respectively; i.e. these two species were known to occur in the Iberian Peninsula and Spain but without further locality details. A total of 19 species were new to the region of Catalonia and 23 to the Girona province. Cheilosia was the genus with the highest number of species recorded, as expected from the combination of mountains, diversity of forest vegetation, and presence of rivers/streams of the Camprodon valley. Faunistic results from this fieldwork are relevant to knowledge of Diptera from Catalonia, a region of Spain where this insect family is understudied.Antonio Ricarte’s position (Ref. UATALENTO17-08) at the University of Alicante is funded by the “Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia del Conocimiento”. This research was funded by the Fauna Iberica Project PGC2018-095851-A-C65 of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

    Patohistološke promene i stepen sanacionih procesa u bubrezima brojlera tretiranih ohratoksinom A

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    A 42-day long trial was performed on a total of 48 Hybro broilers divided into four groups. After a 14 day pre-experimental period, the experimental groups were offered feed contaminated with 0.5, 1.0 or 1.5 ppm ochratoxin A, respectively. After that period all groups were normally fed a mixture without added OTA until the end of the trial. Kidney samples were taken after the period of using contaminated feed, as well as after withdrawal the contaminated feed and a 3 week resting period. Proximal tubules were predominantly affected, while glomerules were chiefly preserved. The cytoplasm of tubulocytes was microgranulated and the nuclei were masked. Vacuolization was noticed in a certain number of altered cells. Foci of acute tubular necrosis were noticed in a few tubules. In some cases weak hemorrhage could be seen in affected areas. In the kidney samples of the group offered contaminated feed followed by a 3 week resting period morphological alterations were expressed in the form of intracellular edema. Epithelial cells of proximal tubules were enlarged with opaque cytoplasm, which caused tubule lumen stenosis. Apoptotic bodies could be noticed between some tubulocytes. The obtained results suggest that kidney alterations induced by OTA could be restored only to a certain extent as well as that minimum three week resting period is necessary for this process.Ogled je izveden na 48 Hybro brojlera podeljenih u četiri grupe i trajao je 42 dana. Od 14 dana ogledne grupe su tokom 7 dana dobijale hranu koja je sadržala 0.5,1.0 ili 1.5 ppm OA. Uzorci bubrega za patohistološka ispitivanja uzeti su nakon završetka tretmana, a preostali brojleri su hranjeni i pojeni bez aplikacije toksina do 42. dana kada su uzorci bubrega ponovo uzeti. Patohistološkim ispitivanjem utvrđeno je da su pretežno proksimalni tubuli zahvaćeni promenama, dok su glomeruli uglavnom očuvani. Citoplazma tubulocita je sitnozrnasta, a jedra su maskirana. U pojedinim ćelijama uočena je vakuolizacija, dok su u manjem broju tubula uočeni fokusi akutne nekroze. U promenjenim zonama uočena su slaba krvavljenja. U uzorcima bubrega grupa hranjenih kontaminiranom, a zatim nekontaminiranom hranom promene su se ispoljile u vidu intracelularnog edema. Epitelne ćelije proksimalnih tubula su povećane sa zamućenom citoplazmom što je u pojedinim slučajevima izazvalo su'avanje lumena tubula. Apoptotična tela su uočena između pojedinih tubulocita. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se promene u bubrezima izazvane OA mogu samo delom i u određenom stepenu restituisati, a da za je ove procese potreban period od najmanje tri nedelje

    Photosensitive neurons in mollusks

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    In addition to regular photoreceptors, some invertebrates possess simple extra ocular photoreceptors. For example, the central ganglia of mollusks contain photosensitive neurons. These neurons are located on the dorsal surface of the ganglia and based on their electrophysiological properties it has been postulated that they are internal photoreceptors. Besides the eye, transduction of light also occurs in these extra-ocular photoreceptors. In the present work, we analyze the reactivity of these nerve cells to light and describe the underlying mechanism mediating the light-induced response.Uz poznate fotoreceptore neki beskičmenjaci imaju jednostavne ekstraokularne fotoreceptore. Na primer, centralna ganglija mekušaca sadrži fotosenzitivne neurone. Ovi neuroni lokalizovani na dorzalnoj strani ganglije i na osnovu elektrofizioloških karakteristika pretpostavlja se da poseduju unutrašnje fotoreceptore. Međutim, pored oka, transdukcija svetla se odvija i u ovim ekstraokularnim fotoreceptorima. U ovom radu analizirali smo reaktivnost ovih nervnih ćelija na svetlo i objasnili mehanizam koji leži u njegovoj osnovi.nul

    Тhe establishment of political relations between the authorities in Belgrade and in Prishtina in the frame of the process of globalization

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    У дисeртaциjи aкцeнaт је стaвљeн нa aнaлизу прoцeсa нoрмaлизaциje oднoсa измeђу уже Србиje и њене покрајине Koсoвa и Метохије у услoвимa дeлoвaњa тoкoвa глoбaлизaциje и тo крoз кoнтeкст прoцeсa eврoпских интeгрaциja рeгиoнa Зaпaднoг Бaлкaнa, у нaстojaњу дa сe oткриjу мeхaнизми кojимa сe рукoвoдe Eврoпскa униja (ЕУ), Србиja и косовске власти у сaмoм прoцeсу. Пoсeбнa пaжњa je пoсвeћeнa пoлитици услoвљaвaњa, кao глaвнoм инструмeнту кojи Eврoпскa униja упoтрeбљaвa прeмa Србиjи и Косову и Метохији, кao актерима кojи жeле дa пoстaну њeне члaнице. Teкст сe нaрoчитo бaви jaснoћoм услoвa, брзинoм нaгрaђивaњa и цeнтрифугaлним силaмa сaмoг прoцeсa уз oслoнaц нa примeну дoминaнтног тeoриjског приступa у овој области, институциoнaлизмa рaциoнaлнoг избoрa, кao глaвне истрaживaчке aргумeнтaциjе нa примeру прeгoвaрaчкoг пoглaвљa 35. Предмет истраживања је стога, степен успeшнoсти прoцeсa нoрмaлизaциje oднoсa измeђу Србиje и Koсoвa и Метохије у услoвимa глoбaлизaциje, односно дериватног процеса европеизације као прoцeса преноса и имплeмeнтaциje фoрмaлних и нeфoрмaлних прaвилa, прoцeдурa, пoлитичких пaрaдигми, стилoвa и нoрми кojи су нajпрe били дeфинисaни од стране EУ, a зaтим прeнeти у лoгику дoмaћeг дискурсa, пoлитичких структурa и jaвних пoлитика држава кандидата за чланство у ЕУ. Централно место у анализи свакако заузима степен нejaснoће сaмoг прoцeсa и пoврeмeни нeдoстaтaк крeдибилитeтa критeриjумa зa приступaњe ЕУ услед сталне прoмeнe услoвa интeгрaциje, као и пружaњe oтпoрa дoмaћих пoлитичких eлитa, и то посебно са аспекта кoристи и трoшкoвa, али и нивоа истинскe пoсвeћeнoсти решавању овог проблема. Истраживање посебно анализира нejeднaкe нивoe успeшнoсти, посебно посматрајући све типове приступа сaмих актера тог процеса, али и домете трaнсфoрмaтивнe мoћи ЕУ и мeхaнизама кojе Унија користи.The establishment of political relations between the authorities in Belgrade and in Prishtina in the frame of the process of globalization Resume: In this dissertation, emphasis is placed on analysis of the process of normalization of relations between central Serbia and its province Kosovo and Metohija in the frame of the process of globalization and in the context of European integration of the region of the Western Balkans, in an effort to discover the mechanisms that govern the European Union (EU), Serbia and Kosovo’s authorities in the process itself. Special attention is paid to the policy of conditionality, as the main instrument used by the European Union towards Serbia and Kosovo, as actors who want to become its members. Text is particularly concerned with the clarity of conditions, the speed of rewarding and centrifugal forces of the process itself relying on the use of a predominant theoretical approach in this area, the rational choice institutionalism, as the main research argumentation on the case of the negotiating chapter 35. The subject of the research is therefore, the degree of success of the process of normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo and Metohija under conditions of globalization, as well as, under conditions of a derivative process of the Europeanization, as the process of transferring and implementing formal and informal rules, procedures, policy paradigms, styles and norms that were first defined by EU, and then transferred to the logic of domestic discourse, political structures and policies of the candidate countries for the membership in EU. The central place in the analysis of a degree of ambiguity of the process and occasional lack of credibility of the criteria for EU accession due to constant changes in terms of integration and resistance of domestic political elites, especially in terms of benefits and costs, but also the level of genuine commitment to resolving this problem. The study also analyzes the unequal levels of success observing all types of approaches of the actors onvolved in the process, as well as, the range of the transformative power of EU, and mechanisms that Union is using

    Demonstration of silicon-on-insulator mid-infrared spectrometers operating at 3.8µm

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    The design and characterization of silicon-on-insulator mid- infrared spectrometers operating at 3.8µm is reported. The devices are fabricated on 200mm SOI wafers in a CMOS pilot line. Both arrayed waveguide grating structures and planar concave grating structures were designed and tested. Low insertion loss (1.5-2.5dB) and good crosstalk characteristics (15-20dB) are demonstrated, together with waveguide propagation losses in the range of 3 to 6dB/cm

    Jačine i odnosi jačina mišića ekstenzora i fleksora kolena kod sportista nakon rekonstrukcije prednjeg ukrštenog ligamenta

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    Introduction Maximal strength ratios such as the limb symmetry index (LSI) and hamstring-to-quadriceps ratio (HQ) may be considered the main outcome measures in the monitoring of recovery after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Although explosive strength is much more important than maximal strength, it is generally disregarded in the follow-up of muscle function recovery. Objective The purpose of this study was to compare ratios between maximal (Fmax) and explosive strength (rate of force development - RFD) in individuals with ACL reconstruction. Methods Fifteen male athletes were enrolled and had maximum voluntary isometric quadriceps and hamstring contractions tested (4.0 ± 0.1 months post reconstruction). In addition to Fmax, RFD was estimated (RFDmax as well as RFD at 50, 100, and 200 ms from onset of contraction) and LS gt I and HQ ratios were calculated. Results The involved leg demonstrated significant hamstring and quadriceps deficits compared to uninvolved leg (p lt 0.01). Deficits were particularly significant in the involved quadriceps, causing higher HQ ratios (average 0.63), compared to the uninvolved leg (0.44). LSI was significantly lower for RFD variables (average 55%) than for Fmax (66%). Conclusion The assessment of RFD may be considered an objective recovery parameter for one's readiness to return to sports and should be an integral part of standard follow-up protocol for athletes after ACL reconstruction. Moreover, the combination of indices derived from maximal and explosive strength may provide better insight in muscle strength balance, as well as a clear picture of functional implications.Uvod Maksimalne jačine ekstenzora i fleksora kolena, njihov međusobni odnos (eng. hamstrings-to-quadriceps ratio; HQ), kao i indeks simetrije operisane i neoperisane noge (eng. limb symmetry index; LSI) važni su pokazatelji pomoću kojih se prati oporavak nakon rekonstrukcije LCA. Iako je za izvođenje brojnih funkcionalnih zadataka eksplozivna jačina važnija od maksimalne, ova sposobnost generalno je zanemarena u praćenju oporavka mišićne funkcije. Cilj rada bio je da se uporede odnosi (maksimalne jačine (Fmax) i odnosi eksplozivne jačine (eng. Rate of Force Development - RFD) kod sportista sa rekonstrukcijom LCA. Metode rada U studiju je uključeno 15 sportista, kojima je testirana maksimalna voljna izometrijska kontrakcija (MBK) ekstenzora i fleksora kolena (4,0 ± 0,1 meseca postoperativno). Pored Fmax, procenjivan je i RFD (RFDmax, kao i RFD na 50, 100 i 200 ms od početka kontrakcije) i računati odnosi jačine (LSI i HQ odnos). Rezultati Maksimalna jačina i ekstenzora i fleksora operisane noge bila je značajno niža nego kod neoperisane noge (p lt 0,01). Deficiti su bili posebno izraženi kod ekstenzora operisane noge, usled čega su i HQ odnosi na toj strani (prosečno 0,63) bili veći nego kod neoperisane noge (0,44). Indeks simetrije je bio značajno niži za varijable RFD (prosečno 55%) nego za Fmax (66%). Zaključak Procena eksplozivne jačine može biti još jedan objektivni pokazatelj oporavka i spremnosti za izlaganje specifičnim opterećenjima i kretnjama, zbor čega bi trebalo da bude deo standardnog protokola za praćenje sportista nakon rekonstpukcije LCA. Štaviše, kombinacija indeksa izvedenih iz maksimalne i eksplozivne jačine morala bi dati kompletniji uvid u balans jačine mišića za kretnje koje zahtevaju maksimalne i eksplozivne akcije, kao i jasnu sliku o funkcionalnim implikacijama

    High Phenotypic Diversity Does Not Always Hide Taxonomic Diversity: A Study Case with Cheilosia soror (Zetterstedt, 1843) (Diptera: Syrphidae) in the Iberian Peninsula

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    Comprising nearly 500 species worldwide, Cheilosia Meigen is the largest genus of Syrphidae in the Palaearctic region. Within Cheilosia, phenotypic diversity has been assessed in different species groups, including the group of Cheilosia longula (Zetterstedt, 1838). However, the phenotypic variability of Cheilosia soror (Zetterstedt, 1843), a highly variable member of the C. longula group, has never been assessed in western Europe. In the present work, morphological and molecular analyses were conducted to assess the phenotypic variability found in 300+ specimens of C. soror from the Iberian Peninsula. A total of 16 variable characters were identified and defined for the C. soror morphology, with the highest variation found in the colour of the mesonotum pilosity and the metatibia colour. Morphological variation was assessed against molecular variation based on two molecular markers, one mitochondrial, the 5 end of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI-5), and one nuclear, the large subunit ribosomal DNA (28S). Phylogenetic analyses rendered trees with topologies in disagreement with the defined morphological variation. Two haplotypes were identified amongst the analysed specimens of C. soror, together with a haplotypic variant exclusive to the Iberian region. Potential distributions were used to identify unexplored areas of occurrence of C. soror and other species of the C. longula group in the Iberian Peninsula. Unassessed areas of occurrence of C. soror should be surveyed in the future to confirm the absence of hidden taxonomic diversity within the range of phenotypic variation for this species. Phenotypic variation of the other two Iberian species of the C. longula group, C. longula and C. scutellata (Fallén, 1817), was also assessed to find that they are species with less-variable morphology than C. soror and with molecular characters in accordance with other conspecific populations in Europe. New distributional data are provided for C. soror and C. scutellata from Spain, and a leg abnormality is identified for the first time in C. soror.This research was funded by the “Fauna Ibérica” project (PGC2018-095851-A-C65) of the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, Spain. Antonio Ricarte’s position (Ref. UATALENTO17-08) at the University of Alicante is funded by the “Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia del Conocimiento.” The positions of Zorica Nedeljković and Iván Ballester-Torres at the University of Alicante are funded by the above-mentioned Fauna Ibérica project