472 research outputs found

    On the incorporation of cubic and hexagonal interfacial energy anisotropy in phase field models using higher order tensor terms

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    In this paper, we show how to incorporate cubic and hexagonal anisotropies in interfacial energies in phase field models; this incorporation is achieved by including upto sixth rank tensor terms in the free energy expansion, assuming that the free energy is only a function of coarse grained composition, its gradient, curvature and aberration. We derive the number of non-zero and independent components of these tensors. Further, by demanding that the resultant interfacial energy is positive definite for inclusion of each of the tensor terms individually, we identify the constraints imposed on the independent components of these tensors. The existing results in the invariant group theory literature can be used to simplify the process of construction of some (but not all) of the higher order tensors. Finally, we derive the relevant phase field evolution equations.Comment: About 14 pages; 2 figures, to be submitted for revie


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    Enzim katepsin merupakan enzim penting yang berperan dalam prases pelunakan daging ikan selama prases kemunduran mutu. Aktivitas enzim ini sangat berpengaruh terhadap proses kemunduran mutu ikan . Oleh karena itu, perlu diketahui karakteristik enzim tersebut dalam proses kemunduran mutu sehingga dapat mengambil langkah yang tepat dalam penanganan dan pengolahan ikan. Tuiuan penelitian ini adalah mengekstrak enzim katepsin dari ikan patin dan menentukan karakter enzim katepsin yang berasal dari ikan patin. Penelitian ini dilakukan dua tahap yaitu ekstraksi enzim kasar dan pengendapan dengan amoniusulfat. Hasil penelitian ekstrak kasar (crude ekstrak) enzim katepsin menunjukkan aktivitas spesifik 0,457 U/mg, enzim tersebut dapat diendapkan dengan menggunakan ammonium sulfat 60%. Pengendapan dengan renggunakan ammanium sulfat menghasilkan aktivitas spesifik 0,23 kali. Enzim katepsin mempunyai suhu aptimum 50 ºC dan pH optimum 6, kansentrasi substrat optimum 6% dengan nilai aktivitas 0,8167 U/ml. Berat enzim katepsin kasar hasil SDS-PAGE 12,97-55,49 kDA dan berat malekul enzim diduga mempunyai aktivitas proteolitik pada analisis zymogram adalah 28,88 kDa Kata kunci: enzim, katepsin, karakteristik, ikan pati


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    This study aims to examine the development of the management of Lumajang Supermarkets Amanah Supermarkets, which was established in 2012 with its own capital and sell shares to the public as long as approximately seven can run well in the midst of business competition and can earn profits or profits stably, so as to divide dividends to shareholders. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data was obtained from the Lumajang Shirkah Amanah Self-Service report for the past three years. From the profits obtained, the management makes a policy of profit sharing through the General Meeting of Share Shares (GMS). The provisions include net profit before being distributed to shareholders, issued in advance by 25% for business development, 2.5% for managers, 2, 5% for organizations, 2.5% for infaq/ zakat syirkah, and 1% for shareholder shopping rewards. Dividend distribution policy is influenced by several factors, including corporate liquidity, profitability and is supported by earnings stability


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    Sistem pendataan kasus COVID-19 Provinsi NTT harus dapat beradaptasi dengan sangat cepat sehingga bisa mempercepat proses pendataan dan pada akhirnya dapat menghasilkan bahan pendukung pengambilan keputusan Pemerintah Provinsi dalam menangani kasus COVID-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem pendataan kasus COVID-19 di Provinsi NTT menggunakan metode extreme programming dalam masa pemberlakuan PSBB dimana tim sangat dibatasi dalam berkomunikasi secara tatap muka. Model arsitektur perangkat lunak yang digunakan adalah Model View Control (MVC) dengan memanfaatkan framework codeigniter. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses pengembangan sistem yang fleksibel sangat cocok jika menggunakan model pengembangan extreme programming terutama jika tim pengembang hanya terdiri dari maksimal 6 orang. Dengan demikian project yang dikembangkan bisa lebih cepat di-deliver ke pengguna sehingga dapat segera digunakan.   Kata kunci: Extreme Programming, COVID-19, NT

    Predicting male fertility in dairy cattle using markers with large effect and functional annotation data

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    Background: Fertility is among the most important economic traits in dairy cattle. Genomic prediction for cow fertility has received much attention in the last decade, while bull fertility has been largely overlooked. The goal of this study was to assess genomic prediction of dairy bull fertility using markers with large effect and functional annotation data. Sire conception rate (SCR) was used as a measure of service sire fertility. Dataset consisted of 11.5 k U.S. Holstein bulls with SCR records and about 300 k single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. The analyses included the use of both single-kernel and multi-kernel predictive models fitting either all SNPs, markers with large effect, or markers with presumed functional roles, such as non-synonymous, synonymous, or non-coding regulatory variants. Results: The entire set of SNPs yielded predictive correlations of 0.340. Five markers located on chromosomes BTA8, BTA9, BTA13, BTA17, and BTA27 showed marked dominance effects. Interestingly, the inclusion of these five major markers as fixed effects in the predictive models increased predictive correlations to 0.403, representing an increase in accuracy of about 19% compared with the standard model. Single-kernel models fitting functional SNP classes outperformed their counterparts using random sets of SNPs, suggesting that the predictive power of these functional variants is driven in part by their biological roles. Multi-kernel models fitting all the functional SNP classes together with the five major markers exhibited predictive correlations around 0.405. Conclusions: The inclusion of markers with large effect markedly improved the prediction of dairy sire fertility. Functional variants exhibited higher predictive ability than random variants, but did not outperform the standard whole-genome approach. This research is the foundation for the development of novel strategies that could help the dairy industry make accurate genome-guided selection decisions on service sire fertility.EEA RafaelaFil: Nani, Juan Pablo. University of Florida. Department of Animal Sciences; Estados Unidos. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; ArgentinaFil: Rezende, Fernanda M. University of Florida. Department of Animal Sciences; Estados Unidos. Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária; BrasilFil: Peñagaricano, Francisco. University of Florida. Department of Animal Sciences; Estados Unidos. University of Florida. University of Florida Genetics Institute; Estados Unido

    Genomic prediction of bull fertility in US Jersey dairy cattle

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    Service sire has a major effect on reproductive success in dairy cattle. Recent studies have reported accurate predictions for Holstein bull fertility using genomic data. The objective of this study was to assess the feasibility of genomic prediction of sire conception rate (SCR) in US Jersey cattle using alternative predictive models. Data set consisted of 1.5k Jersey bulls with SCR records and 95k SNP covering the entire genome. The analyses included the use of linear and Gaussian kernel-based models fitting either all the SNP or subsets of markers with presumed functional roles, such as SNP significantly associated with SCR or SNP located within or close to annotated genes. Model predictive ability was evaluated using 5-fold cross-validation with 10 replicates. The entire SNP set exhibited predictive correlations around 0.30. Interestingly, either SNP marginally associated with SCR or genic SNP achieved higher predictive abilities than their counterparts using random sets of SNP. Among alternative SNP subsets, Gaussian kernel models fitting significant SNP achieved the best performance with increases in predictive correlation up to 7% compared with the standard whole-genome approach. Notably, the use of a multi-breed reference population including the entire US Holstein SCR data set (11.5k bulls) allowed us to achieve predictive correlations up to 0.315, gaining 8% in accuracy compared with the standard model fitting a pure Jersey reference set. Overall, our findings indicate that genomic prediction of Jersey bull fertility is feasible. The use of Gaussian kernels fitting markers with relevant roles and the inclusion of Holstein records in the training set seem to be promising alternatives to the standard whole-genome approach. These results have the potential to help the dairy industry improve US Jersey sire fertility through accurate genome-guided decisions.EEA RafaelaFil: Rezende, Fernanda M. University of Florida. Department of Animal Sciences; Estados Unidos. Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária; BrasilFil: Nani, Juan Pablo. University of Florida. Department of Animal Sciences; Estados Unidos. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; ArgentinaFil: Peñagaricano, Francisco. University of Florida. Department of Animal Sciences; Estados Unidos. University of Florida. University of Florida Genetics Institute; Estados Unido

    Fruit Set Capabilities and Yield Variability among Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Germplasm Collections

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    In cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) male and female flowers’ production rate is not the same in every variety, which is the main cause to create variation in fruit set. Though natural pollinators (honeybees and flies) are significant catalysts in fruit settings, but if genetically the female flower production rate is lower then we cannot expect more fruits from that plant. Knowing the female flower-bearing characteristics of selected cucumber plants is important otherwise cannot expect the desired yield from the plant. Considering the overall issues, a study was conducted for the evaluation of performance of five cucumber varieties namely, Timun Putih Besar (TPB), Timun Hijau Manis (THM), Timun Hijau Tanga (THT), Timun Susu Besar (TSB), and Timun Putih (TP). The study was carried out in Nethouse 7 at the Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture (FSA), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Sandakan. Data on plant height (cm), numbers of leaves, days to first male and female flowering, total numbers of male and female flowers, fruit length (cm), fruit diameter (cm), fruit weight (g), total numbers of fruits per plant, total yield (kg), and leaf chlorophyll content were collected and analysed. The result showed that there were significant differences (p<0.05) among the varieties for days to first male and female flowering, total numbers of female flowers, fruit length (cm), fruit diameter (cm), fruit weight (g), total number of fruits per plant, total yield (kg) and chlorophyll content, respectively. Overall, Timun Hijau Manis (THM) significantly (p<0.05) exhibited the best performance for days to first female flowering (25.50 days), total numbers of female flowers (21.50), total number of fruits per plant (5.75), and total yield (1.99 kg) compared to other 4 varieties. Therefore, THM variety is highly recommended to farmers for the overall performances and yield followed by TBP, THT, TSB and TP cucumber varieties, respectively

    Persepsi Masyarakat Jawa terhadap Tradisi Punjungan

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    This research aimed to give the real illustration about punjungan tradition done by Javanese people at Argomulyo village, people's perception through punjungan tradition, public figure perception through maintaining of punjungan tradition, and people's interest through utilizing of punjungan tradition.This research used qualitative methodology with purposive sampling and continued by snowball sampling. Interview technique is used to get primary data, whereas documentation technique to secondary data. Data analysis used is qualitative analysis technique with data reduction, data illustration and considering conclusion. From the whole research, the result shows that : 1) People's perception through punjungan tradition that is delivering food as a compliment , but there is a traditional change there.2) Public figure perception through maintaining of punjungan tradition is a positive activities, but punjungan tradition is abused as business importance. 3) People's interest through punjungan tradition: people always use and maintain punjungan tradition although it has changed and accomplish with era modernization. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran tentang tradisi punjungan digunakan masyarakat suku Jawa yang berada di Desa Argomulyo, yaitu persepsi masyarakat terhadap tradisi punjungan, persepsi tokoh masyarakat terhadap pelestarian tradisi punjungan, animo masyarakat terhadap penggunaan tradisi punjungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, teknik sampel bertujuan (purposive sampling) dilanjutkan dengan teknik sampling bola salju (snowball sampling). Memperoleh data primer digunakan teknik wawancara, data sekunder digunakan dokumentasi. Analisis data yaitu analisis kualitatif dengan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Diperoleh hasil penelitian: 1) Persepsi masyarakat terhadap tradisi punjungan yaitu mengirimkan makanan sebagai bentuk penghormatan, terdapat Perubahan pergeseran tradisi. 2) Persepsi tokoh masyarakat terhadap pelestarian tradisi punjungan merupakan kegiatan yang positif, tetapi tradisi punjungan disalah gunakan sebagai lahan bisnis. 3) Animo masyarakat terhadap penggunaan tradisi punjungan masyarakat tetap ingin melestarikan tradisi punjungan meskipun telah mengalami Perubahan sesuai dengan zaman yang semakin modern