739 research outputs found

    Fluid Cultures and Identifications: The Intercultural Communication Experiences of Saudi International Students in the UK

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    This thesis is an investigation into the intercultural communication experiences of Saudi international students in the UK. It focuses on the friendship experiences that Saudi international students form with home and international students in order to engage in intercultural interactions. It further investigates how Saudi international students experience interactions with individuals from the opposite gender with whom they have limited interactions with in Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, the study focuses on the incidents that may motivate or demotivate Saudi international students from engaging in intercultural communication. Finally, this thesis considers the changes that the participants had introduced to their worldviews, identifications and practices as a result of their overall intercultural experiences in the UK. The findings show that 1) the participants’ identifications of in-group and out-group members were inconsistent and the boundaries between both categories were difficult to identify. 2) In contrast to studies, which suggest that Saudi international students are homogeneous Muslims who come from a collectivistic culture, the findings show that the participants had different worldviews and identifications and cannot be categorized in a fixed category. 3) The findings also illustrate that despite the segregation between men and women in Saudi Arabia, Saudi international students do not necessarily find interaction with individuals from the opposite gender challenging, as some literature claims. 4) The experiences that demotivated the participants from engaging in intercultural communication are not necessarily negative ones, since universities religious organisations, such as the Islamic Society, which was perceived positively by the participants, may also contribute to demotivating their attendees from experiencing intercultural communication. 5) The overall intercultural experiences in the UK had influenced the participants’ worldviews, identifications and practices on various levels. Thus, some participants introduced significant changes to their worldviews and identifications, others accepted changes that do not contradict with their understandings of religion, while others resisted any changes. Overall, the study argues for moving beyond essentialist descriptions for Saudi international students that describe them as a homogeneous Muslim group, coming from a collectivistic culture in a country where men are dominant over women. The study gives valuable insights and practical implications for UK universities and Saudi Cultural Bureaux abroad where Saudi international students form a noticeable number amongst other international students

    Deterministic And Efficient Three-party Quantum Key Distribution

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    The field of quantum computing is based on the laws of quantum mechanics, including states superposition and entanglement. Quantum cryptography is amongst the most surprising applications of quantum mechanics in quantum information processing. Remote state preparation allows a known state to a sender to be remotely prepared at a receiver’s location when they prior share entanglement and transmit one classical bit. A trusted authority in a network where every user is only authenticated to the third party distributes a secret key using quantum entanglement parity bit, controlled gates, ancillary states, and transmit one classical bit. We also show it is possible to distribute entanglement in a typical telecom metropolitan optical network

    A Novel Approach for Code Clone Detection Using Hybrid Technique

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    Code clones have been studied for long, and there is strong evidence that they are a major source of software faults. The copying of code has been studied within software engineering mostly in the area of clone analysis. Software clones are regions of source code which are highly similar; these regions of similarity are called clones, clone classes, or clone pairs In this paper a hybrid approach using metric based technique with the combination of text based technique for detection and reporting of clones is proposed. The Proposed work is divided into two stages selection of potential clones and comparing of potential clones using textual comparison. The proposed technique detects exact clones on the basis of metric match and then by text match

    Quantum Mutual Authentication Scheme Based on Bell State Measurement

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    Authentication is one of the security services that ensure sufficient security of the system by identification and verification. Also, it assures the identity of the communicating party to be that the claimed one. To build a quantum channel between two unauthenticated to each other users, a trusted authority is needed to create a mutual authentication with each party before they communicate. Using Bell measurement and entanglement swapping, we present a protocol that mutually authenticates the identity of the sender and the receiver then, constructs a quantum channel based on Bell basis. The sender and the receiver use the quantum channel to communicate using entanglement-assisted quantum communication protocols. Additionally, the protocol renews the shared secret key between the trusted authority and each user after authentication process. The protocol provides the necessary authentication and key distribution to create a quantum channel between the sender and receiver

    Mapping of Publications Productivity on Journal of Documentation 1989-2018: A Study Based on Clarivate Analytics – Web of Science Database

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    The Present Study analyzed research productivity in Journal of Documentation (JDoc) for a period of 30 years between 1989 and 2018. Web of Science database a service from Clarivate Analytics has been used to download citation and source data. Bibexcel and Histcite application software have been used to present the datasets. Analysis part focuses on the parameters like citation impact at local and global level, influential authors and their total output, ranking of contributing institutions and countries. In addition to this scientographical mapping of data is presented through graphs using VOSviewer software mapping technique

    Testing Lotka’s Law and Pattern of Author Productivity in the Scholarly Publications of Artificial Intelligence

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    Artificial intelligence has changed our day to day life in multitude ways. AI technology is rearing itself as a driving force to be reckoned with in the largest industries in the world. AI has already engulfed our educational system, our businesses and our financial establishments. The future is definite that machines with artificial intelligence will soon be captivating over trained manual work that now is mostly cared by humans. Machines can carry out human-like tasks by new inputs as artificial intelligence makes it possible for machines to learn from experience. AI data from web of science database from 2008 to 2017 have been mapped to depict the average growth rate, relative growth rate, contribution made by authors in the view of research productivity, authorship pattern and collaboration of AI literature. The Lotka’s law on authorship productivity of AI literature has been tested to confirm the applicability of the law to the present data set. A K-S test was applied to measure the degree of agreement between the distribution of the observed set of data against the inverse general power relationship and the theoretical value of α = 2. It is found that the inverse square law of Lotka follow as such
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