63 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Independensi, Obyektifitas, Integritas,kompetensi, Pengalaman Kerja dan Skeptisisme Profesional terhadap Kualitas Hasil Pemeriksaan di Lingkungan Inspektorat Provinsi Jambi

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    The title of this research is Analyze the Effect of Independence, Objectivity, Integrity, Competence, Work Experience and Professional Skepticism Towards the Quality of Examination Results in Jambi Province Environmental Inspectorate. This study aimed to analyze the effect of Independence, Objectivity, Integrity, Competence, Work Experience and Professional Skepticism towards the quality of examination results in Jambi Province Environmental Inspectorate simultaneously or partially. This research is a descriptive survey of the Office of the Jambi Provincial Inspectorate checks throughout the county and municipalities on SKPD in Jambi. Data is collected by field and library research . The time horizon used is cross section. The number of respondents that auditors and supervisors as much as 59 people. The data analysis to test the hypothesis is using multiple regression analysis by SPSS program .The result of this research shows that the Independence, Objectivity, Integrity, Competence, Work Experience and Professional Skepticism have significant effect towards the qua lity of examination results. Objectivity, Integrity, Competence, Work Experience and Professional Skepticism partially significant effect on the quality of inspec tion results, but independence only partially not significant effect

    Evaluasi Kebijakan Pemilihan Gubernur Dan Wakil Gubernur Tahun 2011 Di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah (Studi Pada Komisi Pemilihan Umum Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah)

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    The objective of this research is to evaluate policy in conducting Governor and Vice Governor election in Central Sulawesi held by Regional General Election Commission of Central Sulawesi Province Year 2011.This research is descriptive evaluative and based on a case study. This study described a certain phenomena from governor and vice governor election policy conducted by General Election Commission Central Sulawesi Province, while this research applied qualitative approach by collecting qualitative data obtained from interviewed. Sample of the research consisted of: (1) Pairs of Elected Governor and Vice Governor Year 2011-2016; (2) Pairs of unelected Governor and Vice Governor; (3) General Election Commission of Central Sulawesi as a caretaker of Governor and Vice Governor Election Year 2011 at Central Sulawesi Province; and (4) Regional Election Desk. This research used primary and secondary data. The data were collected through observation, interview, and questionnaire distribution. Then, the data were analyzed by using interactive analysis model. The study result showed that implementation of Governor and Vice Governor Election Central Sulawesi Province Year 2011-2016 held by General Election Commission of Central Sulawesi Province had been conducted well, correctly, safely, smoothly, and democratically. In order to support the implementation of Governor and Vice Governor election of Central Sulawesi Province period 2011-2016, General Election Commission of Central Sulawesi Province have drawn up regulation concerning the implementation of Governor and Vice Governor Election period 2011-2016 according to law constitution

    Cytotoxicity Study Of Mezzetiaparviflorabecc. Woodbark

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    The cytotoxic activity of acetone insoluble extract of MezzetiaparvifloraBecc. Wood bark was evaluated on HeLa cell line and it was compared with normal vero cell line to confirming the use of the plant as a traditional medicine for tumor. The experiment with normal vero cell line using MTT assay showed a percentage of cell viability of 96.8% at1000 µg of concentration which was not increase with the increase of concentration of the extract. Whereas, the experiment on HeLa cell line showed a low cytotoxic activity with the viability percentage was found to be 87.4% at1000μg/ml. Therefore the extract was categorized as non-toxic and the next studies is necessary to explore the mechanism liable of the using of the plant extract as anticancer traditional

    Pengembangan Calon Desa Wisata Nasional Sebagai Alternatif Desa Cerdas

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    Pariwisata di Indonesia adalah sektor ekonomi mutlak di Indonesia, Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki potensi wisata yang sangat besar untuk dikembangkan. Di Indonesia, khususnya di Lombok, keberadaaan dan aktivitas sektor pariwisata menjadi salah satu pendorong peningkatan perekonomian di beberapa desa yang dianggap memiliki potensi dengan Sumber Daya Alam. Salah satu calon desa wisata yang memiliki potensi di bidang wisata, baik wisata alam maupun wisata budaya adalah Desa Lekor Lombok Tengah. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah sebagai wadah dan wahana dalam melahirkan ide serta gagasan untuk membentuk sebuah daerah atau destinasi wisata baru di wilayah ini. Metode pengabdian yang digunakan adalah tahap persiapan, tahap kunjungan, tahap penyuluhan serta evaluasi program. Dari kegiatan pengabdian calon desa wisata ini diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut, peserta yang hadir dalam kegiatan pengabdian adalah kelompok pemuda dan komunitas masyarakat Desa Lekor dan tim dari sivitas akademika Universitas Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram. Dalam kegiatan ini, ada beberapa kelemahan dari pelaksanaan pengabdian, yakni dalam membuat atau mendirikam pintu masuk atau pintu gapura dari bahan besi cukup berat, harus mendatangkan bebera pemuda dari desa untuk membentu mendirika pintugapura dimaksud, kedua, bahan untuk sarana dan prasarana yang digunakan masih terbatas, yakni beberapa bambu yang digunakan untuk mendirikan pintu gapura besar di jalan masuk Dusun Pepapo masih belum cukup, sehingga ada sebagian warga yang memberikan subangan berupa bambu yang diberikan secara swadaya oleh beberapa warga yang memiliki pohon bambu

    Uji Pendahuluan Anti-biofilm Esktrak Teh Hijau Dan Teh Hitam Pada Streptococcus Mutans Melalui Metode Microtiter Plate: an Initial Study on Anti-biofilm Activity of Green Tea Dan Black Tea Extracts on Streptococcus Mutans Via Mictotiter Plate Assay

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    Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) has an activity as an antibacterial, widely studied to plankton cells, without further researching into biofilm cell. Therefore, this research had been conducted to initially evaluate the activity of green- and black-tea extracts in inhibiting Streptococcus mutans biofilm. Green and black tea leaves were extracted using 70% methanol. Determination of MIC was subsequently performed by microdilution method. Next, the biofilm formation and inhibition were run through microtiter plate method using flexible U-bottom PVC 96 wells, which then observed using microplate reader on λ = 515 nm. As The results, MIC for green and black tea extract stood at 4 mg/mL, 6 mg/mL respectively. The biofilm inhibitory activity of black tea extract was at 8 and 10 mg/mL inhibiting 6 % and 12.5 % S. mutans. Green tea extract showed that concentration of 4 to 10 mg/mL was able to inhibit biofilm growth by 24%; 45%; 48% and 53%. Thus, through microtiter plate assay, it could be concluded that tea extract has potent antibiofilm to S. mutans, where green tea extract has better activity than black tea extract

    Analisis Konten Buku Ajar Bahasa Arab Sang Pangeran Nahwu Al-Ajurumiyyah

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         The book of Sang Pangeran Nahwu Al-Ajurumiyah is an introductory book to the Kitab al Ajurumiyah written in Indonesian. This book is not a translation of the original book, but rather a translation like the interpretation of the Qur'an. This book is suitable for non-Arabic students, especially those in Indonesia who are still predicated as beginners in learning Arabic. This type of research is library research with a qualitative approach. The data collection technique uses documentation. And the results of this study indicate that the book Sang Pangeran Nahwu Al-Ajurumiyah has met the criteria of a good textbook in terms of material, which is in accordance with the scientific theoretical basis according to Masnur Muslich, including material accuracy, material coverage, and material support. Then in terms of scientific theory according to Ali al Qosimiy, this book is suitable in basic material but in the layout of the basic material it is not appropriate, and has met the criteria in terms of supporting material and special material. Meanwhile, in the stage of presenting the material, the book has not yet reached conformity with the selection and repetition stages. However, it has reached conformity to the gradation and repetition stages


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    The  cytotoxic activity  of acetone insoluble extract of MezzetiaparvifloraBecc. Wood bark was evaluated on HeLa cell line and it was compared with normal vero cell line to confirming the use of the plant as a traditional medicine for tumor. The experiment with normal vero cell line using MTT assay showed a percentage of cell  viability of  96.8%  at1000 µg of concentration which was not increase with the increase of  concentration of the extract. Whereas, the experiment on HeLa cell line showed a low cytotoxic activity with the viability percentage was found to be 87.4% at1000μg/ml. Therefore the extract was categorized as non-toxic and the next studies is necessary to explore the mechanism liable of the using  of the plant extract as anticancer traditional.Aktivitas sitotoksik ekstrak larut aseton batang kayu MezzetiaparvifloraBecc. dievaluasi pada sel HeLa dan dibandingkan dengan sel normal vero untuk memastikan penggunaan sebagai tanaman obat tradisional untuk pengobatan tumor. Percobaan dengan sel normal vero menggunakan uji MTT menunjukkan persentase viabilitas sel sebanyak 96,8% pada konsentrasi 1000 ug dan tidak meningkat dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi ekstrak. Sedangkan pada percobaan dengan sel HeLa menunjukkan aktivitas sitotoksik yang rendah dengan persentase viabilitas sebesar 87,4% pada konsentrasi 1000μg/ml. Oleh karena itu ekstrak ini dikategorikan sebagai tidak beracun dan diperlukan studi selanjutnya untuk mengeksplorasi mekanisme yang bertanggung jawabterhadap efek antikanker dari tanaman tersebut.


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menentukan struktur sel epidermis dan stomata pada beberapa tumbuhan anggota Suku Euphorbiaceae yang merupakan anggota marga Codiaeum, Euphorbia dan Jatropha. Metode deskriptif komparatif digunakan untuk menggambarkan struktur sel epidemis dan stomata daun puring, pakis giwang dan jarak pagar berdasarkan pengamatan irisan memanjang sel-sel epidermis pada permukaan bawah daun dengan menggunakan mikroskop. Penilitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif komperatif , yaitu menggambarkan,menginterpretasi dan membandingkan srtuktur sel epidermis dan stomata daun tumbuhan suku euphorbiaceae khususnya tumbuhan puring, pakis giwang dan jarak paga
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