41 research outputs found

    Temperature and magnetic field effects on the activity of protocerebral neurosecretory neurons and corpora allata in Cerambyx cerdo L. larvae

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    The effects of constant temperature and an extremely low-frequency magnetic field (ELFMF, 50 Hz and average induction of 20 mT) on the activity of medial protocerebral neurosecretory neurons (A1 and A2) and corpora allata were investigated in Cerambyx cerdo L. larvae after 30 days of exposure. Both constant temperature of 23Ā°C and the ELFMF led to decrease in activity of A1 and A2 neurosecretory neurons and increase in activity of corpora allata compared to the control group (larvae from natural conditions). The changes are more pronounced in A2 than A1 neurons.Ispitivan je uticaj konstantne temperature i ekstremno niskofrekventnog magnetnog polja (ELFMF, 50 Hz i prosečna indukcija 20mT) na aktivnost medijanih protocerebralnih neurosekretnih neurona (A1 i A2) i corpora allata kod larvi Cerambyx cerdo posle 30 dana izlaganja i konstantna temperatura od 23Ā°C i ELFMF dovode do smanjenja aktivnosti A1 i A2 neurosekretnih neurona i povećanja aktivnosti corpora allata u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom (larve iz prirodnih uslova). Promene su viÅ”e izražene kod A2 nego kod A1neurona.nul

    Creating a new academic governance in Poland : assumptions to Law HEI 2.0 (Ustawa 2.0)

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    W Polsce trwają zaawansowane prace nad przebudową systemu nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego. Powszechne jest przekonanie środowiska akademickiego, ale rĆ³wnież opinii społecznej, że istniejące rozwiązania nie wykorzystują w pełni możliwości kadry naukowo-dydaktycznej, studentĆ³w i potencjału polskich uczelni. Powszechnie znane są miary słabości, związane chociażby z pozycją uczelni polskich w rankingach międzynarodowych [WrĆ³blewski 2013]. RĆ³wnież efekty edukacyjne, umasowienie kształcenia i niekorzystne zmiany w etosie akademickim napawają niepokojem [Sułkowski 2016]. Naprawy wymaga zatem zarĆ³wno poziom ładu systemowego szkolnictwa i nauki (governance), jak i zarządzanie uczelniami wyższymi w Polsce (management) [Antonowicz, Brdulak, Hulicka i in. 2016]. Strategicznym elementem tej zmiany ma być przyjęcie nowej ustawy regulującej system nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego. Na początku 2017 roku odbyły się prezentacje projektĆ³w "Założeń do ustawy 2.0", przygotowanych przez zespoły wyłonione w trybie konkursowym w 2016 roku. Rezultaty pracy to trzy koncepcje zmiany ładu legislacyjnego w polskiej nauce i szkolnictwie wyższym. Każdy z trzech projektĆ³w ma swoją dominującą logikę, jednak wszystkie prĆ³bują odpowiadać na podobne problemy polskiego systemu nauki i kształcenia wyższego, trafnie zidentyfikowane przez zespoły konkursowe na etapie diagnozy. Posługując się metodą porĆ³wnawczą, pozwolę sobie poddać analizie propozycje KolegĆ³w, zwracając uwagę przede wszystkim na rozwiązania mające poprawić sytuację polskich uczelni i całego systemu szkolnictwa.In Poland we are working on a modification of higher education system because the current solutions are not satisfactory for Polish education potential, as well as for people engaged in this field and, last but not least, students. Law HEI 2.0 (Ustawa 2.0) is supposed to be the strategic element of change. Polish academics prepared projects to the new regulation and three of them have been chosen. The article is a critical analysis of these proposals and it brings attention to solutions that might improve a situation of Polish higher education and the whole system of education

    Temperature and magnetic field effects on the activity of protocerebral neurosecretory neurons and corpora allata in Cerambyx cerdo L. larvae

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    The effects of constant temperature and an extremely low-frequency magnetic field (ELFMF, 50 Hz and average induction of 20 mT) on the activity of medial protocerebral neurosecretory neurons (A1 and A2) and corpora allata were investigated in Cerambyx cerdo L. larvae after 30 days of exposure. Both constant temperature of 23Ā°C and the ELFMF led to decrease in activity of A1 and A2 neurosecretory neurons and increase in activity of corpora allata compared to the control group (larvae from natural conditions). The changes are more pronounced in A2 than A1 neurons.Ispitivan je uticaj konstantne temperature i ekstremno niskofrekventnog magnetnog polja (ELFMF, 50 Hz i prosečna indukcija 20mT) na aktivnost medijanih protocerebralnih neurosekretnih neurona (A1 i A2) i corpora allata kod larvi Cerambyx cerdo posle 30 dana izlaganja i konstantna temperatura od 23Ā°C i ELFMF dovode do smanjenja aktivnosti A1 i A2 neurosekretnih neurona i povećanja aktivnosti corpora allata u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom (larve iz prirodnih uslova). Promene su viÅ”e izražene kod A2 nego kod A1neurona.nul

    The influence of dietary protein quality on midgut and brain proteins in Morimus funereus larvae

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    The response of starved Morimus funereus larvae refed with an artificial diet (Galford, 1967) was examined in the present paper. Larvae were offered diets varying in protein quality (soya protein, casein, and gelatin). Refeeding with the Galford diet (G I) and two modifications of it in which soya protein was supplemented with casein (G II) or gelatin (G III) led to an increase of body mass. Different protein quality in the nutritive substrate influenced both the quantity and quality of midgut and brain proteins.U ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj veÅ”tačke dijete po Galfordu (Galford, 1967) i njene dve modifikacije različitog proteinskog sastava (protein soje, kazein želatin) na larve Morimus funereus nakon totalnog gladovanja. Telesna masa larvi se povećala nakon ishrane dijetom po Galfordu (G I), kao i njenim modifikacijama u kojima je protein soje zamenjen kazeinom (G II) odnosno želatinom (G III). Prisustvo proteina različitog kvaliteta u hranljivom supstratu utiče i na kvantitet i na kvalitet proteina srednjeg creva i mozga larvi ove vrste.nul

    The influence of dietary protein quality on midgut and brain proteins in Morimus funereus larvae

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    The response of starved Morimus funereus larvae refed with an artificial diet (Galford, 1967) was examined in the present paper. Larvae were offered diets varying in protein quality (soya protein, casein, and gelatin). Refeeding with the Galford diet (G I) and two modifications of it in which soya protein was supplemented with casein (G II) or gelatin (G III) led to an increase of body mass. Different protein quality in the nutritive substrate influenced both the quantity and quality of midgut and brain proteins.U ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj veÅ”tačke dijete po Galfordu (Galford, 1967) i njene dve modifikacije različitog proteinskog sastava (protein soje, kazein želatin) na larve Morimus funereus nakon totalnog gladovanja. Telesna masa larvi se povećala nakon ishrane dijetom po Galfordu (G I), kao i njenim modifikacijama u kojima je protein soje zamenjen kazeinom (G II) odnosno želatinom (G III). Prisustvo proteina različitog kvaliteta u hranljivom supstratu utiče i na kvantitet i na kvalitet proteina srednjeg creva i mozga larvi ove vrste.nul

    Effects of thermal stress on activity of corpora allata and dorsolateral neurosecretory neurons in Morimus funereus larvae

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    The effects of different temperatures (23Ā°C and 8Ā°C) on activity of corpora allata (CA) and dorsolateral (L1, L2) protocerebral neurosecretory neurons were investigated in Morimus funereus Mulsant (1863) larvae collected from a natural population during March. Activity of CA was revealed by monitoring of CA volume and cell number. Increase of CA volume after two day exposure to both temperatures was shown to be the result of increase in cell number. Activity of CA was higher at 23Ā°C than 8Ā°C. Activity of L1 and L2 neurosecretory neurons was inhibited at both temperatures. Neurosecretory neurons were more sensitive to temperature of 23Ā°C than 8Ā°C. It can be supposed that dorsolateral neurosecretory neurons synthesize neurohormones that affect CA activity, depending on environmental temperature.Ispitivan je uticaj različitih temperatura (23Ā°C i 8Ā°C) na aktivnost corpora allata (CA) i dorzolateralnih (L1 i L2) protocerebralnih neurosekretnih neurona kod larvi Morimus funereus Muls. (1863), sakupljenih iz prirode tokom meseca marta. Aktivnost CA je procenjivana praćenjem promena veličine CA i broja ćelija CA. Pokazano je da je povećanje veličine CA, nakon 2 dana izlaganja larvi obema temperaturama, rezultuje u povećanju broja ćelija. Aktivnost CA je veća na temperaturi od 230C, nego na 80C. Aktivnost L1 i L2 neurosekretnih neurona je bila inhibirana delovanjem obeju temperatura. Neurosekretni neuroni su osetljiviji na delovanje temperature od 230C, nego na 80C. Moglo bi se pretpostaviti da dorzolateralni neurosekretni neuroni sintetiÅ”u neurohormone koji utiču na aktivnost CA, u zavisnosti od temperature spoljaÅ”nje sredine.Projekat ministarstva br. 161

    Effects of dietary fluoranthene on tissue-specific responses of carboxylesterases, acetylcholinesterase and heat shock protein 70 in two forest lepidopteran species

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    In this study, responses of carboxylesterases, acetylcholinesterase, and stress protein Hsp70 were examined in the midgut and midgut tissue, and brain of fifth instar larvae of Lymantria dispar L. and Euproctis chrysorrhoea L. following chronic exposure to dietary fluoranthene. Specific carboxylesterase activity increased significantly in the midgut tissue of E. chrysorrhoea larvae treated with a lower fluoranthene concentration. The specific patterns of isoforms expression, recorded in larvae of both species, enable efficient carboxylesterase activity as a significant part of defense mechanisms. Increased Hsp70 concentration in the brain of L. dispar larvae points to a response to the proteotoxic effects of a lower fluoranthene concentration. Decreased Hsp70 in the brain of E. chrysorrhoea larvae in both treated groups can suggest induction of other mechanisms of defense. The results indicate the importance of the examined parameters in larvae of both species exposed to the pollutant, as well as their potential as biomarkers.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Comparative examinations of magnetic field effects on pupal development in three holometabolous insect species

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    The development of new technologies in the last decades has actuated researches on effects of magnetic and electromagnetic fields on individual performance and physiological reactions in living systems. Our work is based on the model of pupal development and compares insect species belonging to different orders: Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera), Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera) and Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera). A highly significant increase in the rate of adult eclosion was detected in all examined species reared under constant external magnetic field suggesting unique mechanisms of magnetic field influence on development of three evolutionary distant insect species.Razvoj novih tehnologija poslednjih decenija je pokrenuo istraživanja efekata magnetnih i elektromagnetnih polja na individualnu performansu i fizioloÅ”ke reakcije u živim sistemima. NaÅ” rad je baziran na modelu lutkinog razvića i poredi tri evolutivno udaljene vrste insekata koje pripadaju različitim redovima: Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera), Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera) i Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera). Kod svih proučavanih vrsta je uočen statistički značajan porast brzine izleganja adulta pod uticajem spoljaÅ”njeg magnetnog polja Å”to ukazuje na jedinstvene mehanizme delovanja na procese razviće kod tri udaljene vrste insekata.nul