115 research outputs found

    The effect of density and stocking weight on growth rate and production of grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.)

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    Around ten thousands fries of Striped grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) with average weight and length of 280 mg and 28.3 mm respectively, imported in March 2008 from Egypt. The wild fries collected from surrounding natural waters of Alexandria. They stocked in four earthen ponds (each with 2500 m2 ) located at the Gomishan shrimp educational centre at late march in 2008. At the first year of culture the densities were 5000 and 10000 individuals per hectare and each treatment with two replicates. At second year, densities changed with 2000 and 2500 individuals per hectares and each of the treatments divided fishes with average primary weights of 80 and 115 grams. They fed twice a day at 8 AM and 2 PM and the amount was 5-7 percents of the fish existent biomass in each ponds. After seven months culture period, the average weight and length of fish in treatment 5000 ind./hec. were 113.7 gr and 21.1 cm respectively and in treatment 10000 ind./hec. the average weight and length were 86.6 gr and 19.6 cm respectively. At first year the average survival rate in different treatments was 77 percent. The average FCR in treatments 5000 and 10000 ind./hec. were 3.4 and 3.9 respectively. At second years after six months culture the average weights in pond no. 9 (with primary weight 115 gr and density 2000 ind./hec) , pond no. 10 (with primary weight 80 gr and density 2000 ind./hec) , pond no. 11 (with primary weight 115 gr and density 2500 ind./hec) and pond no. 12 (with primary weight 80 gr and density 2500 ind./hec) calculated as 476.6 ,338.1, 366.5 and 440 gr respectively. The average survival rate and FCR were 93 % and 3.1 respectively

    Occult laryngeal foreign body mimicking normal thyroid cartilage

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    Introduction: Foreign body aspiration is common especially in children. The absence of history of choking does not rule out the diagnosis. Diagnosis required high index of suspicion. Case Presentation: Undiagnosed foreign body aspiration mostly occurs in bronchial airway rather than larynx and can cause severe complications. In this article, we report a silent laryngeal foreign body aspiration to show that careful history taking and accurate evaluation of radiography are important factors for diagnosis. Conclusions: The single most significant factor leading to detect of tracheobronchial foreign body aspiration is a high index of suspicion; this case highlights the possibility of a foreign body in the airway in patients who presents with a recent onset of chronic respiratory complaints. © 2015, Trauma Monthly

    Study on the reason of striped mullet (Mugil cephalus) larvae mortality and the production of its fingerlings

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    In this study, nine years old farmed broodstocks of striped grey mullet have been induced artificially by hormones. Eight experiments of artificial propagation carried out during three months (from October to February) in 2003. The hormones used for males were HCG and 17-α-Methyltestosterone and to induce females the hormones such as LHRH-α2, HCG and CPH were used. During these experiments, 27 females injected which 22 of them spawned along with larval production. Water temperature and salinity were 20-23°c and 32 ppt during artificial propagation respectively. For larval culture, two different experiments carried out which final larval density in tanks, water temperature and salinity were 20 in/liter, 22-24°c and 32-33 ppt respectively. Larvae fed with live foods such as Nannochloropsis oculata , Brachionus plicatilis, Artemia nauplii with density of 500000 cell/ml, 20 ind/ml and 3-200 ind/liter respectively. Water exchange in larval culture tanks during first week was 10 percent of tank volume, and this amount in the second and next weeks were higher which have been 2030 and 40-50 percent of tank volume respectively. At the first experiment of larval culture, the tanks with maximum depth of 80 cm used that whole larvae died after 12 days post hatching; whereas at the next trial, three numbers of 4000 liters fiberglass black color tanks with maximum depth of 120 cm used which tend to the survival rate of 0.9 percent after 55 days post hatching

    Effects of probiotic supplementation on hormonal profiles, biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

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    Background: To the best of our knowledge, data on effects of probiotic administration on hormonal profiles, biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are scarce. This investigation was conducted to assess the effects of probiotic supplementation on hormonal profiles, biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress in women with PCOS. Methods: This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted on 60 women with PCOS, aged 18-40 years old. Subjects were randomly assigned into 2 groups to receive either probiotics or placebo (n = 30 each group) for 12 weeks. Metabolic profiles were quantified at baseline and after a 12-week intervention. Results: After the 12-week intervention, compared with placebo, probiotic supplementation significantly increased serum sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) (+25.9 ± 32.5 vs. +0.5 ± 15.6 nmol/L, P < 0.001) and plasma total antioxidant capacity (TAC) (+8.8 ± 120.5 vs. -98.3 ± 246.4 mmol/L, P = 0.04), and significantly decreased serum total testosterone (-0.2 ± 0.7 vs. +0.2 ± 0.6 ng/mL, P = 0.03), modified Ferriman-Gallwey (mF-G) scores (-1.7 ± 1.5 vs. -0.2 ± 1.0, P < 0.001), serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) (-1150.0 ± 1295.2 vs. +202.5 ± 1426.3 ng/mL, P < 0.001) and plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations (-0.2 ± 0.6 vs. +0.9 ± 1.3 µmol/L, P < 0.001). We did not observe any detrimental effect of probiotic supplementation on other metabolic profiles. Conclusion: Overall, probiotic supplementation of PCOS women for 12 weeks had beneficial effects on total testosterone, SHBG, mFG scores, hs-CRP, TAC and MDA levels but did not affect other metabolic profiles. © 2018 The Author(s)

    Circular RNAs: New genetic tools in melanoma

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    Melanoma is the most lethal form of skin cancer. New technologies have resulted in major advances in the diagnosis and treatment of melanoma and other cancer types. Recently, some studies have investigated the role of circular RNAs (circRNAs) in different cancers. CircRNAs are a member of long noncoding RNA family mainly formed through back-splicing and have a closed-loop structure. These molecules affect several biological and oncogenic cascades in diverse ways via acting as microRNA sponge, interacting with RNA-binding proteins and acting as a transcription regulator. In this review, we made an insight into the impact of circRNA dysregulation in the melanoma tumorigenesis based on the presented evidences. © 2020 Future Medicine Ltd

    Environmental assessment of the Digche region in order to the development of warm-water fish culture

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    Proposed land area within the Environmental impact assessment study boundary is designated for development of warm-water fish culture and located at "49 '55 ° 54 to" 14 '56 ° 54 east longitude, and "7 '15 37 to" 48 '19 37 north latitude, in the Gonbad Kavous county of Golestan province. Currently in Digcheh there are 47 earthen ponds with different dimensions comprising some 380 ha project's overal footprint with an estimated 324ha net area of production ponds, which involves common carp and chinese carp fish farming. Fresh water supply is provided from Gorgan-Roud to the culture ponds by pumping via some mobile pump through a common earthen channel which is shared with agriculture lands of the rural community. Environmental impact assessment studies for the project which in terms of design features, subject to article 2, paragraph (e) of Environmental impact assessment regulation is necessary in order to resolve problems related to water supply , optimization of fish farm's hydraulic systems through the construction of concrete main intake channel and optimization and renewal of pond's weir and outlet structure, intake and drainage channels of production ponds, and also renovation of water pumping systems wich will be resulting in increased farmed fish production and decreased production costs. For optimization of EIA study and achievements to update information by using Geographic Information System(GIS) software, the maps of the study area were provided with scrutiny. Thus, in first step digital map with a scale of 1:500 to1:2000 in AUTO CAD format that shows the project location, prepared with land surveying. Layers of required maps based on Iran Army Geographical Organization base maps for site with conceptual and spatial information of location were provided. General location map of the region, residential areas and villages, roads and other maps needed in studies us ing these layers were produced. Next, the paper output for Cartography maps were prepared using ARC GIS software. The spatial layers with the help of GIS spatial analysis studies by different expert teams of EIA studies (soil and water pollution , social, economic and cultural studies, biological environment, climate and hydrology) , were performed. The output of digital spatial data, spatial analysis and Cartography as various maps, tables or diagrams and graphical analysis were used in various discipline reports. Since implementing the project can be create different and various changes or effects on environment resources (physical, biological, social, economic and cultural) ,thus knowing how these impacts occur will be assist to prevent or reduce their pursuant negative effects the environment impact assessment studies carried out. In order to conduct decision-making process between action and no action alternatives for perform Digcheh Aquaculture project the Leopold matrix and comparison checklist method has been used. The results of the Leopold matrix shows that the action of Project with environmental mitigation measures (+412) is superior to no action Project (-79). Obviously, the modernization and Optimization of Digcheh warm-water fish farming development project have some adverse effects on the environment like other development projects but it seems with considering mitigation measures and performing Environmental Management Plans with regard to positive outcomes for local area, implementation of this project will be provide a lot of positive or favorable outcome for indigenous peoples and fish farmers. As well as with implemention of the Digcheh project problems such as the loss of water in earthen channels, the overall status of fish farming practices, migration from rural to urban areas , lack of employment and consequently low level of income and welfare of the people will be improved and acquire positive trend in the region Consequently in the EIA study final findings, the implementation of Dighcheh fish culture development project is recommended and emphasized

    Feasibility study on semiintensive polyculture of chainess and Indian carps in I.R.IRAN (Guilan province)

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    15000 juvenile Indian majour carps (Labeo Rohita,Cirhinus merigala, Catla catla) imported (200 ) and transferred to the earthen ponds in Astaneh Fisheries Research Station , In order to assess the viability of rearing under the climatic condition of north part of Iran and also achieve some growth parameters from the larval stage to market size.The fry with 300 mg weight, were released in to 12 ponds. Specimens were separated to tree experimental categories: 1= (30%indian carp and 70% chinees carp) , 2= (50%indian carp and 50% chinees carp) , 3= (70%indian carp and 30% chinees carp) .single chinees carp production were used as control . fishes were fed with artificial food and also with the natural products of the ponds which were enriched with organic fertilizers, after being equally stocked in the ponds .During the experiment, oxygen level ,PH, turbidity, and temperature were measured. Monthly fry samples were taken, for weight and length biometrical analysis and also determination of the weight gain percentage, average daily growth rate, specific growth rate. Results have indicated adaptations and considerable growth in this species, with an increase from the initial weight of 300 mg to an average of 13.5±1.6 mg in 50 days period until the end of November for fingerlings. Also the average weight of growing phase (second year of production ) was 647g for Labeo Rohita ,420 g. for Cirhinus merigala and 734g for Catla catla. The special growth rate (SGR)in Roho was 4.51 %.and 3.9 % for merigal and6.2 % for Catla while for Chinees carps SGR was 4.9, 6.7, 7.6 and 5.8 for silver carp,grass carp, common carp and big head respectively. Results revealed that the Indian majour carps compatibility with the condition in Gilan province was succesfull and the combination of species and optimization of their compatibility were remind for futhre studies

    Investigation and identification of helminth parasites in five fish species of Anzali Wetland

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    This study aimed to identify of helminth parasites in some native and economic fish of Anzali wetland was performed. 314 fish specimens, including: Alburnus hohenackeri (60 Specimen), Blicca bjoerkna (75 Specimen), Hemiculter leucisculus (75 Specimen), Pseudorasbora parva (52 pcs) Rhodeus amarus (52 Specimen), from Cyprinidae (Cyprinidae), during 1 year (2012-2013) and seasonally, from three different stations (Shijan, Pirbazar and Pasikhan) via gill net (50-70 mm) and fyke net were sampled. Samples were transported to the Inlandwater Aquaculture Institute in Bandar Anzali. In the laboratory, After biometry and determine the age and sex of fish, different body parts for searching of parasites were checked and parasites by using identification keys were identified. As a result of this study, 9 species of helminth parasites of fishes were identified include: Gyrodactylus sp., Dactylogyrus sphyrna , Dactylogyrus sp., Ligula intestinalis, Diplostomum paraspathaceum, Diplostomum spathaceum, Diplostomum sp., Posthodiplostomum cuticola and Rhabdochona denudate. The highest frequency of parasites in trematodes (in 5 fish species studied) and the minimum frequency in cestodes (each at 1 fish species studied) were seen. According to statistical analysis using Chi-Square test and KruskalWallis, the pollution of the sex, weight, length and sampling stations, there is no statistically significant difference (P> 0.05)