322 research outputs found

    Are Nation and Exile a Woman? - the case of David Albahari’s novel Bait

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    http://ojs.lib.ucl.ac.uk/index.php/Slovo/article/view/879 The construction of femininity in David Albahari’s novel Bait is examined, resulting in the conclusion that it becomes the embodiment of national exile for contemporary Serbia


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    The influence of using formic, oxalic, citric and tartaric acid for adjusting the dyebath pH upon the dyeability of polyester knitwear dyed with Disperse Yellow 3 was investigated. CIELAB coordinates of the knitwear samples dyed with the addition of tested acids were assessed and compared to those dyed with the addition of acetic acid. The differences in dyeabilities obtained with the addition of citric and oxalic acid are acceptable according to both M&S 83A and CMC (2:1) standard and the difference in dyeability obtained with the addition of tartaric acid is acceptable according to CMC(2:1) standard in comparation to the dyeability obtained with the addition of acetic acid, at dye concentration of 1%. For the dye concentration of 2%, acceptable difference in dyeability, in comparation to the dyeability obtained with the addition of acetic acid, according to both M&S 83A and CMC (2:1) standard, was obtained with the addition of tartaric acid

    Densification, Microstructure an Electrical Properties of Baruim Titanate (BT) Ceramic Prepared from Ultrasonically De-agglomerated BT Powders

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    Poster presented at the 10th Conference of the Materials Research Society of Serbia - YUCOMAT 2008, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 8-12, 2008

    Razvoj fitopreparata za dermatološku primenu na bazi ekstrakata ploda i lista biljnih vrsta roda Morus L. (Moraceae)

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    Extracts of the genus Morus were obtained by extraction of the fruit of Morus alba and Morus nigra using methanol as the extractant. The content of macro- and microelements in the fruit extracts and leaves that are used as plant material was determined using ICP-OES method. The chemical composition of the extracts was determined using UHPLC-DAD-MS method. It was identified 18 compounds which belongs to: phenolic acids, anthocyanins and flavonoids. The composition of the essential oils of leaves of M. alba and M. nigra, fresh and after a month of drying, was determined by GC-MS analysis. Identified 131 constituent of essential oils presents 95,1 – 96,4% of the total area of GC peaks. Among them, a substance which wasn't present in fresh plant material, bovolid, was identified and it can be used for the evaluation of the freshness of plant material. The antioxidant activity of methanol extracts of Morus species fruit has been proven using the DPPH method. By applying the method of microdilution MIC and MBC were determinated in the context of the series of 12 double dilution extracts. Antimicrobial activity of extracts was tested against 19 bacterial strains (9 Gram (+) and 10 Gram (-) of which 7 of them causes the acne, and other strains causes other skin disseases. Used bacterial strains were from ATCC sui collection and isolates of wound swabs. Also, the antimicrobial activity of the aglycones of extracts was tested. New formulations of phytopreparations for application on skin in form of hydrogels and emulsions type O/W, which as an active component contain tested herbal extract in concentration of 2% were developed. Results of safety profile studies showed that phytopreparation for topical application on the skin in the form of hydrogels and the O/W emulsions with the extract of the M. alba and M. nigra are not expected to cause irritation of the skin. Also, in vivo studies with aim to investigate the effects of the O/W emulsions containing the extract of mulberry after a seven-day application on experimentaly irritated skin have been done. Sodium lauryl sulfate was used as an irritant. Effects in both studies were expressed as the change of appropriate biophysical parameter measured in the skin of healthy human volunteers (erythema index, transepidermal water loss, pH, electrical capacitance as a measure of the hydratation). All tests were performed in line with the Helsinki Declaration and the approval from the Ethics Committee of the Medical Faculty in Nis. Emulsions showed good organoleptical, rheological and physical properties. The results of a seven-day efficacy studies showed that formulated emulsions after application on irritated skin, reduce irritation, restore the protective barrier of the skin, and have more positive effect on skin hydration level compared with the emulsion carrier itself

    Synthesis And Structure Of LiMn2-XZnxO4 Through Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis

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    Poster presented at the VIII Conference on Fundamental and. Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry 2006, Beograd, 26-29. septembar 2006

    Oxidative stress status in blood and lipoprotein fractions in patients with chronic kidney disease

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    Hronična bolest bubrega (HBB) predstavlja stanje koje se karakteriše brojnim tradicionalnim i netradicionalnim faktorima rizika za razvoj kardiovaskularnih bolesti (KVB). Dislipidemija, oksidativni stres i inflamacija zahvaljujući međusobnim interakcijama predstavljaju faktore koji značajno doprinose patogenezi i progresiji ateroskleroze kod bolesnika sa HBB. Paraoksonaza 1 (PON1) je glavni antioksidativni enzim na HDL česticama, koji svoj antiaterogeni potencijal ostvaruje mehanizmima koji sprečavaju oksidaciju lipoproteina niske gustine (LDL). Prema in vitro studijama u reverznom transportu holesterola mogu učestvovati i membrane eritrocita koje razmenjuju holesterol (RBC-Mh) sa drugim lipoproteinima, kao i hemoglobin koji privremeno uklanja višak holesterola tako što gradi Hb-holesterol kompleks (Hb-h). Brojne studije su pokazale da inflamacija ima važnu ulogu u inicijaciji i progresiji ateroskleroze. Takođe, remodelovanje ekstracelularnog matriksa (ECM) i neadekvatna aktivnost matriks metaloproteinaza (MMP) i tkivnih inhibitora matriks metaloproteinaza (TIMP), kao i galektin-3 doprinose napredovanju hronične bolesti bubrega i razvoju ateroskleroze kod ovih bolesnika. Cilj ove studije je bio ispitivanje parametara dislipidemije, oksidativnog stresa i inflamacije u krvi bolesnika sa HBB, bolesnika na hemodijalizi i zdravih ispitanika. Takođe, ova studija je imala za cilj i ispitivanje uticaja pomenutih faktora rizika na redoks status u glavnim lipoproteinskim frakcijama i na remodelovanje ECM. Cilj je bio i izračunati odgovarajuće skorove dislipidemije, oksidativnog stresa i inflamacije kako bi se procenio sinergistički efekat ovih procesa kao i efekat koji zajedno ostvaruju na oksidativno-stresni status u lipoproteinskim frakcijama kod bolesnika sa različitim stepenom bubrežnog oštećenja. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 77 bolesnika sa različitim stepenom oštećenja funkcije bubrega i 40 zdravih ispitanika. Istraživanje je planirano i sprovedeno prema etičkim principima u skladu sa Helsinškom deklaracijom. Svi parametri oksidativnog stresa, totalni oksidativni status (p<0,01), uznapredovali produkti oksidacije proteina (AOPP) (p<0,01) i tiobarbiturna kiselina reagujuće supstance (p<0,05) su bili značajno viši kod bolesnika sa oštećenom funkcijom bubrega u odnosu na zdrave ispitanike. Vrednosti Hb-h u obe grupe bolesnika su bile niže u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu (p<0,001), dok je s druge strane RBC-Mh bio povišen kod bolesnika na hemodijalizi u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom (p<0,01). Zdravi ispitanici su imali značajno viši relativni udeo HDL2 subfrakcija u odnosu na bubrežne bolesnike (p<0,05). Koncentracija i aktivnost PON1 u serumu su bile značajno niže u obe grupe bolesnika u odnosu na zdrave ispitanike (p<0,001)...Chronic kidney disease (CKD) presents condition that is characterized by numerous traditional and non-traditional risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease (CVD). Dyslipidemia, oxidative stress and inflammation due to mutual interaction are factors that significantly contribute to the pathogenesis and progression of atherosclerosis in patients with CKD. Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) is the main antioxidant enzyme on HDL particles, which has antiatherogenic potential by mechanisms that inhibit oxidation of low density lipoprotein particles (LDL). In accordance to in vitro studies reverse cholesterol transport could involve erythrocyte membranes that exchange free cholesterol (RBC-Mc) with other lipoproteins, as well as hemoglobin that temporarily removes excess of cholesterol by building Hbcholesterol complex (Hb-c). Numerous studies have shown that inflammation plays an important role in initiation and progression of atherosclerosis. Also, extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling and inadequate activity of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) and tissue matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors (TIMP) as well as galectin-3 also contribute to the progression of chronic kidney disease and atherosclerosis in these patients. The aim of this study was to examine the parameters of dyslipidemia, oxidative stress and inflammation in serum of patients with CKD, dialysis patients and healthy subjects. Also, this study was aimed at examining the influence of the mentioned risk factors on redox status in major lipoprotein fractions and on ECM remodeling. The aim was to calculate summary score of dyslipidemia, oxidative stress and inflammation to evaluate the synergistic effect of these processes as well as the effect on oxidative stress status in lipoprotein fractions in patients with different degrees of renal impairment. The study included 77 patients with different stage of renal function impairment and 40 healthy subjects. The research is planned and implemented according to ethical principles in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration. Healthy subjects had a significantly higher percentage of HDL2 subfractions compared to renal patients (p <0.05). The values of Hb-c in both patients groups were lower than in control group (p <0.001), while values of RBC-Mc were elevated in dialysis patients compared to the control group (p <0.01). All parameters of oxidative stress, total oxidative status (p <0.01), advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) (p <0.01) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (p <0.05) were significantly higher in patients with impaired renal function compared to healthy subjects. Concentration and activity of PON1 in serum were significantly lower in both groups of patients compared to healthy subjects (p <0.001). Arylesterase activity of PON1 was significantly lower in renal patients on HDL2 and HDL3 subclasses (p <0.001). It was found that after hemodialysis there was a significant increase in paraoxonase activity of PON1 (p <0.01), while arylesterase activity of PON1 was lower after dialysis (p <0.01)..

    Synthesis and structure of LiMn2-xZnxO4 through ultrasonic spray pyrolysis

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    Ultrasonic spray pyrolysis method was used for the synthesis of quaternary spinel oxide LiMn2-xZnxO4 (x ≈ 0.08) powder, without additional annealing. Aqueous solutions of metal nitrates were atomized at a frequency of 1.7 MHz by the ultrasonic nebulizer. Aerosol was introduced in the horizontal electric furnace at the temperature of 1073 K. The crystal structure of the as-prepared powder was revealed by Xray powder diffraction and identified as a single spinel phase with Fd3m space group. Particle morphology was determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200

    Polycyclism and phenological variability in the common oak (Quercus robur L.)

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    Polycyclism is the ability for a plant to produce several flushes in the same growing season. The rare phenomenon of common oak (Quercus robur L.) summer flowering is proof of complex polycyclism. Common oak summer flowering and the unusual transformation of inflorescences were the starting point for this study of the phenological variability of common oak trees in identical site conditions. This paper presents comparative research of leaf flushing, flowering, and leaf fall phenophases in a common oak with summer flowering and a control tree in which this phenomenon was not observed. Both trees displayed frequent polycyclism (polyphase formation of annual shoots during the growing season), but with different intensities depending on the trees and the years. Compared to the control tree, the tree with summer flowering was characterized by a later onset of leaf-flush phenophase and leaf fall phenophase and a longer retention of the leaves in the crown.Projekat ministarstva br. 43007: Studying climate change and its influence on the environment: Impacts, adaptation and mitigatio

    Towards a conceptual design of intelligent material transport using artificial intelligence

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    Reliable and efficient material transport is one of the basic requirements that affect productivity in industry. For that reason, in this paper two approaches are proposed for the task of intelligent material transport by using a mobile robot. The first approach is based on applying genetic algorithms for optimizing process plans. Optimized process plans are passed to the genetic algorithm for scheduling which generate an optimal job sequence by using minimal makespan as criteria. The second approach uses graph theory for generating paths and neural networks for learning generated paths. The Matla

    Towards a conceptual design of intelligent material transport using artificial intelligence

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    Reliable and efficient material transport is one of the basic requirements that affect productivity in industry. For that reason, in this paper two approaches are proposed for the task of intelligent material transport by using a mobile robot. The first approach is based on applying genetic algorithms for optimizing process plans. Optimized process plans are passed to the genetic algorithm for scheduling which generate an optimal job sequence by using minimal makespan as criteria. The second approach uses graph theory for generating paths and neural networks for learning generated paths. The Matla