478 research outputs found

    What is the ability emotional intelligence test (MSCEIT) good for? An evaluation using item response theory.

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    The ability approach has been indicated as promising for advancing research in emotional intelligence (EI). However, there is scarcity of tests measuring EI as a form of intelligence. The Mayer Salovey Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test, or MSCEIT, is among the few available and the most widespread measure of EI as an ability. This implies that conclusions about the value of EI as a meaningful construct and about its utility in predicting various outcomes mainly rely on the properties of this test. We tested whether individuals who have the highest probability of choosing the most correct response on any item of the test are also those who have the strongest EI ability. Results showed that this is not the case for most items: The answer indicated by experts as the most correct in several cases was not associated with the highest ability; furthermore, items appeared too easy to challenge individuals high in EI. Overall results suggest that the MSCEIT is best suited to discriminate persons at the low end of the trait. Results are discussed in light of applied and theoretical considerations. © 2014 Fiori et al

    Modelling spatial distributions of alpine vegetation : a graph theory approach to delineate ecologically-consistent species assemblages

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    This work was partly funded by the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy in support of the development of the CARHab project (2011-2015) on mapping the terrestrial habitats of France. In addition, this work benefited from a synergy with the Divgrass project (Plant Functional Diversity of Permanent Grasslands) (CESAB/FRB funded, France).Safeguarding biodiversity has been one of the most important issues on the environmental and forest policies agenda since the 1990's. The problem remains in terms of decisions and knowledge on where to set appropriate conservation targets. Hence, we need detailed and reliable information about habitat structure and composition and methods for estimating this information over the whole spatial domain. In answer to this target, in France, the Ministry of Ecology launched an ambitious project to map the terrestrial vegetation at a scale of 1:25 000 known as CarHab. This project initiated in 2011, will be used as a strategic spatial planning tool in answer to key issues in relation to biodiversity, conservation, green infrastructures and to report on the conservation status of habitats and species of community interest. We use species-distribution models (SDMs) to identify areas that are ecologically suitable for the presence of species based on specific habitat characteristics. Available techniques using graph theory enable identification of groups of species (assemblages) based on ecological affinities. Species co-occurrences (present within the same assessment plot), revealing a shared ecological niche, are analysed using algorithms derived from graph theory in order to define different nodes of species affinities. Thus, the resulting assemblages are based on ecological similarities. Hence, these assemblages are used to develop models of the potential distribution of alpine vegetation communities. The BIOMOD platform is used to facilitate the simultaneous implementation of different modelling approaches that can be compared in order to choose the most suitable and accurate for each species assemblage obtained from graph theory. Using the different relevant spatially explicit results provides a more comprehensive vision of the communities' spatial distributions.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Effects of multiple abiotic stresses on lipids and sterols profile in barley leaves (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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    open6siPlants are usually exposed to several types of abiotic stress in regular field conditions. The lipid profile of barley homozygous lines exposed to drought, heat, salinity, and their combinations, was investigated in the present study. Free fatty acids, free sterols, and diacylglycerols were the most abundant classes (∼8.0% of plant material). The genetic background significantly impacted the lipid composition rather than the treatments, and diacylglycerols were the only lipid class affected by salinity (1.84 mg/100 mg plant tissue; ∼33% reduction). However, the genotype × treatment interaction analysis revealed that the lipid and sterol compositions depended on both genotype and environment. Our results suggest that inborn stress tolerance in barley is manifested by enhanced accumulation of most lipids, mainly sterols, especially in heat/drought-stressed plants. In addition, expression of the LTP2 gene may be indirectly involved in the abiotic stress reaction of barley by mediating intracellular transport of some lipid classesopenA. Kuczyńska; V. Cardenia; P. Ogrodowicza; .M. Kempa; M. T. Rodriguez-Estrada; K. MikołajczakaA. Kuczyńska; V. Cardenia; P. Ogrodowicza; .M. Kempa; M. T. Rodriguez-Estrada; K. Mikołajczak

    Developments in Trait Emotional Intelligence Research

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    Trait emotional intelligence ("trait EI") concerns our perceptions of our emotional abilities, that is, how good we believe we are in terms of understanding, regulating, and expressing emotions in order to adapt to our environment and maintain well-being. In this article, we present succinct summaries of selected findings from research on (a) the location of trait EI in personality factor space, (b) the biological underpinnings of the construct, (c) indicative applications in the areas of clinical, health, social, educational, organizational, and developmental psychology, and (d) trait EI training. Findings to date suggest that individual differences in trait EI are a consistent predictor of human behavior across the life span

    Emotional intelligence buffers the effect of physiological arousal on dishonesty

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    We studied the emotional processes that allow people to balance two competing desires: benefitting from dishonesty and keeping a positive self-image. We recorded physiological arousal (skin conductance and heart rate) during a computer card game in which participants could cheat and fail to report a certain card when presented on the screen to avoid losing their money. We found that higher skin conductance corresponded to lower cheating rates. Importantly, emotional intelligence regulated this effect; participants with high emotional intelligence were less affected by their physiological reactions than those with low emotional intelligence. As a result, they were more likely to profit from dishonesty. However, no interaction emerged between heart rate and emotional intelligence. We suggest that the ability to manage and control emotions can allow people to overcome the tension between doing right or wrong and license them to bend the rules

    Screening for impact of popular herbs improving mental abilities on the transcriptional level of brain transporters

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    There are a number of compounds that can modify the activity of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) and solute carrier (SLC) transporters in the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of natural and synthetic substances on the expression level of genes encoding transporters present in the BBB (mdr1a, mdr1b, mrp1, mrp2, oatp1a4, oatp1a5 and oatp1c1). Our results showed that verapamil caused the greatest reduction in the mRNA level while other synthetic (piracetam, phenobarbital) and natural (codeine, cyclosporine A, quercetin) substances showed a selective inhibitory effect. Moreover, extract from roots of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer exhibited a decrease of transcription against selected transporters whereas extract from Ginkgo biloba L. leaves resulted in an increase of the expression level of tested genes except for mrp2. Extract from aerial parts of Hypericum perforatum L. was the only one to cause an increased mRNA level for mdr1 and oatp1c1. These findings suggest that herbs can play an important role in overcoming the BBB and multidrug resistance against pharmacotherapy of brain cancer and mental disorders, based on the activity of selected drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters located in the BBB

    \u201cGive, but Give until It Hurts\u201d: The Modulatory Role of Trait Emotional Intelligence on the Motivation to Help

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    Two studies investigated the effect of trait Emotional Intelligence (trait EI) on people\u2019s moti- vation to help. In Study 1, we developed a new computer-based paradigm that tested partic- ipants\u2019 motivation to help by measuring their performance on a task in which they could gain a hypothetical amount of money to help children in need. Crucially, we manipulated partici- pants\u2019 perceived efficacy by informing them that they had been either able to save the chil- dren (positive feedback) or unable to save the children (negative feedback). We measured trait EI using the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire\u2013Short Form (TEIQue-SF) and assessed participants\u2019 affective reactions during the experiment using the PANAS-X. Results showed that high and low trait EI participants performed differently after the presen- tation of feedback on their ineffectiveness in helping others in need. Both groups showed increasing negative affective states during the experiment when the feedback was negative; however, high trait EI participants better managed their affective reactions, modulating the impact of their emotions on performance and maintaining a high level of motivation to help. In Study 2, we used a similar computerized task and tested a control situation to explore the effect of trait EI on participants\u2019 behavior when facing failure or success in a scenario unre- lated to helping others in need. No effect of feedback emerged on participants\u2019 emotional states in the second study. Taken together our results show that trait EI influences the impact of success and failure on behavior only in affect-rich situation like those in which people are asked to help others in need

    Fingolimod after a first unilateral episode of acute optic neuritis (MOVING) - preliminary results from a randomized, rater-blind, active-controlled, phase 2 trial

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    BACKGROUND: Neuroprotection and promotion of remyelination represent important therapeutic gaps in multiple sclerosis (MS). Acute optic neuritis (ON) is a frequent MS manifestation. Based on the presence and properties of sphingosine-1-phosphate receptors (S1PR) on astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, we hypothesized that remyelination can be enhanced by treatment with fingolimod, a S1PR modulator currently licensed for relapsing-remitting MS. METHODS: MOVING was an investigator-driven, rater-blind, randomized clinical trial. Patients with acute unilateral ON, occurring as a clinically isolated syndrome or MS relapse, were randomized to 6 months of treatment with 0.5 mg oral fingolimod or subcutaneous IFN-β 1b 250 μg every other day. The change in multifocal visual evoked potential (mfVEP) latency of the qualifying eye was examined as the primary (month 6 vs. baseline) and secondary (months 3, 6 and 12 vs. baseline) outcome. In addition, full field visual evoked potentials, visual acuity, optical coherence tomography as well as clinical relapses and measures of disability, cerebral MRI, and self-reported visual quality of life were obtained for follow-up. The study was halted due to insufficient recruitment (n = 15), and available results are reported. RESULTS: Per protocol analysis of the primary endpoint revealed a significantly larger reduction of mfVEP latency at 6 months compared to baseline with fingolimod treatment (n = 5; median decrease, 15.7 ms) than with IFN-β 1b treatment (n = 4; median increase, 8.15 ms) (p <  0.001 for interaction). Statistical significance was maintained in the secondary endpoint analysis. Descriptive results are reported for other endpoints. CONCLUSION: Preliminary results of the MOVING trial argue in support of a beneficial effect of fingolimod on optic nerve remyelination when compared to IFN-β treatment. Interpretation is limited by the small number of complete observations, an unexpected deterioration of the control group and a difference in baseline mfVEP latencies. The findings need to be confirmed in larger studies. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The trial was registered as EUDRA-CT 2011-004787-30 on October 26, 2012 and as NCT01647880 on July 24, 2012

    Pomegranate juice ameliorates dopamine release and behavioral deficits in a rat model of parkinson’s disease

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    Pomegranate juice (PJ) is a rich source of ellagitannins (ETs), precursors of colonic metabolite urolithin A, which are believed to contribute to pomegranate’s neuroprotective effect. While many experimental studies involving PJ’s role in Alzheimer’s disease and hypoxic-ischemic brain injury have been conducted, our knowledge of pomegranate’s effects against Parkinson’s disease (PD) is very limited. Previously, we have reported that PJ treatment improved postural stability, which correlated well with enhancement of neuronal survival, protection against oxidative damage, and ?-synuclein aggregation. Since olfactory and motor deficits are typical symptoms of PD, in this study, we aimed to investigate the capability of PJ to protect against olfactory, motoric, and neuro-chemical alterations. To evaluate its efficiency, Wistar rats were given a combined treatment with ROT (1.3 mg/kg b.w./day, s.c.) and PJ (500 mg/kg/day, p.o.) for 35 days. After this, we assessed the olfactory discrimination index (DI) and vertical and horizontal activities as well as levels of dopamine and its main metabolite 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) in the dissected midbrain of animals. Our findings provide the first evidence that PJ treatment protects against ROT-induced DA depletion in the midbrain, which correlates well with improved olfactory function and vertical activity as well as with the presence of urolithin A in the brain