94 research outputs found

    Studi Terapan Konsep Metabolisme Dan Simbiosis Pada Bangunan Karya Kisho Kurokawa

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    Kisho Kurokawa is a Japanese architect who also founder of metabolism movement. Metabolism movement is the response of over population in 1960s, after World War II. A group of young Japanese architects and designers think this is a problem that have be solved, that\u27s why they propose metabolism as a new urbanism. Metabolism comes from biological words “metabolism” which is means a chemical process to continue life. They adapt this life principal to create metabolism theory. Metabolism application on architect is in the building flexibility to be able to add or remove as the user\u27s need. As time goes by, each architect and designer goes their own ways to develop metabolism. Kisho Kurokawa uses life principal and develops metabolism theory to symbiosis. His symbiosis is symbiosis between interior and exterior, symbiosis between cultures or symbiosis between human and nature. Metabolism and symbiosis are his basic concept for his every building design, regardless his modern style with Japanese unsure on it

    Proses Pelaksanaan Pendaftaran Tanah Menurut Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses pendaftaran tanah menurut Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997 dan kendala-kendala apa yang terdapat dalam proses pendaftaran tanah. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normative disimpulkan: 1. Prosedur pendaftaran tanah menurut Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 19997 dapat dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu prosedur pendaftaran tanah secara sistematik dan prosedur pendaftaran tanah secara sporadik. Keduanya tidak jauh berbeda. Kalau prosedur pendaftaran tanah secara sistematik: adanya suatu rencana kerja, pembentukan panitia ajudikasi, pembuatan peta dasar pendaftaran, penetapan batas bidang-bidang tanah, pembuatab peta dasar pendaftaran, pembuatan daftar tanah, pembuatan surat ukur, pengumpulan dan penelitian data yuridis, pengumuman hasil yuridis dan hasil pengukuran, pengesahan hasil pengumuman penelitian data fisik dan data yuridis, pembukuan hak, dan penerbitan sertifikat. Sedangkan prosedur pendaftaran secara sporadik yakni: pendaftaran tanah secara sporadik dilakukan atas permintaan yang berkepentingan, pembuatan peta dasar pendaftaran, penetapan batas bidang-bidang tanah, pengukuran dan pemetaan bidang-bidang tanah dan pembuatan peta pendaftaran, pembuatan daftar tanah, pembuatan surat ukur, pembuktian hak baru, pembuktian hak lama, pengumuman hasil penelitian data yuridis dan hasil pengukuran, pengesahan hasil pengumuman penelitian data fisik dan data yuridis, pembukuan hak, dan penerbitan sertifikat. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pendaftaran tanah meliputi pengukuran, perpetaan, pembukuan tanah; pendaftaran hak-hak atas tanah dan peralihan hak-hak tersebut; pemberian surat tanda bukti hak, yang berlaku sebagai alat pembuktian yang kuat. Kegiatan pendaftaran tanah menurut pasal 19 Ayat (2) Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria dijabarkan lebih lanjut dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997 yakni pertama kegiatan pendaftaran tanah untuk pertama kali dan yang kedua kegiatan pemeliharaan data pendaftaran tanah. 2. Kendala-kendala yang terdapat dalam proses pendaftaran tanah yaitu : Faktor kebijakan Pemerintah mengenai kewajiban perpajakan dalamkegiatan pendaftaran tanah, Faktor Kurang memahami fungsi dan kegunaan sertifikat, Faktor Anggapan Masyarakat Diperlukan Biaya yang Mahal Untuk Melaksanakan Pendaftaran Tanah, Faktor anggapan diperlukan waktu yang lama dalam pengurusan sertifikat, Faktor anggapan alas hak atas tanah yang dimiliki sudah sangat kuat dan Sistem publikasi negatif yang mengandung unsur positif

    Implementasi Theorema Bayes untuk Mendiagnosis Penyakit Tuberkulosis (TBC)

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    Indonesia merupakan negara ke-3 terbesar untuk penderita TBC di dunia dengan tingkat persentase sebesar 10%. Banyak masyarakat yang belum dapat membedakan secara dini antara penyakit TBC dengan penyakit batuk biasa. Salah satu solusi yang dapat diberikan untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah dengan membuat suatu sistem pakar yang mampu memberikan tingkat akurasi tinggi, sehingga daapat menjadi referensi bagi masyarakat terhadap gejala yang dialaminya. Banyak metode-metode yang dapat digunakan untuk menghitung tingkat kepastian dari suatu penyakit berdasarkan gejala yang tampak. Theorema Bayesmerupakan suatu metode probabilitas yang dapat menghitung tingkat kepastian / kemungkinan terjangkit suatu penyakit berdasarkan bobot dari gejala-gejala yang tampak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana cara untuk mengimplementasikan theorema bayes untuk mendiagnosis penyakit TBC

    The Evaluation of Partnership Method in the Business in Indonesia

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    This research aims to analyze how to build a business connection using partnership based on coordination method using PT.Nipsea& Chemicals as the example. PT.Nipsea& Chemicals use a very effective partnership method that we will explain in the later part of this paper, it needs to be conducted because of the crowded competition of businesses nowadays. In order to analyze the method, data will be collected by survey and observation. Then data will be analyzed and compared to the product development method using descriptive quantitative research. We aims to take the positive aspects and get rid of the negative aspects from both of the methods and create a better method that willmake more profits, and assuring a stable relationship with the customers

    Penerapan Metode Dempster Shafer untuk Mendiagnosa Penyakit dari Akibat Bakteri Salmonella

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    Infeksi dari bakteri Samonella dapat menyerang saluran gastrointestin yang mencakup Perut, usus halus, dan usus besar atau kolon. Beberapa spesies salmonella dapat menyebabkan infeksi melalui makanan. Termasuk ke dalamnya adalah Salmonella Typhi yang mengakibatkan penyakit tifus, dan Salmonella Shigella yang mengakibatkan penyakit disentri dan diare. Masih banyak orang yang belum mengetahui gejala-gejala dari infeksi bakteri ini serta bagaimana cara untuk mendiagnosa dengan nilai kepastian yang tinggi. Untuk dapat mengetahui tingkat kepastian infeksi bakteri ini peneliti menggunakan metode Dempster-Shafer. Metode ini dipilih karena metode ini dianggap mampu untuk memberikan tingkat kepastian yang tinggi. Metode Dempster-Shafer adalah representasi, kombinasi dan propogasi ketidakpastian, dimana teori ini memiliki beberapa karakteristik yang secara instutif sesuai dengan cara berfikir seorang pakar, namun dasar matematika yang kuat. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat aplikasi sistem pakar yang dapat mendiagnosa bakteri dari akibat bakteri salmonella dengan menggunakan metode Dempster Shafer.Kata Kunci : Sistem Pakar,Metode Dempster Shafer, Bakteri Salmonella

    Political Party Propaganda in DKI Jakarta Local Election 2017 in Online Media (Content Analysis Political Party Propaganda in DKI Jakarta Local Election 2017 in Kompas.com)

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    To reach its target, the political parties so as to package the message propagated. In the event the local elections DKI 2017, in an effort to get a seat regional head not inevitable then the propaganda is played by political parties. The purpose of this study was to determine the form of propaganda made by the political parties in local elections in 2017 DKI Media Online (Kompas.com). This research is a quantitative research using content analysis method with descriptive approach. To view the propaganda of this study are categorized kind of propaganda is hidden, open, vertical, horizontal and techniques of propaganda, name calling, glittering generalities, testimonials, transfer, plain folk, card stacking, bandwagon technique, reputable mouthpiece and using all forms of persuations. The recording unit of this study is an excerpt and image. After doing Coding, it was found that the most frequent Gerindra hidden propaganda that as many as 26 times, vertical propaganda as much as 26 times, and most frequently used techniques in their delivery Card Stacking in Kompas.com. Through the PPP Coding also found that the most frequently hidden propaganda that as many as 49 times, 49 times vertically, and the most frequently used technique Card Stacking ie as many as 23 times in Kompas.com. The use of propaganda techniques hidden impact to people who receive propaganda. By presenting a one-sided even using a falsehood, society becomes tercerdaskan in understanding the situation and take a decision. Mechanical testimony is unlikely to exist in a daily news excerpts. Can the emergence of this technique requires a propagandist flexibility in determining the content of the communication media with which to spread the message. With the limitation provisions of the news content, a propagandist would be difficult to use the techniques of propaganda in the news daily. Even if there is a statement from a figure reported by the authors, it will be difficult to identify the interested figure behind the deposit of the statemen


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    The purpose of this research is to find out about the evaluation of the ban on alcoholic beverages in Sukabumi City in 2022. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a case study approach. The techniques used in collecting data include observation, interviews, documentation, audio-visual material. The results of the study indicate that the policy objectives have been achieved but there are still those who violate them so that the policy objectives have not been achieved, there are obstacles in the implementation of the prohibition of alcoholic beverages, the implementation has not been responded to as a whole so that the involvement of all parties is needed, lack of budget and vehicle infrastructure for related agencies

    Layanan Penerapan Karbon Aktif Sebagai Media Penyaring Air di Lingkungan SMA Negeri 4 Jayapura

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    Activated charcoal can be used as filter for water contaminant and also heavy metals absorbance. The aims of this action were to provide information and introduce the application of activated charcoal as a filter media for contaminated water. This activity was conducted at SMA Negeri 4 Jayapura by using seminar method for sharing the information. The output of this activity can be seen from the understanding of participants regarding the basic knowledge and also the use of activated charcoal for several functions.Keyword: fresh water; activated charcoal; water filter.

    Deskripsi Uji Berkala Kendaraan Bermotor Mobil Bus Antar Kota, Dampak Ekonomi dan Potensi Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas dalam Dimensi Pelaku USAha Otobus (Studi Kasus Trayek Irisan Solo – Semarang)

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    The background of this study is society needs in modern age which needs of transportation to support their activity. Transportation in Indonesia, especially mass transport that exist today seen not good. Government as supervision holder in public policy be charged to give clear regulation, implement and improvement services of mass transportation which is integrated and become positive impact.Operational pattern of transport venture that their business be regulated by government through law expected capable to implement that in the field. However, in fact, many transport venture that doing principle of effective and efficient with ignore a standard which be appointed by the government through ministry of transportation. Route Solo – Semarang with variety of activity inside it, for many sector as tourism, farming, industry and creative economy need mass transportation. This study uses methodology of qualitative research with phenomenology perspective in field about public policy in transportation sector. That public policy refer to policy about implement of technical standardization for vehicle and periodic test for intercity bus for incision route Solo – Semarang. Periodic test for vehicle policy to transport venture intend to find out implementation of periodic test for vehicle, to transport venture in incision route Solo-Semarang, along economy impact to people and to transport venture.Government Policy of Periodic Vehicle Rule has been make negatif effect for public transportation if it can\u27t be allowed
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