808 research outputs found

    A new fuzzy set merging technique using inclusion-based fuzzy clustering

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    This paper proposes a new method of merging parameterized fuzzy sets based on clustering in the parameters space, taking into account the degree of inclusion of each fuzzy set in the cluster prototypes. The merger method is applied to fuzzy rule base simplification by automatically replacing the fuzzy sets corresponding to a given cluster with that pertaining to cluster prototype. The feasibility and the performance of the proposed method are studied using an application in mobile robot navigation. The results indicate that the proposed merging and rule base simplification approach leads to good navigation performance in the application considered and to fuzzy models that are interpretable by experts. In this paper, we concentrate mainly on fuzzy systems with Gaussian membership functions, but the general approach can also be applied to other parameterized fuzzy sets

    State estimation in quantum homodyne tomography with noisy data

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    In the framework of noisy quantum homodyne tomography with efficiency parameter 0<η≀10 < \eta \leq 1, we propose two estimators of a quantum state whose density matrix elements ρm,n\rho_{m,n} decrease like e−B(m+n)r/2e^{-B(m+n)^{r/ 2}}, for fixed known B>0B>0 and 0<r≀20<r\leq 2. The first procedure estimates the matrix coefficients by a projection method on the pattern functions (that we introduce here for 0<η≀1/20<\eta \leq 1/2), the second procedure is a kernel estimator of the associated Wigner function. We compute the convergence rates of these estimators, in L2\mathbb{L}_2 risk

    Approximate treatment of electron Coulomb distortion in quasielastic (e,e') reactions

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    In this paper we address the adequacy of various approximate methods of including Coulomb distortion effects in (e,e') reactions by comparing to an exact treatment using Dirac-Coulomb distorted waves. In particular, we examine approximate methods and analyses of (e,e') reactions developed by Traini et al. using a high energy approximation of the distorted waves and phase shifts due to Lenz and Rosenfelder. This approximation has been used in the separation of longitudinal and transverse structure functions in a number of (e,e') experiments including the newly published 208Pb(e,e') data from Saclay. We find that the assumptions used by Traini and others are not valid for typical (e,e') experiments on medium and heavy nuclei, and hence the extracted structure functions based on this formalism are not reliable. We describe an improved approximation which is also based on the high energy approximation of Lenz and Rosenfelder and the analyses of Knoll and compare our results to the Saclay data. At each step of our analyses we compare our approximate results to the exact distorted wave results and can therefore quantify the errors made by our approximations. We find that for light nuclei, we can get an excellent treatment of Coulomb distortion effects on (e,e') reactions just by using a good approximation to the distorted waves, but for medium and heavy nuclei simple additional ad hoc factors need to be included. We describe an explicit procedure for using our approximate analyses to extract so-called longitudinal and transverse structure functions from (e,e') reactions in the quasielastic region.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, 16 reference

    Transformations isotropes des germes de feuilletages holomorphes

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    AbstractGiven Fω a germ of holomorphic singular foliation at the origin of Cn defined by an equation ω=0 (with ω∧dω=0), we are interested in describing the group of isotropic transformations of Fω, i.e., the group of those germs Ί of diffeomorphisms at the origin of Cn that satisfy Ί∗ω∧ω=0

    Gait speeds classifications by supervised modulation based machine-learning using Kinect camera

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    Early indication of some diseases such as Parkinson and Multiple Sclerosis often manifests with walking difficulties. Gait analysis provides vital information for assessing the walking patterns during the locomotion, especially when the outcomes are quantitative measures. This paper explores methods that can respond to the changes in the gait features during the swing stage using Kinect Camera, a low cost, marker-free, and portable device offered by Microsoft. Kinect has been exploited for tracking the skeletal positional data of body joints to assess and evaluate the gait performance. Linear kinematic gait features are extracted to discriminate between walking speeds by using five supervised modulation based machine-learning classifiers as follow: Decision Trees (DT), linear/nonlinear Support Vector Machines (SVMs), subspace discriminant and k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN). The role of modulation techniques such as Frequency Modulation (FM) for increasing the efficiency of classifiers have been explored. The experimental results show that all five classifiers can successfully distinguish gait futures signal associated with walking patterns with high accuracy (average expected value of 86.19% with maximum of 92.9%). This validates the capability of the presented methodology in detecting key “indicators” of health events. Keywords: Gait Analysis, Kinematic Gait Features, Amplitude and Frequency Modulations, Baseband Signal, Passband Mapping, Machine-Learning, Classification Techniqu

    Charge radii of the nucleon from its flavor dependent Dirac form factors

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    We have determined the proton and the neutron charge radii from a global analysis of the proton and the neutron elastic form factors, after first performing a flavor decomposition of these form factors under charge symmetry in the light cone frame formulation. We then extracted the transverse mean-square radii of the flavor dependent quark distributions. In turn, these are related in a model-independent way to the proton and neutron charge radii but allow us to take into account motion effects of the recoiling nucleon for data at finite but high momentum transfer. In the proton case we find ⟹rp⟩=0.852±0.002(stat.)±0.009(syst.) (fm)\langle r_p \rangle = 0.852 \pm0.002_{\rm (stat.)} \pm0.009_{\rm (syst.)}~({\rm fm}), consistent with the proton charge radius obtained from muonic hydrogen spectroscopy \cite{pohl:2010,antog2013}. The current method improves on the precision of the ⟹rp⟩\langle r_p \rangle extraction based on the form factor measurements. Furthermore, we find no discrepancy in the ⟹rp⟩\langle r_p \rangle determination among the different electron scattering measurements, all of which, utilizing the current method of extraction, result in a value that is consistent with the smallest ⟹rp⟩\langle r_p \rangle extraction from the electron scattering measurements \cite{Xiong:2019umf}. Concerning the neutron case, past results relied solely on the neutron-electron scattering length measurements, which suffer from an underestimation of underlying systematic uncertainties inherent to the extraction technique. Utilizing the present method we have performed the first extraction of the neutron charge radius based on nucleon form factor data, and we find ⟹rn2⟩=−0.122±0.004(stat.)±0.010(syst.) (fm2)\langle r_n^2 \rangle = -0.122 \pm0.004_{\rm (stat.)} \pm0.010_{\rm (syst.)}~({\rm fm}^2)

    Assessment of the main stone fruit viruses and viroids in Algeria

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    In order to improve the sanitary status of the propagating material of stone fruits, a field survey was conducted to assess the main viruses and viroids affecting stone fruits in selected growing areas and their distribution on the collected material by using serological and molecular detection methods.Serological assays were carried out to detect Plum pox virus (PPV), Prunus necrotic ring spot virus (PNRSV), Prune dwarf virus (PDV), Apple mosaic virus (ApMV) and Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV). Moreover, tissue-print hybridization was performed to detect Peach latent mosaic viroid (PLMVd) and Hop stunt viroid (HSVd).Among nearly 2000 trees tested, no PPV infection was detected, while 14% of them positively reacted to at least one virus. The highest infection rate (18%) was reported in both nurseries and commercial orchards. PNRSV was the most detected virus (9%), followed by ApMV (3%) and PDV (1.5%). Cherry was the most infected species (20%). As for viroids, a high infection rate was recorded for PLMVd (9%) and HSVd (5%); the highest infection rate was reported in mother blocks and varietal collections.Keywords: Algeria, Prunus, virus, viroids, ELISA, tissue-print hybridization, sanitary statu

    Eikonal analysis of Coulomb distortion in quasi-elastic electron scattering

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    An eikonal expansion is used to provide systematic corrections to the eikonal approximation through order 1/k21/k^2, where kk is the wave number. Electron wave functions are obtained for the Dirac equation with a Coulomb potential. They are used to investigate distorted-wave matrix elements for quasi-elastic electron scattering from a nucleus. A form of effective-momentum approximation is obtained using trajectory-dependent eikonal phases and focusing factors. Fixing the Coulomb distortion effects at the center of the nucleus, the often-used ema approximation is recovered. Comparisons of these approximations are made with full calculations using the electron eikonal wave functions. The ema results are found to agree well with the full calculations.Comment: 12 pages, 6 Postscript figure
