492 research outputs found

    Physical Custody in Wisconsin Divorce Cases, 1980–1992

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    This report examines data from the court record of 9,500 Wisconsin divorce cases in twenty-one representative counties for a period of twelve years, from 1980 to 1992, in order to document how child custody is being handled in divorce. We find an increased involvement of fathers with their children after divorce, particularly through joint legal custody (81 percent in 1992), but also in shared physical custody (14 percent in 1992), and in an increase in specific and detailed physical placement awards. We find substantial differences in custody awards related to situations and actors in the divorce process, and wide variations in custody awards between counties. We also find major differences between families who have equal 50/50 time-share and those who have unequal shared-custody arrangements. These two kinds of shared-custody cases have been treated as one type in the research on custody to date, but appear in our data to characterize two quite different kinds of families.

    Inhibitory effect of LY 255283 on the synthesis of leukotriene B4 and thromboxane A2 in human peripheral blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes and monocytes

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    LY 255283 [(1-(5-ethyl-2-hydroxy-4-(6-methyl-6-)1H-tetrazol-5-yl)-heptyloxy) phenyl)ethanone], a specific leukotriene B4 (LTB4) receptor antagonist, inhibited the production of LTB4 in human peripheral blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) and in monocytes activated by calcium ionophore A23187. In human monocytes activated by ionophore it inhibited also the production of thromboxane B2 (TXB2). The effect of LY 255283 on 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) and LTA4 hydrolase activities which catalyse the production of LTB4 and LTA4 has not been studied yet. It is thought that LY 255283 may inhibit the production of LTB4 and TXA2 by antagonising the effect of ionophore-induced LTB4 on 5-lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase in human peripheral blood PMNL and monocytes

    Identification of Milkfish Supply Chain in PT XYZ at Semarang City, Central Java Province

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    Bandeng Presto is one of the typical foods of Semarang City, one of the famous milkfish processing industries is PT XYZ. This study aims to identify milkfish supply chains at PT XYZ in Semarang City. The collection of primary and secondary data was carried out in January-February 2019, which was used in describing the supply chain flow. The method of data analysis uses descriptive qualitative. The results obtained are 2 patterns of supply chain flow, the flow I pattern consists of companies - suppliers as well as farmers and flow patterns II consisting of companies - suppliers - farmers. The activities of each pattern are explained in the flow of product, information, and financial


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    Burns is a skin response and subcutaneous tissue to temperature or thermal trauma that affects skin damage. The weight or severity of tissue damage from burns is influenced by several factors including deep burns, burns area, burn location, general body health, injury mechanism and age. The area of ??burns and the percentage of wound contractions is an indicator of the healing process of minor burns. This study used 25 wistar rats divided into 5 treatment groups with randomized posttest only control group design as follows; K: given vaseline treatment (negative control), Kp: given bioplacenton treatment (positive control), P1: given salt treatment at 7.5% concentration in vaseline, P2: given onion extract treatment at 40% concentration in vaseline, and P3: given a mixture of onion extract 40% and kitchen salt at a concentration of 7,5% in vaseline. The result of One-Way ANOVA and Post Hoc Test LSD using SPSS for Windows version 19 shows P2 treatment group is onion extract of 40% give the best result concentration of onion extract so it is very potential to be developed further as light burning agent compared to P1 and P3 treatment group because of its ability to decrease the area of ??340,79 mm2 on the first day to 11,75 mm2 and increased wound contraction by 81,59% at the end of treatmen

    Improving Students\u27 Speaking Skills Through Think-pair-share Technique

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    Think-pair-share technique is a cooperative technique which is used to teach in the classroom with emphasized on activities students done at each of the stages. The purpose of this research was to describe how TPS technique improve students\u27 speaking skill on the Eleventh grade students AP1 (Akomodasi Perhotelan) of SMKN 5 Pontianak. This research used classroom action research as the research design. The sample of this research were 28 students of Eleventh grade, Akomodasi Perhotelan class. There was improvement in each cycle after applying TPS technique in the classroom. The students\u27 achievement in the first cycle was categorized as poor to average and students\u27 achievement in the second and third cycle were categorized as average to good. The improvement also can be seen by the activeness of students\u27 involvement in the speaking activities while teaching learning process. TPS technique can be used by the teacher as alternative to improve students\u27 speaking skill

    Manajemen Teknis Produksi Peternakan Puyuh (Studi Kasus Di Peternakan Masagena Kecamatan Tenayan Raya)

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the development of business as well as to analyze the aspects of production and determine the feasibility of breeding quail in Livestock Masagena from 2006 to 2010. The study was conducted from May to June 2011. The data consisted of primary and secondary data. Primary data were hatchability, mortality, hen day egg production, meat production, by product, the characteristic of the respondents, marketing, technical maintenance, financial analysis, fixed costs and variable costs. Secondary data was the data from the Village Office and Head Office. Case study research method was determined by purposive sampling. Data collected by observation and interviews directly with respondents using questionnaires. Data of quail production were analyzed using mean and standard deviation, while for financial feasibility quantitatively was analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the average production Ranch quail egg hatchability Masagena coverr were 78.59%, 3.09% mortality quail, hen day egg production and meat production 62.24%, 152.51 head/day. Financial feasibility analysis results showed a positive NPV, BCR was more than one, and the IRR was higher than the interest rate, indicated that the Ranch Masagena financially viable to run

    Pengaruh Status Sosial Ekonomi Orang Tua sebagai Buruh Sawit terhadap Pendidikan Formal Anak

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of socio-economic status of parents who work as oil palm laborers towardsthe children's formal education. The method used in this research was descriptive statistical methods with correlation study. The results of this study showed that t-count16.93 and t-table 2,021, so t-count was greater than t-table or 16.93>2,021. Hence, Hawas accepted and Ho was rejected. It means that there was a significant difference between Socio-economic Status of Parents Who Work as Oil Palm laborersagainstthe children's Formal Education. After testing the hypothesis, obtained that the large of coefficientdetermination (Adjusted R Square) was 88%, which means that the socio-economic status of parents who work as oil palm laborers was 88% (very high) to the children's formal education. While the rest 12% were influenced by other variables that theresearchers did not investigate further

    Kajian Pengembangan USAha Budidaya Ikan Air Tawar Dalam Mina Padi Di Desa a. Widodo Kecamatan Tugumulyo Kabupaten Musi Rawas

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    This research is aimed at estimating the income of mina paddy farmers, identifying the criteria used to develop business, formulating the alternative development business. The data are analyzed by using income analysis and Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results of the research show that there are three types of fish applied in mina paddy: catfish, tilapia, and goldfish. The income of catfish in mina paddy amounting to Rp. 51.440.607,27,-/year, tilapia amounting to Rp. 35.895.335,-/year, goldfish in mina paddy amounting to Rp. 37.731.957,-/year. While from AHP analysis results, the criterias making an assessment in the development of aquaculture are production, revenues, marketing and third-party support. The highest value weighting results that become an alternative strategy to the development of aquaculture in mina paddy using software Expert Choice 11 is the application of catfish in mina paddy with weights value of 0,493
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