836 research outputs found

    The nursing contribution to chronic disease management: a whole systems approach: Report for the National Institute for Health Research Service Delivery and Organisation programme

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    Background Transforming the delivery of care for people with Long Term Conditions (LTCs) requires understanding about how health care policies in England and historical patterns of service delivery have led to different models of chronic disease management (CDM). It is also essential in this transformation to analyse and critique the models that have emerged to provide a more detailed evidence base for future decision making and better patient care. Nurses have made, and continue to make, a particular contribution to the management of chronic diseases. In the context of this study, there is a particular focus on the origins of each CDM model examined, the processes by which nursing care is developed, sustained and mainstreamed, and the outcomes of each case study as experienced by service users and carers. Aims To explore, identify and characterise the origins, processes and outcomes of effective CDM models and the nursing contribution to such models using a whole systems approach Methods The study was divided into three phases: Phase 1: Systematic mapping of published and web-based literature. Phase 2: A consensus conference of nurses working within CDM. Sampling criteria were derived from the conference and selected nurses attended a follow up workshop where case study sites were identified. Phase 3: Multiple case study evaluation Sample: 7 case studies representing 4 CDM models. These were: i) public health nursing model; ii) primary care nursing model; iii) condition specific nurse specialist model; iv) community matron model. Methods: Evaluative case study design with the unit of analysis the CDM model (Yin, 2003): • semi-structured interviews with practitioners, patients, their carers, managers and commissioners • documentary analysis • psycho-social and clinical outcome data from specific conditions • children and young people: focus groups, age-specific survey tools. Benchmarking outcomes: Adults benchmarked against the Health Outcomes Data Repository (HODaR) dataset (Currie et al, 2005). Young people were benchmarked against the Health Behaviour of School aged Children Survey (Currie et al, 2008). Cost analysis: Due to limitations in the available data, a simple costing exercise was undertaken to ascertain the per patient cost of the nurse contribution to CDM in each of the models, and to explore patterns of health and social care utilisation. Analysis: A whole system methodology was used to establish the principles of CDM. i) The causal system is a “network of causal relationships” and focuses on long term trends and processes. ii) The data system recognises that for many important areas there is very little data. Where a particular explanatory factor is important but precise data are lacking, a range of methods should be employed to illuminate each factor as much as possible. iii) The organisational whole system emphasises how various parts of the health and social care system function together as a single system rather than as parallel systems. iv) The patient experience recognises that the whole system comes together and is embodied in the experience of each patient. Key findings While all the models strove to be patient centred in their implementation, all were linked at a causal level to disease centric principles of care which dominated the patient experience. Public Health Model • The users (both parents and children) experienced a well organised and coordinated service that is crossing health and education sectors. • The lead school nurse has provided a vision for asthma management in school-aged children. This has led to the implementation of the school asthma strategy, and the ensuing impacts including growing awareness, prevention of hospital admissions, confidence in schools about asthma management and healthier children. Primary Care Model • GP practices are providing planned and routine management of chronic disease, tending to focus on single diseases treated in isolation. Care is geared to the needs of the uncomplicated stable patient. • More complex cases tend to be escalated to secondary care where they may remain even after the patient has stabilised. • Patients with multiple diagnoses continue to experience difficulty in accessing services or practice that is designed to provide a coherent response to the idiosyncratic range of diseases with which they present. This is as true for secondary care as for primary care. • While the QOF system has clearly been instrumental in developing and sustaining a primary care nursing model of CDM, it has also limited the scope of the model to single diseases recordable on a register, rather than focus on patient centred care needs. Nurse Specialist Model • The model works under a disease focused system underpinned by evidence based medicine exemplified by NICE guidelines and NSF’s. • The model follows a template drawn from medicine and sustainability is significantly dependent on the championship and protectionism offered by senior medical clinicians. • A focus on self-management in LTCs gives particular impetus to nurse-led enablement of self-management. • The shift of LTC services from secondary care to primary care has often not been accompanied by a shift in expertise. Community Matron Model • The community matron model was distinctive in that it had been implemented as a top down initiative. • The model has been championed by the community matrons themselves, and the pressure to deliver observable results such as hospital admission reductions has been significant. • This model was the only one that consistently resulted in open access (albeit not 24 hours) and first point of contact for patients for the management of their ongoing condition. Survey Findings Compared to patients from our case studies those within HODaR visited the GP, practice nurse or NHS walk-in centres more, but had less home visits from nurses or social services within the six weeks prior to survey. HODaR patients also took significantly more time off work and away from normal activities, and needed more care from friends/ relatives than patients from our study within the last six weeks. The differences between the HODaR and case study patients in service use cannot easily be explained but it could be speculated when referring to the qualitative data that the case study patients are benefiting from nurse-led care. Cost analysis – The nurse costs per patient are at least ten times higher for community matrons conducting CDM than for nurses working in other CDM models. The pattern of service utilisation is consistent with the focus of the community matron role to provide intensive input to vulnerable patients. Conclusions Nurses are spearheading the kind of approaches at the heart of current health policies (Department of Health, 2008a). However, tensions in health policy and inherent contradictions in the context of health care delivery are hampering the implementation of CDM models and limiting the contribution nurses are able to make to CDM. These include: ? data systems that were incompatible and recorded patients as a disease entity ? QOF reinforced a disease centric approach ? practice based commissioning was resulting in increasing difficulties in cross health sector working in some sites ? the value of the public health model may not be captured in evaluation tools which focus on the individual patient experience. Recommendations Commissioners and providers 1. Disseminate new roles and innovations and articulate how the role or service fits and enhances existing provision. 2. Promote the role of the nurses in LTC management to patients and the wider community. 3. Actively engage with service users in shaping LTC services to meet patients’ needs. 4. Improve the support and supervision for nurses working within new roles. 5. Develop training and skills of nurses working in the community to enable them to take a more central role in LTC management. 6. Develop organisations that are enabling of innovation and actively seek funding for initiatives that provide an environment where nurses can reach their potential in improving LTC services. 7. Work towards data systems that are compatible between sectors and groups of professionals. Explore ways of enabling patients to access data and information systems for test results and latest information. 8. Promote horizontal as well as vertical integration of LTC services. Practitioners 1. Increase awareness of patient identified needs through active engagement with the service user. 2. Work to develop appropriate measures of nursing outcomes in LTC management including not only bureaucratic and physiological outcomes, but patient-identified outcomes. Implications of research findings 1. Investment should be made into changing patient perceptions about the traditional division of labour, the nurses’ role and skills, and the expertise available in primary care for CDM. 2. Development and evaluation of patient accessible websites where patients can access a range of information, their latest test results and ways of interpreting these. 3. Long-term funding of prospective evaluations to enable identification of CDM outcomes. 4. Mapping of patient experience and patient satisfaction so that the conceptual differences between these two related ideas can be demonstrated. 5. Development of appropriate measures of patient experience that can be used as part of the quality outcome measures. 6. Cost evaluation/effectiveness studies carried out over time that includes national quality outcome indicators and valid measures of patient experience. 7. The importance of whole system working needs to be identified in the planning of services. 8. Research into the role of the health visitor in chronic disease management within a public health model

    Activin B is produced early in antral follicular development and suppresses thecal androgen production

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    Little is known about the role of activin B during folliculogenesis. This study investigated the expression levels of activin/inhibin subunits (βA, βB, and α), steroid enzyme, and gonadotrophin receptors in theca (TC) and granulosa cells (GC) by QPCR and activin A and B and inhibin A protein levels in follicular fluid (FF) of developing sheep follicles during estrus and anestrus. The effect of activin B on androgen production from primary TC cultures in vitro was also assessed. During folliculogenesis, in anestrus and estrus, FF activin B concentrations and thecal and GC activin βB mRNA levels decreased as follicle diameter increased from 1–3 to >6 mm regardless of estrogenic status. Estrogenic preovulatory follicles had reduced concentrations of FF activins B and A, and TC and GCs expressed higher levels of activin βA mRNA at 3–4 mm, and TCs more inhibin α mRNA at >4 mm stages of development compared with nonestrogenic follicles. Activin B decreased androstenedione production from primary TCs in vitro, an effect blocked by inhibin A. Thus, sheep follicles 1–3 mm in diameter contained high FF levels of activin B, which decreased as the follicle size increased, and, like activin A, suppressed thecal androgen production in vitro, an effect blocked by inhibin. Furthermore, the theca of large estrogenic follicles expressed high levels of inhibin α and activin βA mRNA suggesting local thecal derived inhibin A production. This would inhibit the negative effects of thecal activins B and A ensuring maximum androgen production for enhanced estradiol production by the preovulatory follicle(s)

    A randomised controlled study of high intensity exercise as a dishabituating stimulus to improve hypoglycaemia awareness in people with type 1 diabetes:a proof of concept study

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    Aims/hypothesis Approximately 25% of people with type 1 diabetes have suppressed counterregulatory hormonal and symptomatic responses to insulin-induced hypoglycaemia, which renders them at increased risk of severe, disabling hypoglycaemia. This is called impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia (IAH), the cause of which is unknown. We recently proposed that IAH develops through habituation, a form of adaptive memory to preceding hypoglycaemia. Consistent with this hypothesis, we demonstrated restoration of defective counterregulatory hormonal responses to hypoglycaemia (referred to as dishabituation) in a rodent model of IAH following introduction of a novel stress stimulus (high intensity training [HIT]). In this proof-of-concept study we sought to further test this hypothesis by examining whether a single episode of HIT would amplify counterregulatory responses to subsequent hypoglycaemia in people with type 1 diabetes who had IAH (assessed by Gold score ≥4, modified Clarke score ≥4 or Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating (DAFNE) hypoglycaemia awareness rating 2 or 3). The primary outcome was the difference in adrenaline response to hypoglycaemia following both a single episode of HIT and rest. Methods In this randomised, crossover study 12 participants aged between 18 and 55 years with type 1 diabetes for ≥5 years and an HbA1c < 75 mmol/mol (9%) were recruited. Individuals were randomised using computer generated block randomisation to start with one episode of HIT (4 × 30 s cycle sprints [2 min recovery] at 150% of maximum wattage achieved during V˙O2peak assessment) or rest (control). The following day they underwent a 90 min hyperinsulinaemic–hypoglycaemic clamp study at 2.5 mmol/l with measurement of hormonal counterregulatory response, symptom scores and cognitive testing (four-choice reaction time and digit symbol substitution test). Each intervention and subsequent clamp study was separated by at least 2 weeks. The participants and investigators were not blinded to the intervention or measurements during the study. The investigators were blinded to the primary outcome and blood analysis results. Results All participants (six male and six female, age 19–54 years, median [IQR] duration of type 1 diabetes 24.5 [17.3–29.0] years, mean [SEM] HbA1c 56 [3.67] mmol/mol; 7.3% [0.34%]) completed the study (both interventions and two clamps). In comparison with the rest study, a single episode of HIT led to a 29% increase in the adrenaline (epinephrine) response (mean [SEM]) (2286.5 [343.1] vs 2953.8 [384.9] pmol/l); a significant increase in total symptom scores (Edinburgh Hypoglycaemia Symptom Scale: 24.25 [2.960 vs 27.5 [3.9]; p < 0.05), and a significant prolongation of four-choice reaction time (591.8 [22.5] vs 659.9 [39.86] ms; p < 0.01] during equivalent hypoglycaemia induced the following day. Conclusions/interpretation These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that IAH develops in people with type 1 diabetes as a habituated response and that introduction of a novel stressor can restore, at least partially, the adapted counterregulatory hormonal, symptomatic and cognitive responses to hypoglycaemia.Output Status: Forthcoming/Available Onlin

    Bone morphogenetic protein-4 interacts with activin and GnRH to modulate gonadotrophin secretion in LβT2 gonadotrophs

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    We have shown previously that, in sheep primary pituitary cells, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP)-4 inhibits FSHβ mRNA expression and FSH release. In contrast, in mouse LβT2 gonadotrophs, others have shown a stimulatory effect of BMPs on basal or activin-stimulated FSHβ promoter-driven transcription. As a species comparison with our previous results, we used LβT2 cells to investigate the effects of BMP-4 on gonadotrophin mRNA and secretion modulated by activin and GnRH. BMP-4 alone had no effect on FSH production, but enhanced the activin+GnRH-induced stimulation of FSHβ mRNA and FSH secretion, without any effect on follistatin mRNA. BMP-4 reduced LHβ mRNA up-regulation in response to GnRH (¹activin) and decreased GnRH receptor expression, which would favour FSH, rather than LH, synthesis and secretion. In contrast to sheep pituitary gonadotrophs, which express only BMP receptor types IA (BMPRIA) and II (BMPRII), LβT2 cells also express BMPRIB. Smad1/5 phosphorylation induced by BMP-4, indicating activation of BMP signalling, was the same whether BMP-4 was used alone or combined with activin¹GnRH. We hypothesized that activin and/or GnRH pathways may be modulated by BMP-4, but neither the activin-stimulated phosphorylation of Smad2/3 nor the GnRH-induced ERK1/2 or cAMP response element-binding phosphorylation were modified. However, the GnRH-induced activation of p38 MAPK was decreased by BMP-4. This was associated with increased FSHβ mRNA levels and FSH secretion, but decreased LHβ mRNA levels. These results confirm 1. BMPs as important modulators of activin and/or GnRH-stimulated gonadotrophin synthesis and release and 2. important species differences in these effects, which could relate to differences in BMP receptor expression in gonadotrophs

    "Do probiotics mitigate GI-induced inflammation and perceived fatigue in athletes? A systematic review"

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    BackgroundFatigue and gastrointestinal (GI) distress are common among athletes with an estimated 30-90% of athletes participating in marathons, triathlons, or similar events experiencing GI complaints. Intense exercise can lead to increased intestinal permeability, potentially allowing members of the gut microbiota to permeate into the bloodstream, resulting in an inflammatory response and cascade of performance-limiting outcomes. Probiotics, through their capacity to regulate the composition of the gut microbiota, may act as an adjunctive therapy by enhancing GI and immune function while mitigating inflammatory responses. This review investigates the effectiveness of probiotic supplementation on fatigue, inflammatory markers, and exercise performance based on randomized controlled trials (RCTs).MethodsThis review follows the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines and PICOS (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Study design) framework. A comprehensive search was conducted in Sportdiscus, PubMed, and Scopus databases, and the screening of titles, abstracts, and full articles was performed based on pre-defined eligibility criteria. Of the 3505 records identified, 1884 were screened using titles and abstracts, of which 450 studies were selected for full-text screening. After final screening, 13 studies met the eligibility criteria and were included for review. The studies contained 513 participants, consisting of 351 males and 115 females, however, two studies failed to mention the sex of the participants. Among the participants, 246 were defined as athletes, while the remaining participants were classified as recreationally active (n = 267). All trials were fully described and employed a double- or triple-blind placebo-controlled intervention using either a single probiotic strain or a multi-strain synbiotic (containing both pro- and pre-biotics).ResultsThis review assesses the effects of daily probiotic supplementation, ranging from 13 to 90 days, on physical performance and physiological markers in various exercise protocols. Ten studies reported improvements in various parameters, such as, enhanced endurance performance, improved anxiety and stress levels, decreased GI symptoms, and reduced upper respiratory tract infections (URTI). Moreover, despite no improvements in maximal oxygen uptake (VO2), several studies demonstrated that probiotic supplementation led to amelioration in lactate, creatine kinase (CK), and ammonia concentrations, suggesting beneficial effects on mitigating exercise-induced muscular stress and damage.ConclusionProbiotic supplementation, specifically at a minimum dosage of 15 billion CFUs daily for a duration of at least 28 days, may contribute to the reduction of perceived or actual fatigue

    Neurodevelopmental defects in a mouse model of O-GlcNAc transferase intellectual disability

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    The addition of O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) to proteins (referred to as O-GlcNAcylation) is a modification that is crucial for vertebrate development. O-GlcNAcylation is catalyzed by O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) and reversed by O-GlcNAcase (OGA). Missense variants of OGT have recently been shown to segregate with an X-linked syndromic form of intellectual disability, OGT-linked congenital disorder of glycosylation (OGT-CDG). Although the existence of OGT-CDG suggests that O-GlcNAcylation is crucial for neurodevelopment and/or cognitive function, the underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms remain unknown. Here we report a mouse line that carries a catalytically impaired OGT-CDG variant. These mice show altered O-GlcNAc homeostasis with decreased global O-GlcNAcylation and reduced levels of OGT and OGA in the brain. Phenotypic characterization of the mice revealed lower body weight associated with reduced body fat mass, short stature and microcephaly. This mouse model will serve as an important tool to study genotype-phenotype correlations in OGT-CDG in vivo and for the development of possible treatment avenues for this disorder.</p

    Neurodevelopmental defects in a mouse model of O-GlcNAc transferase intellectual disability

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    The addition of O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) to proteins (referred to as O-GlcNAcylation) is a modification that is crucial for vertebrate development. O-GlcNAcylation is catalyzed by O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) and reversed by O-GlcNAcase (OGA). Missense variants of OGT have recently been shown to segregate with an X-linked syndromic form of intellectual disability, OGT-linked congenital disorder of glycosylation (OGT-CDG). Although the existence of OGT-CDG suggests that O-GlcNAcylation is crucial for neurodevelopment and/or cognitive function, the underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms remain unknown. Here we report a mouse line that carries a catalytically impaired OGT-CDG variant. These mice show altered O-GlcNAc homeostasis with decreased global O-GlcNAcylation and reduced levels of OGT and OGA in the brain. Phenotypic characterization of the mice revealed lower body weight associated with reduced body fat mass, short stature and microcephaly. This mouse model will serve as an important tool to study genotype-phenotype correlations in OGT-CDG in vivo and for the development of possible treatment avenues for this disorder.</p
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