287 research outputs found

    Jesuit Winemaking and Art Production in Northern New Spain

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    This article presents new research on Jesuit visual culture in northern New Spain, situating Santa María de las Parras (founded 1598) as an important site where the Jesuits and secular landowners became involved in the lucrative business of winemaking. Viticulture in Parras helped transform this mission settlement into a thriving center of consumption. The Jesuits fostered alliances with Spanish and Tlaxcalan Indians to serve their religious and temporal interests, as these patrons donated funds to decorate chapels in the Jesuit church of San Ignacio. This financial support allowed the Society to purchase paintings by prominent artists in Mexico City and import them to Parras. The Jesuits arranged their chapels in a carefully ordered sequencing of images that promoted Ignatian spirituality and echoed iconographic decoration programs in Mexico City and Rome

    Benchmark on neutron capture extracted from (d,p)(d,p) reactions

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    Direct neutron capture reactions play an important role in nuclear astrophysics and applied physics. Since for most unstable short-lived nuclei it is not possible to measure the (n,γ)(n, \gamma) cross sections, (d,p)(d,p) reactions have been used as an alternative indirect tool. We analyze simultaneously 48Ca(d,p)49Ca^{48}{\rm Ca}(d,p)^{49}{\rm Ca} at deuteron energies 2,13,192, 13, 19 and 56 MeV and the thermal (n,γ)(n,\gamma) reaction at 25 meV. We include results for the ground state and the first excited state of 49^{49}Ca. From the low-energy (d,p)(d,p) reaction, the neutron asymptotic normalization coefficient (ANC) is determined. Using this ANC, we extract the spectroscopic factor (SF) from the higher energy (d,p)(d,p) data and the (n,γ)(n, \gamma) data. The SF obtained through the 56 MeV (d,p)(d,p) data are less accurate but consistent with those from the thermal capture. We show that to have a similar dependence on the single particle parameters as in the (n,γ)(n, \gamma), the (d,p) reaction should be measured at 30 MeV.Comment: 5 pg, 4 figs, Phys. Rev. C (rapid) in pres

    Evolutionary Dynamics of Human Rotaviruses: Balancing Reassortment with Preferred Genome Constellations

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    Group A human rotaviruses (RVs) are a major cause of severe gastroenteritis in infants and young children. Yet, aside from the genes encoding serotype antigens (VP7; G-type and VP4; P-type), little is known about the genetic make-up of emerging and endemic human RV strains. To gain insight into the diversity and evolution of RVs circulating at a single location over a period of time, we sequenced the eleven-segmented, double-stranded RNA genomes of fifty-one G3P[8] strains collected from 1974 to 1991 at Children's Hospital National Medical Center, Washington, D. C. During this period, G1P[8] strains typically dominated, comprising on average 56% of RV infections each year in hospitalized children. A notable exception was in the 1976 and 1991 winter seasons when the incidence of G1P[8] infections decreased dramatically, a trend that correlated with a significant increase in G3P[8] infections. Our sequence analysis indicates that the 1976 season was characterized by the presence of several genetically distinct, co-circulating clades of G3P[8] viruses, which contained minor but significant differences in their encoded proteins. These 1976 lineages did not readily exchange gene segments with each other, but instead remained stable over the course of the season. In contrast, the 1991 season contained a single major clade, whose genome constellation was similar to one of the 1976 clades. The 1991 clade may have gained a fitness advantage after reassorting with as of yet unidentified RV strain(s). This study reveals for the first time that genetically distinct RV clades of the same G/P-type can co-circulate and cause disease. The findings from this study also suggest that, although gene segment exchange occurs, most reassortant strains are replaced over time by lineages with preferred genome constellations. Elucidation of the selective pressures that favor maintenance of RVs with certain sets of genes may be necessary to anticipate future vaccine needs

    On the presence and functional significance of sympathetic premotor neurons with collateralized spinal axons in the rat

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    KEY POINTS: Spinally-projecting neurons of the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) determine sympathetic outflow to different territories of the body. Previous studies suggest the existence of RVLM neurons with distinct functional classes, such as neurons that target sympathetic nerves bound for functionally-similar tissue types (e.g. muscle vasculature). The existence of RVLM neurons with more general actions had not been critically tested. Using viral tracing, we show that a significant minority of RVLM neurons send axon collaterals to disparate spinal segments (T2 and T10 ). Furthermore, optogenetic activation of sympathetic premotor neurons projecting to lumbar spinal segments also produced activation of sympathetic nerves from rostral spinal segments that innervate functionally diverse tissues (heart and forelimb muscle). These findings suggest the existence of individual RVLM neurons for which the axons branch to drive sympathetic preganglionic neurons of more than one functional class and may be able to produce global changes in sympathetic activity. ABSTRACT: We investigate the extent of spinal axon collateralization of rat rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) sympathetic premotor neurons and its functional consequences. In anatomical tracing experiments, two recombinant herpes viral vectors with retrograde tropism and expressing different fluorophores were injected into the intermediolateral column at upper thoracic and lower thoracic levels. Histological analysis revealed that ∼21% of RVLM bulbospinal neurons were retrogradely labelled by both vectors, indicating substantial axonal collateralization to disparate spinal segments. In functional experiments, another virus with retrograde tropism, a canine adenovirus expressing Cre recombinase, was injected into the left intermediolateral horn around the thoracolumbar junction, whereas a Cre-dependent viral vector encoding Channelrhodopsin2 under LoxP control was injected into the ipsilateral RVLM. In subsequent terminal experiments, blue laser light (473 nm × 20 ms pulses at 10 mW) was used to activate RVLM neurons that had been transduced by both vectors. Stimulus-locked activation, at appropriate latencies, was recorded in the following pairs of sympathetic nerves: forelimb and hindlimb muscle sympathetic fibres, as well as cardiac and either hindlimb muscle or lumbar sympathetic nerves. The latter result demonstrates that axon collaterals of lumbar-projecting RVLM neurons project to, and excite, both functionally similar (forelimb and hindlimb muscle) and functionally dissimilar (lumbar and cardiac) preganglionic neurons. Taken together, these findings show that the axons of a significant proportion of RVLM neurons collateralise widely within the spinal cord, and that they may excite preganglionic neurons of more than one functional class

    Extreme oxygen dynamics in shallow water of a fully marine Irish sea lough

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    The benthos of Lough Hyne (Europe’s first marine reserve) in SW Ireland has changed dramatically in the past decade with declining invertebrate communities and proliferating ephemeral macroalgae. In summer 2011 and 2012, we measured dissolved oxygen (DO) levels on shallow subtidal rocky shores of the lough and recorded both benthic hypoxia (<2 mg O2 L−1) and hyperoxia (∼10–16 mg O2 L−1). In late summer 2013, we systematically characterized the spatial and temporal patterns of DO in the lough seawater. Daytime DO levels were hyperoxic either at or near the rocky shore, declined with increased distance for the first 5 m offshore, then stabilized at normoxic levels (∼8 mg O2 L−1). DO levels above and below rocks were variable and often showed large differences (max. difference of 15.6 mg O2 L−1), particularly at rocky shore sites with low current flow. At night, the DO in shallow water declined, becoming hypoxic to anoxic during calm weather. These extreme oxygen fluctuations (i) are amongst the first records to report severe conditions within Irish coastal waters and (ii) could contribute to the known recent decline in benthic invertebrate diversity within the marine reserve

    You turn me cold: evidence for temperature contagion

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    Introduction During social interactions, our own physiological responses influence those of others. Synchronization of physiological (and behavioural) responses can facilitate emotional understanding and group coherence through inter-subjectivity. Here we investigate if observing cues indicating a change in another's body temperature results in a corresponding temperature change in the observer. Methods Thirty-six healthy participants (age; 22.9±3.1 yrs) each observed, then rated, eight purpose-made videos (3 min duration) that depicted actors with either their right or left hand in visibly warm (warm videos) or cold water (cold videos). Four control videos with the actors' hand in front of the water were also shown. Temperature of participant observers' right and left hands was concurrently measured using a thermistor within a Wheatstone bridge with a theoretical temperature sensitivity of <0.0001°C. Temperature data were analysed in a repeated measures ANOVA (temperature × actor's hand × observer's hand). Results Participants rated the videos showing hands immersed in cold water as being significantly cooler than hands immersed in warm water, F(1,34) = 256.67, p0.1). There was however no evidence of left-right mirroring of these temperature effects p>0.1). Sensitivity to temperature contagion was also predicted by inter-individual differences in self-report empathy. Conclusions We illustrate physiological contagion of temperature in healthy individuals, suggesting that empathetic understanding for primary low-level physiological challenges (as well as more complex emotions) are grounded in somatic simulation

    Short-term losses and long-term gains: the non-native species Austrominius modestus in Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve

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    The non-native barnacle species Austrominius modestus was first recorded in Ireland, close to Lough Hyne marine nature reserve in 1957. This species was not recorded inside the Lough until 1980, but by 2001 was the dominant intertidal barnacle within the reserve. It has been suggested that increases in the abundance of this species at other locations in Europe may be linked to increasing sea surface temperatures, and that A. modestus is an “ecological sleeper”. Despite an overall trend for increasing sea surface temperatures, this long term warming is punctuated by extreme events such as severely cold winters. A. modestus is warm water adapted, and has been recorded to decrease in abundance following cold winters. The winters of 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 were amongst the coldest recorded in Ireland in past decades. In the present study, higher levels of mortality were recorded for A. modestus than native barnacle species in Lough Hyne following these cold winters. Additionally, this species was recorded at lower abundances at the majority of sites surveyed in Lough Hyne in 2011 compared with 2009. Despite this, A. modestus remains the dominant barnacle species in the Lough and monitoring the recruitment of intertidal barnacles within Lough Hyne during 2014e2015 revealed that A. modestus was the most abundant recruit at study sites, both in removal plots and in the pre-existing community. The year-round breeding of A. modestus in addition to the closed nature of the Lough promotes A. modestus within the reserve. Despite this, native barnacle species continue to persist in Lough Hyne, though generally at low abundances, with the exception of exposed locations such as the Rapids and Bullock Island where natives outnumber A. modestus. The future intertidal barnacle community within the Lough is likely to be dominated by A. modestus with Chthamalus montagui and C. stellatus being abundant at sites which are not suitable for A. modestus. While the consequences of this are unknown, it is possible that the presence of A. modestus may alter trophic interactions and energy flow within the reserve

    Gill Damage to Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Caused by the Common Jellyfish (Aurelia aurita) under Experimental Challenge

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    Peer-reviewed. Copyright © 2011 E.J. Baxter et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Background: Over recent decades jellyfish have caused fish kill events and recurrent gill problems in marine-farmed salmonids. Common jellyfish (Aurelia spp.) are among the most cosmopolitan jellyfish species in the oceans, with populations increasing in many coastal areas. The negative interaction between jellyfish and fish in aquaculture remains a poorly studied area of science. Thus, a recent fish mortality event in Ireland, involving Aurelia aurita, spurred an investigation into the effects of this jellyfish on marine-farmed salmon. Methodology/Principal Findings: To address the in vivo impact of the common jellyfish (A. aurita) on salmonids, we exposed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts to macerated A. aurita for 10 hrs under experimental challenge. Gill tissues of control and experimental treatment groups were scored with a system that rated the damage between 0 and 21 using a range of primary and secondary parameters. Our results revealed that A. aurita rapidly and extensively damaged the gills of S. salar, with the pathogenesis of the disorder progressing even after the jellyfish were removed. After only 2 hrs of exposure, significant multi-focal damage to gill tissues was apparent. The nature and extent of the damage increased up to 48 hrs from the start of the challenge. Although the gills remained extensively damaged at 3 wks from the start of the challenge trial, shortening of the gill lamellae and organisation of the cells indicated an attempt to repair the damage suffered. Conclusions: Our findings clearly demonstrate that A. aurita can cause severe gill problems in marine-farmed fish. With aquaculture predicted to expand worldwide and evidence suggesting that jellyfish populations are increasing in some areas, this threat to aquaculture is of rising concern as significant losses due to jellyfish could be expected to increase in the future

    Thermography and thermoregulation of the face

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    BACKGROUND: Although clinical diagnosis of thermoregulation is gaining in importance there is no consistent evidence on the value of thermography of the facial region. In particular there are no reference values established with standardised methods. METHODS: Skin temperatures were measured in the facial area at 32 fixed measuring sites in 26 health subjects (7–72 years) with the aid of a contact thermograph (Eidatherm). A total of 6 measurements were performed separately for the two sides of the face at intervals of equal lengths (4 hours) over a period of 24 hours. Thermoregulation was triggered by application of a cold stimulus in the region of the ipsilateral ear lobe. RESULTS: Comparison of the sides revealed significant asymmetry of face temperature. The left side of the face showed a temperature that was on the average 0.1°C lower than on the right. No increase in temperature was found following application of the cold stimulus. However, a significant circadian rhythm with mean temperature differences of 0.7°C was observed. CONCLUSION: The results obtained should be seen as an initial basis for compiling an exact thermoprofile of the surface temperature of the facial region that takes into account the circadian rhythm, thus closing gaps in studies on physiological changes in the temperature of the skin of the face