157 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Arus Kas Operasi terhadap Harga (Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Subsektor Pertambangan Batubara yang Terdaftar di Bei Saham Periode 2011-2013)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh (1) gambaran arus kas operasi pada Perusahaansubsektor pertambangan batubara yang terdaftar di BEI periode 2011–2013. (2) gambaranharga saham pada Perusahaan subsektor pertambangan batubara yang terdaftar di BEIperiode 2011–2013. (3) gambaran pengaruh arus kas operasi terhadap harga saham padaperusahaan subsektor pertambangan batubara yang terdaftar di BEI periode 2011–2013.Untuk mengukur pengaruh pada penelitian ini maka digunakanlah arus kas masuk arus kaskeluar sebagai rasio arus kas operasi dan harga saham penutupan sebagai rasio dari hargasaham. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dan verifikatif dengandesain penelitian time series design. Analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah regresi liniearsederhana dengan tingkat signifikansi Ξ± = 5 % menggunakan alat bantu program SPSS21.0 for Windows.Hasil penelitian yang dibuktikan dengan uji F menunjukkan bahwa bahwa model regresidapat digunakan untuk melihat pengaruh arus kas operasi terhadap harga saham. Adapunpengaruh variabel independen dengan hasil uji t adalah arus kas operasi berpengaruhpositif terhadap harga saham. Artinya semakin tinggi arus kas operasi maka akanberpengaruh pada peningkatan harga saham


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    Student aspirations are various demands that are packaged in students' creative ideas that propose a process of changing something. There is no aspiration complaint service system at the Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara. So that students do not have a place to express their aspirations. Along with the development of technology, a web-based student complaint application was made which is equipped with the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm which is able to secure student aspiration messages so that the aspiration messages conveyed by students cannot be read by other students, so that student aspiration messages are more confidential. The design and manufacture of this web-based public complaint application uses the waterfall model. The waterfall model begins with the analysis stage, namely by analyzing and collecting data through interviews with students and the Administration of the Faculty of Science and Technology, the system design stage, namely by designing the system interface, the system coding stage, and this stage ends with the system testing stage. Carried out to determine the feasibility of the system

    Save Maryam: Islam, Toleration and Religious-Exclusivism in Social Media

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    Munginkan eksklusivisme agama bisa dihadapi di media sosial? Revolusi media yang sedemikian rupa telah membuka kemungkinan bagi lembaga-lembaga keagamaan untuk menjangkau pengikutnya dalam kisaran yang lebih luas. Makalah ini akan mengamati gagasan menghadapi eksklusivisme agama ini di media sosial dengan mempertimbangkan re-konseptualisasi gagasan konvensional toleransi di era media sosial. Untuk menilai argumen ini, secara hati-hati diuji tanggapan pemuda Indonesia terhadap video bermain pendek, berjudul bintang Maryam yang dapat didownload di media sosial, seperti Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, dan blog terkait lainnya. Dengan analisis semca ini, kami berpendapat bahwa toleransi dapat didefinisikan sebagai upaya budaya untuk menghadapi eksklusivisme agama

    Makna Tayangan Indonesia Lawyers Club di Tvone (Wacana Kritis Mengenai Keterlibatan Anas Urbaningrum dalam Korupsi Hambalang)

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    Development of the mass media have impact in the history of human life. The Study aims to determine the representation of the discourse on Anas Urbaningrum shown through the texts that are present in the interaction process during Indonesia Lawyers Club program lasted six episodes that discuss topics related to corruption cases involving Anas Urbaningrum.This study used a qualitative research approach. Qualitative Methods in Critical Discourse Analysis of Social Cognition models used to analyze representations of discourse and text about the production process in the event program Anas Urbaningrum Indonesia Lawyers Club.The results of this study indicate that the six episodes of "Indonesia Lawyers Club" which is sampled in this study, represent a qualitative discourse on Anas Urbaningrum differently. The first sample, Anas marginally represented. In the second sample, Anas represented as it is in accordance with the events that occurred. In the third sample, Anas marginally represented. In the fourth sample, Anas represented as it is. In the fifth sample, Anas represented as it is. And on the sixth sample, Anas marginally represented. Analysis of the social context also presents two discourse representations regarding Anas, which are marginal and it is, but with an agreement that Anas guilty. The production process and the message of the speakers and Karni Ilyas representing Anas uses three major schemes, namely the role of the scheme, persons, and events that indicate the position of the speaker against Anas

    Pengaruh Likuiditas dan Profitabilitas terhadap Kebijakan Dividen

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    The problem of this research was about decrease in dividend policy BUSN Devisa listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange which is measured by Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) over the last two years. These factors affecting the dividend policy were liquidity which is measured by Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) and profitability which is measured by Return On Equity (ROE). The purposes of this study were describing the liquidity, profitability, dividend policy, the effect liquidity on dividend policy, the effect profitability on dividend policy, and the effect of liquidity and profitability on dividend policy. This research utilised descriptive and verificative, the technique which is used was multiple correlation, and hypothesis testing used t Test (partial significance test) and F Test (simultaneous significance test). The data is gained from secondary data which is from the annual report and summary of performance BUSN Devisa from 2010-2014. The population of this study was 25 BUSN Devisa listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange with 4 samples through purposive sampling technique. The result of hypothesis testing in partial showed that liquidity and profitability effected the dividend policy significantly. The result of hypothesis testing showed that the liquidity and profitability effected on dividend policy significant simultaneously

    Analyzing University Students Ill-Structured Problem Solving Ability in Statistics Subject

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    This study has an objective to identification university student ill-structured problem solving skills to solve statistical problem. The study is conducted using mixed method study which is including quantitative and qualitative approach. The study involved 68 university students who enrolled in social statistic subject. The data was collected by using a cognitive test instrument which was administered as pre-test and post-test. The pre-test instrument was constructed as a regular form of test instrument which provides specific instruction for university studentss to solve the test. However, the post-test was constructed based on the criteria of ill-structured problem solving. The result shows that there are difference between pre-test and post-test. The difference can be indicated by comparing the T-value which shows higher value than T-table (10,216 β‰₯ 1,997). it indicates that the university students have more ability in solving problem with instruction rather than solving the ill-structured problem

    Kualitas Permukiman Di Kecamatan Pasarkliwon Kota Surakarta

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    Kualitas lingkungan permukiman adalah ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana permukimanbaik secara kualitas maupun kuantitas.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah surveilapangan.Sedangkan untuk menilai kualitas permukiman dengan menggunakan pengharkatanlalu diskoring, dan dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif.Responden yang dipilih untukdijadikan kasus adalah kepala keluarga yang memiliki rumah dan berdomisili di daerahpenelitian.Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kuantitatif dengan tabel silang, chikuadrat, koefisien kontingensi, dan analisis kualitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1)terdapat perbedaan kualitas permukiman didaerah penelitian antara permukiman di bantaran sungai dan bukan di bantaran sungai denganberbagai faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Lingkungan permukiman yang berada bukan dibantaransungai lebih baik dari pada yang berada dibantaran sungai (2)adanya hubungan yang signifikanantara kualitas permukiman dengan pendapatan rumah tangga. semakin tinggi pendapatansemakin tinggi kualitas permukiman (3)faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kualitaspermukiman adalah pendapatan rumah tangg

    Controlling System of Material Inventory

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    This Research purposes to determine the application system controlling about inventory especially in the store or warehouse. The analytical method used is descriptive method with data from the company are weekly report of weld and factory consumable and with the interview process. The analysis technique used was to evaluate the activity of inventory control, implementation of inventory control and procedures should preferably be performed company. The results showed that in the store does not undergo inventory control activities such as conducting document authorization system, the division of task and the others. Based on the result of study it can be concluded that the existing inventory control especially in the store or warehouse did not go well and properly
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