333 research outputs found

    No-go theorems for \psi-epistemic models based on a continuity assumption

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    The quantum state \psi is a mathematical object used to determine the probabilities of different outcomes when measuring a physical system. Its fundamental nature has been the subject of discussions since the inception of quantum theory: is it ontic, that is, does it correspond to a real property of the physical system? Or is it epistemic, that is, does it merely represent our knowledge about the system? Assuming a natural continuity assumption and a weak separability assumption, we show here that epistemic interpretations of the quantum state are in contradiction with quantum theory. Our argument is different from the recent proof of Pusey, Barrett, and Rudolph and it already yields a non-trivial constraint on \psi-epistemic models using a single copy of the system in question.Comment: Version 1 contains both theory and an illustrative experiment. Version 2 contains only the theory (the experiment with expanded discussion will be posted separatly at a later date). The main novelty of Version 2 is a detailed comparison in appendix 2 with L. Hardy arXiv:1205.14396. Version 2 is 6 pages of text and 1 figure; v3: minor change

    Non locality, closing the detection loophole and communication complexity

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    It is shown that the detection loophole which arises when trying to rule out local realistic theories as alternatives for quantum mechanics can be closed if the detection efficiency η\eta is larger than ηd1/220.0035d\eta \geq d^{1/2} 2^{-0.0035d} where dd is the dimension of the entangled system. Furthermore it is argued that this exponential decrease of the detector efficiency required to close the detection loophole is almost optimal. This argument is based on a close connection that exists between closing the detection loophole and the amount of classical communication required to simulate quantum correlation when the detectors are perfect.Comment: 4 pages Latex, minor typos correcte

    Lower bound on the number of Toffoli gates in a classical reversible circuit through quantum information concepts

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    The question of finding a lower bound on the number of Toffoli gates in a classical reversible circuit is addressed. A method based on quantum information concepts is proposed. The method involves solely concepts from quantum information - there is no need for an actual physical quantum computer. The method is illustrated on the example of classical Shannon data compression.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; revised versio

    Error Filtration and Entanglement Purification for Quantum Communication

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    The key realisation which lead to the emergence of the new field of quantum information processing is that quantum mechanics, the theory that describes microscopic particles, allows the processing of information in fundamentally new ways. But just as in classical information processing, errors occur in quantum information processing, and these have to be corrected. A fundamental breakthrough was the realisation that quantum error correction is in fact possible. However most work so far has not been concerned with technological feasibility, but rather with proving that quantum error correction is possible in principle. Here we describe a method for filtering out errors and entanglement purification which is particularly suitable for quantum communication. Our method is conceptually new, and, crucially, it is easy to implement in a wide variety of physical systems with present day technology and should therefore be of wide applicability.Comment: 23 pages (latex) and 4 postscript figure

    Device independent state estimation based on Bell's inequalities

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    The only information available about an alleged source of entangled quantum states is the amount SS by which the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) inequality is violated: nothing is known about the nature of the system or the measurements that are performed. We discuss how the quality of the source can be assessed in this black-box scenario, as compared to an ideal source that would produce maximally entangled states (more precisely, any state for which S=22S=2\sqrt{2}). To this end, we introduce several inequivalent notions of fidelity, each one related to the use one can make of the source after having assessed it; and we derive quantitative bounds for each of them in terms of the violation SS. We also derive a lower bound on the entanglement of the source as a function of SS only.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. Added appendices containing proof

    Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger paradoxes for many qudits

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    We construct GHZ contradictions for three or more parties sharing an entangled state, the dimension d of each subsystem being an even integer greater than 2. The simplest example that goes beyond the standard GHZ paradox (three qubits) involves five ququats (d=4). We then examine the criteria a GHZ paradox must satisfy in order to be genuinely M-partite and d-dimensional.Comment: 5 pages RevTe

    Security of Quantum Bit-String Generation

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    We consider the cryptographic task of bit-string generation. This is a generalisation of coin tossing in which two mistrustful parties wish to generate a string of random bits such that an honest party can be sure that the other cannot have biased the string too much. We consider a quantum protocol for this task, originally introduced in Phys. Rev. A {\bf 69}, 022322 (2004), that is feasible with present day technology. We introduce security conditions based on the average bias of the bits and the Shannon entropy of the string. For each, we prove rigorous security bounds for this protocol in both noiseless and noisy conditions under the most general attacks allowed by quantum mechanics. Roughly speaking, in the absence of noise, a cheater can only bias significantly a vanishing fraction of the bits, whereas in the presence of noise, a cheater can bias a constant fraction, with this fraction depending quantitatively on the level of noise. We also discuss classical protocols for the same task, deriving upper bounds on how well a classical protocol can perform. This enables the determination of how much noise the quantum protocol can tolerate while still outperforming classical protocols. We raise several conjectures concerning both quantum and classical possibilities for large n cryptography. An experiment corresponding to the scheme analysed in this paper has been performed and is reported elsewhere.Comment: 16 pages. No figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. A. A corresponding experiment is reported in quant-ph/040812

    Communication of Spin Directions with Product States and Finite Measurements

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    Total spin eigenstates can be used to intrinsically encode a direction, which can later be decoded by means of a quantum measurement. We study the optimal strategy that can be adopted if, as is likely in practical applications, only product states of NN-spins are available. We obtain the asymptotic behaviour of the average fidelity which provides a proof that the optimal states must be entangled. We also give a prescription for constructing finite measurements for general encoding eigenstates.Comment: 4 pages, minor changes, version to appear in PR

    Experimental quantum key distribution over highly noisy channels

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    Error filtration is a method for encoding the quantum state of a single particle into a higher dimensional Hilbert space in such a way that it becomes less sensitive to phase noise. We experimentally demonstrate this method by distributing a secret key over an optical fiber whose noise level otherwise precludes secure quantum key distribution. By filtering out the phase noise, a bit error rate of 15.3% +/- 0.1%, which is beyond the security limit, can be reduced to 10.6% +/- 0.1%, thereby guaranteeing the cryptographic security.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure